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An important decision needs to be made, and I need your opinion!

You all know what my audios generally sound like, and you know what to expect with headphones being recommended for true immersion. 

However, with the latest Noble Trials episode, I experimented with a new format that  fills the space around you, making for a much more immersive environment. It was a huge risk, and I think, a huge leap into where my audios can go from here. The Noble Trials will remain in that format as I learn more about how to properly utilise it, but I don't know whether all my other audios should shift to it as well moving forward.

So, the options are:

- Don't change the format for the other audios = The upcoming audios will keep the narrow audio format except The Noble Trials

- Keep the same format for ongoing series and change after = The upcoming audios that are series will keep the narrow audio format, and when new series are introduced, will switch to the wider format (excluding one shots which will make the switch)

- Change the format for all audios = All upcoming audios will switch to the wider format as heard in The Noble Trials

Either way, the next audio will likely be released on Friday so I have time to touch up the final edit!



I really do enjoy the immersive environment for your audios, but honestly I would enjoy and love your audios with whatever way you decide to make them…keep up the good work! I hope you get well soon as well! :D


I think the new format works for the storyline and for your stories that you have already that you are continuing with it is good to keep the same format as it not only works well it make it different from your newest work.