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This is how an average piece of paper looks when I'm marking the sfx time stamps for an audio! It can get quite overwhelming the longer the audio, but it's much easier to manage and work from top to bottom without losing my head!

Also don't mind the corner. I doodle a LOT.  😂



Anonymous (edited)

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2023-08-25 15:20:20 So cute! I hope you also use the "M" hotkey in Audition to make your life easier :) <3
2021-10-05 12:43:51 So cute! I hope you also use the "M" hotkey in Audition to make your life easier :) <3

So cute! I hope you also use the "M" hotkey in Audition to make your life easier :) <3


I require to see the doodles, sir. I will present you with 5 electronic cookies of your choice and in return the doodles, sir. These doodles are important to my life, sir, and I must see them for p u r p o s e s. . . . Please, sir, this is the best offer I can give. I must see these doodles, sir. 🙏🏽🙇🏾‍♀️