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Hello, my beautiful crumpets. I hope you all had a great weekend!

As you may have already noticed, I didn't upload anything last week, and I apologise for not letting you know in advance. A lot of things have been happening at once and I feel like there are things I need to address.

I haven't been feeling great the past few weeks. In the beginning, it felt like my concentration was getting sucked from me, and I began to tire earlier and earlier as the days went by. Even when I gave myself a day off, I was awake only for a few hours before I felt the need to sleep again. 

And then when I was notified of patrons uploading content elsewhere, that didn't help my health either. If anything, it contributed to its degradation and removed all motivation I had left. 

I'm even finding it difficult to get out of bed every day, yet when I do, I can't concentrate on anything. Not my content, or my own personal writing and endeavours. Nothing. I'm wondering if it's time for me to take a break and sort out whatever it is that's affecting me, but even considering that makes me feel guilty because all of you are here for exclusive content, and you deserve at least that much.

Because of my absence and lack of anything, I want to sincerely apologise. I can't put it into words how sorry I am. I feel like I've disappointed you all. As a creator who values their craft, I always want to showcase my best work, but in my current state of mind, I can't bring myself to upload content I'm not proud of. 

From here, I'm not really sure what I plan to do. I still have so many ideas for my YouTube and my Patreon and will definitely continue making content...I just don't know when. My activity will continue to dwindle, but I hope you all understand and are patient with me as I try to put myself back together.

Forever, with love,

Saku <3



Somehow this didn't show up on my patreon until now, so here's my answer now: I have had two burnouts and I find it extremely important to put as much focus on pause and breaks from everything as we put on work. Saku I almost died because I didn't allow myself what you are considering now: A full and complete break, just some months of just you finding the joy and vision of your life. This is your life. You HAVE to stop now or I can guarantee you you will have a lot of trouble ever finding the strength for a "normal" schedule again! Prolonging the stressing out has severe effects on your whole body, especially the brain! You are not disappointing anyone, it is your DUTY to put your health first, because a) you only have this one body and b) thousands of people, especially young people, look up to you and they need to know that it is absolutely good to take longer breaks to re-evaluate everything. Most of them have the habit of skipping sleep already. Do this for you, AND for all the fans. This is the biggest gift you can give yourself and us: Stop RIGHT NOW and show the world that health and wellbeing is the most important thing! I love you, we love you, we are all in this together, and nothing can change this. Life is so amazing and wonderful when we're healthy and fit and excited for it! You can feel this too, BUT ONLY IF YOU STOP THE STRESS RIGHT NOW and please please please don't work for at least 3 months! &lt;3 The fairytale project can totally wait, heck let's just say we maybe do it next year, or never if you don't want to. This is your chance to unfold into the best life! Forgive yourself completely for not working and applaud yourself for just being. Life is so grand without all this unnecessary guilt and shame! You're not our king because you write and record stuff! You're our king because you ARE, period. Now take a deep breath and just stare at the clouds.


I feel so bad to do this considering how you’re feeling but my financial situation changed with moving to a new job, so I had to unfortunately unsub for now :( . But once I start getting even more money with my much better job I will come back!!!! I hope you’re resting Saku 💜 Love you