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Hello everyone! I hope last week was epic for you, or you at least rested and recharged.

I have one more week to finish my work, but I also want to make an audio because I really miss it! I’ll be doing uni work alongside it so I am hoping to get the next audio out by Wednesday as usual. If not, it’ll be uploaded Thursday, and if not, then Friday morning at the latest!

Because I’m so pressed for time, there may not be a spicy audio for this weekend. When there is no NSFW addition to YouTube audios, I essentially need to make a new audio altogether—script and all. If I find the time, I will absolutely make one, but if not, I hope you understand!

The finish line is a little further ahead! Thank you all for your patience! And if you have any ideas on how I can make it up to you, please let me know!

I love you so much~ ❤️



Take care of yourself hun and dont push yourself too hard! Have some self care time and dont stress about making it up! We all love and appreciate the work you for us. I personally wanna see you play some video games somehow and just chat


take your time! your uni work comes first!! <3 we love you Saku ♥️♥️