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You may have heard that Mark Zuckerberg might close Instagram and Facebook for Europe (not sure if VPN will work in this case but who knows) So my question is, where would you follow and find my work more easily? DeviantArt is an option, Twitter too, but what else?



Twitter is probably the best option. If you use other platforms to advertise it (like Reddit or your Instagram) I think you can get it up and running pretty quickly.


Best bet would be to wait and see. I am sure that there will pop up an alternative to instagram that a majority will jump on. There really isn't an image sharing platform quite like instagram. And those that do exist is usually used in conjunction with instagram, where they seem to grow their instagram followers, to then promote themselves on this other image/content sharing platform. DeviantArt is a good option, but seem to cater to a niche market, which means the exposure might not be as big, but you'll most likely reach those that will appreciate it the most. Twitter is a good option too, it is one of the leading social media platforms out there which means you'll reach a broader audience. No clue how the media and discovery works, for most social media platforms it seems like they reward quantity over quality. Maybe hit up a media consultant (Don't sign anything) For now if you want to be proactive I think you should focus on- and strengthening your twitter. There is a good chance that most of your instagram followers has twitter, which would make it less of a hassle for them to follow you, compared to them having to make a new account on a new/less popular platform. Not to say that you should neglect your instagram, we still don't know where the chips will land, and I am sure that VPN will be an option, until another platform popsup.


Thank you for the answer! I'll have that in mind. Ofc as I said before I'm planning to expand so I guess I'll try to be discoverable in any way :D