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"Alright this oughta get it back on..."

Izumi finished typing a few final bits of code on his club's best computer, nervously looking at the bedazzled pink phone he was working on. He hadn't really known how to fix one of these up, but he always got tongue tied whenever Mimi was around, and he couldn't help but bend over backwards to try and be there for her, to be someone she could rely on. Ah Mimi...

As he finalized it, he let the system do its thing, hoping it was all finished as he waited for the phone to turn back on. He hadn't been entirely sure what the glitch was since he had been admittedly zoning out while he stared at Mimi, but he hoped this'd solve it since he had stayed way past his usual computer club hours, the last one in the building as he saw the screen flash, her flip phone blinking before one of her ringtones started beeping, one of the anime ED's she always liked to sing at karaoke, though he couldn't quite remember the one. Izumi gave a brief cheer at his success, about to grab it before a realization struck him.

He had Mimi's phone... And he was completely alone... Ah no wait he wasn't some kind of pervert, b-but... He REALLY liked Mimi, his thoughts often focused on her, idle time spent imagining ways to ask her out when he wasn't working on some tech and now here was this golden opportunity. Guilt and curiosity argued in his head, the latter winning out as he opened it, flipping through her contacts, her texts, large talks about shopping and a few things about boys. It was always her though asking who other girls liked, her rarely responding back. Ten minutes had passed before he came back to his senses, realizing this was an invasion of privacy, but he had just been so curious, so desperate.

"Aww that's so cute Izumi~! I wanna get closer too. REAL CLOSE!"

He shrieked, looking for where Mimi had been hiding, shocked to see the room empty while her giggles echoed.

"Whatcha looking around for? I'm in you silly. Surpriiiiise~!"

"What? No! Wh-Where are you hiding? This isn't fu- I-I mean I'm sorry I didn't mean to invade your personal belongings like thi- NNGH?! Ahh ohhhkay what was thaaaht~?"

He couldn't find her, Mimi not behind any desk or in a closet or in any place that'd make sense. He'd have kept looking but a sudden thrum had run behind his cock, his thighs flexing as he moaned, never before feeling it quite as vividly as he was now, l-like it was ever so slightly resting IN something warm and pulsing.

"Aww don't worry 'bout something tiny like thaaaat~! Besides I'd say I'm invading your personal belongings much more thoroughly. Well Izumi, can you feeeel me yet?"

"Uhhm uhhhn uhh oh g-gaaawd!"

He was getting hard, Mimi's teasing sounding like she was right inside his ears, her giggles like intimate whispers with a lover as he patted down around his groin, curiously prodding at the spot just above his stiffy to see if that feeling was just a-


There was give, his fingers finding something hollow above his cock, something he had accidentally stroked with the looser skin as Mimi's own voice joined him in moaning, his cock fully erect as they both moaned.

"Ohh wow d-didn't think you'd be so direct Izumi~! Mmm b-but I had to get your attention somehoooow~! Oh wow it's so big. It feels so- Ohhhh OHH?!"


His cock settled into something, the very base firmly slotted into a round, pulsing gap that rubbed it internally, their moans synchronized as Izumi fell to his knees, shocked he hadn't cum yet just from how incredible those last two teases had felt.

"H-How is this real? What are you doing to me?"

There was a noticeable pulse now in his right eye, a disquieting but not too uncomfortable sensation of something slotting behind, like his face was a mask being stretched as the iris widened to a wider brown as it glanced down.

"Awwwww look how hard you got for lil old me! I'm flattered Izuuumi~!"

It was burrowing tighter to his face, his breathing haggard as the flesh warped as his skull was nuzzled from the inside, eyelashes growing off his larger right eye, then his eyebrow plucking itself smaller. He couldn't really talk with his skull reforming, though it felt like a cross between a cuddle and an intense kiss, his lips mutely flopping up and down as he could feel Mimi's starting to tease from behind, his nose sinking to a cute button as he gave a confused, yet aroused groan.

"But as to your first question how... I don't know, isn't that funny?"

Izumi's shoulders shrugged with the offhanded remark, the feeling of having a force inside controlling him more utterly horrifying if it wasn't turning him on beyond anything he could even conceptualize. He was groaning now, his neck craned upwards as his chin angled to fit the internal force pushing at it, his cheeks squeezing like a rubber mask to the force pounding away at his brain as he had the strangest urge to jack off as Mimi's features continued to emerge from his face.

"I mean I could make a guess since you're always dealing with digiviruses and just fixed my phone, but honestly I just kinda appeared here the last few days, feeling all your adorable fantasies, getting a firsthand view of your dirtiest thoughts Izumi you doooog~! Ooh your face is so snuggly just wanna mmmph mmm~!"

"Uhhhngh oooh ohh Ohhhhh my gaaaaawd~!"

There was a wet gulping noise as her throat swallowed his Adam's Apple, a few sputtered moans leaving them as she nuzzled his face till it fit perfectly over hers, his left eye slanting as his brown popped smoother, rounder, her lips making out with his own till they slid inside and forced him into a lewd-looking pucker. Both of them moaned as an intense buzzing rolled over their scalp, his red hair curling as it spilled down their back, Izumi realizing he couldn't control his lips as Mimi moaned with his mouth.

"As for question- Ooh your body's so hot mmm~ so this is what a cock feels like."

Izumi realized at that moment that strong urge to jerk off wasn't his own, but Mimi's latent will growing stronger, his fingers playful as they shrugged off his blazer and teased the button to his pants undone. She gave it a few strokes with his hands, both of them moaning, especially on the back strokes where tiny bits ever so slightly slid into that throbbing hole, the pulsing pleasure beyond description as a sheen of sweat spilled down Mimi's brow.

"Mmm~ thanks Izumi for being so horny for me, buuuut I know what you really wanna feel."

"M-Mimi wait lets nngh ohhh~!"

Now it was his hands, hers sliding under his fingers like gloves, his nails shimmering as polish graced their longer shapes, each finger twitching as it slendered.

"Can you feel the skincare routine Izumi? Ooh feel those sweaty palms of your getting softer? Thinner? Mimier? Oh right I never answered your second question did I?"

Izumi couldn't help but stare as the last of his meager body hair fluttered off his wrists, smooth, girly fat softening his arms as Mimi's hands flexed around his dick, threatening to start stroking any second, Mimi rolling her index finger along their tip as the slight grind made them both quake.

"Oooh~ gaaawd no wonder you wanted this sooo bad I... Zu... Miiii~! But to answer your question, well you're smart riiiiiiight I-zu-mi~? I doubt you need me to explain what's happening since you're soooo smart. You must have figured it out by noooow I-zu-miiiiIIII~!"

Her fingers slid up and down his shaft, both moaning, both gasping with every down stroke, Izumi's panic swallowed by waves of arousal and Mimi's peppy spirit, finding it so hard to let any negative thoughts in when Izumi's dick felt sooo good right now ahhh~!



"Oooh w-wait Mimi I-"


"Uhhn Miii~miiii~I oooh my head f-feels funny."

"Huh? What's wrong I-zumiiii~? Doesn't this feel incredible? I'm doing what you wanted."

She gave another stroke, relishing in his cute little moans, his internal voice starting to match some of her mannerisms even if the pitch stayed the same.

"Yeah it feels even better than I could have- Nngh n-noo Mimi I feel like you're t-taking over my- Ahhh!?"

Mimi gave a soft laugh as she paused on his dick, pulling open another button up top as she began rubbing long, lazy circles around his nipples, the flesh prickling as the hairs plucked themselves, each circle feeling better than the last as Mimi took the pink, stiff flesh and gave it a pinch as Izumi's voice squealed with hers.

"You're worried about something dumb like that Izumimiiii?"


Being called that made the happy bubbly feeling swell, Izumi starting to feel memories of hers worming in, thoughts of shopping and boys and IzumimiMIMIMI

"I-I don't want this Miiimiiii~!"

He couldn't stop the cute affectations anymore, Mimi lightly pulling on their nipples as they moaned, something warm and soft pushing out as the persistent pleasure in his chest intensified to something truly orgasmic.


But she didn't, tracing more circles, more pinches, more pulling, looking mischievous as warm splatters of precum dotted their shorts. She was making sure he got to enjoy every last crevice of her breasts as she shaped the rising mounds, plush, soft, jiggly fat all tender and teasable as she kept going till the voice in her head now sounded all breathy like a guy putting on a girl accent, knowing Izumi was well on his way to fully giving in.

"I told ya Izu...Mimiiii that I know all your deepest fantasies. You almost came like four times just now. Don't tell me you don't looove becoming lil old me now. The sooner you admit it the better it'll feel Izumimi~!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhh gaaaaaaawd~!"

Mimi kept squeezing their breasts together for emphasis, not finished yet with her convincing as Izumim could feel something give. Hot cum spilt down their thighs as both of them moaned, even their quivers synchronized with the same cutesy rise at the end, Izumim whimpering as Mimi began stretching to fix his shoulders, a few simple ones rounding them down to softer slopes as she giggled as their slender frame made their breasts look even bigger.

"You sound even cuter now when you moan Zu-mi-miii~! I even slipped back control a few times there, but you couldn't help yourself. You really do want this huuuuh~?"

"Noooo! I mean just a lil bit Mimi buuuht- Ah no I didn't mean thaaaaht I juhhst I just wahhnaaa~"

It was so hard to think, more bubbly giddiness spilling over his thoughts, like layers of Mimi painting over all doubts, filling the creases of his brain, each one making it harder to resist, to remember. It didn't help that Izumi's big cock was oooh h-his big cock was just so pent up, not even that orgasm enough as Mimi ran her hands down their waist, caressing him.

"You know I think you lost a lot of muscle since you stopped doing soccer. Still got a few muscle bits though. Why don't I help ya lose a few pounds ZuuumIIIII~!"

"Ah no more please MimIIIIIII~!"

His waist barely resisted, only a few scrunches needed for his ribs to give, slender curves accenting their new bouncy top as fat flooded into their bottom.

"Ooooh muuuuch better right Umimiii~?"

"S-Staahp c-halling me different naaaames it's ahhhn m-making my thoughts all tingly and ahh ahhhn~!"

Mimi gave their ass a spank, liking the clarity the stamp of pain brought followed by more sensual Mimification as their cheeks spread out.

"Okay Umimi since you're being a baaad girl right now-"


"As I was saying, I'm gonna keep spanking till you tell me what you really want... Mimi."

Zumim didn't even have a mouth to grit with every spank, the added jiggle dazing him as each spank made the resulting rebound last longer, tighter, their ass getting thicker as his hips grinded together from the girth of it. All the while each spank jerked them forwards, their cock trembling as it bobbed up and down, further teasing the hole that was gradually widening, joggling tiny slivers further in as Zumim could feel his inner self getting giggly and girly as shocks of Mimi spilled into his identity. He couldn't take it anymore, his shame demolished, his willpower pleasured to a faded husk. There was just the blinding pleasure as he took control from Mimi long enough to shriek out, "I WANNA FUUUUCK IZUUUUMIIII~!"

There was a long awkward pause as he groaned in and out, feeling sweaty all over, his fingers running over Izumi's cock, feeling so good, adding a bit of pressure now to the tip as he imagined Izumi pinning him down and fucking her silly till she came her-

"Oh gawd what was I just- I mean Mimi I want to fuck Mimi and dom Mimi and ooh f-feel Mimi's big ripe- Ahh no why am I like this right-"

Zumimi was interrupted by Mimi's own saucy giggles, taking back control as she gave their cock a squeeze, more precum slathering over her fingers as she rolled the sticky stuff between them.

"Ohhhhh how naughty of you U-Miiimiii~! Did you really want to do all thaaaat~? But which did you want? You really seemed to want a taste of your own cock U-Mimiiii~! How about you have a go first~? Hehe just relax and feel our minds- OOOOH~!"


And like that their minds had slipped into a shared fantasy, Izumi back to normal as he panted over Mimi in bed, their bottoms off.

"Well what're you waiting for stud? Stick it in Mimi already~!"

He eagerly did, thrusting only to scream as he felt it thrust inside him, seeing a moaning Izumi clone under her long brown hair, realizing he had switched spots just in time to take his cock.


He felt confused screaming his own name, feeling his own cock inside, tears spilling down his cheeks at his first proper taste of being fucked. Out of fear he swung Mimi's hips back only to see Mimi back below with an impossibly needy look, his cock aching to dive back into those warm velvety-


Fuck fuck fuck he had thrust again, back to being Mimi as he felt Izumi's thick cock scraping his insides, feeling easier as it thrust deeper inside, his slit soaked as he came a little, feeling dizzy as some of his smarts had spilled out with that last release.

"Nooo~ I gotta stahhp ooh g-gotta s-stick it back iZUMIIII OH GOD TOO BIG I'M CUMMING MY BRAINS out it's too hard ah Mimi I need this I need to CUUUUUM OH FUUUCK FUUUCK MY HEEEAD~! I I AHHH~! I-I LOVE YOU IZUMIIII~ EEK Why d-did I just uhhhhn..."

Multiple spurts gushed from Umimi's slit in the fantasy, all her tech know how replaced with fashion know how and shopping tricks, her intelligence dropping with each thrust till it was only average, that lack of critical thinking and control proving fatal, especially as an attraction to boys became her new preferences as she returned to reality, panting as she stared down at her cum-slathered thighs, her cock about a third in.

"Ooooh~ FUUUUUCK~!"

It was getting harder to tell what was Mimi and what was uh Mimi? Umimi's head throbbing as she squeezed her thighs around Izumi's dick, feeling the cum slather deeper under the skin, making her thighs bloat tighter.

"Oooh you really want to fuck me that bad Mi-miii~? Well, since that won't be possible, how about the next best thing~? You can get fucked as me since you are me, riiiight Mimiii~? And doesn't Izumi's cock look so eager to finish us off lol?"

She nodded, giggling with Mimi as their minds began to merge, fingers pushing on Izumi's errant cock as UmimiMIMIMIMI screamed as their minds scrambled.


All Mimi could think of was Izumi as she pushed, prying her cock wider as the tip began to distend, one of her long sparkly nails slipping in as she jerked and fingered the thick shaft at the same time, feeling each seismic twist in her stomach rocket out cum as it spilled down her legs.

Her thighs kept getting thicker, sparks of memories from Izumi fizzling out like firecrackers at a summer festival, each fizzle erasing it for good as she moaned Izumi's name, imagining it was him fucking her as more hot spurts of ecstasy spilled down her growing legs. She kicked off her shoes, too big for her shrinking feet, her plump thighs clapping together as she felt something slurp inside as her fingering intensified. Four fingers hastily rubbed her shrunken shaft as the last of her seed gushed out, followed by gushes of clear fluids, the feminine juice clearing out her system as she flung back against a wall, shrieking as her innards seemed to part as they sucked in her desperate fingers.



Mimi came, utterly soaked in sweat, utterly dazed from the fingering of a lifetime as her thighs slid up and down over a puffy slit that drizzled cum as the last of her tip slurped into a clit. One last passing fantasy rolled through her mind as she giggled, a thought of the moment Izumi first loved her with her pink hair, Mimi shuddering as the dye painted her brown hair its more adventurous shade.

"Ooooh ohh gaaawd that was so so sooo good. But what was I doing again?"

Mimi looked around, seeing her pink phone working again as she squeed happily.

"Oh duuuuh~! Izu-miiii~ fixed my phone! Aww he's the cutest. I better show my thanks the next time I see him. Mmm! Izumi..."

She left fantasizing about all the ways she'd thank him, unaware she had already done them and then some as Mimi skipped home in the rain, excited for her next day at school.


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