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Brad didn't fear ghosts, but he did fear the housing market, his chances of owning a home feeling increasingly slim with every passing year. So when he won a lucky sweepstakes for a "haunted mansion" he was overjoyed. Hell even if he ended up not liking the place he could sell it for millions and reap the rewards. Thankfully the superstitious coot who had owned it had one simple caveat in his will, "Stay overnight without leaving and alone and the house is yours." Needless to say, Brad was planning on collecting, even taking some desperate measures as backup as he had his friends bring two heavy duty padlocks for the front and back doors. All the windows were barred up and made with reinforced glass and they had done a quick check of the basement and attic for any surprise visitors who could have chased him out. So when he heard the two clicks of both doors being locked, it sounded like success.

It had been an hour before dusk when he locked himself in, so he readied his sleeping bag, brought one of the three books he had taken with him and prepared to enjoy a cozy, stress free night. It started at sunset, golden hour fading as the bars cast shadows like a skeleton reaching for him. Not that he cared since he was focused on his book. As the sun sank though, there was an irregular drop in temperature. No drop wasn't quite right, it was more of a plummet from an irregularly balmy fall day to an uncomfortably chilly night. Brad sighed, unzipping his sleeping bag and deciding to retire early. By the time he'd see light again he'd be one house-


The lights flickered on, which was strange since he hadn't turned them on in the first place. Glancing at the wall, sure enough the switch was still off, yet some ancient dusty lightbulb above was flickering nonetheless. There was an eerie sense of being watched, but Brad did his best to ignore it. Just faulty wiring. It's an old house, shit like this was bound to happ-


He jolted up, looking around the room, certain he had heard something laugh. No no, there weren't any ghosts. It was probably a shutter squeaking that echoed, or wind hitting a gap in just the right way. These old houses were incredibly draft-


Brad felt stupid as his heart raced, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up straight before flattening down, pores closing up as a sheen of cold sweat dribbled down smoothening skin. It really had felt like something had breathed down the back of his neck just then, but it was just a draft. More puffs of air began to tease him, goosebumps shivering as all across his body hair was being absorbed, softened, each puff causing a spot of sweat to form as he shivered. Just snuggle in nice and tight and ignore it. That's all he had to do. Surely that'd stop the weird feelings!

But it wasn't, the chill only getting worse, Brad having an odd cold sweat unlike any he had ever felt as his body was wiped clean of any hair. That was just a precursor to the real fun, his body trying to rest comfortably in his sleeping bag. It was hard, his cold sweat feeling thicker than it should, a subtle feeling accompanying the beads, like some kind of slimy sponge rolling over his skin. One was licking around his cheeks, his stubble fading with every lap till he was clean shaven. More joined in as his skin was sanded down to a pristine sheen, Brad trying to convince himself this was perfectly normal for sweat. The licking moved down, scraping circles around his nipples, one persistent pervert sliding a line down from his navel straight to his dick.

That felt good, the tongue-shaped licker wrapping around his groin. Up and down his shaft it went, Brad cooing as he felt his cock stiffen. He didn't really get what was turning him on so much, but it had a nice numbing chill as it sank into his shaft, making him gasp as one lick ran inside his urethra, that numbing chill penetrating him.

"W-Wow I muhhhhst be more pent uhhp than I th-AWW AWWT~!"

His knees squeezed together, his tongue lolling as the inwards scrape of it dived deeper, something willowy and fluid inside his cock. His breathing was getting erratic, Brad unsure how to react, this slimy plugging feeling probing deeper like a reverse orgasm, the licks beginning to probe into spaces he hadn't ever felt teased. It dived deeper till it was licking his g spot, Brad thrusting against his sleeping bag, groaning as ecstasy tried and failed to escape his cock as it felt almost like a mouth was wrapping around his organ, semisolid lips purring till suddenly...



The laugh sounded muffled, the invisible ghost lips inside giggling as it made his prostate buzz, warp, crumple. He needed to cum yet that slick, slimy block stoppered his cock, Brad feeling delirious as he bucked, the room spinning as lights flickered and more giggles echoed around the room. He felt like he was floating from the pleasure, his head lolling back, hips continuing to try and unclog the block as his sleeping bag floated off the ground. Inside he could feel something shifting, his g spot licked like a lollipop, the giggles growing in volume with every screech he gave as he thrashed about, the invisible mouth giving one final bite as Brad found release.

It burned, each hip buck releasing sticky blasts of cum, flooding his boxers, his pants, the sleeping bag. His cock was unloading everything as he squirmed open the zipper, thick ropes gushing with enough force to soak his shirt, even blasting him in the face before with what ended up being his fifth continuous orgasm, his cock finally softened to half mast, though there was this bizarre throb behind it, something hungry worming its way down. He was saturated in cum, his whole body dripping, though something was off about it, the fluids more like thick slime, slightly green, though what worried him were the tan smears mixed in.

It didn't take a medical degree to understand something was wrong with having bioluminescent cum with a shot of mocha, and then there was what he had tried to pass off as sweat, Brad able to see small patches of skin dimpling and moving as the scrape of invisible tongues lapped over his body up and down, licking his body hairless, shiny, blemish-free. No that wasn't possible, he was seeing things, imagining the cold puffs of air now constantly swooping over his nipples, every inch tingling with goosebumps and tenderness as he sat up on his... bed?

Looking about, he was in one of the master bedrooms, which shouldn't have been possible. He had been asleep on the floor downstairs and yet here he was having splattered half of a mothball-smelling bedspread with his seed, whispers now echoing faintly around him. Various fluttering intangible things were casually entering him now, the chills working his cock back to a full erection, his balls aching. He stood up ready to run only to find his pants slipping off the moment he was upright, his hairless knees knocking together so easily. Were they closer? Was he... smaller?

"Fuck fuuuck nngh f-fuuuuck~!"

The more he acknowledged something was happening the friskier they got, the various tongues now dimpling all over, working down his muscle, his arms beginning to weaken, his toned core looking smoother, shapelier. The worst was his ears, two different mouths sucking on them hard, the tops distending by the second, something cold spreading into his brain as he stumbled his way into the next open door, a bathroom eerily lit by the flickering lights, invisible hands working the knobs as water filled the bath. Ectoplasmic drool kept splattering around him, his body drenched in cum and goo, Brad hanging onto the sink as he stared at his reflection. His hair looked longer, his ears both pointing back as he moaned pitifully at his reflection. His reflection moaned back, emerging from the mirror and pulling him into a kiss.

He tried to scream but found his mouth blocked by his mirror image, lips plumping as he french kissed himself, his mirror tongue seemingly twice the length of his as it eagerly probed his mouth and stuffed his throat. He groaned in protest as the reflection grew more aggressive, hands wrapping in his hair and pulling him forwards, pulling on it as pain mixed with pleasant tingling growths as Brad felt strands like spider webs tickle his neck, then his shoulders, endless fine threads teasing their way down his back.

What he had felt in his dick was now happening to his ears, two slimy, giggling apparitions worming their way inside, their giggles amplified and warped as the added pressure in his ear canals made the room spin, Brad realizing his body was beginning to respond to the domination, each forceful kiss and grab pounding his brain to the form the ghosts wanted. His cock was throbbing, the horror of the situation outweighed by the countless teasing tongues, his pointed ears swiveling back as the suck of his own face caused his cheekbones to collapse.

His copy's tongue grew longer, like a snake trying to choke him, slipping down the back of his throat as he gagged. His former self was crushing his face, cheeks snapping, nose popping under the constant domination, the two ghosts plunging in and licking the inside of his brain as each plunge caused an eye to warp, slant and turn pink. The long tongue of his clone kissed away his gag reflex, Brad disgusted at how much he was enjoying this, reflexively reciprocating as his muffled groans warbled, feeling the probing tongue wrap around his Adam's Apple, coil and pull. He wanted to gag and scream, instead he squealed like a girl getting fucked, his sore balls squeezing as more cum puddled on the floor, his complexion paling as more tan smears swam within. His tongue hung over his bottom lip, his face unrecognizable as the numbing pleasure stabbed into his brain once more, his hair finishing its growth to his ass.

"Oh mah gaaawd! Tha' canth be meee!"

Fuck he couldn't fully close his jaw anymore, the hinge half-busted, some muscles accidentally numbed as it hung open, his teeth filing to points. In the mirror he could see white blobs floating around, licking and teasing his skin, some rubbing their stubby formless hands against his shaft, urging it to harden again. An intangible crown was also in the reflection, Brad's hand passing through it, yet it seemed glued at an impossible angle, like the ghosts had coronated him their... well he'd like to say king but it was obvious what he was being turned into at this point.

"F-Fuhhh thith! I'm nah lothing my dick! Gotta geh o-OUUUUUU~?!"

He slipped on a stray puddle of release, sliding straight into the filled up bathtub with a splash as he flailed inside lukewarm water. At least the slime was being washed off, but his clothes were washed away as well, dissolving in the water as another tap turned, blistering hot boiling liquids scalding his flesh, filling his chilled body with warmth as the temperature change, much like with pavement as seasons changed, caused sudden gaps to crack open.

He could see his color fading to a sickly white, Brad moaning as his hips pushed apart, knees now firmly angled inwards as more cream spurts of cum drained from his cock. Worst of all were the eyes, an endless array of them staring down from above, all staring at him, inspecting every inch, the weight of their stares making his heart flutter and dick twitch. Wh-Why were they looking at him? Why were they all watching his naked b-body so int-t-tentlyyyy?!

He was melting, his height slipping into more petite curves, his sides puckered in slightly. Burning water lapped at his crotch, waves slapping against his sack as his legs and arms shrank under the boiling deluge. They were getting so thin, so slender, dainty hands and feet splashing weakly in the water, Brad dazed by the heat as steam spilled up over the crowd of eyes. Hordes of laughter and joy followed his cries, the steam making their ghostly blob bodies more visible as they descended, Brad feeling their line of sight as much as he had their tongues earlier, unsure whether he should cover his cock or his face. The correct answer was it didn't matter as multiple ghosts phased into the water, Brad screeching as in seconds it went from boiling hot to ice cold.

Now his teeth were chattering, his body squeezing together for warmth, shocked by the wintry waters, the ghosts giggling as the icy bath focused on two areas. First his nipples, the chill making them harden, then bloat, thickening as if begging for attention just as Brad was desperate to avoid it. They bobbed and tweaked under even the mildest stare, begging to be teased, so fat and pink like overripe fruit ready to be picked. And then there were his balls. Cold always brought shrinkage but this was more like being juiced, his sack crinkling, flattening, Brad screaming as in front of a crowd of hundreds he came out every last drop of semen inside. For the second time that day he was being penetrated, his screams urging the stares, all those eyes watching his balls recede, his groin flattening, Brad thrashing like mad as the onlookers felt like some kind of ungodly gravity that was crushing them in till a sudden burst of blissful heat made first the left ball pop, then the right, his testicles no more as weak spurts of cum dribbled above a flat, hairless patch between his thighs.

Leave he had to leave he had to leave. He dragged himself out of the bath, a few final spurts draining the last of his skin's cream leaving only a ghostly white like he was made of porcelain, the ghosts gaining more solid of a form as the murmuring masses of onlookers surrounded him. Hands, so many hands grabbing, rubbing, teasing, groping. Brad could barely move, more a plaything being passed around, pushed through the mansion where they wanted as strong fingers traced circles around his nipples, tickled his quivering sides, massaged his ass.

"Th-thtaaahp! Pleeeath thtaaahp I caaaan'th taaake any moooore!"

They were all whispering loudly, teasing him, endless chants of 'good girl' 'doll' queen' 'adorable' 'sexy' beautiful', so many compliments bolstered by endless hands deadset on pleasuring their forming queen. They were gently pulling his nipples, sculpting his abdomen, pushing in his sides, shaping up his ass, easing the muscle of his thighs thicker, plusher, softer.

Some hands teased his navel, flattening his stomach to a soft, girly core, others pressed at the spot his balls had flattened, fingers pushing, probing, Brad feeling so warm, so horny, so shy. It was like his body was begging for more, his shrunken core having its mass squeezed out fat pushed up, pushed into his swelling chest, making it easier for the hands to grope and squeeze and dominate and and-


The probing fingers kept tenting the skin under his cock, pushing deeper, stretching it tighter, his breasts swelling to fill the hands digging in, too large to fit in a single palm as more hands joined. A very different kind of pleasure filled him once a rough press finally tore open the forming hollow below his cock, thick fingers squeezed into a tight slit, Brad screaming as he was fingered, groped, spanked, all by a chorus of eager watchers as he covered his blushing face. Stop calling him good girl, s-stop squeezing his boobs and thighs hyaa~ th-they were stroking his hair!

Bit by bit he was being dressed in silks, binding him in white, flowing fabric. Panties, bras, gloves. He was so small some hands lifted him as they fingered his forming pussy, pulling him up by his breasts as they slipped garters and stockings on his feminine form, a few fingers now actively stroking his cock as they circled the tip. He couldn't watch, couldn't bear all the compliments, the constant foreplay. He knew soon the fingers would begin pushing on his cock, folding it inside and there would be nothing he could do.

"Look. Look. LOOK! LOOOOOOK!"

He didn't want to but every moment he refused the rougher their fingering became, Brad whimpering as he lowered his hands, shocked to see a beautifully life-sized portrait of a familiar face, her ethereal beauty blushing, her hands raised in an eternal pose that sat between begging and reaching. It was his new face, the one in the mirror, his new clothes a match, her eyes staring into his as they began to swirl.

"Hehehe ah n-nooo wait I-I'm a mmmm~ g-hoood giiiiirl."

His eyes were swirling, his brain pounding in his skull as hands phased through and began to massage it. Her cock was leaking, her medium breasts swelling to something massive as her elbows crooked up to match.

"Ahhhh y-yeeeeth I'm a quuuuueeeen~!"

Oh god she couldn't think any more, too many eyes, too much pleasure, her brain like jelly as it was groped like her breasts, her cock spasming as it slowly angled down, slotting into her slit as ectoplasmic blasts of bliss soaked the floor.


In what could only be described as a state of pure euphoria, Boosette felt her cock begin to fuck itself, the tip folding into itself, more of it crumpling up with every orgasm. She was beautiful, a queen, a very good girl and unfortunately... debilitatingly shy.

"W-Wait why ith everyone waaatching me- AHHN AHH NOOO~!"

She was so embarrassed, possession and corruption supposed to be an intimate affair between the victim and the possessor, and sometimes a priest if you really wanted to get kinky. Wh-Why were all her followers here watching her gaaah~! She tried to cover up her sinking cock with her dress, but one of her boos had chosen that moment to fly up, her gaze stun locking it as it raised up her dress, its gaze stun locking her as she covered up her eyes. Oh god they could all see she could feel their stares uhhhn th-their gazes were pushing on her cock oh god oh fuck oh no no noooo~!

Much like her, her cock seemed shy at the attention, hastening its retreat, trying to hide itself deep inside, fucking her as she tried and failed to hold back her pleasured shrieks, all this attention horrifying and orgasmic as her tip sank until the whole thing inverted with a dripping wet pop, the ghost queen revived and flustered as her entire kingdom made it known they had seen her finish.

Wait why was she so embarrassed? It's not like she had a problem with the dead seeing her glory. Yes this was her kingdom, the one place she could be confident. Her flustered look turned confident, malicious. That meek human had almost corrupted her, the weakling. Here she was a queen, a god. There was nothing she had to fear! NOTHING! YES YES THIS WAS HER TIME AND SHE WAS READY TO BEGIN A NEW AGE OF-


"Braaaaad is it do- Oh god I'm sorry I didn't know he had a girl over."

...omgomgomgomgomgomg he was looking at her a human was seeing her ah ah no no no she couldn't handle this she couldn't be seen oh no no no no go away go away.


No no no all that fondling had her nipples half out he could see her breasts b-but if she fixed that he'd see her face he'd see her blush he'd see h-how s-s-s-scared she was no no oh god oh god.

"Err is Brad around though? Uh and again I'm sorry I didn't mean to see um... I swear I'm not a pervert I just want you to know that you forgot... uh..."

Boosette realized she could feel a draft, her final orgasm dampening her panties enough to have made them fall to the ground. And her skirt was see through. H-Her thighs, her pussy? He... a-a-a h-h-h-human had seen hersdalkfjkldsj;lkj;l j;lskjf j skldfkhkjjbkjsa;


Although the new ghost queen wasn't quite confident enough for world domination, in a few hours she might at least be able to have him stay for some tea. He was pretty c-c-cute b-b-b-but she needed a veil and some more clothes and and and gahhesawhercrotchhesawherslitohfuckher breastswerepoppingoutstopstopstaaaahp!


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