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"I'm so sick of being called nice!"

Ritsu was a bit drunk, Jason and Kurt both nodding sympathetically at yet another spat of bad luck for their friend. He just couldn't seem to catch a break whenever he went out on a date, all of them ending in disappointment.

"She said I was too passive. What does that even mean? I'm the one who asked her out and took her to the restaurant. Was I supposed to grope her over dinner or some shit? And then she keeps giving this demeaning smile like she's looking at her younger brother or something. I don't get it, is there something wrong with me?"

They both shrugged, neither of his friends getting it either. Jason knew him since middle school and he'd always been popular, yet no girlfriends. Kurt had joined the friend group around sophomore year in college and somehow kept a steady pace of flings despite being an unassuming nerd. Privately they joked to each other that Ritsu's bad luck kept absorbing all their strikeouts. Right now though none of the three were in a relationship.

"You didn't say any of that to her did you?"

Jason knew Ritsu could sometimes talk too much when he got drunk but he shot him an annoyed look.

"Come on I'm not that much of an asshole. She called me a nice guy and chanted some weird goth thing saying 'You'll get what you want don't worry' whatever that means. At least break up with me like a normal fucking person, god! Yeah thanks lady I'm sure your weird magic'll really help me find a foxy girl."

Jason shifted awkwardly, scratching inside his ears as a slight twinge ran through his cock. It was weird, like Ritsu's voice had echoed for a second like some shitty voice effect. Actually the more he listened to Ritsu talk the more engaged he felt, awkwardly opening and closing his thighs as he realized he was starting to sport a stiffy. Jason tried to hide it, not noticing Kurt clearing his throat after the words either, his hands rubbing his temples in slow circles, black hair damp as he responded.

"Well maybe KFF nngh y-you just aren't looking for the right k-CHHHK CHH CHHHK ohh k-kind of ahh giiiirls KFF KFF KFF SPPPT~! Mmm~ now what do you want in a girl?"

"What the fuck Kurt?!"

Sure it wasn't like this was the first time one of them had to clear their throats, but he was clearly hacking up something disgusting, a pleased purr leaving his lips at the phlegmy mess staining the carpet. The weirdest part was Ritsu seemed like he hadn't even noticed it, making Jason feel like they had to be playing a joke. Hell the more he looked at the weird coughed-up stain it seemed to be shrinking, turning to steam like it wasn't even real. It added to the feverish warmth building in his cock, his erection refusing to soften, urged on by the weirdly sultry purrs leaving Kurt's lips as he continued massaging his temples harder and harder.

"Alright guys very funny but you're starting to freak me out. Come on knock it-"

"Well I told you I'd like a real foxy chick you know? Someone who really really wants me."

Jason grunted, something ramming him back against his chair, his cock so hard it felt almost painful as his thighs couldn't help but rub against it. There was something about the way Ritsu's words hit him that couldn't be denied, Jason whimpering as another push knocked him back, one hand clenched between his thighs, the other feeling above his ass where some kind of lump was wagging under the skin, every few seconds another thrust making him moan as his aching cock leaked precum.

"G-Guuuuys suhhhmthing's NNGH OOOH OH FUUUCK~ Wrooong!"

"Quiet mongrel, master is talking."

Kurt was squeezing his head harder, Jason horrified as he could see the skin beginning to loosen, sinewy-sounding crunches grinding out as he purred, his forehead buckling while his irises thinned to beastly slits.

"Wait, master?"

For a moment it seemed he was taken aback by his own words. Kurt was hardly the outspoken type, leaning more towards the meek side, no hint of his nasally tone left as Jason noticed for the first time just how thin his throat looked, a pocket of skin hanging down like the rolled over top of a turtleneck.


His eyes were turning feral, yellow shocks spreading his irises, hands no longer rubbing but tearing, juicy sounding tears accompanying a flurry of purrs and curses as his eyes slanted, one hand roughly tearing at his scalp as two bulging lumps jostled and pushed at the loosening skin like some kind of cap, his former face shedding as thicker lips moistened in anticipation, something sharper, colder staring from within as a scream erupted from him.


There were two juicy rips, his scalp bisected as two furry pink fox ears tore through the top of his skull, obvious damp patches spreading over his thighs as he yowled like a she-beast in heat. The torn off sections of skin were further split by a sudden growth of pink hair spilling down to his mid back as the loose skin was torn off by his own hands, his glasses falling to his chest as Kurt smiled with the head of a stranger, his furry pink fox ears twitching in anticipation.

"Do go on Master. What kind of clothes should your dream girl wear?"


There was a loud churning in his guts, Jason spasming as he could feel his erect cock melting, any attempt to hold back useless as he came. His whole groin was shifting like some kind of mollusk slowly hiding inside a shell, each slow, orgasmic push in causing the backwards lump to grow. The worst part was how mind bogglingly good it felt, like his cock was stirring his balls, melting into them, his tip swollen and tender as cum squeezed out his softening balls as he felt it all cram itself inside.

"I'd like her to wear something professional or maybe one of those tight revealing bodysuits that always feel like they show more than they cover."

Jason's words failed him, Ritsu seemingly unaware of any of the changes happening before him, talking in an annoyed but way too calm manner while Jason was left screeching as the first slimy length of cock sucked inside a hole he wasn't meant to have.


Shift, melt, suck, shift, melt, suck. SQUIRT Jason couldn't think, his groin melted into a jellified mass that only seemed to want to fuck him, squirming open a canal to fuck him harder as the jut of tented bone pushed out to a hairless wagging tail. He was losing his cock, the room feeling like it was spinning, his clothes melting tighter, boxers and jeans merging to latex. Tight, shiny, squeezing latex. Jason squirmed desperately, pointlessly, drool splattering from his lips as each pathetic whine resolved into a moan as the throbbing bundle of meat he called a groin was pushed deeper than he knew he could be fucked, one slimy mass of his sack and cock cratering to the right as the throbbing mess fucked him till his hips spread open.

His screams came out as choked whispers, too much volume for his mouth to let out, too much cock for his hips to handle as bone cracked and curved, a flood of slimy fat pushing out his right cheek to a round, vacuum sealed ass. The cycle couldn't be stopped, each throb fucking him more, his cock sinking deeper and deeper, the tight press of latex spanking against wobbling ass fat as another large squish of mass slurped into his bulging bottom, his tail erupting out, breaking through the latex as the squeeze bore down on his... well it wasn't really a cock as he knew it, just a slurry of pleasure nerves and liquified muscle all being stuffed inside a misshapen sausage as the first swelling of vaginal lips wrapped around the struggling masculinity.

Jason could only scream as the end approached, bucking about the chair as pink fur sprouted from his wagging, bushy tail, his hips rounding as his hands pressed against a roiling mass that made no sense to him. All he knew was he was losing it, cum bubbling behind sealed skin, tearing open around the swollen vulva as he desperately stroked the flattening mess, the whole thing sucked down in one final swell of mass as his back arched, loud orgasmic shrieks accompanying each thrust as he felt his groin split open, a shiny black cameltoe leaking out every last drop of testosterone as Jason collapsed in a heap. Even this wasn't allowed though, his new tail thumping against the back, the pain jolting him up as he stared down in shock at the wagging appendage.

"M-My diiiiick oh god what happened to my dick?! Ritsu I have a fucking tail and a pussy and ahh~ uhhn shit I can feel s-something ahh~ hot pumping insiiiide my-"

"But outfit's just the basic stuff. What I really want-"

Ritsu was still going on as if nothing strange was happening, even the splatters of cum on his pants were evaporating, every messy sign of Jason's gender implosion erasing itself from existence. He wanted to scream, to shake Ritsu out of his daze, only for his body's movement to stall as the rest of his clothing melted into an open black bodysuit, latex made for someone smaller than him squeaking as it painfully constricted around his arms. Eventually his hands were encased in a women's small black sleeve complete with gloves, the tight dig of it riding up his new slit as the pulsing estrogen in his system was really starting to show some effects, hairs sliding off with sweat, his skin tingling as it was slicking and smoothing in all the right ways to look soft and perfect. Seeing the kind of bodysuit Ritsu had described made it all finally click. Somehow he was- Oh fuck he was still talk-

"-is someone more forward. I'm always the one asking people out. I want someone dominating and firm who is obsessed with me. But I'd also like someone who praises me and treats me well."

Jason had to shut him up for good with his mouth. What? N-No he needed to stop Ritsu from talking before he ended up wasting the night when his pet could be far more entertaining in the bedroo-

"Sh-Shut up shut up SHUT UUUUUP! Ritsu stop fucking talk-EEEEEK~?!"

"Don't you dare interrupt our Master ingrate. Or should I practice on you first?"

Jason couldn't help his purr as Kurt roughly squeezed his tail, making him cum as he was pulled back into his former friend's lap. There seemed to be nothing of Kurt left, a rather lusty look mixed with wrath on the pink-haired girl's face, her more complex uniform suit and skirt forming as a gloved hand prowled.

"K-Kurt please we have to f-IIIIIGHYEEE~!"

The firm white latex must have been stain resistant, her diving fingers pristine as she slid a finger inside, the squeeze of Jason's tight slit thinning each one she dove inside till she was cramming half a hand's worth in. Her free hand was occupied with more tail yanking and squeezing, the appendage feeling as sensitive as Jason's lost cock as he came hard enough to collapse his waist into a curved beauty.

"Fight? You don't fight master's orders ingrate, you obey. And who is this Kurt? Has your soft heart made you soft in the head? It's the same as yours. Ko Yan Ska Ya! Repeat it!"

Jasonya's head was throbbing, his thighs scrabbling against his roommate's-

"Of course if she had a hot sister I wouldn't say no. I did always want to try something out with twins."

Nngh h-his sister's hands seeking out every weak spot on his body, creating new ones as she dug into his thighs till it hurt with her arms, the flesh swelling as she spanked him with his own tail.

"Say it! Say your name ingrate! Submit to master!"

The hormones were racing inside, Jasonkya trembling at the ruthless pleasure, his sister's iron grip only getting firmer as her arms thinned and shoulders scrunched, an erection clearly tenting up her skirt as she continued to dominate him. She was rubbing it against his ass, Jasonkya worried at how much the thought of feeling master's hard cock inside excited him. And worst of all was Ritsu's unaware talking, Jasonkaya unable to tune it out, every word striking something deep within his brain, molding it, making him desire Ritsu Ritsu Ri-

"Though even if she has a great personality, I mean... y'know if it's my dream girl she'd be stacked. Big juicy tits. Maybe some wrapped up tight in her uniform or exposed cause she wants me to pounce on her, she looooves my attention."

Josankaya couldn't take much more, his nipples squeaking against the latex as they hardened, his brain drowning in a flood of estrogen, his sister's finger fucking pounding away at his mind as he struggled to hold it in, having to bite his lips to keep his mouth from screaming out the name she demanded.

"Feeling stubborn today sister? You should know by now I show no mercy, even to family if they get ihhn the- Nngh! Mmph! Ohhh~ YESSS~!"

Koyanskaya had no such resistance to her master's orders, her body as eager to serve as if a command seal had been used, though while she was unable to continue fingering her sister, her erect cock was more than happy to push against his ass, thrusting inside as each pleasured convulsion made both sisters purr and squeal.

It bothered her how inferior her body felt, both for her own standards and for master's, yet she knew it was just a mistake, his words soothing her frustrations as her flat chest pulsed by her nipples, hard diamonds of pink spearing through her worthless brown ones, the sparse chest hair and imperfect skin beginning to tear as fat pushed her new nipples further and further out. She needed it purged, all this loathsome subbiness, such weak masculine features easy to rip and tear as she strangled her sides and hammered her own back, the crunch of bone and rippling of flesh only giving her more pleasure as it all siphoned up to her chest, her new figure bursting apart the weak flesh of her former self. She couldn't restrain her need, feeling her shaft burst inside the latex she was fucking, her new tits bouncing with wild abandon as she felt so much pent up want. Good thing she had the perfect punching bag to play with…

A shame she had already nearly broken her toy. Josanskaya had already been fighting a losing battle before the cock had slid inside his ass, all sorts of alien yet familiar wants surging as his pecs drooped some, the muscle sagging and melting, warm fat pushing them against his suit and teasing them like the awkward hands of a new lover. He knew how inexperienced Ritsu was, she'd have to teach him just how to pleasure her, rewarding her good boy with-


His sister was gripping his throat for leverage, choking out the bulky lump inside, her cock pounding even rougher as Josanskaya felt his ass clap, his eyes only able to see Ritsu standing there, talking about the love of his life, about her. Fuck this couldn't be happening, his adorable roommate making him his personal pet. Oh yes R-Ritsu was her newest adopted trainee, that cute animal needing some training and guidance to become worthy of being her mate... No no these weren't his thoughts this wasn't his body he couldn't think not with Ritsu's dick separated by this bodysuit.

"And of course she'd be a complete sex machine."

Joyanskaya shuddered, the order loud and clear as he pried open one side of the bodysuit, his sister's cock fully fucking him as he came, his breasts swelling larger and larger as he squeezed them in a show, a lustful, desperate show for Ritsu as he urged them to grow. They seemed to explode out, flopping loosely from the bodysuit, his pert red nipples forcing him to cum as he screamed for more from his lover, the orders all taking effect as his body became little more than a conduit for Ritsu's lust, her mind ready to crumble as she peeled open for easier access to her nipples, Joyans- No, Koyanskaya ready to join her sister in serving her good boy. God he was such a perfect, good, wonderful boy, and now she needed to give him his reward.

She speared herself on her sister's cock, imagining she was rewarding Ritsu as she squeezed her ass cheeks to massage the cock inside her. What had been simple domination was now a struggle between punishment and reward, Koyanskaya's bodysuit rewarding her earlier pain with another surge to her breasts as her arms and hands snapped down, all her devotion flowing up to her head as it built and built till she couldn't take any more.


There were two moist spurts as her eyes twitched, gold filling her irises as fox ears burst from her scalp, white and pink fur spreading over them as her sister's hands roughly gripped her malleable features.

"Ohh oh what a good girl you're being sistEERGH~!"


It seemed to be a double knockout, both of them cumming as the bodysuited fox girl's head imploded, pink locks spilling out all at once as her eyes slanted, her sister's grip rounding out her face to a perfect match as her thighs gained one final growth spurt, the tight latex boots wrapped around her feet squishing her legs to curvaceous pillows that gripped her sister's balls till they popped.

"UHHHN Ohh mmm~! Fuuuuck..."

Koyanskaya wasn't used to having any part of her not under control, but her pushover of a sister was playing dirty, her thick behind sucking her in till her shaft couldn't take it, alien releases spilling out from her cock as she made a flustered mess of her usual dommy control. She just couldn't help it, both balls popping inside, her hips wrenched apart to really fill out that miniskirt as fat stretched her skin to its breaking point. She fell back, landing on her ass as her cheeks continued to spread and grow, her stupid dick spurting and spasming like mad while the other Koyanskaya leered over her twin.

"Oh dear, couldn't handle some light teasing? My my sister, seems like I'll have master all to myself won't I? Then again you never did well with good boys. Let mommy take care of him okay?"

"No you stupid bitch! All your spoiling will just make him useless. Like this mmmph ahhh~ fucking GAAAAH~!"

There were multiple tearing sounds, flesh separating from her, not fully breaking to shreds like her former changes but the outer layer turning black as her bulging ass and thighs split her masculine shell into something of use to her, sheer black pantyhose that rubbed against the tender flatness below her shaft, Koyanskaya gripping it with a look of disgust.

"I only have need of MAHHH~ster's cock not this NNGH! Not this fuhhUHHUHHcking W-hooorthless-"

It was rare to see her exert herself so hard, veins bulging in her forehead as she pulled on the unwanted thing, crushing it with reckless abandon as her innards split and pulled. She needed it off, needed it gone, heels scratching against the floor as she screamed, toes pointed and shrunk to fit as the constant kicking burned away the last of her blockiness, only curved lines left on her slender calves as she could feel her cock hollowing out. It was making quite the abhorrent mess as she crushed and tore, feeling the rim of her shaft messily tearing, one final, brutal suck from her chasm pulling out the meat from her cock like a deveined shrimp, the floppy shell of masculinity ripping off as she came repeatedly till only clear fluids graced her thighs.

"Oooh ohh yes. Now that this fucking parasite has been removed I'll work him till he collapses. You were mocking me earlier but he'd hardly last twenty minutes with such weak coddling from you. He'll beg for every orgasm and work for every ounce of pleasure I deliver. Now let me throw out the trash."

Koyanskaya tossed the leaking remains of her former cock, not giving a shit where it landed, the stains it left already dissolving as she turned towards master with her sister.

"Enough about what you want master, let's talk about my needs."

"Though it's not like I'm gonna find- Huh? What was I saying? Sorry think I spaced out there for a sec- Uh um uhhh-"

As far as Ritsu was aware, his roommates had just vanished, two identical fox girls looming over him, both beginning to strip his clothes off as they nuzzled their bodies against his.

"Don't stammer like that. Or do you need help with the dirty talk? Every time you turn me on I could reward you with another part of me wrapped around you."

"I-I don't under- Oww!"

"Ignore her. For some reason she wants you to do the dirty talk, perhaps it's because you're such a dirty, disgusting lump of scum. You should be thanking me for even sharing a room with you, though if you whine and beg pitifully enough I'll be happy to ride you till you break."

"I-I really don't understand what's-"

"Then let me teach you. Besides, your body understands just fine doesn't it lover? Nice and hard for us, just begging to be rewarded. Don't you want that? A good reward?"

She was stroking his cock till he whimpered and nodded, Ritsu unable to deny how turned on he was from this even if he had no idea what was going on. It was like a dream come true.

"Mmm~ that smile of yours makes you look so pathetic. It's a good thing you're so fun to tease master or else I'd never let you fuck me. Really, I'll have to be with you at all times to make sure you don't become any more worthless. Strict discipline for every mistake you inevitably make..."

"Yes and we must talk about those other distractions in your life. Can't have a layabout. But don't worry master, mommy is here to teach you, to raise you. You'll never leave me alone either right?"

Or maybe it was a nightmare. Whatever kind of dream it was, Ritsu knew it'd at least be a wet one as the twins prepared him for the fucking of a lifetime. And god help him if he ever disappointed them, the twins smiling as they got to work on their master.


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