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Link was looking for Purah with his half broken Sheikah Slate, the screen flashing on and off after Zelda had an unspecified accident she didn't want Link to talk about (she sat on it) and she had said Purah needed it anyways. He wasn't sure what she wanted it for but she had been working on her ‘Purah Pad’ which sounded like an upgraded version so who was he to complain? While he waited, he tapped his fingers against it, wondering where the regressed scientist was hiding since she rarely left the lab, unaware of a few blue sparks flying off and landing on a connected, but clearly half taken apart machine interface that looked like it would fit a Sheikah Slate perfectly.

"Oh it's Linky! I thought one of my assistants got crushed by some of the top shelf gadgets again. You should hear them yell the clumsy boneheads! So why are you- OH YES!"

It didn't take long for her to notice the half-broken pad, Purah jumping over the spark channeling interface as current ran through the wires. Link still was a bit offput by the two sides of her, the ancient scientist currently in the body of a child after some rune experiments did more deaging than she had expected and though she still acted childish, there was no doubt in her skill as she hopped up and yanked the slate from his hands.

"YES YES YES! Oh finally an old interface to run that stupid restorer. Ugh I can't believe I'll finally be back once I fix this thing! Oh Linky could you give me a few minutes? I'll be done soon."

She slammed the door to her personal workshop shut, the sound of drills and machinery working muffled by the thick door, though he imagined it had to be deafening. Not loud enough though to block out the bassy repeating blare that made him jump a bit, Link turning as the room was bathed in a blue light, the sparks from before turning a familiar looking structure on as its glow strengthened.

Well, it wasn't like he was going to just ignore the mysterious glowing object. He had spent hundreds of hours looking for Korok seeds and investigating temples and the like. It'd be a betrayal of his principles if he didn't go and step towards the glowing blue light, unsure why Purah would have installed something that looked like a teleport pad in the middle of the lab. It was littered with junk, but the structure was nearly identical, a staircase leading up to the platform proper, a large stalagmite-like object hanging over it where the blue glow was coming from. Even the flooring was the same when he got to the top, minus one, well several weird metal arms that were all smoothly bobbing as he approached. Was Purah trying to improve something?

He wasn't going to step on the pad of course, unsure where something Purah tinkered with would take him, but he could ask her later. Was it as strange as deaging yourself into a kid? No, but still very weird even for Purah. Well he wouldn't stay long since he imagined Purah didn't want him to wait here, so he might as well-


Link swerved, something grabbing for him, his jump back revealing one of the mechanical arms clawing at air as it whirred and turned, grabbing for him again. Link really wished he hadn't left his equipment on the storage rack outside, though he felt confident he could dodge one frisky arm just fi-


His back rammed against a segmented metal beam that bent under his weight, or that's what he thought till the bend angled and slithered like something alive, Link remembering there were more than one hands on this modified contraption as they hovered over him like beasts eyeing their prey. He considered yelling for help, but Purah was locked in her room and he had seen explosions go off with nary a peek of her head while she was in the middle of work. He had to figure a way out on his own.

While initially assured he could parry his way out, his confidence quickly wavered as more hands sprouted out to grab him, Link blushing as one particularly frisky one grabbed his groin. Weirdly it wasn't rough, almost gentle as it buzzed, distracting him as he was dragged into the middle of the platform, hung over the disassembled control module as the stalagmite above glowed brighter and brighter.

He didn't like the idea of what was coming, but could do nothing as the energy built, the usual blue now veined with pink as it collected at the tip. A glowing drop of pure condensed magic spilled down, landing on Link's forehead as his vision was bathed in pink and blue, the hero expecting it to burn or shock him, not the subtle warmth that spread from it as a noticeable buzz radiated from head to toe as the arms got to work.

It was a strange but thorough feeling, gentle yet firm. Best analogy Link could think of was like when he whistled with a piece of grass, only he was the grass being played as the gentle heat made his entire body flushed, the hero panting as sweat dotted his clothes. He knew it had to be doing something to him, but what? It was hard to gain his bearings as the hands were acting weird, his limbs being restrained as the hand on his groin began to shift and roll, two more clawed palms whirring open as they latched onto his chest and seemed focused on his nipples as they latched on and lightly rolled them back and forth, one last one smacking him on the ass as they all seemed intent on gradually teasing his bound form.

Link had no idea what was going on, gasping as the claw at his cock started to really get going, his ears blushing red as he wondered how such blunt metallic instruments could stroke his master sword so gently. The hands were starting to feel really good, their gentle buzzing and tight grips gradually wearing down his tension as Link moaned, feeling almost bubbly the more he became passive, as if his body was rewarding him for letting the frisky things do their work.

Something new was barraging him the more they teased, even the ones binding his arms and legs stroking his skin, rubbing and massaging as warmth surged into the heroes head. It was almost like being ticklish, that upped sensitivity to certain triggers only instead of Link laughing he was panting hard, his skin so responsive as the arms continued to stroke and grip, his ears trembling up and down as hair draped over them, tickling his cheeks, his lips his chin his... shoulders? It wasn't like he had much mobility to look around but he could clearly see how much longer his hair was as it slid down his neck, the more he focused on it the more he noticed how much softer it was as it gleamed like Zelda's did which was strange since he never took care of it.

"Uhhm uhhn~?"

He was starting to notice things through the warmth, like how his voice was gradually cracking, or how one of the arms was squeezing his face, his lips feeling thicker against it as he wondered if he was ever so aware of his lips before, or the sweat on his skin, something pleasant about the way even the claws just stroking were as he was slowly rotated and passed around. There was something soft in the way they were squeezing, like each one had a fraction more give as they rubbed and teased, an airier gasp leaving his lips as the claws at his chest gave his nipples a pinch.

"Hyaa ahhn ahh?"

His body wasn't entirely resolved on just what he was feeling at the moment, the repeating tweaks and twirls having some kind of an effect, that hard to place ticklish adjacent shiver feeling really good. It was like a tension of some sort, one that made his stomach feel full of butterflies. It wasn't till his cock suddenly felt wet that he realized what it was. Pleasure. But something was different about it, like it was all coiling up in some spot below his navel, even his dick's obviously strong response to the stroking adding to the general tension slowly boiling inside as he shimmied.

It was like identifying it made it all better, or worse depending on how he looked at it, the realization of how good it felt as the arms teased his smoother skin, groped his shifting muscle, his cheeks popping as he moaned with ever squeeze of the claw's joints. It had to be the magic that had fallen, Link trying to shake out but it was all dampened by the gentle pervasiveness of it all. His muscle wanted to be squeezed down, his nipples trembling in anticipation, making themselves easier to grab as they turned swollen and pink. Link didn't need his rising alto to confirm what was happening, now the gradually softening thinness of his arms. It built till the knot in his stomach untied, the hero cumming as he wondered how many of those he had left before he lost it.

Dammit why did it have to feel so good? And why were these claws so damn effective at their teasing? It hardly made sense why someone would program them to ruffle through his hair and stroke his cheeks, one claw tracing his lips as the squeezing stroking cavalcade of bliss below kept the rising moans coming. He was enjoying it, enjoying the feel of being caressed as his cheeks softened, his eyes fluttering as the lashes kept interlocking, the bushiness a clear sign how much thicker they were, his nose's shape smaller when he wrinkled it. His erection died down some, at half mast though that just meant the tension was building back above it. His moans sounded so cute. He wondered if he was cute now, his chest so much doughier as it was worked, his cute features blushing as another please, "Hyaaa~!" echoed in the workshop as the claws spread from working just his nipples to the full softening pecs.

Link couldn't decide which felt better, the gentle rounding of his pecs into small spheres or the more forceful ass grabs having their way with his body, enjoying both sides of foreplay as his toned muscle was being made so much perkier, softer, sexier... So much feminine pleasure, it almost made him want to- He groaned, feeling a noticeable press on his balls, his sack getting tighter, his cock stiffening to it's full length as the shock of his first taste of penetration shook him to his core. He had to shake his head out of the daze, not wanting to just give in like this. He was a proud warrior! He had saved countless people and passed countless trials. He had to use his wits and skills and find a way out of this before-


For all his inner pep talk, his only real recourse was to twist harder inside the bindings, Links body gaining more of that rough treatment as an arm wrapped around his core, squeezing him in a tight hug till his waist was ready to burst, Link straining his muscles till the cock stroking arm noticeably pressed against his tip. There wasn't exactly a muscle he could tighten to resist, the arm wrapped around its arm pushing the claw right over that building internal tension that ached with new needs, the clawed end buzzing as it pressed against his navel. It was utter bliss, Link feeling parts of him mushen and shift as came, his cock sinking into the warm shifting mess of his innards by an inch before the hero's resistance faded with a girlish yelp of supreme bliss.

It was only an inch yet it seemed to radiate outwards, his resistance making his muscles melt once he let go, firming and wriggling under his skin, rewarding his capitulation with a full body assault of softening, melting pleasure.

"AHH Ahh ahh hyaa..."

So cozy, so tender, so cute. He was being smothered in femininity, his core sucking in with each breath, his sides smoothing as the shape of his form curved, his legs throbbing as the arms stroked and squeezed up his legs. The claws groping his ass really dug in, Link groaning as he felt plush skin stretching tighter in his pants, riding up his crack with every arousing pulse till the claws had their claws clenched tightly around two cheeks far more eye catching than before, the claws pulling out as his skeleton barely creaked before snapping.

It felt so much better, his ass far too plump with its previous arrangement, Link cooing as the tight squeeze of his ass relieved tension he hadn't even realized was there till it resolved. He didn't know how to feel about the rightness, eeping as a little more of his cock sank inside, stirring his innards as the hands maneuvered his own to grope his new rear. He yelped at his own touch, barely recognizing the shape of his fingers as he was urged to feel it up, his fingers so dainty, his touch closer to Zelda's than his adventure honed digits. It was impossible not to give it a squeeze, the firm fat so pleasing to play with, his fingers sliding down as they groped and rubbed his thighs. Fuck his ass might even be better than Zelda's, if only his thighs weren't so thin... The hands could read minds it seemed, squeezing his legs, sending something upwards, Link seeing stars as his thighs tested the limits of his pants as they swelled around his cock, pushing against his exploring fingers as he moaned. Yes this is what he meant, such plump, squeezable flesh, so thick and tender and oh god he was about to-


For a second he almost wanted to yell at the unwanted intruder when he was so on edge, before realizing this was his chance at undoing it. Only issue was he didn't dare speak since he knew with how worked up he was, it'd slip out as moans and he just, really did not want to do that in front of Purah, especially with her in that form. It wouldn't be the first time he had held back talking, but rarely was he so steadfast in holding back. Shame he couldn't help the involuntary thrusts and gyrations his body seemed to resort to in the meantime as his waist continued to shrink, his breasts pressing against his tunic noticeably now, Link wondering how big they'd get though now that Purah was here, surely this perverted nightmare would come to a-

"How did you get it working?! I only just fixed the Sheikah Slate! None of this should be possible!"

Or maybe not. Well this was going to be a really awkward few minutes. Link was already at his limits with his thighs constantly squeezing his shaft, his lips quivering as a notch of spine just kind of cracked, his ass even further accented as the seams of his pants were slowly but surely starting to rip. Purah was quick to jump down though, slotting the Sheikah Slate into the disconnected module which again he thought might be his out till he heard a series of curses.

"What do you mean already in use! Arrgh this was my ticket back to being hot! And not needing twelve stepladders! I spent a month programming this stupid stupid- AGGH crap I just deleted it! Nooo my mature body!"

He almost asked what was going on but ended up moaning louder than he expected, shutting his lips as his waist felt so small and huggable, his breasts now swollen past just being visible, tenting his tunic as the rising mass made the claws' gropes all the more orgasmic as his balls and shaft sank further.

"I heard that Linky! I hope you're happy with yourself that was months down the drain! I was almost back in my thirties arrrgh!"

Was he happy with the situation right now? Objectively no, especially not with an audience witnessing his descent into womanhood. Was he enjoying it anyways? Well he didn't have an option. It seemed to be giving him the most thorough fucking imaginable and it was probably programmed to make this process as erotic as possible, so if there was no stopping it he might as well enjoy the process if he didn't have a choice. And fuck did it feel incredible to be hugged, cuddled caressed and teased all while having your dick stroked, his face straining to look neutral as his tits trembled, his shoulders shifting awkwardly in their sockets. Purah was furious but at least it proved her hypothesis would have worked, though she wanted to get a few digs in.

"Really Linky I know you were showing off that Gerudo wear before, but if you wanted to be a girl you hardly had to resort to this! Why, you were already such a slender individual it's no wonder your tits are so small. What a waste depriving the world of my mature, scientifically perfec-"



"MMM~ Mmm ah ahh nnghhmm~..."

Mid mock Link's shoulders both popped inside, thinning his frame, his waist squeezing tight as he was forced to moan out in satisfaction, barely muffling the following squeals as his tits tripled in size, the firm, perky flesh bolstered by his muscle as they tore his tunic to shreds, his sweat soaked body trembling as his cock sprayed a thin stream of cum, his lubricated pants thankfully hiding the two inches of melting cock as one of his balls slurped inside. It was taking all of his will not to just scream his heart out, not even hearing Purah's frustrated whines as his tits swayed back and forth, larger than hers at her prime as the machine moved into its final phase.

Everything was ramping up, the buzzing at his navel, the caressing of his body, his thighs and ass being thoroughly pleasured as his breasts were jiggled about. Another two stroked his ears, the one stroking his cock noticeably changing it's foreplay as it moved back, pushing a claw against the tip of his cock before gently teasing at it. Link wasn't prepared, all the cum making his cock lubed up in and out, the tip pushing inside and wiggling as as he nearly passed out, feeling as his cock throbbed and widened, ridged pleasure carving into his shrinking shaft as his jaw jutted from exertion. And while all of this was happening, Purah was more focused on her jealous feelings of being slighted, trying to find anything to tease him on.

"Well Linky at least you were always such a tiny specimen even for a male. Why I bet even in my child form you'll barely have a head on me. I can't wait to see how small you-"

Another round of cracks cut her off, Link looking like he was struggling as he tried not to scream. With such large breasts his already bent back had to do its part, each length of it arching in as the last of his seed splattered down his thighs, threads tearing apart. But that wasn't what Purah was focused on, nor was it the pathetic bulge left prodding his half torn pants.

"What? No I, that doesn't make any sense! No no no! I won't accept this!"

It seemed turning someone into the opposite gender was more acceptable than them actually gaining height, each curved vertebrae increasing half its length, more than making up for the inches lost as Link ended up gaining four inches. He couldn't believe he was wishing for his cock to change faster but his pants couldn't hold much longer, every breath seeming to tear them further, the machine's fingering delivering otherworldly bliss to him as the last of his shaft was ushered inside.


He didn't know how he was remaining as quiet as he was, though he wasn't fooling anyone Purah rolling her eyes as she watched purely for academic research, Link's final moments as a man a whole other realm of pleasure as every last piece of him turned to jelly. He truly was the device's plaything, squeezing the exposed sections of his ass with the claws, that feminine knot of need tying tighter and tighter in his guts, a warm bath of want gently squirming and finishing the last shifts as Link felt his entire manhood shudder.

Almost an entire claw was fingering his stubby excuse for a cock, Link stammering as entire regions of pleasure centers connected, a hollow warmth thrusting inside. His pants finally broke, just in time for the hero's dick to make its exit as it thrust inside, not slowing down it's relentless orgasms as he spasmed in the arms of the machine, silently hyperventilating as every muscle tensed one last time. That knot was tying tighter, pulling his tip deeper, maddening bliss sparking over every wet inch of his body as his jaw locked into place. He couldn't take it, mind on the verge of collapse, muscles sore as they tensed desperate for release, the buzzing claw on his navel ramping up in intensity as Link could feel something scraping, pinching, connecting. And then the knot wound itself too tight, Link feeling the moment it snapped as the world burst white.


Only at the end did she cry as it popped, her exposed bottom half soaked as everything went weak, the hero's masculinity no more as he was gently lowered to the ground. Only his tunic remained intact if stretched by his massive breasts, a flushed, panting heroine left groaning as her knees still trembled from the incredible rush of her first feminine orgasm. Purah could only sigh and shake her head.

"Great now I have to clean up your excretions before I can use it to. How the hell am I going to explain this mess?!"


"Yes Princess I know, my upgraded Pad is bursting with new features. Sorry you had to come all the way out here but I had to share."

"Purah what-"

"Not to mention the storage space! Why you could take pictures for a hundred days and never worry about running out of-"


"I am explaining! Please princess these features are-"

"I don't care about that blasted slate! What happened to my Link?!"

Goddess she couldn't stop staring, Zelda almost certain Link was larger than her both in height and girth. In fact his figure was incredible now, though there was no question on who else it could be currently standing around like nothing was wrong.

Purah supposed it was optimistic she could get past this without a discussion, and Zelda knew Link wasn't going to explain it. Purah wiped her glasses, trying to minimize as much as possible.

"Look there was an accident in the lab. Hardly the first time someone's body has been changed here."

"We have to save the realm Purah! What are we going to do?!"

Purah did not need this, especially after losing months of research and her maturity all in one shot. She needed to get started on reprogramming.

"I don't have to do anything! She's the one who went poking around in my lab! Besides it's not like she can't continue her quest! I did a full physical and she's in great shape! What was she going to slay Ganondorf with her dic-"

Zelda blushed, interrupting with a flustered, "L-Language Purah!"

Link just sighed in silence, lightly blushing. She watched as they argued back and forth, mostly wanting to get on with it since she was sure Purah could fix it after she did her own maturation. Besides he wouldn't mind having a bit of privacy to explore her new body since she hadn't gotten to fully enjoy herself, and all that servicing had made her more than a little curious in trying out a few ideas. She'd just have to wait for the argument finished, unsure what good any of it'd even do at this point. And people wondered why she liked staying quiet. Besides why waste time arguing when she had practice fighting and balance to adjust to? Link still found Zelda attractive at least, especially when she got all worked up, though the changes had definitely added some new proclivities to her as she zoned out, letting her mind wander. She wondered what Sidon would think the next time she visited...

