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"Aww Deku kun no need to be so tense! Truuust me this little internship thing will be a total blast yeah?"

Deku fidgeted nervously, unsure how to act in the presence of his current mentee. He had wanted to intern at Nighteye's place, but apparently there had been a special request for him which superseded his own preferences. He had wondered who it could have been for weeks, the hero wanting to keep it a surprise though now that he was here he was struggling to keep his heart under control.

"Are you blushing? How adorable. Is this your first time being with a woman Deku?"

"P-Please don't phrase it like- ah!"

For someone who kept it a secret, Mount Lady seemed to have no problems in how much she was revealing, her skin tight body suit leaving little to the imagination as she squeezed Deku into a tight hug, smiling suggestively. He was failing miserably at keeping his inappropriate thoughts in check, her perfume filling his nose making him dizzy, the squish of her breasts tantalizing as he clenched his thighs together, praying his stiffy wouldn't poke out and make the moment even more awkward. He wondered why she had chosen him, Deku not exactly hating her, but she was very low on his priorities of who to learn from, much preferring the heroics of others rather than her own specific brand of showy attention grabbing theatrics.

"Ah yes. Weakness to women, lack of fashion sense, terrible showmanship, inability to read the room and react. You have so much potential, but you lack the ability to capitalize on it. Don't worry cutie, I'll make sure to let it all grow. That's my specialty after all. Oh you were so captivating..."

"U-Uhm uh..."

Deku's mind was racing, his words failing as she continued to grip him, her touch turning more gentle, intimate. His face was beet red as she smirked, a helpless wreck in her grip, one she knew just what she wanted to do with. Before he could react, her lips were on his, something sweet filling his mouth as he groaned.

It only lasted a few seconds, Deku trembling as her tongue slid inside, that sweet flavor overwhelming all else. It burned how sweet it was, Deku left drooling and cooing blankly once their lips separated, Mount Lady letting him drop as she started taking a more academic approach to him.

"Hmm now where should I start? You captured so many people's attention during that festival and you have the know how to succeed for sure. Perhaps a makeover first to allure the audience."

It still tingled something fierce, but Deku fought through it, stammering out, "Y-You shouldn't do that! This is vewy inmmphrophri-"

That was weird. His lips felt swollen, though rather than pain there was an almost luscious warmth to them as he smacked them together, testing them as they continued to throb. He was drooling, partially from the weirdly trembling joints in his jaw, partially from how mesmerizing the swell was to run his tongue over, but mostly that sweet flavor left behind by her kiss, almost like it was spreading into his nose, his eyes, his bones trembling as his jaw popped open.

"Unngh ooh whahht ith thiiith?!"

Mount Lady didn't respond, all her attention zeroing in as she seemed to be inspecting his face, her fingers twitching as Deku felt his face crunch and stretch. He squealed, first his cheekbones growing up, giving a slender slant to his features as his eyes started to tear up. It was like they were pushing against his sockets, his lashes growing out one by one, his nose almost, w-was it sinking into his-



All at once his face seemed to pop, his nose sunken in, his eyes growing larger all the while his brain throbbed in his skull, something thrusting in as his dick poked against his hero suit's flexible fabric.

"Oooh m-my nose my lips m-my eyes what is going ahhn?!"

Word unconsciously spilled from his lips, Mount Lady smirking as she decided to give him an explanation since it was far too late to stop things now.

"C'mon Midoriya. You're smart can't you tell what's happening? Here I'll do your hair next."

His overgrown eyes fluttered, moans as pleased as they were confused tittering out as his usually messy green hair pulled from his scalp, fringing his vision as it spilled over his eyes.

"Ooh m-my hair is growing and it's becoming so silky and a-are those drills ahh~ ooh no why can't I stop talking?"

It wasn't that he necessarily couldn't stop talking, but it just felt good to, like he was speaking to an imaginary audience, his brain trembling as the compulsion to be more showy grew. His hair was like a blanket over him too, the bangs spiraling, the longer his hair grew the lighter the color as his dark green brightened to a muddy brown, then a light straw color. By the time it turned blonde, his brain had made the connection, a shocked "Y-You're turning me into you?!" confirmed by her own smug smirk.

"Wow you really are smart! And I can tell you're a fan if you could guess from just my hair lol. So many people oversimplify my quirk to JUST size change but I can increase more than just my size..."

Deku was hanging onto every word, not realizing how obsessed he was till she looked away. He squeaked a little when she turned back to him, her gaze running over his skin, Deku squirming as a warm spill dampened his underwear as he realized it was her attention he was craving.

"H-How?! What is- Aghhuuurk~!"

Mount Lady smiled at his clearly pleased gurgles, watching as his Adam's Apple bobbled up and down, beginning to sink.

"It's not too too difficult to understand. See, once I get enough of my essence in someone, I can make it grow. Right now I'm letting it saturate your whole being, fixing up your skin, styling your hair on top of other things. I know you noticed how much you love to talk now. All I did was take the pieces of your personality that craved attention and grew them. Same with all your pleasure centers. So this should feel..."



It was just a picture, a single dumb flash of her camera. And Deku couldn't hold back the waves of orgasmic bliss at being photographed, his cock unloading as it only took the knowledge of being photographed to cum. He was drooling, mindlessly smiling as his hands flicked back his hair, fingers shrinking to elegant stylers as his face naturally twisted to an alluring pose.

"Here put these on. They'll make you even cuter. Much better than that ugly bunny hood thing."

There was a tear as Deku desperately flung it off, discarding the hood he had had tailor made for him, eagerly putting on her mask and plastic horns as he posed for more pictures, squealing as each stylish pose made his mind melt further.

"Ooh these came out super nice. Here let me post them."

It was a break from the mind rending pleasure, Deku collapsing, his chest heaving as he realized just how bad this was, scared by the piece of himself that was disappointed he couldn't take more. It didn't help how unbearably sensitive his skin had become, scratching against his hero uniform maddeningly as he kept pulling at it, not realizing how much strength he was using.

To his horror the whole outfit tore, leaving him almost completely naked as the bisected outfit fluttered to the ground. There was something almost mesmerizing seeing his body laid out as it was, his skin noticeably paler and gleaming as his kinked body hairs fluttered away. His dick was so hard, twitching as the crop of hair around the base waxed off, something strange about the arousal as it dug inside, spreading inside, feeling so...

"Th-This isn't right! S-Stop this my thing's starting to feel weeeeird a-and it's nngh d-digging into my ooh~ m-my-"

He was now gripping his stomach, almost panting like a dog from how intense the threading need was as it continued to grow. Mount Lady seemed amused more than anything.

"Stop? This is for your own good. Besides you seem to be enjoying it. Doesn't my quirk feel amazing? Oh and I posted your cute headshot."

Deku tried not to look but it was too late, his eyes glued to her cute face. No... his cute face. That was him posing there, smirking at the camera. He looked so, "Cute I'm so hot here that's really me? I wonder how it's doing in the algorithmmm~ Ahh please no!" The numbers were rising, Deku unable to pull his eyes away, the small dopamine rushes of validation repeatedly battering his mind the higher they rose, his nipples perking as he gave a low moan, Mount Lady rubbing it in with a playful flick of his puffed up chest.

"Look you're already blowing up."

It was instant gratification, Deku's trembling from all the likes and comments, his innocent mind barely able to handle it as with every uptick in views, his chest had its own upticks, his eyes twitching as fat multiplied under his tender nipples. He knew it was a feedback loop, purposefully made to ensnare him into her own vices, that knowledge not doing him any favors as the bliss was too much to take. His balls felt tight as he moaned, any remaining cum left in them spilling out in repeatedly forceful orgasms, Mount Lady scrolling through comments on how cute everyone thought Deku was, how sexy, the fans further feeding the growing need for attention ingraining itself into his brain like an addiction.

"N-Nooo~ I-I can't juuuuust do one picture I need to do more and ooh~ m-make them even more- AGH stahhp brain stahhp ahhn ahh no gaaaawd can't think they're groooohwing!"

He tried pushing down the rising swell of his breasts, only serving to drain himself further, his feeble attempt at a reversal soon turning to self groping as he squeezed his surging a cups. Deyu was turned on by his own horny cries now, imagining what such a performance would do numbers wise if it was recorded, if he could have his fans relish every perverted, attention hungry-


There was a meaty sounding scrunch as his shoulders popped inwards, his bare shoulders pushing his chest further out, accenting their now massive size as thin spurts of bliss exited his cock. They were already so large, his body awkwardly balanced, yet he wanted them bigger, urging them on, pulling on his nipples, his quirk trembling as he begged them to keep growing as his spine helped by snapping into an exaggerated curve. He barely even minded when Mount Lady started posing him, relishing in the attention, feeling his quirk tremble as she posed him suggestively, his nipples rock hard under the bikini she tied him in, hushing his moans with a popsicle as each click of the camera made his brain quake.

Th-This was bad wasn't it? Deyu could tell his mind was giving into the urges, thoughts whispering how he always wanted validation didn't he? To be seen? Didn't he always want to grow his audience?

"Oh gaaawd ohmygaaawd something's uhhhn digging into my core and oooh~ nooo my whole body's super sensitive and anngh a-are you gonna use a filter on that pic cause I neeeeed it to goooo~ viraaahl!"

Mount Lady smiled back, looking pleased with all the excellent progress her protege was making.

"Good you're finally getting the point of all this. There's no point in being a hero if your work isn't seen is there? You sure ate up the camera before when you made the news. You pretended to dislike the press and the lights, but I could see the potential inside, yearning to break free."

At the word 'break' Eyu's hips splintered apart, his loud shrieks hiccuping from how amazing it felt as he watched her upload his racier pic, his ass pulsing in jealousy at how full his breasts were as his it swelled to be just as attention grabbing as his breasts. He just knew the bigger they got the more his fans would fawn over him, already imagining the upskirt shots they'd grab while he towered over them, feeling the city's attention all on him hir her-

Eyu spasmed, the arousal digging into his core, his brain half jelly from the barrage of likes, his thick ass smacking against the ground as he thrust against the air. His cock was trying to cum out something, something critical, the scars of his quirk long since replaced with moisturized, model ready skin, his muscles shifting about like worms as his toned core was gradually softening, the defined ridges more vague as an empty spurt of hot air left him. He realized it was his strength, his power, One For All draining from his body and pooling behind his cock. It twisted in his junk, jerking and penetrating him as he tried to hold on, and yet the thought of letting go sounded sooo~ good to him...

"You really don't need to be fighting this so much sis. I mean come on, we both know how good the attention feels. Besides, it's not like you really needed that quirk. It was really hard on your complexion riiiight?"

She was waving the posted pic in his face, Eyu's brain struggling to resist the allure of numbers going up, parts of his mind were already making excuses. After all, All Might despite his heroism was the most popular right? He had a catchphrase so clearly he must have loved the attention. S-So would it really be so bad to just let it-


It only took a little give for things to snowball, Eyu feeling his quirk and muscle swell inside his cock, the rubbery muscle and genetic material spilling out from his dick, pale spandex cumming out as it splashed over his stomach and spilled down his thighs. It was all so forcefully blissful, the liquified spandex solidifying over his waist, squeezing it as more muscle gushed out. His midsection was becoming toned in a different way, the strangling tightness of the forming uniform rewarding every narcissistic thought for attention, showing off the fresh curves he had just gained as his spine popped and grew.

The pure dopamine of seeing his pic go viral couldn't be overstated, nearly as good as the tight squeeze of her uniform over his breasts, his balls dowsed in tightening spandex as his thickened ass and swollen thighs made it dig deep between them. He was sliding into depravity, unable to help how good it felt, how nice it was to be acknowledged, more concerned about reading the comments than his own crushed balls as his innards stirred. He only needed the smallest of pushes, Mount Lady smirking as she flipped to her phone's camera, putting it in his hands on selfie mode. He couldn't do what his body was screaming for, knowing there would be no going back once he took one himself. Y-Yet his thumb was moving to the button, his, h-her face was posing so seductively at the-


If it wouldn't have ruined the pictures she'd be drooling, Yu unable to stop herself as she snapped pic after pic, posing more and more suggestively the longer it went on. Her quirk fully came out, gigantification all that was left as both of her balls squeezed inside to the rhythm of her constant selfie fest. If anything it made her expressions only sexier, a few selfies definitely too nsfw for her usual sites as her balls thrust and folded inside her, thighs smushing her cock between their girth and the tight push of full body latex. There was just one small thing left to take care of.

She had so many good options to choose from, but wanted more. In the end she put the phone on a timer and posed, Mount Lady clapping at the choice as Yu swiveled her cock out of frame, letting her fans see just how voluptuous her new body was with a flash of the camera. She groaned, already feeling her cock beginning to give, the base of it shrinking in as she uploaded her newest masterpiece. Her confidence issues seemed to have drained with her masculinity as she turned notifications on, palming the phone against her cock as the constant barrage of likes and shares sent her over the edge.

"Ohhh~ yesss! Our luhhhvely faaaans!"

Her phone was a vibrator and piledriver, servicing her cock as her quirk forced it to shrink, the latex so tight it barely separated her tip from the screen as her own popularity fucked it inside. All her pleasure was condensing, her tip sealed as clear liquids spilled from a widening gap, the spreading chasm slurping up her cock with ease as she dug the phone inside, feeling it buzz against her freshly minted clit as she came away the last of her doubts. It wasn't like she had forgotten who she was, it was just being ingrained how much better this was in her body with every pleasurable buzz of her phone, Mount Lady smirking at how quick on the uptake her new protege was...

A few months later and Mount Madame was basking in the limelight, the hidden twin sister of Mount Lady instantly becoming a great sensation amongst the general populace. Every now and then her sister had to dodge some questions, since apparently her old self's internship hadn't been on record hence the secrecy. But that was for other people to worry about, any moral worries always squashed the second she went out there, feeling the eyes of her admirers, the scared look of villains as twin giants towered over them. It turned out most petty criminals lost the nerve for crime once a 30 story woman glared at them. Plus having twins made for even more scandalous photoshoots between them, always skirting the line and teasing Midnight in their rising popularity as the premiere showy heroines of society.

"Ready for another successful press conference?"

"Only if they give me the most angles."

"Attention whore."

"Well I learned from the best."

She was a far cry from the camera shy, innocent fool she had been before, soaking in the press as her pro career continued its impressive rise. She might have lost the quirk, but her body was most certainly one for all to admire as the two sisters enjoyed the perks of another job well done.


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