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Caden felt exhausted as he stumbled through the dimly lit store, random Halloween costumes with too high a price tag. This was stupid, the overworked company drone drained of all motivation, not even wanting a costume, but the corporate at his tech company had made it very clear that every employee was expected to be festive for morale.

"Do it for the family here."

What a croc of shit.

They were blurring the more he looked through, weeks of shortened sleep schedules leaving him almost permanently with bags, a half dazed glaze to his expression that made him look half like a zombie. He certainly felt like the walking dead, his apartment a mess, exhaustion stopping him from more than cursory upkeep as he sleepwalked from one shift to the next, his weekends largely just catch up sleep. Finally he just walked up to the cashier, unwilling to put the work into googling for another store in the area and driving there, just wanting to get home and rest.

"Hey, have anything cheap? Like a bargain bin?"

The girl up front was a classic goth in a witch's outfit, decked in piercings, tats and one of those piercing glares that seemed to look through a person to their marrow. She looked him up and down, grinning.

"You look dead already. Why not embrace and become the lord of death itself? Become the grim reaper muhahah-"

"Nice schtick but I just need a costume."

"Aisle six, look for the pink box. It was defective so you can have it for free."

He paused, half expecting her to laugh at him, not believing he'd luck out like this, but she didn't recant, shooing him away with a slightly intimidating know-it-all smirk. The smirk didn't drop from her face as he shuffled away, finding a thick plastic square with a rather average skull mask and black robe on the front.


He yelled out, unsure how you could fuck up something so basic.


It was a fair point, and fucking off sounded good so he left and drove home.

Casually nibbling on his lip to stay awake, he made his way back fairly quick, feeling something approximating happiness as he pulled the costume in. He kept wondering what made it defective, surprised by the heft it carried for what was supposed to just be a slip of black fabric and a cheap rubber mask. Moving to his bedroom, he undid the thin plastic seal after some fiddling to find it, upending the contents only to be confused by the first pieces that fell out.

Already that felt wrong, there being... pieces? It should have been a black cloak and a mask, but there were gleaming bands of gold around black silk. No that couldn't be silk, this shit was free. There was no way he got something quality for noth-


He rolled it between his fingers, the edge of the detached sleeve mesmerizingly luxurious, the texture alone one he couldn't get enough of. It gave his skin that chills feeling like a whisper of cold air on the nape of his neck, or a chat only ASMR stream. He didn't know where that latter thought came from, absentmindedly teasing his fingers into the edge of the sleeve, the chilling numbness spreading like a narcotic through his skin as his pasty complexion paled further under the sleeve.

He was breathing heavy, finding excitement building as his hand wormed its way through the sleeve, barely feeling as his fingers spread longer, thinner, his knuckles shedding all their hair as the sleeve slid up to his elbow, his hand popping out as he gave a pleased sigh. The cool touch of it raised goosebumps over the now bound arm, Caden feeling it tighten, yet no pain accompanied the sudden squeeze. Just a blissful chill that dove into the muscle, slowly smoothing it. It left his voice giving an almost breathy lilt to it as the paltry muscle toned to something plush, but firm. Something was wrong with this, his knuckles cracking slimmer, his palms smooth and dainty. Weren't her nails longer? And where was her death polish?

There was some grime under his left hand's fingernails, or at least he thought, the dark smudges spreading, the whole nail soon glossy black as they extended slightly. It left his hands pristine beyond a few subtle calluses where she gripped the mic or... ugh again. His thoughts felt a bit fluttery, his left hand crawling over to one of the gold bangles that had fallen down, slipping them on as for a second he panicked. Why was he stretching when she had to be nice and limber for stream. Like yeah, sitting around all day got you sore and stuff.  What was he talking abou-


"Nngh! Ooh that's the stuff..."

His left shoulder popped, soreness fading as the golden rings slid snugly over his biceps, shrinking them as he gave an aroused purr, his cock twitching. There was still that strong feeling of something being off, his right hand looking kind of lame as he grabbed a mismatched open sleeve, this one a full arm's length and not just up to the elbow. He didn't even realize he was moaning as he slid it on, just loving the way the sheer tulle sleeve caressed his arm, such soft soft fabric subtly shaping his arm and fingers to match as he eased the elastic end up and let it snap around his arm. The soft smack shuddered through the muscle, slender, manicured fingers popping out as the comforting chills continued to tease his cleared skin, pale flesh shining under the soft light of his bedroom.

He had to put the rest of her outfit on. No, costume. Outfits were for work and he worked at an idol agency. Or something like that. He really should put on more of it, just the arms feeling euphoric. He shook the bag once more, ready for anything, though even in his suggestive stage, he couldn't quite understand the singular legging that slipped out, clearly meant for a world class reaper. She bet they would look absolutely amazing for them…

He couldn't shake the desire to put it on, his eyes drawn into the sheer stocking, the black shimmering under the light as he moved it back and forth, breathing heavily as he rubbed the smooth fabric. Without thinking he was sliding it down his body, moaning as his clothes seemed to dissolve, revealing his base model. Soon he was completely nude save the sleeves, casually jerking his stiffy in one hand with the stocking, marveling at the slippery feel of it. This was so wrong, he couldn't do something so yabai. Besides she didn't want to make a mess of her outfit! It'd be so much better to just slip it on-

"Ohh~ fuck oh god damn OH OHH~!"

Whatever kind of trance Caden had been in had ended with his foot half slid into the legging, the fabric caressing his flesh, his hands letting go as he rolled backwards onto the bed as the pulsating fabric wriggled its way up his thrashing leg. It gripped his foot for purchase, massaging his sole as his toes popped cutely. It slid up, tightening as the numbing squeeze of fabric shaped his foot to match the women's apparel, the lip of it forcing his calf to jiggle as it continued crawling. Given how he usually sat at a desk all day for her lovely deadbeats.

It was weird how much stronger his calf felt as the legging slipped up to his knee, long lusty groans echoing as muscle and fat were shaped into it, a toned curve forcing the bone to stretch to accommodate its leggy beauty and dance classes duh as the rest of it wrapped around his thigh with the tenderness of a lover before gracing him with unspeakable bliss. He was naked save for the articles on him, each one giving him that pleasant chill, his thigh in particular tingling as it dove deep into the muscle and marrow, one hand over his mouth to stifle his own horny cries while the other switched between jerking his erect dick and squeezing the thickening thigh, unsure which felt better.

He thrashed about, unable to handle the feeling of his thigh swelling, chat's use of thicc becoming justified as the lip of his thigh high continued to squeeze and tease his changed leg. Caden couldn't stop playing with it, loving the feel as all hairs on it vanished, leaving it almost as smooth as the legging and armlets. He thrashed about, ready to cum already. There was that voice trying to order some restraint, but he wasn't having it, the need to cum so strong that he didn't care how it'd ruin her seiso image he needed it! In his thrashing however the costume bag was jostled, a tiara connected to a long, fluttering veil tumbling out as he bucked and writhed. His new hands felt so good on his cock, the hairs at the base corkscrewing inside as he stroked it, moaning as precum welled at the tip, threatening to spill over onto his stocking as his lopsided thigh rubbing was primed to bring him over the-



His fingers twitched, slowly unclenching around his cock, Caden dizzy and feeling a dissatisfied throb in his balls that was getting worse, and yet his fingers were disobeying the need. Something fluttered over his pleasure tightened features, feeling as delicate as spiderweb, the material gently cupping his cheeks, rubbing his stubble away. The voice was louder, projecting itself over the crowd of her host's whining. If she could rap over her fans she could definitely overpower one guy's desires. Still he WAS impossibly horny, but every instinct was greeted with a metallic squeeze on his skull, the veiled tiara of the costume rolled into amidst his thrashing, his poorly maintained head of hair combed by the veil as dandruff and grease was shed, along with its black coloration. He moaned, feeling the pressure amp inside his skull, almost like it was being strained as his skull crunched, his eyebrows pink and stylish as fuck as the tiara scrunched his forehead tighter, the grim reaper's rad thoughts pouring in.

His moans were muffled, the veil closing around his head, his features being rubbed and shifted by the see through material, the blissful numbness delving deep into his brain. The thoughts were spilling in faster than he could process, almost like chat when they were worked up over something. God she could only imagine the kinds of things her deadbeats would say if they could see her like this. The stern look that formed on his face was softened by the shifting of his veil, his nose crimped cuter, a rosy tint filling his cheeks as he continued to grunt and moan, the heat from his stiffy distracting him from his idol thoughts, like how nice his cherry conditioner smelled.

"AGH Ohh~ fuck!"

She really didn't care to curse too much in her music, but irl was a different story, her eyes watering as a brutal throb swelled in her balls, his eyes stinging as they pulsed outwards. It looked like he burst a vessel from how fast his dull brown irises erupted into a deep pink, his moans raspy as the veil let go of his feminized face, the pulses of Idolry and hololive terms of service letting his older thoughts leak out as silk spilled over his shoulders and further, the softness nearly sending him over as his left hand scrabbled into the costume bag without his awareness.

He thought it was her veil at first but running his right through it found something far thicker and maintained than the thin slip of fabric attached to her tiara. He shifted it in front, seeing his black hair long and gleaming with conditioner, the veins of pink not alarming him as they spread to the tips, Calli just cooing as the scent of wine, cherries and sakura petals eased her into the bliss, a serene look on her face as her pink hair spilled down to her waist. This all felt right, but his cock was ruining the moment with its needy whining, dinging like a needy superchat. Thankfully she found what she needed, pulling out a black thong from the bag.

For a second he just stared at it, confused. Like why would a guy wear this? Though chat did meme her into a dad, though she knew from all the fanart how they really felt. But wasn't he a guy? God his head felt fuzzy, he'd never be able to rap her usual speed if her thoughts were this cloudy. He gave another warbly groan, the throbbing in his balls insistent, desperate, his own breathing hitched as the need to jerk off was maddening. His fingers felt so good too, but the panties would feel even better. They would?

He held them out, still not finding it entirely right, though his thigh high clad right leg did feel like it'd slip right in. It was the left that felt off, the stubby toes, the sparse but still visible hairs that occasionally dotted his body. He just thought it'd all look weird with panties, awkwardly slipping his toes into the gaps to see if he was-


The thong was like a barrier to masculinity, the lip of it resting above his ankles as his bare foot had thinned and feminized instantly. Black polish gleamed from slender toes, his hands letting go as he raised his legs. All that toned muscle helped as he squealed, letting the panties slide up as his calf lengthened and curved. Years of performing and dancing were filling his bare leg with strength, the panties sculpting perfection as his moans grew needier by the second.

When they slipped past his knees there was a crunch, his hips feeling awkward, knees angled together into an angle that made the brush of his thigh against his ball all the more hard to resist, thickening drops pooling and sliding down his tip as the further the panties fell the more right it felt. His thin thigh agreed, the flesh desperate to feel their slide, any bony lanky segments bubbling much to his bliss as his thigh gap swelled shut. He was sliding past the edge as the leg made the wide panty loops tighten, squashing the cock between them as the panties cupped his groin and squeezed.

"Oooh fuck fuck f-HUUUUCK~!"

The thong was doing things he could barely even describe, the front fully draped over his cock, rubbing and caressing each inch, angling it upwards. He was going to burst, about to cover the rest of the costume in his-

"N-OHHHP~ I-I Wohhh~n't GAAAAH!"

The panties twisted right, his legs battering his cock in the quick turn as it peeked out the tip, feeling a warm gush spill out, his voice cracking with ecstasy as his seed spilled to the carpet of his room. At least she'd be able to claim it was a wine stain if it didn't come out, but she had to make less of a mess.

Caden was completely out of it, drowning in bliss, the strongest orgasm of his entire life chaining as the tight g string of the thong began buzzing and threading between his balls and ass. His changed legs were almost puppeted by the clothing, the stocking moving his right leg off the bed, the left following, this involuntary motion not mattering nearly as much as her thick ass thighs giving her special little P-O-G champ one hell of a last show. Weirdly he knew somehow it could be better, memories of her yabai-


It was like his panties were protecting her idol purity, not letting those memories be accessed as his cock trembled back at full mast. Thankfully he was in the bath- the idol meeting room, the easier to clean linoleum letting her grunt as the panties jerked his cock away from the cloth, gush after gush of cum splattering on the floor of his shower. It wasn't enough, the tight squeeze of the thong buzzing against his asshole, her hands letting the panties take care of that thing as his nails instead focused on the disappointing expanse barely hugged by it. She had more of a bulge in the front than the back right now and that wasn't right. It didn't take much for his fingers to start massaging his ass, his moans groaning deeper as the g string plunged into his throbbing asshole.


The string sent the same kind of bliss as the other pieces, only these were ramming straight into his g spot, his moans getting all the more needy as the organ grinded against his hips. All her dance training was coming to her again, Calli's hips slowly spreading the harder her g string sawed against her g spot. The slow, sensual hip grinds made her horny groping feel even better, her thumbs pinching weak muscle and squeezing it firm, her other fingers rolling it as they slowly made her ass grow to its proper shape.

The string was getting tighter the larger his ass grew, stuck between his balls as it flossed the crevice. Each crack of his hips made the tender g spot inside struggle, warp, the clutch of the thong forming a new kind of pleasure as each spread eased his balls into a forming gap as their bulge began to shrink. It didn't help how amazing his ass felt as her fingers danced along it, spanking every now and then as the jiggle physics of her new 3D model were set to what she wanted. The more it swelled the easier it was to grope, palmfuls of ass jiggling as the back half of her thong was swallowed by her rising cake, her fingers tensing as they cupped her cheeks before giving a strong pull.

Drool spilled from his lips, an almost strangled gurgle leaving him as the pressure change made his g spot pop, her womb spilling heat into her core like she had gone hard on a wine drinking stream, the pleasure alone enough to make her feel drunk as the last of his semen spilled out. Each spurt was rougher than the last, Calli grunting as his balls were ground into her throbbing innards, the tight cup of them slipping as her spurts grew clearer by the second. Oh fuck oh god he could feel them splitting him, they were almost gone, boiling as the panties clenched, his hands giving his ass a squeeze as he, a-as she-


Calli came, feeling her former balls spread inside her hips, her knees giving in as she Guh'ed in a kneeling position. The panties expertly aimed her cock, not letting a drop of the depleted semen hit her precious outfit. She continued playing with her ass, groaning as her cum ran clear, another minute of lubed stroking even making that stream dry up as she gasped. The panties slid up her cock in one fluid motion, squeezing it, the horny reaper giving a shriek as her tip was sealed, the thong now forcing her cock inside as it rubbed and pushed deeper into her throbbing pussy.


She spread her thighs, the string of her thong shifting slightly to avoid the cum spilling from the slit at the base of her cock, the lubricant making it all the easier for her scythe to fold inside. Each 'little death' built to a larger one, Calli groaning as she made an ahegao lewd enough to spawn at least ten dakis on her merch store, giving one final GUH as the thong palmed her cock inside. It thrashed a bit before melting, one massive orgasm rocking her body as she felt it stab into her pussy, her new clit teased by the buzz of her thong till she came out every last speck of masculinity still floating around her system.

Well not everything, her nipples pert but tiny, the half dressed reaper sighing as she looked at her still male abdomen. She did kind of look like C Man like this, just with a fat ass, though she was almost finished with her new model, sliding a manicured nail into her slit as she cooed, teasing her slit, wondering if she could match the stream she had done just a few minutes- WAIT FUCK THE STREAM!

The past hour was kind of fuzzy, but even if she was away on a trip she had promised a stream and she had almost forgotten. Plus it was the debut of her special 3D model too so she couldn't let her deadbeats down. Admittedly this model was a lot more... hands on than she was expecting, feeling a lot more horny, though given Ame had apparently been behind it, some gremlin behavior shouldn't be all that surprising. And she was excited to put her reaper dress on, her nipples pulsing with need. A washboard didn't suit her. She wasn't Gura after all.

"Sorry Gura."

She muttered the apology as she pulled the last part of her costume out, an ornate gothic dress with adjustable belt and bodice, the spiked cape slightly frayed by design. Why she had put the other stuff on before the main piece she couldn't say, but boy did it feel nice to have the real thing in her hands. It took a bit to slip on, her tiara needing some maneuvering to slip through the neck gap even with the choker fully loosened and her arms popped out the wrong holes twice, but it slid over her body like a glove... An awkwardly sized glove. It was loose in the chest, tight in the waist, but she hardly cared, the reaper dress buzzing against her skin almost immediately, Mori giving a long sultry moan as the white belt suddenly tightened, the loose fitting top humming as gold buttons mashed it against her nipples, and began to suck.

For a second she did wonder if this was right, since she was basically a cute tomboy girl, though she wasn't small and it only took three pulls from the fabric on her nipples to get her moaning like she was doing a lewd penalty after losing in a collab. She guh'ed and guffawed, half grunting it out as the belt squeezed her waist, forcing it to curve, to crunch, the rest of the dress buzzing as it happily shaped her crumbling body to a bustier form. It was a blissful massage, the silk tenderly smoothing her form, her shoulders popped and rolled rounder, tinier, her thighs squeezed together to stem the heat spilling down her thighs as the suctioned pull of the bodice ever so slowly began to rise.

Her chest was being given life after the death of so much mass and muscle, her waist toned and slim, her spine making a brutal sounding crunch that only made her ecstasy build as her chest was thrust out. Everything lost was grappled by the fabric, eased under her rising breasts, teasing the pink nipples as her cup sizes continued to go down the alphabet. She was a mess as it surged, the dress groping her tiny beestings, her modest breasts, her jiggly melons, her her-


She felt a bit dizzy as the pleasure died down, the once oversized top now stretched to its limit, her nipples perked and plucked to large discs that tensed with the exaggerated bouncing of her new girls. Her thong was soaked, but she didn't think chat would mind too much. Besides with how tired she was feeling, she didn't think she'd be doing too many dance moves for the stream, though after all the seiso deadbeats had left... A blush colored her cheeks pink as she smiled, ready to set up her equipment.

It didn't take long, her former bed turned into a gothic throne for her new model, the former costume bag now a plastic wrap around the velvet chair, which she promptly tore off, not wanting to look like a grandma. She set up her camera, her overlay and most importantly some wine, filling up a glass as her scheduled premiere ticked down to 0, the stream ready to start. She hoped the other girls had had as much fun downloading their new 3d skins as much as she did, the spooky winds of Oct- Well she was late so it was more like November but it was still Halloween night. Either way, she definitely had to chat with them later to see if their nights were as eventful...

"Alright alright I'm here chat! It's- HEY! Stop with all the late dad comments! I had a few issues with setup that needed fixing! Anyways I hope all my Deadbeats are ready for an unforgettable stream! I know I've had my fun though I'm DEAD tired now. Well you know what they say, Memento Mori... Calliope."

And with that pun a new era of Mori Calliope's vtubing career had begun, hoping her deadbeats would love the change just as much as her as she sipped her wine and began reading off superchats, her fatigue and burnout as dead as her previous identity.



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