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(Wow this ended up being my longest story to date. Sorry for the delays this month, but I hope this 5 in 1 tg makes up for it.)

A wave of abject horror swept over the girls of the Investigation Team as they wrapped up their latest dungeon clear, the team exhausted by the uptick in shadows recently. It was like there was some obvious thing coming up that’d raise students’ anxiety. The dots not fully connecting till the moment they were preparing to exit, Kanji innocently asking, “So any of you get any good chocolates? I always love the wrappers they use for Valentine’s Day. Last year I got these doily wrappers that-

It was like an attack that only hit the girls, each of them giving a panicked look at each other as the guys chit chatted, laughing in a pathetic way about striking out this year. And when the last one had closed out of the midnight channel, the anxiety began.


All of them shrieked it out, besides Marie who jumped at the collective anguish. She didn’t have memories of the concept, so she stayed silent and listened as the girls tore at their hair. Rise panicked at her watch, whining about how the stores were all closed at this hour. Chie offered to make chocolate for them all but it was unanimously turned down, leading to her sulking. Marie watched as a literal cloud of anxiety shimmered over them, interested as it moved to a corner of their patch of the TV World, forming into a few sets of chocolate. Marie herself was anxious over the ritual, worried it was a life or death situation that demanded chocolate or death, her own box forming alongside as she grabbed them all up, presenting them with a slight blush.

Um, is this what you all needed?

She paused, almost not asking the second bit, but she swallowed her pride and meekly asked, “Wh-What is this for exactly?

The despair suddenly turned to joy at the sight, Chie jumping up high, Rise hugging Marie tight as she nearly sang out in joy.


Hey who said you could get Yu?!

A small argument broke out then, Marie shrinking back as the girls one by one snatched their own box. Naoto was blushing when she grabbed hers, the only one not arguing as she stuttered out, “U-Um it’s a tradition where you give sweets to someone of the opposite- Er no it can be whoever you just have to be uh, into them… R-Romantically.”

Clearly despite sounding so pedantic this was serious business, the serious Naoto fidgeting nervously at it. Marie nodded as she gripped her own box, wondering what to do with it. Somehow it never came up just where the chocolates came from, each girl’s anxieties made physical, filled equally with lust and a strong desire. Be mine completely.

Overnight the candies continued to absorb all of their holder's desires and wants, becoming ever more potent, the nervous cocktail of girls embarrassed by being late and the want of approval perfect for the shadow formed confections. It didn't help that two of the girls were aiming for Yu, a veritable bloodbath of rivalry keeping the chocolates filled with creamy identity as they argued over Line for half the night. There was actually a third girl interested in him, but she wouldn't have taken part in such a squabble.

Marie mostly spent the night pacing the TV World, pondering how she was even meant to take part in the ritual. She knew if she could she'd have given it to Yu, but that was far too direct for her. She'd have possibly practiced with Teddie but he was apparently in his human form and staying over at one of the boys's houses. Then again, she'd rather drop dead than make that annoying pun making mascot think she had any inkling of interest in him. She tried writing up a poem to express how she felt to wrap around the box, but each one was cringier than the last, frustrating her further. Sooner than she imagined it was morning, the old CRT's at Yasogami High giving her a window as students began to arrive. She just had to time it perfectly, perhaps the lunch break when people cleared out?

Outside the main gates, an odd passive aggressive headbutting was playing out, Rise and Chie both half grinding against each other as they speed walked to class. Rise blamed herself for yelling it out her plan earlier, her energetic friend equally as smitten with Yu, though for once Rise was happy to play into her outspoken self, refusing to give in any ground to the energetic tomboy.

"Weren't you fine with losing before? Not everything's a competition Chie!"

"There's no way my sense of justice would let me leave Yu with a dangerous woman like you!"

"Fine, let's decide this at lunch before we say anything we'd regret. Whoever gets to him first wins."

Chie pumped her fist into a thumbs up, certain that she'd win. Sure Rise had her idol stuff, but Chie could outrun her any day. She'd just have to stretch a bit before the bell rang in a few hours, but Yu was as good as hers. She beamed in her green tracksuit, smiling past Yu as she took her seat. She couldn't wait to finally-

"Senp- I mean Yu-kun, please accept my feelings!"

The whole classroom turned, Yu looking half dazed, eyes darting from the box to Rise and back.

"Uh... I know I've helped you great-"

Rise knew in certain situations he could be a bit dense so she made sure there was no possible way to misunderstand.

"These aren't obligation chocolates for what you've done to me. I-"

There was the briefest of pauses, Rise suddenly remembering why you weren't supposed to buy chocolates for Valentine's, but weirdly enough the box was how she'd have made it anyways, even tied up in a yellow bow. Where had Marie even gotten these from? No, she couldn't pause now, that didn't matter. She was already betraying Chie, she had to go on the attack!

"-would like to go out with you!"

Chie slumped in her seat, the fight all gone from her, a part of her having to admit it was smart to launch a surprise attack. Though she'd definitely be giving Rise hell for this soon.

At the same time Chie slumped, the corner tv suddenly sparked, a tiny crack running along the corner as Marie tore up her half finished poem. There was no sense of direction, she just needed to let out steam, frustrated that she had let her reluctance hold her back once more, pausing as she let out a screech. She was quite sick of this holiday she decided, chucking her chocolates out of a random screen with no care for who would get it. It wasn't like she needed candy to validate her feelings anyways! By chance they flew out of a high standing old tv hanging in the local police holding area, the angle perfectly lining it up as it landed surprisingly lightly on the desk of a certain detective…

Back in school, Chie could at least console herself that she wouldn't be alone in the losers club. She knew Yukiko like the back of her hand and while things had changed, there was no one who was really quite the right match for her. Yu could've if he laid more charm on her but thankfully he wasn't a creep like that. But for the second time that day, she was utterly shocked, though none could be more shocked than Yosuke when Yukiko elegantly pulled out her own box tied with a red bow and gave it to him.

"Eh? R-Really?!"

She looked almost offended.

"Do you not want them then?"

Yosuke clutched them to his chest, proudly beaming as he stuttered through a quick apology, looking like a lovesick puppy to Chie as her mood worsened.

She turned to let off some steam with Naoto, but while everyone was focused on Yosuke making a self deprecating fool of himself, Naoto was whispering something to a blushing Kanji, Chie only catching bits of it as she saw the bulge of a blue chocolate box in Naoto's uniform pocket. It was enough to get the gist as she looked sourly at her lunch. Was she really going to be the only one to not give away her chocolates?! She could tell Rise was throwing her a worried look, but it wasn't like she could help this time. She was half the cause of it anyways.

As the second half of the day rolled over, Chie contemplated any number of things with her chocolates, fingering the green and yellow bow, torn between either eating them herself or tossing them into the trash. As the final bell rang, she got ready to pack her stuff up, deciding on the latter, grumbling as she followed the rest outside only to be almost run into by a flamboyantly dressed blonde.

"Ah I can feel your sadness bear-ing down on me like a bearitable crusher! What's wrong my beautiful Chie?!"

She went to punch Teddie's human form, already past her boiling point only to realize she had used the hand holding her chocolates, everyone staring at the impromptu confession to a weirdo.

"Wait! Could this be?! A token of your adoration?! And here I thought I'd end up bearied under your hard to get act for longer! Ah! Your feelings! No paws to think needed I accept!"

Chie was blushing furiously, up till she heard some of the mutterings going around her, some commenting how he looked hot, wondering if he was some foreign prince.

"Kumakichi... I- Eh screw it. Sure they're yours."

She was thankful that most of the school didn't know who he was, happy that she wasn't the only old maid without a person to give her chocolates away to. That self satisfaction lasted about as long as it took for her to turn back to her friends, the reactions ranging from confusion to disgust. Yukiko was laughing, though it was probably more at Teddie's outfit and puns than her, but it still stung.

"...you know I think I need a day off. Yukiko come!"

She dragged her still laughing friend away from the group, needing someone to vent to.

"Er, I should probably go after them. I think I should at least clear the air with Chie before things worsen."

This left Yu, Yosuke and Teddie alone, the trio heading to their usual hangout at the mall, walking fast as Teddie continued to make a fool of himself.

"My sweet Chie finally admitted it! I'm beary happy all my persistence has paid off! I must taste her affection!"

He popped two into his mouth, a protein packed chocolate ball with pop rocks exploding in his mouth, Teddie shivering at the powerful flavors, sighing as a few light brown hairs popped up from his scalp, a pleasureful buzz in his extremities buzzing as his nails grew, light green polish dotting his toes as the trio made it to the Junes Department store.

Adachi awoke to a thump, whipping his head around expecting his partner to come in scolding him for napping on the clock again. Surprisingly no one was there, confusing him as he looked around again, slower. He finally noticed the box atop a pile of papers, red black and white with a black ribbon tying it together. Had he taken this off one of his potential victims? No he'd have remembered that, in fact it'd been rather boring, a lot of his potential targets frequently leaving their usual patterns, making it hard to strike. It definitely wasn't one of the other cops, Adachi's persona the spitting image of complete incompetence and laziness. He opened it, not planning to eat any, but the sight of the white chocolate striped hearts beckoned to him, popping one into his mouth before he even knew what he was doing.

It was... shit how to describe it. It wasn't quite delicious, no the white and dark chocolate stripes mixed with some other flavor, the whole thing kind of gelling together, yet also not? He tapped his pencil against a legal pad he was writing half written observations on, half of it doodles since it was his own case anyways. It was... fragrant? Bittersweet? Fruity?

"Rrgh no! That's not it!"

It was rare for him to get this worked up over something so trivial, so boring. He popped another in, licking his lips as they plumped, that weird jagged flavoring bothering him as words flowed into his brain, almost dizzying as snatches of poetic language haphazardly combined in his head. He pulled at his hair, his dark hair turning darker to a jet black, the length only increasing the tiniest as the oily locks silkened under his annoyed grip. This feeling he got was torturous, ever shifting, even erotic as he felt a bit of stiffness in his pants, popping another chocolate in as his nipples grew harder with every chew. He had to write it out lest it drive him insane, this flavor it wasn't just ordinary it was, it was... Poetic!

Kanji and Naoto were quietly blushing, hand in hand. The two awkwardly fumbled for the right words, even though they had already come to an understanding earlier at lunch, Naoto still felt nervous as she pulled out her box.

"Er, would it be alright i-if I fed you? That's what couples do yes?"

Kanji nodded, surprised at how soft she was speaking.

"I-I think so. People didn't approach me much so uh-"

He didn't want to mention how many romance shows he had burned through during his suspensions in the past, often making crafts for the lead girls when trying out new designs. Admittedly he usually related more to the female leads than the males in those, imagining himself feeding the girl he loved chocolates, not that he'd mention that to anyone. He still couldn't believe that this was real, expecting to awake any moment as the girl he'd been crushing on for months undid the blue ribbon, simple brown hearts on display as she fed him one.

The blush only grew redder as the bitter exterior opened up to a caramel center, some raspberry at the very core making it sparkle on his tongue as a dizzying wave of bliss overtook him. He had never had something quite like this, his skin tingling as the small hairs stood on end, the feminine tastes bursting out feeling freeing, making him a bit more daring as one by one his skin cleared of imperfections, patches of smoothness spreading. Though the dazed silence made Naoto nervous.

"Is it alright? I apologize if they weren't-"

"It was perfect!"

He popped another into his mouth to show how good it was, the sugar high spreading along his mouth, his throat, his shoulders feeling a bit sore as he moved them around.

"Would it be okay if I fed you one too?"

Naoto nodded, hoping she was doing this right as she opened her mouth, Kanji blushing further at how cute she was as he placed one on her tongue. She bit down, moaning as an odd vertigo overtook her, her head swimming before calming down as she smiled.

"Let’s go sis."

Teddie felt strange, his member hard, his skin positively abuzz with the plucking of hairs and smoothing of skin as he cooed between mouthfuls of chocolate. Was this what love felt like? He heard it could kumake a man go crazy, but he never knew it would feel this good, his fingers thinning as he licked off chocolate, his toes crinkling together as they shrank. Mmm~ no wonder the other members of the investigation team loved being human so much, this felt intoxicating, the inner heat filling his chocolate covered stomach almost un*bear*ably potent as he groaned, feeling something shift, a slithery sort of movement that didn't feel right, but he'd be damned if it didn't feel good. Still his head was swimming, perhaps he should go back to his usual form before-


Something wet dribbled out his cock, full patches of his blonde hair painted brown like a dead patches of wheat. There was the shifting in his stomach again, a few more pleasured groans as he nearly stumbled, ignored by Yu and Yosuke as they entered into the TV World ahead of him. Ahh~ this love stuff was really strong wasn't it? Even now he felt another shudder in that odd shaft between his thighs, the liquids spewing out coating his upper thighs, feeling *bear*y tight as-

"Ugh Kumakiiiichi needs to lay off the puns..."

Teddie shook his head, confused at the sudden lack of interest in his own puns, the thought giving him *paws* as- Another shudder, the upthrusted back bangs of his hair flattening to a bowl cut as he shuffled towards the tv. He'd feel better in there in his own body, his real *female bod-* Ugh more strange thoughts. He slid through the barrier, the uniform of his true form slipping over as he passed through, though even that felt strange, his blue block foots shaping to skin tight socks, the color blanching as inside feet he didn't usually have slendered and shrank, the blue tufts at the top of his mascot suit spilling out brown as a most peculiar pleasure fell over him.

Yu and Yosuke were used to Teddie's peculiarities, his lack of social skills not making them even blink when he started making odd noises that could be misconstrued as sexual though it was likely just a new quirk in his long list of them. Instead Yu was more focused on the unopened box in Yosuke's hand, surprised to see the bow not even loosened.

"I'm shocked you had the self control to not eat them already."

Yosuke looked up, his cheeks blushing as he fiddled with the bow.

"Look she's the girl of my dreams and waaay out of my league. And she's all proper and pretty and amazing..."

They crossed the barrier, Yu urging him on.


"But since she's proper and this box is very her, she probably home cooked it right? And uh, well I'm scared that when I open it, it'll be Mystery Food X flavored."

Yu's face paled at least three shades, the culinary horror still giving the both of them nightmares at the gritty slimy meal they had been served when the girls had cooked. Actually, he had been so busy being doted on by Rise he hadn't even thought of the fact she might have made the chocolates, a sudden desperate hope that they were store bought as he pulled out his own box. Apparently Yosuke got his own ideas on what Yu was thinking as he shook his head.

"No you're right! If it's true love than I can stomach anything my dear Yukiko can cook! And if I can't then so what? She's worth a bad case of the runs any day!"

It was a romantic, if also deeply insulting statement that covered the sounds of Teddie entering, stumbling over his growing legs.

Yosuke gripped one edge of the red bow, flinching as he pulled it loose, half expecting a purple miasma to leak out. Instead his mouth watered as the expertly folded top unwound without the bow, opening into a crane like holder revealing the chocolates. He couldn't resist, popping one in and biting down, his eyes popping in shock as chocolate, mochi and raspberry filled his mouth, masking the shiver as he swallowed.

"Damn that's good!"

It was perfectly balanced, Yosuke honestly confused at how Yukiko could have made something not just good, but delicious, feeling an enticing aftertaste as it slid down his throat, not ready for the sudden bliss as it dropped into his stomach.

"Ohh~ how'd she- mmm~ make these so- mmph!"

Yu watched Yosuke trembling in place, looking like a man who just touched nirvana as he popped another in his mouth, his happy moans making him curious as he moved over to his usual spot, tapping Rise's box as he undid the ribbon, considering the spiky little chocolates inside. Behind him Yosuke's pants were tightening, each chocolate filling him with Yukiko's love, her feminine essence, said essence radiating as a warm heat at the bottom of his stomach, spreading to caress his hardening groin as it lovingly spilled into his balls. Eating had never been so erotically charged, Yosuke realizing he was on the edge already, his cock feeling so tender, so hard, unable to stop himself as he shoved the last chocolate inside his slobbering mouth.

Behind Yosuke, Teddie was tottering back and forth, nearly toppling as his arches popped, heels flexing as the stubby legs of his uniform stretched. That twisty rumbling feeling was filling his suit, the usually hollow bulk puckering and bulging in odd formations as his human self started to reform in the shadowy ether, his blue mitts sucking close to shape of forming fingers. It felt so good, yet he couldn't understand what was happening, his innards rubbing against themselves, ankles forming above the paling shape of feet, something hard poking between his increasingly less stubby legs. He remembered Chie's stomach grumbling once when she was hungry, his eyes moving to the near empty box of chocolates, two partially slobbered on lumps remaining. Half delirious with new pleasures, he tossed them in, groaning as they filled his hollow suit, cloth ripping as the suit deflated with a piercing shriek.

"Ahh~ th-these feelings! They're, th-they're..."

The paled fabric at his feet was now clearly socks, pulled taut against athletically curved calves, each pulse of pleasure in his member further sculpting the solidifying the hollow shape of his suit as the red and white split patterning began to tear along the edge of his socks. His long fingers poked against the gloves, nails turning long and cutting as his stubby arms surged with more human proportions, the mitts stretched to their breaking point, nails cutting through. The same could be said of the pun, more brown hair spilling down his antron fleece top, part of him revolted by the pun, yet that revulsion, that throbbing identity squeezing his puffed out face into something slimmer, less bear like, more human. The plastic hells of his eyes were melting, the dark grey irises looking molten as they lost their google eyed roundness, slanting as they turned more almond shaped, the irises browning. It felt so alien, so good, so pleasureful, yet he could feel it crushing away pieces of himself, but he couldn't deny how much he needed it, the last pun the feelings would allow screamed out as he came, "UN-BEAR-ABLLLLLE~!"


Hands tore free of the mitts, sweat soaked, dainty, arms forming from the shrinking shadows inside as the bear mascot collapsed to the ground, thrusting and rolling about. His flailing calves tore free next, revealing paling black miasmas of shadow, the chaotic tendrils paling to a healthy cream as they smoothened to plush flesh, each growth of legs from the suit making him writhe with ecstasy. It was like his love for Chie was shaping him, his lust making him cry in her voice, the zipper around his neck jerking till it snapped off, thinning the separation of his head and body in one violent jerk as a neck formed. He couldn't stop it, not wanting to, squealing as thighs began to plump from the torn holes, his shadows cumming out as felt tightened to shiny black spandex.

Yosuke was trying not to bite down, clenching his cock closed as he could feel something wasn't right, this fluttery, tender internal stroking making it harder and harder to hold back, the melting chocolate on his tongue drawing him ever closer. And then Teddie gave his scream, shocking him as he bit down. He moaned, unable to hold back the caressing warmth, his internals ever so slightly, ever so delicately throbbing as his tongue lolled, that oddly feminine bliss boiling over. Clenching didn't help, in fact it only made the feelings more orgasmic as the muscles around his balls puckered slightly, that clench enveloping his balls as he moaned. His voice quivered as he came, a dark spot spreading down his thighs as he gripped his stomach, gasping faintly.

He felt embarrassed, horrified to cum in front of friends like this, hoping it wasn't obvious from how he was panting, but at least it had to be-


Another surge, the muscle sucking on his balls, his cock not softening as the bliss from the chocolates pulled, his body shivering as he spewed another load out. What was happening? This didn't make any sense, yet he couldn't call out for help, the arousal building. It didn't feel like his usual horniness either, the sensitivity spreading down his shaft, his tip throbbing as he almost felt something grip the edges of his urethra, the force massaging lightly down the insides as it pulsed, his balls gently tugged back with another whimper. His damp school pants were rubbing closer to his tender cock, Yosuke moaning as he watched it thin, the seams melding into translucent darkness, patches of thigh peeking through the form hugging material, his cock more and more visible as the massaging suddenly fingered inside his leaking cock.

"NNGH H-ahh~ ahh AH!"

His tip felt wrong, pleasure erupting as crimps were molded into it, the fingering giving a sensation he could only liken to a flower blooming, his voice gaining a feminine affection to the way he moaned as the feelings widened the fingering. This one was a strong release, the bucking of his hips making his pants go like his cock, the crinkled hip part bursting out, flowering open into the women's uniform skirt, revealing his bony hips as he peeled it back. Under it, his pants had become sheer pantyhose from the knees up. It let him watch as his cock twitched under the thin material, Yosuke not just feeling the bizarreness, but watching as the feeling thumbed deeper, his cock visibly sinking inside, balls nestling tight to only the faintest of bulges as he roughly came.

Embarrassment was forgotten as he felt the pantyhose spread, the sticky material rubbing against his legs, clutching at hairs as he took an awkward step, desperate to save his cock as another thrust pushed it deeper inside.


He flinched at how that came out, almost like he was moaning a lover's name, his balls puckered to near non existence, his fingers twitching as they held up his new miniskirt like he was mid curtsy. The pantyhose slid against his member, jerking it along with the feelings, his own arousal building the more Chie's moans echoed, his best friend's open lust making his own build. There was no hardening to his cock, the thrusting change splitting him open, his hips making a grinding crunch as each surge of arousal only made it soften further at the base, new muscles pulling it in as he turned to face the leader. His heart thumped, his red face blushing further as something clicked in his head, Yu's features suddenly enticing, attractive. It almost mad him feel wet... But he had a cock, and Yu wouldn't like- no what was he-





Yu was rendered speechless at the sight before him, Yosuke's voice cracking as his cock very visibly receded inside, a pleased cry leaving him as clear fluids sprayed down, his shoes dissolving as the pantyhose merged with his socks, encapsulating him from hip to toe as his fingers twitched slimmer. Yu tried to make sense of the sight, his friend's shifting moans beginning to turn familiar, though not half as familiar as the ones coming from the twitching mascot suit further back.

Somehow, Teddie was a far more unnerving sight, the suit deflating in sections, green splotches spreading out in patches up the deflated sleeves as an unholy amalgamation of human and costume twitched and moaned in ecstasy. Weirder still was Chie's voice leaving its 2d moving mouth, its zipper closing in like a noose to separate its malformed head. What should he do? Should he say something? He was still taken aback by how quickly things had turned, the first shrieks alerting him with barely any time to comprehend.

"I'll find a way to help! Just stay here you two and-"


Teddie's entire body gave a heaving jerk at the sound of his voice, seemingly hastening whatever was happening as the drawn on mouth pattern crimped at the edges, forming soft lips, the flat mouth punching in with a series of sounds that started like cloth being violently shipped and ended sounding crunchier.

"N-Noooo I luhhhve I-I- OHHHH!"

The fake black nose melted to flesh, shrinking from cartoon to human proportions as the crumbled fabric tanned, his spandex short clad cock throbbing as the rest of his arms thrust out, cheeks and chin forming as Chie's face rested atop the former mascot's head, the zipper peeling off as with his new armspan, he began rubbing his cock.

This had to be an attack, Yu feeling dizzy as he went to summon Izanagi, cursing at his lack of SP as he looked for something to restore it. Seeing Rise's chocolates he quickly snagged a handful, making a chocolatey mess of his fingers as energy filled him. There had to be something causing this, his eyes glancing around the room as he tried to think. Teddie was turning into Chie and Yosuke he gathered was becoming Yukiko judging by the pantyhose and his slowly shifting moans. Now that he thought about it, Teddie had been making weird moans, but Yosuke only started changing right after he ate his-

Horror dawned on his face, his lips tingling as he smacked them, feeling them plump as his eyes moved to the chocolate stained fingers. A need filled him then, even as he resisted, his plump lips drawing in his smeared thumb, tongue licking, lips sucking as the joints pleasurably shifted. Finger by finger he repeated moaning as each suck changed them, each nail leaving long, manicured and covered in a chocolate brown layer of polish. He gave his slender fingers a wriggle, calluses fading as the rest of his palm shrank, Yu only able to look on in horror before joining his friends as he gripped his stomach with his unchanged hand. He was starting to feel gooood~!

Adachi's bangs slid past his ears, fringing his face as some of his frustration made itself evident, his hands twirling the pen as he tried to figure out what this feeling was. There were words for it weren't there? That's the point of these everyday boring pieces of junk, to express things! He let one of the chocolates melt in his mouth, the words eluding him as he twirled it around, his lips smacking on the round ball as they thickened. It was so frustratingly unstable, new flavors popping out, others fading away till he was convinced he had never tasted them to begin with, all these adjectives and metaphors clogging below. Spicy, tangy, sweet, the flavors were as odd as the erectness of his nipples, the brown nubs a healthy pink as he sucked on the chocolate, milk and fat dribbling down unseen paths, perking them as his jittery movements made them rake across his dress shirt.


It was rare he ever felt this excited over the mundane, his excitement usually found in more lethal matters, his thighs battering the growing stiffness between his legs. Without thinking his pen scratched out a meter, five syllables.

Corruptive flavor.

His jaw was creaking, the square jut rounding as he swirled it around his tongue. The next had to be seven he knew, struggling to think, his free hand rubbing idly against a nipple, the arousal helping them to harden, to throb, something stuck trying to break free.

Slender shovels dig it out.

A little cringy sure, his eyes watering, feeling a bit tight, yet the writing felt good all the same, the faintest of rises dimpling against his shirt. But what were the shovels? What did he even mean by that? His fingers gave an answer, each joint stretching, his nerves bitten nails rounding healthily as they grew. The whorls of his fingertips changed, fingers long, his new nails digging nicely into his nipple as the tweak sent a signal out, Adachi rattling in his chair as he finished the haiku with a squeal.

Finally, I burst.

His body slammed forwards, muscle ramming forth, melting into fat as painful tears and blissful teases squirmed under his nipples. The force bucked once, twice, flecks of spittle spraying from Adachi's mouth as fat burst into his chest, straining the white shirt as he gave a pathetic moan, his pants feeling damp. He looked down, shocked to see two obvious breasts settled on his chest, the small apple shaped bumps already straining before another burst shot them out fully. The top button popped at the surge of growth, Adachi feeling the shoulders of his shirt tear apart, drooping downwards as they revealed skin, the sleeves squeezing slightly as they slid around his fingers. He didn't understand what the hell was happening, bolting from his desk as he left before his shift ended.

It disturbed him how no one even looked up, the guard at the front seeming to notice nothing wrong with the jiggling breasts he now had. Then again, Adachi was equally as oblivious to the legal pad he had gripped still in his hand, the pen swirling as the longing to write blanketed his subconscious with every pleasureful jolt to his unsupported chest.

Kanji's body felt like a rickety wreck, his bones grinding with every move. It didn't hurt, but there were these crunchy little pops with every movement, his overhanging men's uniform getting looser with every step, his shoes casually bobbing up and down with the minute shrinking of his feet. It was like feeding Naoto had changed her character completely, the shy detective suddenly grabbing his arm and moving along, the force making his shoulder scrunch as she pulled more chocolates out.

"It's not like I needed to hand these out. It's a stupid tradition, though I'm glad you're enjoying it."

She popped another into his mouth, Kanji's dye job fading as the black of his hair spiked up like a porcupine, each chew growing it out till he swallowed, that glorious feminine flavor rolling through him as it deflated into shin length blue locks. His whole body was shrinking, Naoto grabbing him awkwardly as they walked, as if he was smaller, her touch dizzying as his fingers were gripped smaller.

"Besides, I imagine the boys would prefer you sis."

Kanji paused, unsure what she meant, his insecurity overtaking the weird evening pops of his shoulders as his frame continued to shrink. He opened his mouth to voice his annoyance, feeling hurt given how of all people he thought she'd understand how awful that was to-

"MMPH? MMmm mmm...?"

His mouth was filled with more chocolate, sparks making his eyes swirl, every last hair below his eyebrows plucking as his ruddy complexion paled, the full body moisturizing making his skin sing as his vertebrae puckered. Each crunch of his teeth matched the rounding of his shoulder blades, a tightness in his back that felt amazing whenever it resolved with a sensual crunch of his shrinking height. Kanji felt confused, knowing something wasn't right, but Naoto was being so cuddly, so cute, Kanji fidgeting as he realized whatever was happening was making him feel amazing as his hairless, smooth cock gave its first horny throb.

A sudden revulsion filled him at its erect touch, different from his usual self denial of the feminine. It wasn't like he ever hated things just cause they were manly, but did he ever really like them? Another shudder as his steps fumbled, his toenails slightly grown atop toes that were slowly reducing to fine points. The looseness of his clothes was making him hobble, his skin rubbing aggressively against the pooled pockets of fabric, another throb making his head spin as his cock fully hardened. Before he knew it, Naoto had stopped, Kanji's eyes twitching as she opened the door, pulling him inside her house.

There was a very strange rush of deja vu that muddled his thoughts further, memories sparking as his irises flecked blue, his heavy breathing sometimes slipping into quiet moans as he stumbled out of his shoes, his loose pants slipping past his hips as the legs pooled to the floor. He should be excited to be in his crush's home, nervous, yet there was a mundanity that grinded against his feelings, his spine giving another creak as his shoulders shifted back. He looked towards his si- girlfriend, confusion in his eyes, a need to know what was happening, yet he couldn't talk, the rhythmic throbbing of his erection making him grit his teeth to silence the moans.

"Well thank you for the effort. I know you wanted me to get together with Kujikawa Yu."

Naoto paused, looking confused again, but a quick nibble on one of the few remaining chocolates took care of that, her thoughts settling once more with another spinning smile. She continued on, oblivious to the shrinking, blushing mess next to her.

"But you should focus on yourself. I'm not interested in those kinds of things at the moment. Besides, you were always the one who embraced their feminine side."

Kanji coughed down the moan that nearly erupted, his muscles squeezing as the feminine tingles multiplied at Naoto's words, Kaoji moaning as his deepest desires manifested atop his body.

Teddie was focused on Chie, her perfection, her fit perky beauty, his entire body reinforcing it with every euphoric split and shift, his innards just a vortex of solidifying pleasure. So when he heard Yu's voice, heard her best friend Yukiko's voice calling out the name, he was utterly unprepared for the already overwhelming arousal to reach an entirely new level. His innards weren't the only thing churning, his mind simultaneously revolted and aroused at the thought of Yu, the former barely putting up much of a fight as the raw pleasure washed away all complaints, Chie's voice cooing for him to give in as his face molded into hers.

It raged silently and quickly, Tedhie insisting he was a guy as his cock struggled between Chie's muscled thighs, the big red buttons on his mascot suit struggling on the felt cloth. He swore he didn't like guys, even if dressing in women's clothing was fun. His love of the ladies and Yu a-always... Tedhie was simple, always one to go with his feelings, not letting social norms or people's disgust stop him from puns or flirting. What mattered was that thinking of Yu made him feel good, being held in his manly arms, his piercing gaze, his handsome visage.

"N-Noooo I luhhhve I-I- OHHHH!"

Chie's hands palmed his crotch, rubbing, teasing, pushing, the latter driving him finally over the edge as Techie felt his balls wobble, parting as he dived his fingers into the tight spandex. He thrashed and rolled, unable to stop his own masturbatory thrusting, not wanting to as he rolled over his popped off zipper, barely feeling the snag as it tied to the now drooping top of his red and white suit. Green spread corruptively from it as it peeled, Techie thrusting his hips upwards with a loud screech of animalistic fervor. The nearest red button crumpled, then popped, mass gushing from the hole as his suit slimmed to more human proportions, the almost girl cumming as his fingers punctured into his melting privates.

Fingers chased after shifting balls, Techie's brain sparking in and out of awareness as Chie's beautiful fingers made a forked Y inside his body, thrusting his balls into pockets that greedily slurped them inside, his hips giving a final quaking crunch as her thighs clamped over his cock. No it wasn't his cock, it was Yu's, Yu's handsome, understanding gaze making Echie drool, the zipper slowly peeling down to reveal smooth, healthy skin, nary a hair in sight as the rest of his outfit around the two remaining buttons turned green.

He couldn't think, Yu's own aroused moans drilling into his head, making the fantasy realer as something pumped from deep inside his hips. It was like an internal powerwash, hot and feminine juices bubbling forth, Echie's cock pointed upwards as she came out the last of her masculine identity, the sticky black fluids spraying across her chest as they knitted into a tight black sports bra, a complimentary match to the spandex outlining her throbbing lips below.

The green athletic jacket his mascot body had turned into wasn't meant for his bulky mascot body, shaping the general bulge of his midsection into a toned set of curves, her fingering hastening the transition as her bulky frame slendered, slight curves forming as the jacket pulled her midsection tight. Her fingers just felt so good, the spandex squeezing into her pussy, the dick she no longer acknowledged as her own slowly squeezed inside. She had some vague recollections of wanting to be the one penetrating in the past, but the bliss of her own fingering made her erotic fantasies fill with being fucked and penetrated, the zipper to her jacket clinking against one of the last remnants of her mascot suit. The middle button shivered, Chie moaning as the hard plastic pulled through the fabric, pushing against her navel as something thrust into her stomach. There were no words, just loud, desperate squeals as it plunged into her body, flattening her stomach as it burst into fat.


Chie couldn't stop her fingering if she wanted to, which she definitely didn't, her hunky senpai clearing away any last traces of Teddie, the swallowed plastic button melted as her muscular core siphoned it up to her left breast. It all burst into a tender breast that was squeezed by her tight sports bra. It was pleasure without a conduit though, Chie rolling over to grind her breast against the floor, fingering her shrunken tip and her slit the best she could. There was a gurgle, the flesh rippling over the apex of her mound, the flesh suddenly giving her a nipple as she came.

Groping the finished breast made another nipple slowly rise off her flat right pec, her zipper spreading down to tap the last button remaining. It was smaller than the first, but a small bulbous tail near the base of her spine were happy to join in, both plunging inside roughly as she squashed her tip, feeling her shaft split down the middle as she shoved the last of her imagined Senpai's cock inside.

All at once the last of her transformation finished, the newly minted girl writhing in bliss as her jacket finished forming, her bra trembling as she erupted a matching breast. The force of the bulb tail entering had given her spine a nice curve, her thighs slick as she felt something amazing settle and mold into her pussy, the new girl panting from the overwhelming orgasm that had run through her. And yet... Chie wasn't satisfied, thoughts of her senpai leaving her hot with need, glancing up in the direction of Yu's moans. She needed to let him know how he felt, before Rise took him. O-Or was it before Yu stole Rise from her? Chie shook her head, the shadow's influence not done tweaking her memories, but the end result was the same. A horny Chie crawled towards her senpai, ready to show him or her just how serious she was about loving them.

Yusuke had the strangest arousal battering his body and mind, the twitching warmth of his new sex so private and hidden, so demure. The shadow boosted estrogen flowed hot and strong, that flavor of the chocolates that so enamored him now buffeting through his body. Sweat soaked his skin, Yusuke feeling the pleasure spreading inside. It was like a butterflies in the stomach, but all over, his skin strange against his clothing. There was a tenderness he never knew before, hairs shedding, ruddy complexion paling as the pleasure didn't quite grow as much as seep through his skin, every movement turning him on.

He stumbled, barely able to contain the pleasure, yet the brusque movement made the pantyhose rub against his most tender of spots in unimaginably arousing ways, his movements subconsciously refined to the epitome of femininity as his blockish foot twitched. Nails shed their grime, red polish turning the rough and yellowed nails to pedicured beauties, the pads of each toe slimming as it pointed downwards to tap the floor in a light tiptoe. The waves of bliss that followed that step made his rising voice sing, getting quieter despite the rising pleasure, something fundamental changing inside as her heel position rose further, slight poise and posture shaping it slender and princesslike, another step forcing the uglier twin to match her soft patter. The last of her body hair was melded in with her pantyhose, leaving her formerly unkempt pubic hair waxed and shaped.

All of this was obviously wrong to Yusuko, yet once he started letting the feminine urges in it was like they were puppeting her, each demure motion rewarded with blissful conditioning. It didn't matter that his throat's lump was being dissolved by the second, his moans did not dare raise above speaking level, his eyes rolling back as the femininity spread inside his flat ass, warming the muscle as fat veined its way through to make the pantyhose cup his feminizing legs.

"Mmm... hff hff."

She wanted to scream, yet the thought of acting so uncouth horrified her, even her drooling doglike tongue slipping back, lips plumping shut as if to seal it, kept in a neutral pucker that barely twitched, revealing little of the struggle going on internally. She wanted to run, yet again the disgust chained her, the vision of her skirt flapping about, revealing just how aroused she was forcing her every step to be practiced, restrained, delicate.

The only sign of her arousal was in her rapidly rising and falling chest, the proper method of walking drilling into her muscle. It started at the knees, flexing on, not so much ignoring the crunch as it knocked inwards as much as using the added angle to make her steps all the more compact, flexing out her calf as the stocky flesh jiggled at the sudden, dancer like shift. Stepping down made the rest of its blockiness tremble, curving into elegance, the pantyhose stroking and massaging the soft, pliable muscle as Yusuko stifled the moans with a heavy blush. The downwards force of the motion resolved in her thigh, pantyhose sliding against the thickening trunk. Yusuko covered her mouth with a flat palm to muffle the blissful grunt that followed as her thickened thigh tightened the grip of the sheer fabric against her snatch, rubbing her virgin flower's petals with every move.

It repeated with the other leg, a serene grace that epitomized elegance lengthening the formerly forgettable limb, her ass jiggling as it finished growing. Yusuko was weakening, not just physically as her arms in their forced curtsy lost their strength, the sleeves sprouting red threads throughout, but mentally as well. Her brain shivered at every feminine thought and motion, the stereotypes of nadeshiko seeping deeper. Even her forced self referral to femininity was no longer as horrifying. Her eyes landed on Yu, her attraction causing a wonderful heat to surge in her belly, promising to wash away every last speck of masculinity.

Yu gauged he didn't have long to fight this, Yosuke's moans quickly going from horrified to horny fast, his own pleasure already persuasively insistent. His first thought was to vomit up the chocolates, Yu quickly shoving his unchanged hand past his lips, only for them to smack down, said fingers quickly licked small as his chin tingled, snapping to a rounded corner as his fingers fell limp to his sides. It was strange, it didn't feel half so good till he looked to see the damage, his attention making the rest of his fingers twitch as it quickly melted into Rise's hand, the bliss spreading up as his wrists popped, ending at the cuffs of his shirt as he gasped from the sensations. There was a certain flare to how his hands rested now on his body, his fingers unconsciously flicking themselves in a manner both showy and seductive as that word pounded in the back of his skull; attention.

His grey hair shuddered, streaks of brown growing as he tried to ignore it, the feeling of thousands watching him, idealizing his perfect face, entranced by her every move... His nose wriggled, nostrils flaring as the bridge of it popped smaller. He just had to ignore the attention and leave before it was too late, the girls probably-

"HRRK AHH~ W-Wait Yuki- Y-Yosuke stop- Ohh~!"

His thought was interrupted by a drilling pleasure, his eyes watering as his glasses began to melt, his face blissfully contorting as he noticed Yosuke's attentive gaze locked onto him. Hair as brown as the chocolate turning him spilled past his cheeks, tying itself into matching ponytails as the drilling bliss of being noticed surged like an addiction. It didn't help how fast his own moans rose to match Rise's, gaining a harmonious quality to them, the urge to sing making his chest flutter. The world blurred for only a second as his glasses fell to the floor, small crunches angling his eyes as they widened, an idol's face now resting atop his shuddering body.

He had to leave now, or else he'd never escape, already having to suppress all these strange new urges. Singing, dancing, posing, his cute features were screwed tightly as he turned to run and get help, only to trip as his flailing legs were pulled out from under him.

"Yuuuu~ mmm p-please I neeeed you!"

Chie had crawled over to him, her jacket peeled back, half her clothes discarded as her flushed face looked up at him with a manic want to it, her hands pulling at his shoes as they slipped off.

"T-Teddie get AHHHHWFF m-me! I need to fix this before- Ohh~ AH~ WAIT!"

It wasn't exactly a secret what she wanted, her eyes hungrily locked on his obvious bulge. She made a grab at his pants, Yu's kicks only letting her grab his socks as she peeled them back, his resistance neutered as the bare flash tingled and softened. His toes pedicured, both Chie and Yosuke's attention hounding him as his arches flexed, skill and dexterity mixing with femininity as the blunt objects were pared down to slender perfection.

"Who cares about that stupid bear Yu? Don't you see me as a woman? I need Yu so baaaadly..."

It was hard not to see her as a woman as she took off her sports bra, her breasts jiggling free as her fingers teasingly crawled up his jeans, teasing his cock as she cooed over Yu's moans. He wasn't so much worried about seeing her as a woman as her seeing him as one as he tried his best to push her off, forgetting just how strong Chie was as she easily pinned him under her.

"Ahhh I love you Yu. I can't wait anymore! Let's see what you've been hiding down there..."

She forcefully tore at his pants, buttons flying off as the zipper snapped off track. All Yu could do was moan as his legs were bared, the perky athleticism of a dancer surging into his legs as Chie began teasing his dick.

"C'mon cmon hurry the fuck UP!"

Adachi had to stop himself from punching the horn, occasional gasps cooing out whenever his nipples hit the folds of the blouse just right. How was there traffic in the middle of Nowheresville the one time he needed to get somewhere? It felt like the lights were fucking with him, his feet nervously tapping, manicured nails gripped firm around the wheel, slightly awkward on the right given the pen scraping against the driving wheel. This couldn't be happening to him, not after finally gaining some agency in this bullshit excuse for a life. He had found an escape from reality! He was more than a man, he was a GOD! Yes a- a weak deity. No wait did 'deity’ count as two syllables or thr-

"What am I even wondeRRGH~!"

Chills rolled down his shoulders, Adachi groaning as small cracks and crunches pulled at his frame, paring it softer, smaller, his meek act already giving them a slump, but now they were curved. He nearly tore the sun visor out from the top of the car, groaning as waves of weakness harassed his shrinking form. Looking into the compact mirror, his own fear was reflected back, his face thankfully still his for the most part, though his chin was definitely softer, and his hair was a black curtain round his cheeks, looking darker and silkier than he ever remembered. There was a noise, a kind of scratching that felt soothing, familiar, Adachi only noticing then that he had used his non-dominant hand for this. It was strange, his right half almost numb from the shoulder down, the muscle in his arm long since eradicated as he looked on at it like it was someone else's slender arm wrapped in a striped sleeve, scribbling down in a notepad. What the hell was he writi-

Watch My Pretty Mask Crumble

A Prison Of Flesh

"HKK! AGGHHHhrr sh-shiiit dohhhh~n't ahh AHHH~!"

His car jerked forwards fitfully, his feet thrashing every now and then as the words molded him, editing his existence to match the emotions clouding his mind as the shape of his face bubbled like a skin of cooked porridge. It looked horrific, bones and flesh melting, shifting, his visage an expressionistic nightmare, yet it felt blissful beyond words. Each roll of flesh that shrunk his forehead massaged his poetry addled brain, groping pleasure centers that made him squeal in breathy, rising tones. His lips softened, fat bloating them softly, his cheeks smoothing out with every pulsating squeeze inwards.

He was helpless, eyes rolling upwards as his blouse tightened in the middle, his stomach gurgling as his body rocked in its seat. Words kept tumbling into his mind, metaphors that only half worked, language that tried to be brooding and deep, but felt overwrought, his cheeks flushed as he thought to his newest poem, an elegant sharpness emerging through the embarrassed fluster. His lashes fluttered, extended like the burnt branches of her thoughts, the moans clearer as the bubbling in his throat was suddenly locked by a choker. It started at the middle of his throat, the padlock jangling as red leather choked him out, though once the bump beneath swallowed into the void of his stomach, it didn't take long to slide down to his collarbone.

Said stomach was pumping itself, the blouse imprisoning his sides, the weakness in the first line already melting any muscle in his core as his cock stiffened. His horrified grunts had resolved to an almost reserved bliss, his sides sinking inwards with every heated breath. He couldn't hold back the wave slamming against his cock, his moans enjoying each brutal surge as his waist flattened, eyes glazed as his dark pupils turned blue.

No, not just blue, robin's egg blue, cloudless skies singing with bliss, azure waters deep enough to drown in, pure, wet blue.

"Ohhhh~ yesss..."

He moaned softly as he came, entranced by his own gaze, the pleasure just a bonus as the poetry flowed. This color, it was chilly yet comforting, a depth he could only scratch at feebly as the warm wetness spilled down the car seat. It felt so good to let happen, just be a passenger to the experience, let the warm tropical waters of her eyes take over, fill every cranny of his brain, wash away her old memories, let it flow, let the this fucker melt into sea foa-


Adachie moaned, his waist flat and curvy as his cock felt spent, countless orgasms making his rod a light pink as he squirmed. He had almost lost himself completely, almost given into those vibrant, wordy pleasu-


"Uggh f-fuuck. Get home, g-hoootta..."

The light was green and he had somehow avoided a crash, the honking enough of a shock to keep him focused as drove one handed. He tried to hold back the words, with as much success as the leaking cum from his cock, his right hand clutching the pen in a death grip. Stockings and gallows. Fuck his socks were climbing up his legs, massaging them, making him feel- No he had to drive, he couldn't be distract- Belted, my sadness bared free Oh god his pants were groping his cock, cold air running against his thighs. He had to stop this. He was almost home where he could, he could- Pleated and Cleated.


He almost crashed into his house as he slammed on the brakes, his shrinking leg length made up for by the thickening heels of his boots, the detective stumbling out of his car and crawling to his apartment. No one seemed to notice the moaning mess Madachie was as he made his way up, each step its own erotic torture as stockings rubbed his thighs thicker, the pleats of his skirt rubbing his cock and ass in all the right ways.

The world was spinning around Kanju, vertigo making him half delirious as he stumbled up stairs he somehow knew even if he closed his eyes. His shoes slid off, his socks lasting only two steps longer as he paused at the feeling of hard wood against his feet. Were those... his? Another discomforting wave of nausea spiked at the male signifier, his toes clenching as he shrank another three inches. He was gasping, feeling like he had just been in a fight, his entire body slightly sore as muscle seemingly vanished out of thin air. He looked at his toes, relishing in their slender shapes, the clear polish gracing their shape. They looked so... cute?

"Hff nngh ahhhhh..."

Cute, that word repeated, his shoulders clenched as they rounded. He couldn't get it out, his breathy sighs lighter as the inches shed. The pooled bottoms of his uniform pants were hiding his toes, upsetting him more than he expected. Looking down they were just so baggy, so ill fit, made for a much larger, b-bulkier-

Kaoju squeezed his legs, feeling something swell, a desperate, needy heat trying to escape. With a groan, his pants slid down, his briefs angled loosely as he stepped free. There was a soft click as his spine fully arched, his eyes squinting through the bliss as his body finished shrinking. Somehow he made it up the steps, half waddling to keep the discomforting arousal contained below, standing next to Nao- sis'- ...his room? Something wasn't right. He was... uh...

His mind kept flitting around, trying to find the source of his awkwardness, his discomfort. Glancing down to look at his cute toes again, he couldn't help but notice how bulky his legs looked now that they were bared. They looked so ugly and blocky when they should have been graceful and long and curved and-


The muscles twitched, threads writhing as some force warmly massaged deep, sculpting his legs, Kaoju rushing into his room to get some privacy as his thighs throbbed around his cock, beginning to plush.

It was barely even started, but he was already near bursting, that slight plushness making it worse as he collapsed onto his bed. Or wait was this his bed? It was pink and the frills on his pillows were so, so-

"NNGH! AHHH ahh ahh god!"

Euphoria spread up his calves, rounding them, squashing all the bulk that hadn't faded as his thighs clenched tightly, barely holding in the disgusting desire he was rejecting. His thoughts were a mess, trying hard to enjoy the moment, but not wanting this wrong feeling pleasure, the word on the tip of his tongue as his knees angled together. It was brusque and thick and hairy and it was... masculine?

"B-But I don't- OHHH AHH AH!"

His thighs were already squeezed as tight as possible, or so he thought, the bliss surging through as what was a hint of plushness swelled properly, his groin throbbing as a small spurt smeared down his thighs. Kaoju tried telling himself it was fine, his masculinity something he wanted, something he was comfortable with, something he... hated didn't he? Looking around his room reminded him of the life he always wanted, or that he always had, embroidery kits and baking books stacked on shelves, cute doilies and hand crafted trinkets organized neatly. What was he so worried about then? Didn't he want this? To embrace his femininity?


Now that he was focusing, his voice just sounded wrong, his throat eternally clogged by its apple, the wrongness making it buzz.

"Ohhhhhh IIIII~!"

His body knew what he wanted, his throat thinning, a copy of Naoto's voice moaning out as his lips plumpened ever so slightly, his brow soft and plucked as it furrowed. He held up his hands, trying to come to a decision, staring at the contrast, the one Naoto had grabbed a perfect match all svelte and girly, but the other still had its thick knuckles, bulky fingers. It wasn't a hand for crocheting, or baking or-


She made her decision, the pleasure amping up beyond her wildest dreams.

Yu could feel himself slipping, his thoughts struggling under the love of her fans, any tenuous grasp of self already fueling the identity crisis surging from years of being an idol. No wait he wasn't an idol, he was on a break to find herself. Shit think of his life, his friends, her years of choreo lessons and- He came suddenly, mewling as Chie peeled his pants back, her hands running up and down his thighs, rubbing them as the muscle thickened.

"Don't tell me you're done already Yue? C'mon get excited!"

It didn't matter how he protested, Chie's steely grip molding his legs, the sound of Rise's moans only slipping him further into depravity as the added athleticism of a dancer bloated with fat. Knowing how much work went into maintaining Rise's body intimately only made it feel better as they were groped, plush flesh swollen around his member, Chie's fingers digging into his ass as each rub sparked a new erogenous zone to form. It didn't take long for her teasing to bear fruit, Yu groaning as his cock hardened, Chie putting a bit too much strength into her rubs out of excitement as Yu's hips splintered apart.

Despite the horrific pain that flared up, something about it felt right to him, that added thickness familiar to his balance, her posing to give her fans just a tempting peek of the goods, though she felt a bit flat down- He gave a shriek, feeling fat burst in his ass cheeks, making him writhe under Chie as he felt hyperaware of every sensual shift to his rear. It didn't help how strained his boxers were, his erection squeezed, making him needily whimper to Chie. His flailing legs battered his cock, each shift making the seams burst, his jiggling ass cheeks peeking behind tears as Chie's nakedness rubbed against his finished legs, all curves and toned sexiness, even his resistance half hearted as his ass burst through. It didn't take long for Chie to begin showing his cock some special attention. She loved that.

Yusuko watched, letting her arousal flow, letting it pulse and throb inside. Something deep within her slit twitched with excitement, that liquid heat surging as the butterflies in her stomach tightened their grip, a half formed red sweater forming as it bore down on her muscles. She should have felt some concern as her physique softened, years of effort cultivating his self image uprooted and erased much like his old life, but there was something so lovely about the restraint. Her arousal was unfocused, making her sweat soaked stomach just as nice to feel teased as her pantyhose clad slit, each excited breath in shrinking her waist, tighter, slimmer, but the true bliss came as the warmth spilled under her nipples.

Like a true lady, she refused to let herself moan with reckless abandon, having to curb the immature remnants inside her brain as the heat in her cheeks melted the angular bones, smoothing her visage to demure angles. It was certainly a challenge, her jaw clenched tight with lips appropriately loose to mask the struggle as that beautiful heat surged with every heartbeat. Even with her strict self control, her eyes still fluttered, burning golden as her nostrils flared, shrinking as she exhaled heatedly. Her uniform tented, subtly at first, then more prominently, her nipples gracelessly poking against the men's uniform as the material softened. It wasn't appropriately ladylike, Yusiko's will making the red sweater form faster, button by button forming as it hid her betraying nips from sight, letting her bask without worry in the feminine euphoria of her swollen bosom.

There were small sparks of who she had been minutes prior struggling in her mind. She bound them with tradition, expectation, her slender frame trembling near completion, her own dainty movements letting her school fabrics rub against her body in the most privately sinful of ways. Even those sparks were quenched by the flood of femininity that poured into her head, Yukiko giving out the slightest of sighs as her orange brown locks darkened to black. It spilled in waves, the shadows combing it lovingly, conditioner taming the messy, unkempt mess it had been to something properly looked after, her pantyhose utterly drenched as she looked on at Yuse and Chie.

As usual, Chie was going at things very gung ho, Yuse's moaning out no's as she licked the tip of his leaking cock, Yukiko feeling sad for her friend. She really needed to learn some tact, a bit of comfort going a long way to ease someone in. Well, they were basically inseparable for most of their lives, and she couldn't stand to see Yuse's discomfort. Besides she was definitely feeling heated, that taming of her instincts finished, so now she could break free on her own terms. She barely made a sound as she began to strip, slipping behind Yuse, relishing in his surprised eeps as she slid her hands under his shirt, stripping him piece by piece as she pinched a nipple, feeling it swell.

"You know Chie idolizes you right? Isn't that your specialty? Let her make you feel good Rise..."

The fading detective was a mess, his cock wrung dry from the crawl to his apartment, his thighs squeezing it with every move. He couldn't help himself, the poetry stuck inside like a stuck sneeze, lines about thick trunks trapped in cloth, his own edgy lines, the unrealized genius of his words, it all came out like cum down his thighs, spilling in forceful, ecstatic bursts. He had treated life like a game, now he was being played with, the otherworldly force affecting him showing no mercy as he stumbled into his bedroom.

It took all his effort to keep his lips shut, the words refusing to stop. He thought dropping the pad and pen would help but all that did was make it verbal. His tie was loose, stuck through with pins, a black studded belt cinched around his slender midriff. Flopping onto the bed he tried muffling his voice, feeling the need build without release in his groin. There was only so long he could hold it in, Marachie crying from bliss, his thighs squeezing against his balls as he rolled over and screamed out, "P-PlUHHHNged in my dAHHHRkn- ess!"

His eyes widened, his cock releasing the last of his seed as he felt his balls plunge inside his body, fucking him as they melted into secret tunnels he hadn't known about, the bliss making a puddle of thinning fluid as his cock remained standing. There was something so unbearably arousing in its positioning, the slight weight of it bearing down and teasing a gap so small it would almost be imaginary if it wasn't inundating him with pure ecstasy. He had to let it in, had to finish the verse of poetry, two lines left and he'd be free.


It didn't take long to realize that wouldn't work, the gap too small, his entire shaft thrusting into his innards without success. It had to be a verb with more power, more finesse, something that fully spread and dive into his virgin lips, splitting him open, but more focused, more compact, almost like, "D-Drilling? AHH HYAA AHH~!"

His cock was spiraling, forcing the flesh to part, his tip splitting wider as it drilled into his forming cervix. It was hardly possible to think, much less compose poetry, yet the words continued spilling out, Marachie unable to hold it in.


It was a fucking hard enough to scramble his brains, much less his innards, Marachie unable to hold onto any of his memories, even her gender spilling out as twist after twist of cock plugged into her, hollowing her out as clear spurts gushed from her shrunken length. There was so little left of her, and one line left to complete the haiku, her poetry almost finished.


There was a tiny piece twitching inside her brain, struggling as more of its territory spurted between her thighs, fading as she struggled to finish. It kept screaming its own name, Adachi sounding less and less familiar, but even worse, it was one syllable too long. She couldn't edit what came before, but she needed a shorter name, snappier, each second of indecision making her two inch long nub writhe and slam as it struggled to enter her. Did her old name really matter? What even was a name, it wasn't like she had parents so she decided for herself, and as of right now, she definitely felt more like a, "MAAAARIEEEEE~!"

She thrashed in her bed, squealing as the last pitiful lengths of cock rolled inside, piercing something deep that made the whole thing pop as Marie came out the last of the misanthropic detective. It took a bit to calm down, a few more fingerings letting her enjoy her new sexuality before confusion replaced the bliss. Where was she? Why was the rest of the day so weird? She noticed her bag hanging nearby, undoing the clasp to find a box of half eaten chocolates inside as she snacked on one thinking. Oh right, Valentine's Day. She wondered where her discarded chocolates had ended up.

Eh. Did it matter? What a stupid fucking holiday.

Kaoju squeezed her thighs for all they were worth, stemming the thick pleasure trying to escape, denying it as a buzz dived into her stomach that made her feel giggly. The cum trapped inside was almost carbonated, bubbling inside her shaft and balls, filling her with an indescribable bliss the more she relished in it, feeling the disgusting urges thin slowly inside, her masculine stew thinned with estrogen. All of her admiration for Naoto was revealing itself to be a quiet jealousy, the way she skirted the line of androgyny, something she very much wanted herself. But truthfully she didn't truly want to straddle that line, but cross it, the last of her muscle deflating into smooth curves, her body shaking as she stared at her flat chest, imagining the women's uniform cupping as her nipples perked to life.

It felt fluttery, warm and perfect, Kaoju squeezing her waist as her navel curved, moaning as her feminine bliss surged out, giving her chest a slight bounce as the pleasure made the thinning between her thighs go into overdrive. Each stoppered orgasm surged into her perked ass, her masculine hand twitching as it thinned, Kaoru unable to help herself from feeling her perfect form as she began to roll her cock into her.

"Mmm~ MM! AH OH!"

She was sweating up a storm, moaning in short bursts as her own orgasms chained, her balls rumbling as they depleted first. The heat was making them soft, sliding into her churning hips, her thighs urging the melt to hasten. Finally she wouldn't have to hide her hobbies or put on this stupid facade. She just had to keep wishing, keep squeezing, the wonderful push squirming inside her deeper as her cock swelled one final time. She couldn't hold back any more, her hands squeezing her pert breasts, the pleasure making her buck as her spread hips throbbed before sucking on her balls. The release was brutal and quick, her screams quivering blissfully as her former sack split open into swollen lips, her cum spilling clear onto the bed.

She squirmed atop her floral bedspread, moaning as channels threaded their way up her hips, the release removing the last barrier keeping her cock erect. What followed was pure ecstasy, her last sign of masculine self pulling into itself, fucking her to femininity. Her identity was cuddled into oblivion, the pleasure just a bonus to the wanting girl as she screamed in bliss, hoping her sister couldn't hear as inch by inch her pussy formed. A manicured finger teased the shrinking head, not wanting to jerk, but rub the sealing tip, a final, forceful jab letting the unneeded thing fully pop into something far more useful.

Kaoru was left gasping, her head in a daze as she slowly peeled herself from her bed. She felt a bit embarrassed, so turned on by her senpai's jacket, the thought of giving him chocolates making her blush and fidget in place. Weird how she couldn't remember who her senpai was, but that fog would clear eventually. Besides she didn't have time to stay in her fantasies, her sis was a bit sad after being stood up by some delinquent guy. It was cause of her she got to be so girly and carefree so the least she could do was comfort her twin! Though uh... after she put on some real clothes.

Yu was holding on by a thread, said thread starting to snap as the two girls played with him. Chie kept eagerly licking his cock, her lips sliding around it as she kept saying how much she loved Yuuu... You... Her tongue darted out, poking a ball, Yue groaning as it shuddered and shrank, that pulsing fuck making Chie all the more excited as her lips bobbed up and down.

"That's it Rise, just let it happen. You love her don't you?"

Yukiko twirled his nipples around, pinching one as he bucked, squeaking as Chie's mouth scrunched, the new girl gagging from the sudden push back. Her lips closing around his other ball as their plushness made it retract further. Yuse had no words, only cries of pure bliss, Yukiko giggling as his pecs began to swell under her teasing, the melodic screams leaving his lips another source to attack him mentally.

"There we go. Good girl. No wonder you have so many fans, your singing voice is unbelievable. You put on such a lovely show Rise."

There was a need to respond, the sounds of a crowd of fans cheering her- h-him on now spilling into his thoughts as background, his waist beginning to gyrate in poses as each dancerly move made his sides pulse and curve. Yukiko let none of it go to waste, her gentle embrace cupping his shifting muscle as she nudged it up, loving the way his cute squeals gradually grew more into the teasing as his chest grew to pert a's.

There was no escape for him, his own thoughts turning giggly, the sound of energetic pop music mixing in getting louder every time Yukiko whispered his new name. There was a wet churning noise as his length melted under Chie's sloppy blowjob, his belly flattened as his own cock fucked its way into a throbbing cavity hungry for more. With half his cock gone, Chie's bobbing licks and kisses no longer had any problems with gagging, her eagerness leading to a strong prod of her tongue, Yise seeing stars as his right ball was licked inside.

His screams were being belted out, his core toned from it as melodious notes of utter euphoria echoed in the clubhouse. He couldn't remember what he was even supposed to save, something about Rise bouncing in his head, the name cheered on by the crowd of superfans as her breasts burst out to their full size. Yukiko's whispers kept her focused, anchored amidst the blinding pleasure. She clung to it, struggling as Chie tongued her remaining ball, the last of her cum clearing as her eager sucks popped it in to match its new twin, a warm acceptance spreading through her innards.


Something squeezed in her head, trickling out her slit as Chie continued to lick.


Each pass of her tongue thrust something in deeper, harder, her thoughts drowning in the pleasures of her new body as Yukiko lightly fondled her breasts. The crowd was cheering, her fans were waiting, and she was never one to disappoint was she?


There was a loud slurping noise as Chie's tongue slid inside the idol's slit, something rubbery blocking her licks before she tongued it to shape with a high sopranic screech from her girlfriend. Rise moaned, exhausted from the threesome as she slumped against Yukiko, the feeling of her own clit popping to place too much for even her stamina as she squeezed Chie's cute face between her thighs.

"Mmm~ did you love that Rise? Did I show you how serious I am?"

She gave her girlfriend's bowlcut a ruffle, cuddling against her as she slipped out from between her legs, letting the tired pop idol use her thighs for a pillow.

"Yes you did. I don't know why I was so nervous earlier. I feel much better now."

"Thank Yukiko too! She's the one that pushed me to confess!"

She looked up at the usually reserved girl, ready to thank her when twins of Yukiko and Chie popped in, completely shocked and horrified by the sight before them. Rise though hardly skipped a beat as she grabbed a few chocolates from her box.

"Wanna have some fun?"

A month later and Rise was working her ass off to make her own chocolates. The REAL Rise thank you very much, though no one seemed to notice anything had happened besides her! It wasn't exactly rocket science once the guys had all vanished from their groups, even Marie having her own twin who she swore had always been there. Chie had her new training partner, Yukiko had a copy that actually wanted to inherit the inn and because Kaoru was the girly one, people seemed to accept Naoto's androgyny a lot more readily. Sure there were some benefits, like the other Rise being all in on the idol stuff while she could relax on the sides, and it was nice to have a partner who knew her better than anyone else. And all the other girls seemed so happy with their new sisters...

NO! She wouldn't let up! She had to get her Yu back at least even if he was cute now! All of her effort was going into these white day chocolates, sure to bring her boyfriend back ASAP! It was her third attempt after the first had combusted and the second produced a stench that almost suffocated her. But these were made strictly from an online tutorial with exact measurements, the pale squares of chocolate while a bit sloppier than the final version in the video, remained delectable looking. Now she'd just feed them to her soon to be recovered boyfriend and the others could decide for themselves. Though... were they edible?

She took one from the corner, the almost solid chocolate melting lightly as she nibbled on it. It was delicious, amazing even. She could hardly believe his girlfriend had made something so edible. Wait did she just think of herself in the third pers-


She nearly collapsed, feeling her pussy twitch, her clit swelling and swelling till she was glancing at a large nub pushing against her cute idol apron, her brain beginning to throb.


At least she'd be closer to her precious Yu than ever. It was a small consolation as White Day proved to be just as transformative as Valentine's.


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