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"Are you sure my hair looks good?"

"You used half the gel bottle and you keep combing it. I'm pretty sure it looks fine. Besides we're at the front door it's a bit too late to change it. You need to relax Chris. It'll be fi-"

"You can't call me Chris when we're inside remember? It's Cheng for the new year. And you haven't met my parents. They size up anyone the second they walk in and are extremely judgemental. And they'll be wondering why I brought in a g-"

He paused, almost calling his friend a Guǐ lǎo, recovering with the equally true alternative.

"-irl. Didn't bring in I mean. I don't know how they expect me to stay on top of my studies and have a social life on my current course, but that's my parents for you."

Mark just nodded, unsure of what to say, nervously rubbing the jade pendant Chris had- Er Cheng had let him borrow since he wasn't using it and the carved dragon insignia on a jade plate had immediately resonated with him strangely. Noticing, Cheng almost immediately moved into another freak out, shooting him an annoyed look as he hissed out, "Why the hell did you wear that?! I told you it's a family heirloom that's been passed down! Do you know all the superstitions my parents have about it?"

Mark was surprised, Chris almost never this prone to anger barring when he was going on three days of no sleep, and he didn't even get what the big deal was.

"B-But you gave it to me! We've gone to bars with it before and you didn't-"

"Because I don't care about that stuff! But my family does! My family isn't frequenting college bars dumbass! Ugh great now they'll say this is why I don't have a girlfri-"

The door clicked, their argument stifled as Mark stuffed the pendant behind his black dress shirt collar, Chris's face very serious with just a hint of a smile as his parents opened the door, Mark speaking first with an earnest, well meaning, "Knee How!"

Chris resisted the urge to cringe as his parents welcomed them in.

"Er, hello and welcome to our home."

Chris's mom welcomed them in, his dad mumbling something as he went back into the den, the voices of extended family mixing with upbeat New Years tunes, his mom sharing a look as Mark looked around, the picture of a lost puppy trying to figure out where to go.

"Tā kàn qǐlái... Hái bùcuò."

Chris nodded, unsure of what to say, glad that Mark wasn't able to speak Mandarin as he turned and asked, "Ah sorry what was that? I don't speak-"

It wouldn't be the first time he had smoothened out some of his parent's judgement, Chris sighing as he translated, "She said you are very nice."

That prompted a smile, though Chris was nearly horrified when Mark moved in for a bow at the waist, quickly dragging his coat off to stop any more awkwardness from happening.

Really though, it was inevitable, the judgement zeroing in, Mark the only non Chinese person in the house, half his uncles and aunts already a few bottles in as they stared at Mark like an oddity. One uncle on his second bottle of imported baijiu was the first to jeer.

"Hóng máo rén dàole, qù ná tāngchí chā! (The white guy's here, get a fork and spoon!)"

His wife tried to quiet him with an annoyed look, elbowing him as she intoned, "Xiǎo shēng yī diǎn a nǐ! (Be quiet, you!)" though nothing could stop the amused looks on everyone's faces when Chris's mom returned, two large bowls of rice for them, Chris's with chopsticks and Mark's with a plastic spoon.

"Nǐ de wǎn."

Chris was already dreading the next few hours, the smirks and glances his extended family were passing enough to make his skin crawl all the while Mark moved oblivious to the kitchen, excited to grab something to eat. Chris went to join him, but his mom grabbed his arm, pulling him into the side hallway while Mark did his best to spoon some meat over his rice. This was what Chris was scared of the most, his mom never fully mean, but her passive aggressive dressing down and judgement always hit hard.

"Nǐ hái méi yǒu nǚ péng yǒu a?"

[You still don't have a girlfriend?]

His teeth clacked together, already on edge. He knew his mom usually cut to the point, but this was fast even for her, to the point Chris actually stumbled a bit over his response.

"Āiyō, wǒ dài wǒ de péngyǒu guòlái...er...bàinián, nǐ wèn wǒ zhège wèntí gàn ma?!"

[Oh come on, I brought my friend over to...er...celebrate New Years, why are you asking me this now?!]

The corners of her mouth twitched, Chris knowing he had just made things worse.

"Is your Mandarin getting slower?"

It felt almost demeaning when she switched to English, having the tone of voice almost as if it was a courtesy mixed with disappointment. She always overreacted to these slips of the tongue, her lips parting indecisively as for the briefest of seconds he saw her consider a barb before giving a curt shake as she switched back to Mandarin with a tssk.

"Zhège gēn nǐ nàgè hóng máo péngyǒu méiyǒu guānxì! Nǐ dōu zhǎng dàle ma, yīnggāi kāishǐ zhǎo gè hǎo duì bàn!"

[This has nothing to do with your white friend! You're all grown up, it's about time you start finding a partner!]

One room over, and Mark was stacking his bowl high, wondering what a gooey low was since he heard it whispered every now and then with a giggle as he spooned in some meats for his rice. He wondered if he was getting some nerves, pausing the spooning to fidget with his collar, feeling warm all of a sudden. The jade was warm, but not burning, the medium thick material thickening as it slid up a throat dotted with sweat. The trail of the tightening necklace left what looked like a stain almost, or a seamless birthmark, most of it hidden under the buttoned up top of his shirt, though tiny red dots flecked over the pendant as it slid, hair dribbling out of pores as it pulled past his collarbone. His throat felt a little dry, but Mark figured some food would help, digging in unaware of the argument and pendant heating up by the second.

Chris had made a rookie mistake in arguing with his mom. He had argued back. So rather than an uncomfortable two minutes, it was quickly building into a frustrating back and forth, their half whispers cutting louder though the cheery pop tunes still prevented it from leaving their corner of the house. She was blaming everything, the culture, his friends, his school, and Chris was on his usual counters as she rolled her eyes. They had done this before already, but he couldn't stop himself from spinning the wheels, insisting that he was doing all he could.

"Wǒ zhěng tiān dúshū nǎ li yǒu shíjiān zhǎo-"

[I study all day I don't have time to-]

She held up a hand, tired of the excuses.

"Wǒ gěi nǐ de yù zhuì lè?"

[Where's the pendant I gave you?]

There was an awkward pause in the discussion, Chris breaking eye contact as he looked down at his shoes, like a curbed child knowing he got caught doing something bad. In the kitchen Mark's band had thickened to almost an inch wide, a darker splotch in a growing rectangle making his throat buzz, the jade scraping against his Adam's Apple. He figured it was just heat from the food as he took a bite, swallowing as the band wrapped around his throat, a loose leather choker now.

"Méiyǒu chuān a?"

[You're not wearing it?]

Chris's mother was almost smiling now, ready to dig the knife in now, her son clearly guilty over it, all the possible questions she could ask running through her head. Each thought made the jade burn hotter, Mark's third bite strained, the choker no longer loose, living up to its name as it slowly pressed on his bulging Adam's Apple, the heat piercing the skin as the pressure and heat juiced the resisting lump. It was lodging in his throat, the heat making him cough a little, one push away from the changes becoming obvious.

"Nánguài zhǎo méiyǒu la!

[No wonder you still don't have one!]

Her smug conclusion was ruined by the sound of Mark choking, the argument over as Chris ran in to see what was happening.

It sounded awful, like a lump of phlebm stuck in a rusted pipe organ, the same note repeating. Despite the harsh sounds coming from his throat, Mark looked more confused than in danger, his cheeks full of color and none of the paleness or blue a serious choking incident normally entailed, but it had just started. Chris ignored the onlookers who were more amused than nervous, the sight not unusual to anyone watching a foreigner try Asian cuisine.

"Don't speak just nod. Are you oka- Uh..."

No one else was getting close to him, though one of Chris's cousins sheepishly had a filled glass of water, unsure if they were needed. That pipe organ metaphor was still accurate, but the phlegm was climbing up a scale, Chris's eyes on the jade pendant now lodged in a tight choker. He might have missed it if it wasn't so blatantly bouncing, Mark's eyes wincing as his Adam's Apple bulged less and less, his coughs chirpier as each shake of his head led to his stubble flying off.


A silver clasp formed, tugging shut as the prominent lump in Mark's neck seemed to pop, a whistling, "AHHHH!" briefly leaving as Mark cleared his throat. His breaths were raspy and he was swaying discomfortingly like he was on the verge of collapse, but the rise and fall of his chest was getting steadier, his unfocused gaze landing on Chris as he wheezed out an attempt to calm his clearly worried friend. It was a private viewing for Chris, only a few seconds passing as his position left Mark's clavicle visible. To the rest of the onlookers though, the bouncing of the choker, the subtle loss of stubble, all was hidden by the collar or the lighting, most not wanting to be rude in staring at the guǐ lǎo, though the uncle from earlier was loudly whispering a joke about how it wasn't even a Szechuan dish. It just seemed like a bad bite of spice to an untrained tongue, even Mark not thinking it was all that serious despite the pleasant tingles beginning to fill him from head to toe.

"Don't wo-KFF KFF-rry Chr- Ch-HKK-eng I- AH!"

Something weird clicked in Mark's head when he said Cheng's name, his eyes flinching like a caul had been scraped off, a warm flush feeling spreading from his core as it felt like he was seeing him for the first time. What he couldn't see, and what made Cheng grab him roughly by an arm and pull him upstairs was the way that blush made the hairs on his cheeks all fizzle away, the shocked eye widening doing more than just show awe as his pupils gained sparks of ruby in their hazel, Mark cooing as his rasp went higher.

Mark was struggling to describe it, his heart fluttering as Cheng pulled him upstairs, his friend's strength, his assertiveness, it was all making him so... argh he knew there was a word for this warm pleasant tingling. Having a less pleasant time was Cheng who felt like he was going crazy, each glance back at his friend's face a little girlier, his cheeks a bit rounder, his lips softer, his eyes veined with ruby as he pulled him into the first open door he could find, shutting it hastily as he tried to explain what was happening.

"Mark, I don't want you to freak out, but this is-"

"Your old room right? Aww you looked so cute as a kid. Not that the current you's so bad."

"No that's not what I'm... huh?"

Was Mark... blushing? It was surreal watching his friend's face getting cuter, though at least he wasn't choking, but that last line almost sounded like flirting. No no he was making things up just because of that face, that beautiful, sexy face like it was being made just for him. Actually, didn't he always think red eyes were sexy? But no he preferred brunettes. Which, oh fuck were those black streaks growing out of Mark's blonde...

"H-Hey Mark, do you bleach blonde your hair?"


There was an offended grimace with just a hint of self conscious checking.

"No I'm naturally a blonde. Are you saying you don't like it? Because I can-"

"Mark I think you're turning into a girl. My dream girl. And uh..."

Cheng waited for the freakout, for Mark to gasp in horror and scream out. Instead he fidgeted, looking down and blushing harder, his cheeks finishing their softening as he mumbled out, "I-I didn't know you were into this kind of role playing. I mean if you wanted to do this you should have just asked at the apartment, but I don't think w-we should do that here in- EEP!"

There was a solid crown of black spreading out from his roots as Mark tried to still his thumping heart, only interrupted by a pinching stab in both his ear lobes.

It didn't hurt for long, his fingers probing his lobes to find what could have caused it, Mark pausing a second as he felt tiny puckered holes in both his ears.

"Cheng, did I ever get my ears pierced?"

"...why would I know- Look you're turning into a- J-Just find a mirror or-"

Mark suddenly swooned, stumbling onto Cheng's childhood bed, gasping as a dizzy spell overcame him. Something warm was burrowing into his ears, making the room spin like he was five drinks in, a nostalgic scent filling his nostrils as he enjoyed the daze. The warmth was sliding down both ear canals, Cheng's worries growing more and more distant as the buzz deepened, his lips swollen to a satisfied pucker. And then it all cleared, two loud pops clearing his ears, the feeling like five sets of earplugs being dissolved at once.

The sounds had such clarity to them now, Mark sighing as he relished in Cheng's voice, aspects of it he never noticed before like the slight bass ring, the way he emphasized certain words with a sliding up pitch when he was panicky.

"Mark are you okay? Oh shit man please tell me you're-"

"I'm fine Cheng. Actually, I feel wonderful."


How the hell was he supposed to respond to that?! Why was he the only one seemingly having any urgency over this?! He stood there in a daze, just watching as Mark grabbed a mirror, his eyes looking down to his friend's collar where the top was splitting, red threads spreading stitch by stitch, but what really caught his eye was a patch of coloration he almost thought was just a shadow messing up his color perception. The more he watched, the more it spread, a subtle golden coloration washing over the cream, Mark's eyes widening as he looked at his reflection, his irises fully red as he gave a surprised look. Then he made a kissy face. And then a growling-


Mark turned, looking a little sheepish.

"Well uh... I don't really mind it?"

It was a weird thing to admit, spurred on by a few factors. First, every change just felt marvelous, the growing heat in his body caressing his skin, lightly easing his muscles, strongest at his throat and cheeks, but it couldn't be understated how gentle and insistently... was arousing the word? It was definitely the one he had been trying to think of when he was looking at Cheng, that butterfly fluttering making the heat worse as he blushed. At least he wasn't the only one flustered, Cheng blushing, but he wasn't at the excited part of the process yet. Honestly the panic and worry on his face made Mark want to comfort him, to hug him and calm all his worries and then m-maybe...


He muffled the moan, his pants tight. Cheng was still trying to convince him he didn't want this though, the concern honestly cute. It was making him rethink the last few years, remembering how hard he fought to keep the same roommate, all the drunk nights together, so many moments of friendship that now felt like this was always on the horizon. Shit he was getting hard, alone with his best friend, his closest friend. Another sigh and the last of his blonde was overtaken, the lengthening strands tickling his shoulders as he relished the slight teasing, smiling as that added fidelity to Cheng's complaints was giving the most exhilarating rush of connections, tonality starting to ingrain itself into how he processed dialogue, the hidden music as words sounded like notes in the sentence's stanza. Mark tugged at his collar, feeling the front split, the top button spreading to a flower pin as his fingers scraped the jade pendant, nearly swooning as a rush of heat spilled into his right hand. The fingers twitched, massaged by the changes, lengthened as the nails grew, pressure points tapped as his palms softened, making his strokes all the more enticing against a smooth cheek as he looked up to his worrying friend.\



Sure the music was loud downstairs, but he didn't want Cheng's family to come up to see what was happening, wanting this to stay between just the two of them.

"Look it's just, well you know my love life wasn't doing any better, and I mean these things happen all the time. Kevin turned out to be bi. I mean I still prefer girls but uh, well you're charming and you always helped me study and keep me on track and and uh..."

At least he seemed to be calming down, but rather than being consoled, he looked guilty, looking at her neck as he whimpered out, "This is my fault. You're turning into my dream girl. I did this all because-"

Mark rolled his eyes.

"I was the one that wanted your pendant. It's really not as bad as you think it- ahh~!"

His consolation was interrupted by the trembling of his shoulders, smooth skin lightly gripping them, every few seconds pushing down, the angles curving down in a process that made his pants even tighter. Strands of silk were teasing his collarbone as the red spread, tiny gaps in stitching separating the sleeves as slivers of smooth shoulder became more and more exposed. At this point Cheng knew better than to ask if he was okay, instead wondering, "How did you know it was the pendant?"

Mark held up his hands, his right svelte and dainty, the arm thinning more and more as the sleeve drooped, his left still untouched beyond the slimming shoulder blade.

"Two guesses on which one I just touched it with. Besides it's not like I wasn't listening when you told me about its history. I have all my memories. If you want I could tell you what your family was saying like your uncle who- Wait was he insulting me? No that doesn't matter. I'm not losing my mind or becoming your girl slave dude. It's just... expanding my, mmph m-my hor-AYYYEE~zons. Fuck that feels…

At this point his erection was obvious, his shoulders popping into smooth curves as the sleeves fell off.

Cheng was pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to wrap his head around it all, feeling like he was going insane. There was no way he could be okay with...

"Hey you realize you just said my uncle insulted you right?"

That distracted Mark from what he was doing, which was moaning softly while putting his left hand on the pendant, feeling the muscle melt, but pointing that out made him think back. The red was steadily trailing down, arm holes expanding as his armpits shed every last trace of hair. As the red snaked over, right below the top button, the others were falling silently to the floor, a small point of his chest starting to be exposed.

"Huh, yeah he made fun of me for being white right? I mean I didn't want to make a scene. I barely even heard-"

"He said it in Mandarin."


Cheng waited for that info to settle before he made his point.

"You're turning Chinese Mark."

"What, you only like asian girls?"

"This isn't a joke! You're about to change ethnicity! You're about to be a completely different person! You're..."

He was stuck, unsure how to stress the gravity of it all, not really wanting to shit on being Chinese as much as it was losing your identity, how you'd lose your entire heritage and society would never look at you again. At least Mark was finally starting to get it, his expression quizzical, fingers pawing at his eyes, stretching them in the mirror, very seriously turning himself into a caricature of-


He looked like someone trying to bully an asian kid, sheepishly stopping as he looked in the mirror.

"Well, people always talked about the epicanthal folds and all that. I thought it'd feel different y'know? Everything else felt really good, but the eyes were... uh, kind of disappointing?"

Cheng paused, processing that before hissing incredulously, "You're turning asian and that's what you're focusing on?!"

Mark was definitely embarrassed, but grew more huffy than regretful, feeling a warm prickling wash over his pecs as he shot back, "I'm growing breasts and this is what you're focused on?"

There was an awkward pause as Cheng tried not to stare at the growing diamond of exposed chest, Mark's formerly hairy chest clear and smooth, the golden hue smoothening out the muscle line.

"O-Oh are those coming in? Er, do you need a moment?"

Mark gave a teasing giggle, the tension absent now.

"Not yet, but don't you want to see the show? C'mon I bet you're interested aren't you? Besides it's just a little more flesh. How intense could it b-HYEEEE~!"

He jabbed his thumbs back in a show of cockiness, not realizing his nipples were exposed by the finished diamond cut in his dress shirt, his thumbs stabbing into the nubs right as the new tone washed over them.

Just because Mark was okay with the changes didn't mean he was prepared, moaning as his longer nails scraped the perked nubs, his nipples never really a spot he thought about. Suddenly they were all he could think of, the feeling of teasing them making the warmth surge, his stomach trembling as the first dots of precum dampened his boxers. He tried to hold back the moans, but it was impossible, the warmth tugging, caressing, his hands crossed over his stomach as his abs twitched and flattened.

"Ohhh f-huuuuck uhhhn I- OOOOH~!"

It was a warm hug gripping his waist, caressing his sides as the heat tugged, slivers of fat and muscle eased upwards as they flowed towards his pecs. He was breathing heavily, gasping every time a sliver reached his nipples, a new kind of internal masturbation, sweat dotting his skin as his nipples darkened, then grew, two pink discs bobbing as each breath out sent them swelling to swollen beestings.

The pleasure wasn't just centered there though, Mark feeling in every patch of changed skin a network of pleasure swirling over him, spreading over his core as the skin smoothened, making it so just his hands rubbing the silk of the forming qipao made his cock twitch, his nipples harder still as the arousal sucked at his core, each gasp of driving pleasure pulling his sides tighter as his boxers were starting to grow damp.

"A-Are you okay?"


Fuck Cheng's concerned voice was really getting him going, his spine creaking as the changes rippled through, accenting the swelling growth of his chest as he pulled his shoulders back, unable to stop rubbing his body in the tight silk. The cut of it was tight, nudging his waist slimmer, the looseness of the top filling steadily as the rim of the window flicked and teased his nipples. It was heavenly, bliss beyond description as his waist clenched tighter, spine arcing as the swell of his breasts surged past a's, his trembling arms digging into their growing heft. There was no holding back, Mark clenching his teeth to partially muffle the scream as his hips thrust up, his cock throbbing as he came.


There was a subtle change to how Mark was moaning, missed by both in his lusty moans, his pitch beginning to quiver, doing short runs up and down, gaining a specific ring to it as his tongue gained a familiarity with certain tone placements, each pleasureful surge only emphasizing it as his thighs squeezed round his cumming groin, quivering up and down in practiced bursts. With each vocal quiver down his sides pulled, shapely, feminine muscles cut, outlined by the fit of the qipao, a perfect dip leading to a toned navel that bent up as his spine finished cracking, his cock unloading as his cries now shivered up to a continuous second tone, not stopping until his breasts heaved in all their glory, tearing through the qipao as he sighed, giving a wanting look to Cheng.

Mark was happy to see how flustered that made him and he could see that he was no longer the only person erect in the room. Knowing he was turned on made his own arousal grow, the golden hue covering his cock, his boxers dissolving as the red silk threaded into the band, turning black as they spread up into black lingerie with thigh windows on either side, a perfect compliment to the torn open seams of his dress pants as they merged with the top to open into thigh slits for the qipao. There was what could only be described as the most wonderful stirring in his stomach, making his desires run all the hotter for it as his lust began bubbling in a gap behind his cock.

"Ohhh~ glaaad to see someone is finally- GAAAAWD~ hàppy to sèe m-m- nngh fhuu-uuu-uuck g-give me just a sècònd."

It was really starting to boil, that first release not really satisfying, the pleasure only growing as his cock trembled, something at the base of it suddenly uncorking as the feeling of a gap grew, the nothingness gently fingering its way up as he turned over, biting onto a pillow to stifle the desperate wail of ecstasy that followed as instead of a single strong release, his cum simply flowed at a steady drip, his masculinity dribbling out by the second.

Cheng was mesmerized, watching the fluttering silk of the qipao as Mark shifted about his knees, flaunting his flat ass that stuck out from the curve of his spine, a soft series of pops half lost under the muffled moans and thrashing as Mark's hips slowly spread apart, his hands moving to grope the swelling flesh in a lewd show for Cheng, wiggling his hips suggestively as the flow of cum hastened. Sure there was a cock there, but it didn't take long for the swelling, curving heft of Mark's new ass to force it forwards, lost under the qipao as each sway sent his hips wider and wider, Mark humping his body against the mattress as the pressure stirred his innards into a frenzy, pressure ready to escape as the base of his spine thrusted out.

There was a sudden panicked guilt as Cheng watched, Mark's body bucking harder and harder as a clear lump dented the qipao, his shrieks stuttering at each backwards thrust as the nub erupted out five inches, the fleshy lump thrashing about wildly as blue scales hardened over the tender flesh. Mark gave a confused wheeze, cum gushing with each length of tail, thinning as his balls felt the squeeze, his sac receding bit by bit. Amongst all the new sensations, this one was the most alien, new muscles and sensory organs connecting, making it feel like a second, flexible cock, Mark's moans piercing as another length of tail thrusted out, the muscles to control and carry it making his swollen ass firm into a fit, perky rear.

"Ahhh~ wh-what's h-AHHH~ppening? It feels so goooǒd~ b-but veryyy~ v-ver-heě v-he-qíguàiiii..."

Each forceful moan was accompanied by another half foot of tail, the base thickening, his cum a half clear puddle pooling on the sheets as the maddening ecstasy continued its climb, the tail following his unconscious desire as it wrapped around, the middle section coiling and squeezing his breasts while the tasseled tip slithered lower, caressing his cock as it probed the shrunken sack below. It gave it a poke, Mark thrashing, feeling the ecstasy pounding against his skull, feeling like he was going to burst as the poke turned into a prod.


Two lumps of hardened material poked at his scalp, the skin trembling, tearing, the tassel teasing his balls and ass as the scaled tip now pressed softly into a crease, working it in left and right as his cum turned soapy.

"Ìt's cuuhh uhhmle yìts caaaile~!"

The skin split, tiny bits of horn peaking out, his sack ripping as he screamed in Mandarin, his tail giving a rough plowing motion as he came.

"Yào láile," he exclaimed as he grounded them to pulp. "Yàoláile yàoláileleleleleeeeee~!"

He felt them melt inside, his tail pumping away as it widened the gap, fucking open a cavern as it forced his balls to pop, his clenched thighs wobbling as they swelled with muscle and fat. It forced his cock to spurt out every last drop of semen left. As he erupted below, his scalp released the pressure, both horns tearing up as they tangled into his hair, somehow coiling the long strands together as it spooled them, tying and wrapping up the condensed locks into two buns.

"Leeeleeeeeleeeaaa aaaaah~ ahhhhhn ahhn a-a-ahhhhhhhhhh~..."

The length of tail slid past his throbbing slit and cock, the flexible end wrapping around his legs as it encouraged his thighs to bloat, caressing them lovingly as it slid lower. It coiled around his calves, shaping them, thinning them, squeezing the muscle to its right place, giving them a plush middle curve, tapering them off at the ankles as his twitching feet clenched down into golden, dainty shapes. Mark had never tasted such ecstasy, such thrilling want, but as he stirred from the sheets, his cock still hard, he knew he wasn't satisfied yet. He was missing something, no someone, the last few minutes of ecstasy hollow without the person he really wanted to plug his leaking slit. The first throbs of need hit as he turned, feeling flushed, feeling hungry, Mark moaning towards Cheng, ready to be his lover, his partner, his girl.

" yào nǐ~!"

(I need you~!)

His lips felt odd, both sets, his quivering slit hungry, beginning the first few pulls on his cock, his puckered top ones still buzzing with a new language, Mandarin feeling more and more natural, though his English was still fluent. It was just an additional quirk, his mouth more versatile, more skilled. He hoped to put that skill to the test soon, eyeing Cheng hungrily, making it as obvious as possible that he was what he needed as he rubbed a nipple, stroking his tail as his cock shuddered and leaked, beginning to slide inside.

"I- I mean how do I know this is what you really want?"

Cheng might be seeing his wet dream made flesh, but it was still his best friend. It was still magic. And if there was the chance that this was all coerced then he just wouldn't feel right. Mark rolled his eyes, flicking his tail and horns, "I mean I didn't expect a fucking wěibā to appear and that's a lot weirder than becoming a Huárén you furry!"

Okay so apparently he wasn't magically okay with everything.

"It's scalie and I don't-"

"What matters-" He was rubbing his shaft now, groaning as he pushed, feeling it press in, filling that aching emptiness, inverting as his tip shriveled close, a shiny pink helmet dripping with lust.

"-is that despite it all, it feels good even if it's weird. I've always liked you Cheng, and even if I prefer women, I prefer you more. So please Cheng, I ahh~ looove you!"

She squeezed, sighing as the slip turned into a slide, her pumps hastening, nipples rock hard as her qipao repaired itself.

"Woooǒ looove you!"

Her whole body was trembling, each stroke sending a wave of bliss crashing from her toes and head, meeting in the middle of her toned core as she shoved.

"Woooǒ aaaàii you!"

The hornier she grew the easier her tongue slid to Mandarin, the tonal switches adding an erotic melody to her outbursts, her cock firmly doing the fourth tone \ as it quickly and strongly plunged downwards. Her entire body was blushing, her tail playing with her ass, her hands her breasts, the tips of her horns scratching into the headboard as she gave her cock a series of hungry, tense thrusts as she made her feelings known.


Her shaft split, clear juices staining the sheets as her thighs jerked and twitched, her pussy nearly complete.


Her pushes were now thrusts, fingers pumping at the compressing mass of pleasure that had been her tip, teasing and squeezing it into a swollen clit.


Mark squealed the last part, cumming with a final dive, her body finished as she moaned and huffed, feeling hotter than she ever felt before, but in this new body, an orgasm was just the start of her fun, sliding up to her knees, knocking against her fallen socks that had hardened into red heels. Internally she was deciding on a new name, Mark not exactly fitting well any more, smirking as she settled on Mei as she tossed a suggestive look to him, well as suggestive as she could after basically masturbating to him. It was hard to go up from there.

"Suǒyǐ... nǐ xiǎng zuò shěnme~?"

(So, what are you going to do about that?)

Cheng was already half undressed, that bit of reluctance to part of it easing his fears and it definitely helped that she was constantly urging him on with her sighing striptease. She had to do it slowly, barely any layers on, just a dress and some panties, flicking the heels away, peeling away her qipao bit by bit as she hungrily stared at his body. He was decently toned, taller than her, a bit of stubble on his chin. She couldn't explain why on him it worked and no one else, but then again so much crazy shit had just happened all she could really think about was the throbbing want between her thighs, whistling as his cock was freed. Mei flung her panties by him, her body hot and ready, the pendant burning on her skin as she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him tight, the pendant snapping as their lips met.

There was still a slight cloud of doubt hovering over Cheng's thoughts, unaware of the slight clink of jade shearing, bits of the thick choker peeling with it as his own choker slithered around his throat, Mei's hot body hiding the calming bliss that surged into his body, his groans shifting as the heat melted his Adam's Apple to nothing. Mei only noticed a slight bitter liquid to his spit, weirdly familiar to when she had been choking, but she ignored it, thrilled to have all of her wants met by him, the taste of his mouth intoxicating. And it just kept getting better, his lips locking into hers, feeling smooth, inviting, almost plump? Weird but it's not like his were chapped, and god did it feel good, the scratchy itch of stubble that was distracting from the kiss scraping against her cheeks less and less. He must have been pulling back his chin more, or his nose, neither of them bumping quite as much as he pushed her down onto the bed, both gasping and moaning, Mei's eyes closed as a hand gripped her ass comfortably before trailing up, feeling like a tease or something pulling him away.

Cheng did find it a bit weird that he was having a harder time grabbing onto her ass from his position, but she was just so much smaller so maybe in their thrusting their alignment got misplaced. Weird that she seemed more at his eye level than before, but it was hard to sweat the small stuff when it felt so good just to rub against her body. Was this what love felt like? Where even the smallest of things triggered intense arousal? He had definitely never been harder in his life, holding it back as much as he could, not wanting to end this with disappointment. Everything just felt better, their smooth skin singing, his shoulders easing out a slight pull he hadn't even known was there, moaning in androgynous delight as Mei's grip squeezed his frame slimmer.

Everything about him was getting easier to grab, the long locks of paling hair, his shrinking height, the slight dip in his waist that only grew more accentuated as they pulled tighter, his shaft teasing her snatch though the tip remained outside. Sure they were lost to lust, but Cheng wouldn't do anything unprotected to Mei. Wait why was he calling her Mei? Sure that was her new name, but why did he know-


Her name didn't seem that big a deal when one of her slender fingers gripped his ass, the muscle swelling in her grip as a wet drip of precum spilled from his cock. He didn't know what exactly she was doing, but fuck if it didn't feel absolutely amazing as he squeezed his cock shut with all his might, gurgling between slipping tongues as she squeezed his ass rounder.

Mei never knew Cheng's ass was this thick, loving the way he moaned as she played with it, moaning as his thrusting shaft continually grinded against her clit, a small pop nearly making it enter her as he squealed. Fuck she loved his plump ass, his curved spine, the way his hardened nipples scratched hers and made her breasts- wait what?

She opened her eyes, just in time to watch Cheng's widen, two topazes glinting at her in the glow, greying locks of hair tickling her face as he nuzzled a smaller nose against hers.

"Ch-Chen-MMPH MM~!"

He wasn't letting her have a word in, his thighs wrapped around her, rubbing their chests together as his nipples pulsed. He moved his right hand down, not feeling it slim, teasing the top of her slit as a nail tickled her clit, surprised to see her arms clenched in the sheets as she moaned, swearing he could feel her arms around his wais-



The pressure squeezed, his sides taut and tender, a finger jerking into Mei's clit as she bucked moaning as her pussy lubed up his shaft. In one fluid motion his spine and sides had curved, carving out his body to the shape of a goddess, Cheng's cock leaking as he tried harder and harder not to bust, groaning as a rush of ecstasy swelled into his overripe nipples. The surging breasts at least gave Mei a break from the makeout, moaning out, "Chéng! Nǐ yě-"(Cheng! You're also-) before his pleasured squeals interrupted.


There was a meaty sounding slap, his growing breasts jiggling into Mei's, the two moaning as her pussy leaked, her own needy thrusts making his cock tremble as he looked down. Only a few minutes ago he would have completely lost his shit to see his own body turning, b cup breasts swelling, threatening to burst as with a few gurgles his brain sparked from the tender feel of breast growth. Now he understood, the warmth of it, the ecstasy, just how right it felt. It wasn't mind control or a removal of who he was, just a persistent argument he had no counter to, groaning as a shudder ran to the bowels of his core, cum spilling out in frantic, stoppered spits.

A few tendrils of sweat soaked hair showed him its color, remembering Mei mentioning a year ago her love of white hair in some anime girls, remembering how she said she still preferred women. Looking at that worried, face, the clear want for him to be happy mixed with a clear arousal for what he was becoming. He felt her wills and want shaping him, feeling up his own core at the perfect curves, his breasts squeezing tighter against her own as his curvy form trembled, on the verge, drool leaking from a corner of his mouth as Mei looked up at him giving an aroused, but worried, "Chéng?"

Consequences be damned, he wanted this, smiling as she glanced down, letting the squeeze in her abs let go, moaning out, "Ohhh WOOOAH W- Wǒ zhīdàoooo~!"(I know~!) Cheng couldn't stop bucking, squealing as the unclenching in her core turned into a digging, a wet puddle of cum spilling out on the sheets, her thrusts interrupted as Mei's thighs squeezed around her exposed cock, milking her balls for all they were worth as their bodies grinded together. One of Mei's hands slid over Cheng's ass, spanking it before diving lower, her index and middle probing the gap between her balls as her thighs rolled them in, thrusting to a long lusty shriek of her partner. It was Cheng's turn to scream her love, repeating it again and again as her cum cleared, her sack splitting at her touch, Mei's thumb rubbing up and down her shaft as she fingered her balls into a tight slit. For a moment Cheng's cock wilted, clear juices spilling out, completely spent, but it barely took a twist of Mei's fingers to get it hard one more time, one last time Cheng could feel, words replaced by action as she shoved her cock into her girlfriend's leaking pussy.

It was a mess of hands and sensations, Mei's pussy squeezing around her cock, each ecstatic thrust shoving it in as her girlfriend's pussy compressed it thinner and thinner. Mei continued to finger with her right as her left squeezed her thighs, feeling them bloat, tits squeezing and rubbing together, skin slipping on skin, their lips muffling moans. Cheng was stirring her up, giving one hell of a final performance with her cock as her thighs swelled, toes clenching as clear fluids pulsed from her shrunken nub. Mei was really going at it with her fingers, thrusting and tilting the shaft upwards, trying to have it plunge deeper till it was ready to slip out, Cheng desperately thrusting her own fingers inside as she copied what Mei was doing.

They were both thrusting into the other's fingers, Cheng using her weight to plunge deeper, Mei's fingers teasing her cock into a clit with each squeeze stroke and push, her thumb pushing it the last bit in as the pleasure built and built. Cheng's body clenched tighter and tighter, wounding as she could feel her tip switching over, Mei's fingers dancing over the unbearably sensitive vaginal walls forming, absorbing her cock as pressure built greater and greater, centered above her tailbone and her scalp. Finally it all burst, Mei pressing on her clit, Cuifen shrieking as she came, a great tail erupting out as horns emerged, their tails coiling together as the new couple climaxed at the same time.

The two collapsed on the bed, panting as they got their breath back, cuddling while Cuifen teased her own horns, smirking at Mei as her tail slithered.

"Wǒ yǐwéi nǐ bù xǐhuān nàgè wěibā?"

(I thought you didn't like the tail?)

"Wǒ shuō wǒ méi xiǎngdào huì zhǎng chū yī tiáo wěibā, Méiyǒu shuō bù xǐhuān."

(I said I didn't expect to grow a tail, not that I didn't like it.)

She shot back with a giggle, the bristled ends of their tails brushing back and forth lazily, feeling completely conte-

"Nǐmen liǎng gè yǒushì ma?"

(Are you two okay?)

Cuifen's mom’s voice shocked them out of the nice moment, the two panicking as they switched to English, quickly grabbing their clothes, unsure how they were going to explain what happened, trying to use a deep voice as the panic made Cuifen switch to English.

"O-One second mom!"

Neither knew what the hell they'd say when they got out, just knowing for sure that being naked together would definitely make it worse. Mei had her qipao back on quick, Cuifen finding her clothes changed to match as a black and red version. They wanted another second to at least figure out what they were even going to say, but she was continuing to knock, and they didn't want her to barge in on strangers, sheepishly opening the door ready for her shocked-

"Huàzhuāng huà wánliǎo méiyǒu?"

(Finished with your makeup?)

Neither of them dared to speak, just nodding, confused as she shook her head and waved them downstairs.

"Kuài diǎn a! Zài děng xiàqù shíwù jiù lěngle lè!"

(Come on! Any longer and the food will be cold!)

The rest of the night felt like a fever dream, no one batting an eye at their new bodies, the annoying uncle though had one or two lesbian jokes that got him shoved a few times by his wife. No one even seemed to notice their tails.

Going back to the dorms was similarly odd, their wardrobes fully replaced, though most of the odds and ends remained the same minus the bathroom which held plenty of new hygiene products and five extra bottles of shampoo and body wash. Their classes remained the same, their friends the same and again, no one seemed weirded out by the replacement, their documents solidifying that reality had changed for them. It didn't take long for them to have fun with it, plenty of alone time now saved for trying out their new bodies and experimenting, their tails a bitch to control given the usual muscle spasms extreme pleasure caused, but they were definitely loving every minute of their new lives. Caitlyn (Cuifen's English name) was tapping her foot, waiting for May to come out of the bathroom for their shared elective.

"You know just because we're girls now doesn't mean we have to dress up for EVERY class May."

"Děng xiàzi!"

(Hold on!)

Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

"Why are you using Mandarin more than me? You do know that's weird right?"

May popped out finishing her mascara, winking with her finished eye.

"Wǒ zhège Měi shàonǚ bùnéng wán diǎn ma?"

(Can't this beautiful maiden have some fun?)

"Yeah yeah this beautiful maiden's about to make us both late again."

May looked at the clock and quickly ran for her stuff.

"Shit sorry. Lets get going. Don't want to make your mom even more annoyed with me lol. How do I look?"

"Does that really matter right now?"

"Of course!"

She sighed, making a show of looking her over as she pushed her out the door.

"You look great as always, now let's get going princess Gweilo."

May looked half offended at that.

"That's not even Mandarin!"

"And neither was your tongue a week ago."

"I thought you liked my tongue!"

She was still a bit prickly at the whole recently turned asian thing, still picking up on a few nuances and the general reception to her, but Caitlyn liked to have some fun at least in riling her up. It always made the sex better anyways after class as the couple continued, completely happy with how their lives had changed.


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