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So amongst everything else, Patreon has had one of their mods come in to advise me on how to change things cause I can't use their platform as it is this moment. They have been very nice(even if I am frustrated speaking of, hi person who has been emailing me. Thanks for not deleting me outright), but this means a few things. One I will be removing all stories that are public already. Two I will be removing images from future patreon posts and editing out the current ones. Three all future story suggestions have to follow the rules for monthly polls. Check my discord for publicly posted works, but for now I have a hundred stories to delete. Thanks for listening and more posts here soon.



Good luck. Hopefully you can eventually get back to a regular writing tempo so your not overwhelmed with an over growing pile of stories. Maybe decrease the amount of stories you pledge to do a month from the vote poll to like to the top 1-2 until you get back into the swing of things can help


Have you looked into SubscribeStar? I know they're less strict about erotic stuff.