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I'm sure you've all noticed my productivity over the last few months has noticeably decreased. And I do have a few stories and comms to properly edit and upload before the end of the month, but I think you all deserve to know why. While I've been very open about it on discord, my health has severely downgraded. Now before you worry too badly, this is all genetic or chronic stuff that I got from my parents that I've been told will start to get better in the next few months going off their histories which I've followed to a T.

Now as for what the health stuff, is I began getting migraines a few years ago. They started out infrequent, then slowly grew in intensity and frequency. Currently it's almost every day. Imagine that your eyes are playing tug of war with a knot in your brain stem as they try to tear apart the knot through force while your brain is pressurized trying to escape your forehead through your temples. Surprisingly I have written stuff through the pain, but as the pressure gets really bad, I then get overwhelmed by nausea and as you can probably guess it's hard to have sexy time writing when you feel like you're going to puke at any moment. I've had severe migraines for 18 days straight. And when they abated a few days ago, I got hit with my chronic bronchitis being a bitch. So this is a temporary, but intensely frustrating setback where my body just decides to be useless most days. I've puked during some of the worst attacks of it, and as my roommate has unfortunately seen, I've collapsed a few times as well when the nausea turned my legs to jelly. Also not helping is that I get these from my mom's side, and on my dad's side, I got a breakthrough allergy to the only medicine that actually helps with them. Which isn't... the best. I almost had my throat close a few weeks ago and had awful hives over my body for around three weeks. My body is very dumb right now and I just have to grit my teeth and work through it.

I have a few more months of peak shiftiness but I will get past this. Even now I'm currently cradling a temple splitting migraine and waiting for my current migraine to pass. But all that being said, my current pace won't work for how my Patreon is currently structured.


So I've already updated my 20 tiers a few times that March would be the end of that tier. At the current rate, I have to write 13 3k stories every month on top of patreon suggestions amounting to at least 45k words every month. Which is almost three to five times the next closest writer I could compare myself to and unsustainable. In the future when my body isn't crap and I can go back to writing at my former rates I'll bring back said tiers, but I will be changing up my tiers, adding a new one and changing the 3 and 5 tier to better fit my current schedule. Here are all the changes.

$3 TIER - Just early access. Will still allow order voting on discord when applicable. Poll voting will be pushed above.

$5 TIER - Voting on polls and Live Writing access for comms, suggestions and rewards. Since I'm changing it though this month, I will still let $5 patrons submit for this month.

NEW $7 TIER - Going to think up another good name for it, but this will be the new Story Suggestions tier where once a month you can submit a suggestion for the poll and all other benefits. In addition to this, since people have asked I will be doing MORE PATRON SUGGESTIONS! I'm aiming to increase it to at least 5 a month with one slot specifically for ideas that didn't get many votes but that I loved a lot and as my health improves and I have more time to write, I will be able to do any extras from most voted on down. I think this is a much healthier workload for me to balance out.

$20 TIER DELETED - I sent a message to those people but to prevent my backlog from ballooning further, it is gone as of this moment. If you are a twenty patron please exit the tier within the following week. I will do all of your rewards. I have a master list of everything I owe and I promise even if I'm slow I will do all that I owe.


Thanks again so much to all of you. I can't express how much you all have helped me. This has been a rough time mentally with my health being crap and life continuing to not let up on the shit train for me. I truly appreciate every last one of you no matter how much you've contributed. If you leave after this month, I want to thank you for all you've done to support me and I vow to continue to be worthy of such wonderful support. I truly love all of you and I can't wait for this to pass so we can all go back to enjoying some amazing lewds together. Monthly suggestion poll will come out tonight.



we love you too Charo, i hope this passes soon


Just when I was thinking of dropping back into the Chateau to see how you were doing, as I had noticed the comparative inactivity. This sounds dreadful, what you're experiencing, so my sympathies to you. And my best wishes to your health.

Eryn Thompson

I second this! It confuses me how a body matures and would naturally alleviate such a paralyzing condition. But I very much hope for it to pass as soon as possible. 🫂💜

vegetarian barbarian

Sorry to read bout this, my mom suffers from similar migraines and may have a different medication I could suggest. Won't further put my nose where it dont belong unless thats okay. Hope it settles down soon, drink a coke, eat a bottle of Tylenol, then sleep 48 hours straight!!!


Thanks I hope it passes soon. Got an aspirin allergy too that isn't the best lol. I miss my excedrin.