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Max felt vindicated after years of being a league fan, Arcane finally bringing it to the mainstream, even if most people weren't going to play the actual game(which was probably a good thing admittedly). Every trailer and tidbit that had come out had been slowly getting him excited, though he had kept his expectations low, after all it was a video game adaption, and god knows the track records those have had. And then it came out and all those fears had been blown away. It didn't just meet expectations, it shattered them, Max's friends actually bringing it up in casual conversation, the influx of art was great, but above all the series had finally been brought to life, reaching a potential Max could only dream of before. Due to this, he had been admittedly geeking out to a lot of his friends, which they took to well enough since they knew how big into League he had been.

Since he didn't want to scare them off much though, he had been saving most of it for Dave, the other league fan of his friends before Arcane. He wasn't as big into it as Max, but he was still fairly knowledgable as they talked for hours about the show and what hidden details are precursors to other champions. Max's social media was similarly in gush mode, a constant stream of League tweets and appreciation. His account was small so it wasn't like he was expecting much, but someone must have been seeing his enthusiasm when he got a strange call from Dave.

"Did you send a package to my place?"

Max wasn't sure where this was coming from, immediately responding, "No, why would I send something to your place?"

"Cause it's addressed to both of us and I didn't order anything."

"Does it have anything attached?"

"I didn't open it in case it was like a Jynx dakimakura or something."

"HEY! I wouldn't-"

He stopped, remembering the time Dave had accidentally seen his search history.

"Look I'll be over in a bit, just leave it shut for now and we'll see what it is."

It took almost twenty to get there due to traffic, Max going through anything he had bought recently he might have forgotten, drawing a blank as his interest only deepened when he pulled two streets away where he could park without a visitor pass. Then it was just a quick run, Dave thankfully only on the second floor as he burst in, ready to open up-

"Why'd you open it?!"

"Hey it's addressed to both of us and you were taking your sweet time heading over here. Oh there's a letter for you in there, I'm just dealing with twelve layers of packaging on this thing."

Max held back his snide comment while looking at a truly absurd amount of strewn packaging around Dave, picking up an ornate written script that left more questions than answers.

"Hello Max, I've seen your enthusiasm and I've seen how often you've wanted to truly experience the world of Arcane and I couldn't stand by and let such enthusiasm wane. And this was the perfect chance to see how my research has come along. Besides, you and your friend seem quite close, almost like siblings. I'm sure you'll both enjoy getting closer than you ever imagined to each other and the characters you love."

"...d-did you read this?"

Dave was undoing the last layer, looking at a cool blue glow emanating from the parcel inside, almost done getting it out as he picked at a piece of flattened scotch tape fraying on the ends.

"No, I mean it said it was for you and I figured it was just some in game thing they send out to players."

"No this looks crazy! I think some nutjob might have randomly doxxed you! This isn't even printed out it's hand writ-"

At that moment the final piece of tape came undone, Dave revealing a large blue marble glowing with an unearthly hue of blue. Or maybe it would be better to say all the hues of blue as he rolled it around, his face shocked.

"Holy shit! This looks like a hextech crystal!"

Even Max was awed, but then, "Wait aren't those highly unstable if you don't-"


It was more than just a replica, Max ducking away as the sounds from the show blasted around them, Dave's nails the catalyst as they scraped the marble of pure magical energy creating red sparks amidst the blue as he yelled, his fingers burning as the marble bounced off the ground and exploded. Dave was the one caught in the brunt of the explosion, screaming as arcs of electric energy pulsed through him like an overloaded circuit, strips of cloth burning away as he struggled in the aftermath, his body twisting as the left side of his hair was burning. Max had avoided the worst of it, only a few stray bolts arcing over him, the sparks of a bad static shock mixed with the hum you get when touching a low yield exposed electric cable, his short hair standing up like it was zapped by a Tesla coil. All in all, he felt like he got off lucky considering the screeching he was hearing in the main foyer, even if there was a worrying buzz that didn't seem to be dissipating from him.


He felt like an asshole, but waited just a bit longer to peek over, seeing a burnt cinder in his carpet of a dull, lifeless chalky substance. Satisfied that the bomb or whatever it was had dissipated, he quickly ran over took off his jacket, beating the flames away before smothering them with the coat, Dave groaning as he slumped to the ground.

Something was strange as Max lifted the jacket up, the smell more like burnt hickory and sweat than the rancid stench of scorched hair. Looking at his jacket, the burnt bits of hair had smeared on black, but as the strands crumbled and powderized, they took a distinct crimson coloring, almost like dye, the weirdness only growing as he looked at his friend's scalp.

"H-How bad is it? You've been quiet and it MMPH ahh something's t-tingling. Ugh c-can't quite describe it but it's almost-"



"It's fucking red!"

That didn't help Dave's panic at all, but Max was trying to understand the sight before him, Dave's short black hair 'burnt' only so far as it looked shaved on the left side in a punk style, the close cut stubble a vibrant shade of reddish pink, the rest standing on end as if charged, small red sparks coiling between the strands. It was already baffling, but then there was the detail of the color spreading, Max slack jawed as Dave fidgeted on all fours, whimpering as the sparks raced around his short crop of black, each pop dyeing more of it red as he watched it grow before his eyes. The skin near his forehead was getting flakey, peeling as Max went to see what was happening, poking a corner only for Dave to suddenly moan, thrashing as the top layers of skin cracked and dusted like a worn coat of paint.

"Ahh~ fuck what did y-OOOH AHH AHH!"

The revealed skin was smooth, creamy, tiny hints of scars in an otherwise pristine looking layer as the peachy skin spread. There were some oddities as Max's eyes followed the wave, a bit of Dave's left eyebrow scarred off, the wave leading his eyes to the wreck that was his friend's clothing. It was almost all burnt, his dick visible through the many holes, his shirt peeling away with the skin though oddly with all the burnt sections, the lower arms of his sweater and calves of his jeans had been spared the burns despite being the closest to the explosion. Of course that detail was sidelined when the wave hit Dave's nipples, his screams taking a confused, but aroused cadence as the brown nubs visibly throbbed.

It was a series of sights Max never had imagined or ever wanted to see, his friend thrusting his hips forward, his cock getting harder by the second as his nipples were bulging, turning a shade paler red than the hair swiping over his trembling features. His thrusts hit a fever pitch as his shreds of jeans dissolved, his cock turning hairless and smooth, something terribly familiar about the scraps left as Dave squealed.

Max had seen enough, not sure why he was feeling a bit dazed, his own buzz largely forgotten even as tiny plucks ransacked his body, hairless patches spreading moment to moment, but that was slow and small compared to what was happening to Dave.

"Shit we have to get you to a hospital, this can't be fucking natur-"


His hands were clearly spasming, his feet scrabbling against the floor. Sure they were kind of stuck there, actually now that he looked at them, it was like an invisible force was keeping them glued to the floor, but that couldn't be-

"HNNGH! RRGH! What the fuck?!"

Max tried pulling him but he was stuck, some great invisible force pulling him magnetically in his prone position. He could have blamed the sweat coating Dave's body or the awkward grip as he tried to stay away from the clearly erect cock starting to drip with precum. If he had noticed, he might have blamed the hairless patches as the muscle underneath atrophied, still caught in a weird middle state of being in patches, but then if he noticed that he'd be having a different kind of panic.

"Oh f-HUUUCK I-I can feel it getting strAAAHNger p-pulling toward m-m-"

There was a low hum, growing louder, Max almost missing it from how gradually it had increased but he could almost feel it now, covering his ears as drawers rattled, his phone flying from his hand and crashing into Dave's forearm as it melted into formlessness. The inert halves of the former hextech looking crystal followed, hitting either arm, both now cloaked in blue as the rattling became a clangor. Max ducked as silverware and appliances flew towards his friend, a storm of metal and electronics tearing themselves to a formless mass, clanging around his arms as he continued to moan his hair fully crimson. Tongs from a fork broke off, two piercing his ear, one his nose, Dave giving a high shriek of pleasure as Max looked on in horror, his fears confirmed, Vi's gauntlets rested on his arms.

There was the sound of metal screeching and bones popping, muscle tearing and reforming as to Max, it sounded like the most horrific fate ever, all contrasted with Dave's pleasured shrieks defying all logic as his lips twisted in ecstasy.

"Um, y-you can't be enjoying this! I-I think you're um- t-turning into-"

"FUUCK I don't care what's h-AHppening if it keeps feeling s-OHH~"

There was a pause, like he was trying to find the words, all sorts of unique sensations assaulting him, molding him to something stronger, sexier. The latter word popped into his head as his forehead crumbled, some stray thoughts squeezing out as his facial shape shifted. All this pressure wasn't hurting but refining him, sculpting his body into a diamond as his hands flexed with increased flexibility and muscle, the fingers stretching as newfound strength coursed into his gauntleted arms, the magic surging inside, giving an indescribable bliss that his mind failed to put to words.


The pulsing strength was addictive, Dave forgetting the pain that had started it, his muscles burning with the sweet tear of exercise and the dopamine rush that followed mixed with the pleasure already making his cock start to leak. His calf height jean remnants were merging into his sneakers, thickening to leather as the insides grew cramped. They hugged his calves, squeezed the ridges of his feet, the muscle giving into the pressure, his body wanting to be made better as he gave a hiccuped gasp, feeling his toes mold to be perfect fits, his arches slimming, all that unneeded bulk pushed up into his calves as they rounded with muscle and fat. The remaining strips turned to straps, rubbing the insides of his thighs sensually, caressing the flabby mass as potential throbbed in the firming expanse. With a snap his knees knocked together, the bliss brief as the incongruity with his hips upped the pressure. It cramped his prostate, his cries growing needy, now unable to cum.

Max looked up, almost scared, the curses rolling from Dave's mouth clearly agitated, sounding huskier as he thrust in place. In the small magnetic attraction, bits of his jeans had ripped off, some metal fastenings from his jacket tearing the shoulders as his skin glistened with a pale splendor. Already his nails were longer, the feared duck squeezing them slimmer as the red paste from Dave's burnt hair had stained them a surprisingly even coat of pink. He was only half aware of the growing arousal, attributing it to the blatant horniness of his changing friend, their body growing girlier by the second as he watched a naked, trembling Vi emerge from his friend, his own paling skin turning sensitive to the touch.


One annoyance popped, his throat slimming as Vi's voice graced his ears, making his brain tremble as more of his facial shape squeezed in. Davi felt something pop as his brow slimmed, unsure what, his cock painfully erect as he felt trapped, desperately struggling to get up as his strained innards blocked him from the release he needed. Tension spread up his arms as he tried to lift the gauntlets, a torturous mix of pain and pleasure surging as he could feel his biceps tearing, knitting back tougher, denser, his shoulders squeezing as fibrous muscle clutched at the blades. His cock throbbed, his cheeks clenching with his shoulders as both rounded, a black line carving itself into his left cheek under the eye, a line cutting perpendicular as his eyes bulged and popped, turning to seductive slants as sparks colored the irises from brown and green to grey and blue.

The gauntlets gave a slight lift before falling, his thighs still building muscle bit by bit, beginning to flex the straps, but that only made his frustrating lack of release harder to put up with. He needed more, moaning for the power as he pulled with all his might, shrieking as his straining tugged at his core, ready to snap as the power squeezed inwards.

He screamed like an animal in heat, bashing against the restraints of the gauntlet as his core visibly shrank, his sides creaking as bits of bone crunched and curved. His whole cock was a dark shade of red at this point, his weak stomach spasming as rippling flesh began to differentiate from the slightly bulging, hairless frame, lines etching themselves from his navel upas the horny thrusting grew more frantic. Avi could feel it in his own thrusting, his lips swollen as he bit down, the facial tattoo now clearly showing a "V" as his body was turning fitter by the second. It was too much power, too much pleasure, Avi grinding his erect nipples against the carpet as pure muscle pushed them forwards.

His skin was taut, the slight pain of it stretching from the muscles only adding to the bizarre pleasure torturing him as his thighs continued to bloat. His movements were whittling his body down further, each thrust curving his sides, the lines etching deeper as his belly button stretched up, a firm six pack showing as torn muscle around continued to sew itself tighter. His core felt like diamonds, the only things competing in hardness his nipples and cock, the larger give on his gauntlets becoming more apparent as he could see them now shifting with him, scraping against the floor as the blue hextech inside began shining. There was a slight hum as Avi whined, feeling on the cusp of something massive, his shape still uncomfortably grinding against itself when the blue lights flashed, strength and magic pouring through him as he lifted himself off the ground.

Cum sprinkled from his cock, flecks of it escaping the pressure seal, his arousal too strong to be completely held back. Everything was throbbing, growing, his face clenched in intense pleasure as the square shapes of his pecs bloated, fat thrumming under his nipples as his core snapped tightly together.

"Mmm f-UHHK I can't wait any lAHHNger!"

She grabbed her ass and pulled, a crack announcing the end of her wait.


Her hips splintered open, magic and fat surging into her ass, the cheeks swelling with her breasts as a massive gush of masculinity sparked out her cock, blue shocks of magic burning away the swimmers inside, the puddles clearing as each gush thinned from her quaking cock. Avi had never felt this good before, feeling like every joint and muscle group in her body was slotting together like a puzzle, her core muscled and curvy, her shoulders barely even tensing with effort as she stood on her own feet, easily lifting the gauntlets currently sending electric sensation through the few remaining holdouts.

Her chest was like a lightning rod of ecstasy, her moans staggered in waves as each nipple was teased anew as fat rounded them out, slapping against the backs of them as her spine snapped back, making the new weight feel natural as their heft squeezed against her muscles. She teased them, shrieking as the warm metal of her gauntlets made just a finger enough to palm them, the other hand teasing her shaft, pressing it as a final line scrawled into her left cheek.

She just kept cumming, moaning as her balls emptied, shrieking as they vacuum sealed to her crotch, clear fluids gushing as one by one they popped inside. Her muscled thighs clamped around the metal finger, her hip thrusts making short work of the tender, unbearably sensitive lump between her legs, unable to even comprehend it as her own any more, the desire to push it inside too great to ignore as who she was faded into the recesses of her brain, trashed as she wriggled the gauntlet finger down till it was touching the freshly opened lips of her slit, Vi giving one final, lusty moan as something popped inside, her pussy clenching as she bullied the weak thing caught inside its folds until it had slotted right where she wanted it, the new girl smiling as the aftershocks of an orgasm rolled through her.

"Mmm~ well that took fucking long enough, but fuuuck was it worth it."

Max was incredibly disturbed, both with the situation and himself. He had just watched his friend completely turn into a fictional character, heard every bodily snap and watched as they essentially fucked themself into Vi, and he was horny. Oh god was he horny. He couldn't stop squirming, his dick erect, his nipples hard, something was wrong and it was like his body couldn't help but swoon at even the slightest bit of pressure. The admittedly sexy horror show before him had been a distraction but the budding sensations were growing too strong to ignore, Max suddenly gasping as a string of sudden jabs onto his right side made a wet stain appear on his pants.


He stumbled forward, getting Vi's attention as he began tugging at his clothes, moaning as he tripped onto the ground. It felt like bee stings, each one tremendously painful and making the surrounding skin tingle before it too was stabbed by the sudden needle feeling. Despite the very obvious pain, his body was enjoying it, a few giggles leaking out as it stabbed along his right arm, his right chest, just below his nipple and more along his hips. Fuck why was he giggling? And when did his skin get so smooth and and-

"Huh? N-No NOO N-OHHH~!"

His skin was completely hairless, the color far paler than it should have been, but the nail in the coffin was seeing the source of the prickling, dark blue and light blue shapes slowly tattooing into his skin, having a faded quality to them as they teased him in their patterns, forming a blue cloud pattern that was familiar to him. And Vi.


She was looking at the guy twitching, watching as his body was tatted up like her sister, confused at what she was even watching. Some average looking joe twitching with pale skin rubbing their body in distress, but those patterns... And then he squeaked out a giggle, some of his roots spreading out in a clear blue tint against the short brown hair, just like Powder's.


The question made the buzz in Max's brain grow, his thoughts in disarray, blue locks sprouting longer and longer as the giggling grew louder. He could only respond in a low moan, confused by the sudden shocks of pleasure, the blue leeching into his grey matter as his eyes shot open, a loud horny screech ripping through the relatively subdued noises he was making before. Vi felt unsure how to respond, cautiously moving towards the strangely garbed man, vaguely recalling something similar happening to her moments prior. She tried to be reassuring, giving Max a shoulder pat and calling out, "D-Don't worry sis, I promise it'll feel really good soo-"



To her horror, that small comforting gesture was too much for his skeleton, his right shoulder collapsing with a painful series of snaps, wrenching the bone, tearing through muscle as the new tattoos leeched at his masculinity. Violent shocks of blue hair rippled out his skull, flecks of pink swimming in his teared up irises as the shifting continued, his right shoulder blade honed into a slimmer knife, his voice wheezing as his collarbone leaned to meet it, his throat alight in numbing electric sparks as his posture gained a hunch from the shifted frame. Amidst this the mocking laughter echoed in his head, his cock achingly erect as his entire right arm throbbed with pleasure and pain.

"Shit I'm sorry Powder I didn't mean to-"


Max screamed it desperately as she moved to do something to comfort him, that name making his cock leak some as the throbbing in his right arm quickened, muscle compacting, soft flat filling in the sunken shape as from painted nails to the edge of his shoulder he had Jinx's arm, thoughts of her making the pain fall to pleasure. In frustration he yelled, "I-I'm nAWWT your s-IHHster you fUHHcking idiot!"

There was a silent moment, enough to realize how big a mistake that was as Vi snarled, "Well that's not up to you is it?"

The first time was an accident; this time it was malicious. Max whined as she grabbed his twitching male, left side, accenting her annoyance with squeezes as each one wrenched his shoulder to a matching curve.

"You ARE Powder and I know she's in there. I just have to get her out and we can start again in this new place. You're just in the way!"

Bones were breaking, his arm cracking as she molded his arms like playdoh, hot metal squeezing his left to shape as it slimmed, girlier by the second as Max's wrist snapped down to fit with the rest. His mind was trembling, the pain almost at what he could take, his eyes tearing up as a vessel popped, painting his left iris pink as his tears stung. Something was mixed in, his fluttering eye dowsing his lashes in mascara as his breathing hitched, a small pop shifting the socket inside as it felt like his brain was pressurized to the point of popping.


Vi was gripping his sides from behind, angling him, his skin humming with confusing pleasure as Vi's strong arms grazed his sides, clasping together as she pulled into a hug. Max felt the world beating to the thrum in his head, his cock leaking regularly. The sisterly hug was having an affect, his brow quaking as the right forelocks slid over his view, the giggling drowning out all other noises as his si- as Vi continued to squeeze, harder and harder. His sides were creaking, his spine trembling under her weight, the taut skin of his newly slimmed neck pushing in his Adam's Apple as Max's own moans began to turn him on. He couldn't stop the changes, feeling his waist creaking inwards, that mass swimming around, teasing his flesh as his areolas tripled in size. It was too much for him, his thoughts flickering, everything drowned in the mental laughter as his ribs condensed, his spine's notches grinding together in an unbearable mix of pleasure and pain before something snapped and the world went dark.

The world gradually brightened, but remained a dingy green as Max found himself tied a chair, completely in the nude. Looking at his bound body, somehow the changes had undone themselves. Maybe Vi had had a change of-

"Don't think about that killjoy. I'm trying to get in the mood for this! Besides she'd never go back on her word unless she decided she didn't want you anymore. Your thoughts are just still so boring and... you."

Jinx walked in front of him, nude beyond her long sleeved gloves.

"Delayed? What do you-"

He paused, watching his fingers start to shrink, his naked body plucking itself free of all hairs as he whimpered at the unwanted feelings.

"That's so cool! Must be a sign of how amazing I am if you're already trying to BE me! Then again I've always been told my mind's a hard one to change, unlike yours dummy!"

Max tried his best not to panic, finding it hard as she stepped towards him like a cat eyeing a mouse. Surely he could talk her out of this, try and make her under-

"Stand? Jeez you're JUST! LIKE! VI! All these people thinking they can control me when I always know they're just looking out for themselves! Oh and this is in your head since you keep asking it over and over. I can read your thoughts cause I am them. I think this place used to be your childhood home but I forget. It's mine now."

Max didn't quite get what that meant till he tried thinking back on where he grew up, still able to recall his mom and dad, but the building itself had become this dingy place, one he vaguely recalled from Arcane. But no he couldn't get side tracked, he had to resist this or else he'd-

"Aww you think you have a choice in the matter?"

Jinx pounced, giggling as she teased his stomach, watching as every patch of skin she touched paled upon contact.

"C'mon, I can see into your head. I know all those fucked up fantasies you've been having, so try to enjoy this ya perv."

And with that she pulled him in for a kiss, stroking his cock as she got to work.

She gripped his cheeks like an aggressive grandma, pinching and tugging as she felt his cheekbones crunch, her teeth biting as she teased his lips out to equally plump puckers, grinning at the hard, throbbing need in her hands as the sensation of his skin turning smooth and silky against her was a turn on. She had never had much of an interest in anyone romantically so she was well used to her hands being her own lovers, but this gave her the best of both, having a partner dissolving into her identity, to mold and fuck how she wanted as all he could do was whimper back. But there were still things to improve on.

"God stop moaning like that you're making it hard to enjoy this. Lighten up a LITTLE!"

Her cock stroking hand tensed around his balls, making Max squeak as his voice rose from the sudden pressure down below. His shaft twitched, blocked by Jinx's grip as her mouth went towards his exposed throat, giving it a hickey as she centered her lips around the bump of his Adam's Apple and sucked till the flesh gained a ring of blue. His moans sounded tortured, his cock trying to cum, Jinx not allowing it till his desperate moaning hit the right pitch. Her tongue licked at the shrinking bump, his throat turning slender as her free hand continued to massage his cheeks, rounding his face's shape, digging the heel of her palm into his nose as it snapped down to shape. When she was finished, a replica of her face minus the eye color stared back, her voice eeking out from his plump lips as she whispered into his ear, "Aww don't act like you don't like it. After all my middle finger can feel how badly you want this..."

It tensed, the muscle behind his scrotum melting, cleaving apart slightly, her nails teasing it as Max squealed, giving one playful dive before removing her fingers, his cock gushing out wads as he crumpled back into the chair. Jinx paused a moment, cocking her head at the mess below as she asked, "So what's this Arcane thing you keep thinking about?"

Back in reality, Vi was nervously cradling the passed out form of her soon to be sister, unsure what to do. It's not like he was completely unresponsive, the occasional moan gurgling out as he twitched in her arms, his dick making odd contortions for a period before suddenly leaking its contents. Vi was thankfully not in the path of its sputtering, and she'd usually be more disgusted, but she figured it was just Powder's body starting to reject some of the undesirable material inside, so she forgave it. Still it felt weird having him basically be a ragdoll, but she had a part to play if she wanted to get powder back and her rough handling had left him a bit misshapen.

She started with his core, dropping the gauntlets to get a more delicate approach to the changes, shaping his sides as Powder's dazed voice cooed every now and then. The corners of his lips were twitching upwards, his sides shaping up nicely as she patted down lumps of moved fat that hadn't settled, his core sloping nicely as her eyes landed on his red, puckered nipples. Vi blushed, remembering how easily pleasure helped her take over, and though the thing between his legs was definitely off limits, she supposed his chest and some choice words could help Powder emerge faster.

"You're Powder, you're my sister. You love your big sister. You love to tinker and-"

All she was doing was grazing his nipples, the spastic moans letting her know it was having an effect as his cock trembled to and fro. More importantly his hair was all blue now, the strands braiding themselves as his trembling made her accidentally squeeze one. There was a pause before he suddenly moaned, thrashing in her grip as the leak turned to a solid gush, the twitching rod's balls shrinking visibly as a half inch of it slid inside. Vi decided to just stick with speaking her words as she continued shaping him, deciding that whatever was happening internally would work itself out in the end.


Internally Manx was being tortured in the most erotic way possible, Jinx's bare bottom using him as a seat, her thighs wrapped around his cock as she probed his memories for Arcane, currently halfway through episode two as she conjured up a mental bag of snacks to watch with. When she got frustrated, she'd take it out on him, purposefully squeezing his cock hard between her thighs, putting her weight on his shoulders as the mental hours passed, his spine slowly cracking inwards, his body slimming down bit by bit. Whenever her scenes would come up, she'd grumble about how it wasn't how she remembered it, Manx groaning as his own thoughts would tremble and gain more of hers, his hair down to his shoulders and completely blue. If he ever disagreed with her about something or beg her to stop, she'd pause the mental projection, one hand working on digging that small hole behind his scrotum deeper as the pleasure slowly melted all his will away.

"SHHH quiet I'm trying to watch this! Look we're almost to the betrayal!"

Even when she wasn't purposefully domming him, she was a bundle of nervous energy, her constant shifting and moving worming his cock bit by bit inside, a half inch every twenty or so minutes rubbed inside as he had lost count of how many times he had cum by the time the end of the first third of the show came around. Near the final few minutes, her thighs were clenching tighter and tighter, Manx's squeaks rising as her tension was flattening his balls, her agitated squirming hastening the plunge of his cock as her emotions were infiltrating his thoughts. He felt agitated, he felt annoyed. Th-This had to be wrong. If this show was right then she had, and Vi had been-


Jinx screamed at the screen, hopping up before her toned ass landed on his cock, all her body weight pushing in another two inches as she turned to a squealing, cumming Manx, ready to take out some aggression.


She was steadily fingering his balls, Minx sputtering out in uncontrollable ecstasy, his eyes bloodshot and pinkening as bit by bit his sack was liquified and shoved inside. He could feel his brain boiling in the unforgiving pleasure, his thoughts spastic and filled with Jinx's emotions as his thighs bloated around her hand, squeezing it deeper as something tore open, the last of Minx's seed spilling out as Jinx's palm slapped against his tip, popping it in bit by bit.

"I mean what was I supposed to do?! I didn't know they had things handled! I made what I wanted to and I'm great at making things... EXPLODE!"

To accent she dove in to her second knuckles, Minx's tongue lolling as he thrashed, his cock barely a quarter its length, his nipples surging as Vi's frame reshaping was finally overriding his mental image, Jinx feeling up his curves with her free hand as she began tweaking his rising nipples. He was forgetting with every orgasm, his old name, his old life, what he was even trying to hold onto as Jinx tinkered with his breasts and pussy, his legs kicking as they slimmed down, toes popping to dainty, spritely things as Vi's voice echoed through the halls, filling in the gaps, reminding him that he loved her, that he was, h-he was-

"Hey are you even listening? Ugh I'm just talking with myself. Not that THAT'S anything new! Let me finish this up while we still have memories of it okay me? Now, boring boring, council, skip-"

Yes she had to finish it before she came, that's what Minx had, wh-what Jinx had been-


Her breasts finished growing, a perky, petite set glistening with sweat, her body quivering as her cock pushed inside with all the condensed power of a burning fuse as it imploded with a bang, Jinx screaming as she awoke from her fugue fully formed, screaming out the only name she knew for herself as she came.

Vi nearly had a heart attack when Powder jumped up screaming Jinx, her genitals and breasts popping in and out in one fluid motion as she was left panting from the exertion, her cum stained clothes sparking slightly as they turned into her usual outfit. She paused, needing a moment to gather herself, Jinx's eyes roaming over the new world, eyeing the tech that hadn't been melded into Vi's gauntlets, knowing that for such a cheap apartment, the quality of its furnishings far exceeded what anyone in Zaun could expect. Inevitably, her eyes turned to Vi, already seeing her face looking down, probably due to her saying her second name instead of Powder as Jinx rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to look at me like you've already lost. Uggh this suuuuucks..."

Vi was surprised by the candidness of it, expecting more of a violent reaction or a refusal to even speak to her, but while Jinx still had her manic energy, she wasn't immediately trying to kill her and, even seemed open to talk?

"...uh, Powder are you-"

"It's Jinx still. I got to see things from your side when I was taking over and uh... Did you know we're a tv show in this place? So uh... I was kind of forced to reflect on some things. I still think you're a bitch though so don't think I'm getting overly sappy here."

She let out a long sigh, tried to gather her words and then shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's just say it's neutral territory so what happened before stays in the past."

Vi was getting emotional, but kept it down as they hugged, a great weight off both their chests.

"I don't even know what to say. This has been such a weird day. I don't even understand how this all happened."

"Me neither! I mean I had a dick and we were doing sexy stuff in his mind while we-"

"That's a bit too much info Po- Jinx."

And so the two sisters moved on from their pasts, their former selves included as they figured out what would come next, wondering if they counted as celebrities in this new world.


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