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In the waters he lurked, his flesh refusing to rot past a point, his lungs refusing to drown, his heart still pumping every now and then... He was a legend, a thing of the past that was whispered about with nervous voices. Every few years some foolish teenagers would try and claim his home, his history dragging him towards them before he dragged them to hell. Some called him evil incarnate, some called him the devil. And now there were two figures at his lake, looking down, unaware they were being seen, unaware he was coming from the muck to kill them. The closer he got, the more bodies he could sense behind them. He could almost see their faces now, their strange suits, their- What was that large tube thing between the-

"So are you sure no one'll care if we dump our waste in this lake?"

"Look who the fuck wants to go to camp bloody murder or whatever this backwoods shit is called? You think we set up our factory in the boonies cause we wanted to see the trees? No! Now get pumping, I'm not paying HIPAA to ignore us just to not use the perfect dumping grounds. We've got some makeup to sell, one sheriff to bribe and some animals to wrangle for testing. Hurry it up!"

"B-But what if someone uses the lake for a ca-"

"There's a fucking pool! Besides this shit's got snapping turtles or whatever. Just dump the shit!"

It turned out, the horror was no match for corporate America, gunk the consistency and color of Pepto Bismol pouring into the lake, shooting over the horror and knocking him on his ass as the factory's runoff sunk into the murky waters. It was a diverse mix of makeup waste, estrogen, feminine waste products and a list of other beauty products that gave it a putrid, floral scent, the water glowing pink as the owner and the factory foreman began signaling the other workers to start hiding the piping, all suited up. They knew they were breaking the law, and god knows no one wanted to be doused in that shit. Nothing human could come out of that unchanged.

An hour later and it turned out nothing inhuman could either, the horror slumping onto a dock, flesh bubbling and tearing off as it dragged itself from the waters. It was known for its imposing groan like five linebackers being tossed in a blender, but its voice had never sounded so active or aroused or... girly. Putrid flesh was sloughing off, smoother, pink stuff replacing it, more and more of its mass shedding as pink infested skin fizzled on the rough planks below, its hips grinding against the dock edge as it pulled up, cracks resounding as the horror's spine gained a curve. It was just the first of many, his gyrating waist gaining two complimentary indents, his body flopping like a fish as two large, soft lumps tore through his shirt and spread his jacket apart.

Its waterlogged face was being attacked by products, mascara primping his eyelashes, a few stray eyebrow brushes tearing off chunks of forehead, though the healthier skin revealed were decked with tremendously slim brows. Moisturizer and instant tan mixed over his skin, not just refreshing it, but giving it a healthy color, his moans firmly girlish and spunky as instant hair remover left his skin spotless and gleaming, lip gloss turning his waterlogged lips into pouty beauties. As breasts squished against the wood, he ground his own wood against the dock's edge, his scalp prickling as twelve brands of conditioner and instant growth shampoos spread blonde locks down to the water, his rhythmic gasps rising in intensity as he desperately tried to hump away the stiffness in his pants.

There was a moist sloshing to it, a mix of his small feet kicking in the water, spare collagen and liposucted fat squirming into his hips and thighs and the meager masculinity he had left as something suddenly cleaved into his innards, a pleasured moan finishing it as parts of the cock chunked into the water, other bits slurping inside as the newly minted horror came. For the first time in ages, she thought of more than just murder, moaning as she hauled herself over, feeling wet from more than just the lake waters as she breathed a sigh of contentment. Killing all of a sudden seemed too boring, a much more fun idea in mind as she began fingering herself, her moans echoing in a haunting screech as the pieces came together in her mind. Now all she needed were some counselors, and surely that was just a matter of time. They always came in the end…

Lindsey was getting her brains fucked out by Mark, her worries of others hearing them long since forgotten as rickety metal bed frames scraped against wood, their moans echoing along the currently empty bunks of the soon to be opened Camp Rhodolite Pond's tiger cub bunks. It was because they were empty that the two had felt safe in doing it, the softer beds back at the counselors area also under the purview of that religious freak Gabriel and full of weed fumes from Jake's constant smoking. Mark kept joking that Paul would want to watch if they did it near his cabins which she felt bad for laughing at. He was a bit... odd, but he was harmless. Just a big, nerdy awkward guy who couldn't get his words out well around any girl, which was convenient since she was the only one at camp.

But that didn't matter. What mattered was her finally getting a chance to lose her virginity after going two years steady with her boyfriend. He'd been nice enough to wait for her and now that her parents weren't around and they were finally living independently for a few months, even if it meant having to work at this backwater shithole serving shitty kids for most of it. They'd still get a month of counselor time surrounding the seven weeks of sleepaway activities. They were making quite the ruckus, but most sounds faded fast around the pond, part of what made it so creepy beyond the rumors of it having a list of murders ten pages long. Either way, all Lindsey and Mark could see were each other, their eyes glued to their partner as they tested out just how much strain the rusty springs could take. Maybe if they had more awareness of the environment they might have noticed the creaking, the nearing thumps as the figure approached. Usually they would have heard her trademark heavy breathing, but ever since the change she had become a lot more silent than before. Silently she stalked towards them as they gave two loud grunts followed by intimate smooching, clearly finished with their fun.

"Mmm~ I love you Mark."

She was blushing, embarrassed to even be saying those words, but meaning every last one. She knew he was the one, and nothing could ever get in the way of them.

"I know baby."

She rolled her eyes.

"C'mon you say it too asshole!"

"Aww but then I wouldn't get to tease you a bit. Besides I said it three months ago, and you didn't hear me-"

"Just say it!"

"Alright alright... Lindsey, I l-HKK!"

There was a sudden thrust around her slit, Mark's eyes bulging as she moaned lightly, confused by the look on his face, the words choking out. She figured he was still being a wise ass.


"That's not funny! What's wrong with-"

A trickle of blood ran from the corner of his lips, another trailing down the other side, his body convulsing as his cock continued to shift around inside her. That's when she felt another hard thing pressing against her navel, Lindsey looking down to see the tip of a machete hovering just above her. It took a few seconds for her to understand why it was moving down in jerky slices, something hot spilling over her naked body as she saw the bleeding wound growing, from the edge of his chin down to his navel. She went into shock, only half understanding what she was seeing, whimpering as the knife pulled out from his dying, thrashing body, a sexy blonde grinning as she flicked it clean before leaving. Lindsey kept staring at the liquid, her mind failing to come up with anything logical. It wasn't exactly blood, but like thick pen ink, blue in color and gushing in hot spurts from the wound. Her boyfriend was choking, her body stuck in a morbid fucking as his first time proved to be his last, the blood like stuff bubbling from his lips as his thrashing worsened.

"M-MARK?! No no no NONONONONO Th-This can't be happening this can't be-"

And then she groaned, an odd sensation between her thighs, the nonsense only worsening as her boyfriend's dying groans turned to gurgling, rising sighs.

The cut was massive, and yet it was unfolding outwards, flesh parting as if something was slowly birthing from the bleeding bisection, the cock in her pussy not just softening, but deflating. She rolled him over, scrambling off the bed to look at what was happening, hearing her boyfriend's voice contort into something softer as his horror faded to arousal, the thrashing worsening as she watched his foot long cock shrink and hollow into a dangling flap of skin, something tearing as his hands fussed with the cut on his chest, pulling on it harder and harder. To her horror, she could see his hands deflating, needing a bit to understand what was happening as his skin loosened, the meat underneath pressing out lower as if it was an oversized shoe getting toe tested.

There was an especially loud gurgle followed by an airy, horny screech, the bisection pried apart as his chest arched forwards, sliding off to reveal two soaked, glistening breasts, a slender waist tearing itself from the sunken abs, the tear splitting wider as wide hips and a firm ass tore out from his body, her pussy gushing fluids as Lindsey watched a slender girl pull herself from Mark's deflating corpse.


The new girl moaned, looking like if Mark had a sister, long black hair trailing down her black as she gave a pleased moan, the muscled body of her former self barely a husk now, the skin crumbling into powder as soon there was barely any sign of who she had just been apart from a large blue stain and her terrified girlfriend trembling in a corner.

"Huh? Lindsey what's wrong? W-Was I not good enough? I thought I had read enough to at least show you a good time."

His clothes had been covered in the odd fluid, turning to a schoolgirl uniform as she slid them on, seemingly more phased by Lindsey's fear than her recent death.


She giggled.

"No silly I'm Marcy. Seriously tell me what's wrong I'm sorry if I upset you in any way. You know I love you."

She ran, half naked and screaming, quickly pulling her panties up as her loose bra threatened to fall at any moment. She could hear that parasite that had replaced her Mark calling for her, asking if she was okay, Lindsey's mind running a mile a minute as she pinched herself desperately trying to wake up from what had to be a nightmare. Shit she wasn't waking up, why wasn't she waking up? What the fuck just happened this couldn't be real fuck. She needed to find someone to help, just to prove that she wasn't going insane. Then again, seeing her covered in blue ink in her underwear screaming would make her already seem crazy enough. How was she meant to convince anyone that some murderous bimbo had just turned her boyfriend into some student council type? He had been a six foot muscled jock! It was as she was thinking that her rabid thoughts were interrupted by the shrill blast of a whistle, Nate the camp lifeguard looking at her with worry.

Lindsey was blubbering, unsure of what to say, just happy to have someone else to talk to. And then she saw the girl from before stalking behind him as he got off his raised chair.


Nate wasn't by any means a weakling. He had to be in shape to be able to lifeguard and get his certification. He should have been able to fight off a girl that looked like she spent more time at a runway than a gym, but it didn't take more than her hand to grab his neck for him to become a flailing ragdoll, Lindsey too far away to help as he was shoved face first into the pool. It took her two minutes to get there, the desperate bubbles around him lessening as his thrashing faded to a weaker squirming before he stopped moving altogether. By the time she got to the gate the killer was already walking away. She had a choice, to chase after them or try and resuscitate Nate. It didn't take long for her to make her choice, desperately dragging him from the water as she began to pump.

There wasn't much to grab onto as she was dragging him, her mind tunnel visioned as she barely took notice of the way his swim trunks stretched, pulling taut over his groin as it stretched into latex. Like every counselor there, Lindsey had been certified for CPR, her hands quickly pumping on his stomach to the beat of Staying Alive, unaware how his waist was shrinking with every pump, some water flowing up, some fat flowing elsewhere. Every 30 pumps she'd tile his head up, each tilt rounding his chin as she blew air into his lungs, odd gurgles resounding as the air both stirred his airways and blew under his nipples, water beginning to gurgle up though it was dyed bluer than normal. Lindsey was more focused on getting a pulse back than anything else, her pumps slimming his waist, water bubbling up as his ass surged in size, his waterlogged feet floating weakly in the water as they did some pumping of their own, his thighs pulling in all that jettisoning mass.

There were one or two cracks as she continued her compressions, it not all that uncommon for a rib or two to break in this type of situation, but by the fourth head tilt even she had to notice how soft his lips felt as she breathed into them, his gurgles rising to something airier. The next one came out with a moan, Lindsey feeling something swell against her as she looked at his rising chest, her brain going into denial as she had no idea what else to do, aiming for another round of compressions only for her hands to slide from the wetness, gliding down to his cock as the heel of her hands thrust against his junk. Normally she'd be disgusted by hitting something like that, but rather than the usual resistance to be expected from a hard cock, there was a wet sucking sound like mud sucking on a boot as the lump just, melted inside with no fight, the rest of the water gushing out in a loud moan as more wetness gushed below from her leaking pussy as Lindsey watched his balls flatten into a tight, wet cameltoe.

Nate gave a few rising moans, something round exiting his throat as he coughed the rest of it up, the heaving making his shoulders shrink as he shook his hair dry, extending it into a longer ponytail as she gave a long sigh, the new girl stretching as the last of her trunks finished their transition into a revealing latex one piece as she yawned and glanced at her fellow counselor, seemingly unbothered by any of this as she gave a look towards Lindsey like she was the weird one.

"Um Lindsey, you should really put on your pool clothes. You don't want to ruin your outfits right? It's a loooong way to the city girl!"

It was at this point that she had a mental breakdown.

The rest of the counselors heard her screams as she was quickly moved over to the medic Keith, the one guy more spaced out than Jake in the camp, to the point where he didn't even question where the new lifeguard had come from. Jake himself decided to stay back in his little den, wanting to take full advantage of their time away from the campers, plus he was just far too mellowed out to feel the urgency of someone screaming. Gabriel and Paul ended up being the ones to rush over, Paul mumbling over his words as he looked relieved that nothing had happened while Gabriel immediately went to accusing Mark.

"Was it that perverted sinner who attacked you finally? I knew having a woman here would be a mistake! I warned you to stop tempting him!"

Paul again stumbled over his words while Keith stepped in for the meek nerd, giving an annoyed, "Do you really have to be such an asshole to her Gabe? She just had an episode at the pool."

"Don't act so casual with me! It's my dad who bought this land and made it usable. He may be the owner, but I'm the one left in charge! Now where is Mark? Though it's your fault, I need to discipline hi-"

"Mark's dead..."

She whispered it out, but it was enough to pause their bickering, Gabriel looking at her seriously as he gripped his crucifix necklace, Paul shivering while Keith just rolled his eyes. He had been through too many dehydration hallucinated campers in previous years to take it all that seriously.

"Um, okay one how did he die? And why wasn't the lifeguard chick freaking out if that's the case? You were brought here alone and you were the only one having a situation."

She paused for a second, before stammering out, "B-Blonde girl with a machete. She c-cut him in half and t-turned him into a girl..."


Keith was cut off by an oddly intense Gabriel asking, "Are you sure it was a woman? It wasn't a large man with a hockey mask? I figured some locals might be playing a prank, but..."

Trailing off, Gabe left in a hurry.

Besides him though, even Paul looked confused, Keith pulling out some cold gatorade and water as he tried to calm her down.

"Don't worry, it happens all the time. You go at it hard and before you know it you start seeing things from dehydration. Here just drink something and rest for a bit."

"P-PLEASE BELIEVE ME! YOU'RE ALL IN DANGER OF- O-OF- You saw Nate! You saw how she became a girl!"

He scratched his neck, deep in thought.

"Er, I don't really remember, which one was he? I suck at names so-"

"The lifeguard! Please there's something horrible going on! And they both looked at me as if I was crazy when they died a-and changed and-"

In the end, Keith talked her down to resting, saying he'd keep her safe from any blonde girls with machetes while Paul eked out that he'd go check on the others with Jake, borrowing one of the bats in the nearby sports shed after she insisted he go with a weapon, a hockey stick in the other for once he got Jake to come with him. It wasn't like Paul really believed her since all of that was impossible, but the idea of some random psycho on the camp grounds in such an isolated spot... it was unnerving how cut off they were, the camp van having to drive twenty minutes out just to get a proper signal half the time.

While Lindsey had been explaining what happened around her, Jake was surprised to have a guest, his eyes having trouble focusing as his left was drooping, his right red and puffy as he rubbed at it. All he could see was blonde hair and a killer figure.

"Heeey Lindsey. Or wait, wasn't your hair like, red or something? Pffft! Want some of this?"

The blurry figure moved towards them, something gleaming that looked long.

"Huh? Have your own bong? Uhh, it's better if we use the same one. This way we properly regula- r-regu, uh whatever the word is- HNNGH!"

The figure suddenly pulled him close, coming into relief, Jake drooling at the sight of a blonde hottie giving him a hungry look, one of his black window covers in her hands.

Without any ceremony or warning, his legs were suddenly pulled out from under him, the black cover tying him up like he was being wrapped for market. Tighter and tighter he was being wrapped, till Jake screamed, the sound of something breaking evident as he collapsed backwards, his legs twitching and feeling strange. A series of conflicting elements ravaged him, his twitching legs feeling at times in intense pain and at others oddly erotic shocks rolling up and down them as he swore some parts were getting thicker while others were tapering. He whimpered as beneath him, blood mixed with blue leaked out on the floor, the blonde killer grabbing a towel to mop it up before squeezing it out into the bowl of the bong Jake had been using. She grabbed his ratty ponytail while he struggled to escape, not yelling as much as groaning in pain, too stoned and confused at what was happening to think clearly as she cut it off, leaving a uniform chin length set as she began packing shreds of hair into the bong, burning some as the blue tinted waters bubbled into a toxic looking pink.

Before he knew it, she was cutting the black sack she had trapped him in down the middle, letting his legs free as he gasped, the black covers wrapping over his legs in an instant, digging into thighs that had swollen with bruises, then fat as he gave a confused moan at the sight. He had the thought that the strips of black looked like thigh high stockings, his cock hard before he knew it as he watched the bruising fade, his cock swaddled in thick fat and smooth skin. For a second he wondered if he had smoked some of that other shit he had gotten from his regular plug, that this was all just a bad trip and now he was past it, his thighs squeezing his cock on purpose as he noticed an uptick in sensitivity, like he was on ecstasy or something. Thinking this was all just part of the trip, he barely resisted as the strange woman grabbed his cock, and shoved it into the heated stem of the bong.

There was some scalding that hurt, but more than that was an indescribable sensation running up his shaft, the bong bubbling as smoke was blown downwards, Jake squirming as he felt the pink smoke rising up his shaft and pressurizing his hips as the bubbling wracked his innards as well.

"Ahhh ahh wh-what are you- ohhh holy shit!"

It was a high mixed with lust, the flesh bubbling upwards more and more as his insides were becoming an extension of the bong, her rips ripping apart his masculinity as his panting grew more and more heated. At a certain point, the pressure grew too much, his hips splintering apart as the bubbling continued to run through him, muscle bubbling into fat, his cock starting to melt inside as the girl used his lighter to continue heating up the bong much to his ecstasy.

Something was rising in the smoke, his wriggling increasing as he groaned, the heat of the stem melting him, his hands spasming as they pulled into the sleeves of his long green turtleneck. The hot lip of it was continually grinding into his balls, two rising shrieks ringing out as they melded into his body as she adjusted the grip on the bong. He had an incredible hunger for a moment, like the munchies on crack as he hugged his waist, groaning as his sides melted into curves, his ass and chest feeling looser as fat suddenly made him horny in ways that felt alien, his nipples hard, his shorts tearing apart with his half scorched boxers as curves formed over his body.

"Mmmph a-ahhh~ th-this high is h-holy fuuuuuck agh it's b-blowing my- OOOH~!"

Jake began gripping his head, the sound of the bong nauseating, the pressure rising as he could feel his cranial fluid bubble his tongue lolling as blue began leaking from his eyes and ears, the flesh of his face growing mushier as smoke poured from his lips, one hand massaging a needy breast while the other rubbed at his temples, the crunch of bone making his forehead sag like a bad Halloween mask.

Inside his thoughts odd facts were popping up, his pupils dilated, then his irises as his eyes bulged, the crinkles at the edge trembling as they grew in bits and spurts. The giggly, carefree attitude was burning out into a black crust, like the remnants on his bong that had to be scraped. And scraped his mind was, the scientific names and properties of pot filling his head faster than memories of actually smoking the stuff. The books that came to his mind had less images to them, more jargon cramming in as his trembling features softened from the pressure of knowledge running through him. His squirms were turning more to thrusts, his softened cock feeling wrong, each move of his hips making the source of the smoke, the pressure get to its boiling point, his moans rising to petite squeaks as his Adam's Apple's melted remnants ran out his lolling lips. He was feeling smarter, sexier, all these thoughts threatening to overwhelm him as the pain increased, his self fondling increasing to counteract it as he squealed feeling like he was on the verge of passing out as his cock pumped inside.

It was at this inopportune moment that Paul walked in, mumbling about needing a partner as he glanced at the scene unfolding before him, at first stunned by the blonde beauty posing suggestively as she blew instead of sucked on the bong in her mouth. Then he noticed the remnants of what was Jake moaning, his features still there even if they were running like eggs. The harder the beauty blew, the louder the bubbling grew, Paul's jaw slackened as he watched Jake's sweatshirt swell, two large breasts outlined in the baggy material, the aviators on his forehead shaking as his face seemed to inflate like a balloon as his screams turned more and more shrill until-




The new girl screamed in ecstasy as her face popped to reveal the face of a nerdy, cutesy girl, her mind sober as the bong detached, sighing before giving an excited giggle towards Paul.

"Hey Paul! I-I read those mangas you s-suggested and um, well I was w-wondering if you wanted to- eh? Wh-Where are you going?"

Paul had screamed during it too, just his quiet voice gave a meek, pathetic whimper, not even loud enough to get the attention of the killer, but Jackie's waves alerted her to their guest as he turned to run, Jackie seemingly unable to notice her as she just whimpered at being rejected for a moment before hearing a shriek down the hall, her memories of Paul already fading as shrieks turned to moans.

It wasn't exactly much of a chase, Paul's overweight body not exactly much of a sprinter, his usual smarts just making the twenty seconds of running stretch out into an eternity. It was inevitable, his strides lasting for paragraphs of thought, his mind racing as he saw the blonde girl with a machete strut easily towards him. Suddenly all of Lindsey's talk didn't seem so crazy after seeing it first hand. When he felt her grab the nape of his neck, all he could wonder was whether he'd still have some memories of being himself or if he'd just fade from his own mind as some new girl. There wasn't even a hint of Jake in the girl that had stuttered out after him. He briefly remembered the bat he was holding, trying for a weak swing that was easily caught, the blonde girl smiling as he felt another hand grip his pants from the seat, her fingers digging around his crotch as she lifted him up.

For a second he wondered why he could see the ground, then why the ground was moving, his eyes looking towards the wall that was quickly approaching him, the wooden slats rushing to greet his forehead as he was slammed head first against the wall. There was a violent quiver that ran through his fat, an ugly gash on his scalp leaking as blonde hairs sprouted from the gap. Paul was dazed, his thoughts in disarray, feeling like his brains were leaking out, or at least his intelligence, which it was as he was used like a door knocker and slammed again and again.

Each slam sent his mind back a year, his knowledge slipping away like his fat, her grip on his cock turning the hard lump into a faucet, his fat gushing out as she continued to brain him, large blue splatters above and white below accompanying it as his bulk was shaved away each hit, his pained grunts more confused by the fourth slam, and horny by the eighth. There was a dullness to his eyes now, and a growing golden sheen, drool pooling from swollen lips as a loud crack accompanied the next slam, the wood of the cabin splintering apart, his nose broken as the pug shaped lump stuck to the splinters and tore off, leaving a cute slim jut.

It quickly became easier to just let the pleasure take over as Paul forgot his name, forgot what he was so scared of, the consistent ramming making him giggle as it felt like he was getting fucked from behind by a big beefy jock. Due to her grip, each slam had the webbing of her fingers squeeze his junk smaller, her captive counselor's cries now firmly in the needy moans territory, her thumb at some point opening up a slit that she dug into for purchase as his balls and cock were crammed inside, his own wood splintering as the wall fully gave. The new girl's jowls caught on more of the frayed wood as she was squeezed out the hole, the killer pushing her forwards as the moaning victim was forced to fit, her shoulders rounding, her frame turning petite as anything that couldn't fit gushed from a leaking pussy as Payton collapsed outside a moaning horny mess. Her pants had torn in the process, not that she minded, her fingers working at her pussy as she groped her breasts, unknowingly shaping the uncentered fat left into two, petite breasts.

"Mmm, like, where's the guys at? Like, I need to fuck like right noooow~!"

Gone was the brainy coward, all that was left was the camp slut trying to finger herself desperately, so desperate she'd even go to Lindsey or Marcy if it meant a good fuck.

Gabriel had only needed a quick glance at the new lifeguard and the former Mark to know something was very wrong, running to get a connection to call his father. The only reason he was there was to report if their company's illegal dumping could potentially cause any lawsuits. They specifically hired a few incompetent people to hoist the blame on while he himself was off the record books. They just were supposed to cover their bases, besides there was a pool there so the lake water wasn't being used for anything but chemical waste. Someone was going to restart the summer camp, and rather than letting some people who could sue them take the land, it might as well be them, plus they could make a quick buck and build up some kind of rapport with the yokels out here. Of course there were the rumors of the killer that haunted the grounds, but he had the blood of Jesus on his side. That, and his dad's factory wasn't all that far behind, he just had to run through the woods for two miles and he'd be able to get security to figure out what the hell was going on. Of course there couldn't be a killer, it had to be the water infecting a pipe and making the pool or the drinking water-


Gabriel quickly turned around, certain he heard someone following him, the sun starting to go down, though it was plenty light enough to see in the woods, just a bit of that dim haziness that always granted the underbrush of thick foliage a murky quality that left him squinting at shadows.

"Wh-Who's there? Trespassing on this land is a criminal offense! Do you know who my father is? My father owns this-"

There was a creepy whispering that circled him, the feeling of being watched confirmed as he swore he could hear the same breathy wheezing all around him, as if the forest was laughing at him. Rather than wait any longer, he booked it, deciding it wouldn't matter who was in here once he set the factory's security detail on them, only to turn immediately into the busty blonde killer.

"So your family's the one that did this to the camp?"

He shrieked and turned around to run, only for her hand to grip his shoulder, superhuman strength pressing down as he sunk like a nail in wood, the bone dislocating as he yelled, feeling his left arm lull at his side. Even if some obvious elements were different, her garb, the machete, the mask, she was clearly related to the rumors, Gabriel fumbling for his cross as he held it out like a shield towards the smirking, stalking woman.

"B-Begone foul demon! Behold, I give unto you power to tread on- HKK"

Not interested in hearing any more bible verses(she had heard enough from her mom before she had drowned in the lake), she took the crucifix and stabbed it into his throat, spearing his Adam's Apple as he choked and shuffled in place. Gabriel could feel blood pooling inside, his words drowned in his own blood, thick liquid pouring from his lips as his choking rose to a husky pitch. Feeling weaker, there was little he could do to resist as the killer grabbed his head, pulling out his hair as she leaned in for a kiss, Gabriel groaning as his chastity was defiled by a monster.

He could feel how wet she was, realizing with some fear that her sweat gave off the same scent as the lake, something sweet and salty pouring from her mouth into his like a torrent, their kiss ending with her letting go as he heaved out the blood and water, his body in a harsh sweat as his cock rose to attention.

"What the FUCK did you do to me you fucking whore?!"

His eyes widened, his words slightly altered, curses now baked into his subconscious as he tried to spit the naughty words from his vocabulary, feeling swollen lips trembling.

"When my stupid pig of a dad comes back here he'll rain hell down on you you stupid cunt! I still have my faith in that faker Jesu- Oh Baphomet why the fuck can't I-"

His blasphemy had shocked him, the killer smiling as she ran her hands over his sides, rubbing his fallen cross against his bulge.

"Aww why so angry? I'm just doing what your family did to me. Don't act like you don't loooove it..."

"Stop this you crazy- MMPH?!"

Again he was being kissed, but her hands weren't focused on his head anymore. He could feel her tearing through his clothes, the crucifix continuing to stroke his cock as her hands fondled his waist. He was trying not to moan, apologizing to god for his blasphemy and for the sins he was about to commit as she pressed on his cock hard. The metal end of the cross had a slim point, tearing through his pants and slotting into his tip with barely any effort as he suddenly bucked in ecstasy, the killer's hungry mouth sucking on his lips, collapsing his chin as she played with her victim further.

He could feel his tip fold inside, tears streaming from feral looking eyes as she finished kissing, his horny moans following long after they separated, his features twisting as streaks of dye began to weave into his black locks.

"Ohh fuuuck ohh wh-what did you d-hooo to my f-huuucking COOOOCK?!"

It was like he was in a state of constant fucking, his hips thrashing left and right as she slowly added pressure, pushing his cock inside bit by bit as curses and moans were all he could respond with. There was a metallic snap as her rough fucking was too much for the flimsy cross, most of it falling to the wayside while the slim blade of metal inside his sinking cock stabbed into his tip, becoming a silver clit ring as his cock was sealed.

His hands rushed towards his groin, gasping as he plugged a finger into the widening crater that was his cock, feeling his tip melding into a singular lump, the hot, pink nub twitching as his body shook, a primal scream of pleasure echoing out as his nipples hardened over his chest. In the violent shakes his dislocated shoulder snapped into place, his other rounding as instincts took over, blonde streaks gracing his growing hair as he tried to stop his fingers from sliding in, and failed utterly.

The killer's mouth was on his nipples, teeth tugging at the lumps, pulling them out as red eye shadow added to his increasingly punky look, the curses feeling more natural by the second as long, black nails graced his slimming digits, the slimness of them meaning he could cram more in as he played with the silver piercing, feeling his faith draining as a pinky tore into a spot between his balls, gasping as cum gushed down his thighs from a throbbing, growing cavern.


It was getting hard to think, his attempt at prayers inside his head drowned from the building orgasms, his balls shrinking, his cock a half folded mess that was dragging his thoughts into the gutter. He didn't want to admit it, yet he was loving the changes, his body humping against the source of the changes as he felt his chest spring into breasts, each nipple bitten into hard as piercings popped into the tenderized flesh. His prayers were forgotten, curses far more badass than that lame shit she was into before, a wet puckering noise announcing Gaby's descent into womanhood as her body finished its metamorphosis, her subservience to her father inverted into rebellion, the religious prude replaced by a horny, bisexual punk who had come to the camp off the rumors of dark and dangerous shit going on, hoping she could at least get into some kinky shit with some of the other counselors if nothing else. God why did her parents move to this fucking shithole in the middle of nowhere?

Actually, speaking of the middle of nowhere, where the fuck was she? Why the fuck was she in the middle of the woods? She vaguely remembered some fear of... something, her pussy getting wet at the thought of some supernatural shit happening to her though it was pretty shitty not to have memories of whatever it was.

"Ugh whatever. Where's the fucking lake, I can't be that far. Fuck I'm pent up. Wonder if Payton'll be willing to help a fellow bitch out..."

When Lindsey woke up she felt groggy, her mouth cottony as she groaned. How long had she been sleeping? She could only remember Keith giving her something to calm her down and then... and then what? Rrgh she couldn't remember. What was wrong with her memory? There was a gap she was stumbling over, though her ears perked up at the sound of a car running, blue and red lights flashing at the windows. Oh thank god the police were here. Someone must have escaped and called them over. Hopefully they could study Mark and get him back to how he was. But they'd probably need a statement. She better-


"Are you Lindsey?"

The man that came in looked annoyed, with none of the urgency was expecting.

"Um, yes? Are you here for the killer? Or did you already catch-"

The cuffs shut over her outstretched hands, Lindsey staring at them confused for a second before the cop started dragging her out.

"Don't worry it's for your own protection. I'm sure you won't do anything dumb, but I had a tweaker once spouting all that crazy shit before.”

She was dumbfounded. What was happening?

"W-Wait why are you arresting me?! The killer's still out there! I'm telling you he's-"

"Oh poor thing. Don't be so rough on her! She's just feeling a bit... unwell."

Lindsey didn't recognize the woman in the nurse's uniform, her panic beginning to rise.

"Wh-Who are you? Where's Keith?!"

The nurse just tutted, shaking her head.

"This again. I'm Kelly. I'm sorry for calling them in, but we can't have you around the campers when your sense of reality's so... distorted. Don't worry I've seen many people have delusions from stress. Marcy will be here when you get back once you've calmed down. Don't look at me like that, I'm just doing what's best for you."

Nurse Kelly shook her head as Lindsey began shouting her head off, screaming that they didn't understand, that they couldn't open the camp, that she had been a man. It had been a stressful day for everyone, some bits of damage appearing all over the camp, and though they wouldn't say it outright besides Payton, everyone was aroused for some reason, her included when she woke up tangled in her stethoscope and some odd blue stains near her. And then there were Lindsey's delusions. It was hard to see a girl with such a good head on her shoulders suddenly break down like that, but she'd be back to normal soon... she hoped.

The rest of the counselors came out to watch as she was shoved into a cop car, Gaby being held back by Jackie as she tried to flip off the cops. Eventually the door was slammed and her cries were silenced as it drove shakily down the dirt path out of the camp.

"L-Let's not focus on that for now!"

Marcy was trying to cheer up the mood, though she was trembling herself, clearly shaken by what happened to her girlfriend, but like always, she was there to keep the order.

"We have the campers coming in a few days and we have to get things ready! And she'll be back she's just... going through some things right now."

And like that, Camp Rhodolite Pond was opened, though it gained urban legends of its own. How it was an all female camp despite plenty of guys being found on the initial roster sheets. How the towns that surrounded it had their own strange phenomenon. All the parents seemed to be lesbian couples after a few summers, and the entire police force was one of the sexiest in the entire state. And then there was the rash of hysteria, the so called "masculinity killer" phenomenon of multiple women claiming the same story, of a blonde woman killing their husbands and sons and replacing them with women. No one knew quite what caused this specific strain of delusion, but it certainly made for quite the story whenever tourists came by to visit. All in all it was a great place. Now if they could just find some good men to stay…


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