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Apologies for getting this up late, half my family has covid so been dealing with that and other stuff. Anyways it's that time of the month! I'll be doing a big posting before New Years but give me your suggestions. The poll will go up Christmas Eve. One per person and if you can see this you can leave a suggestion. Discord ones have already been logged.



Going with Christmas and Cobra Kai Season 4 out soon. I made a suggestions a couple months ago of Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso from Karate Kid turning into a young Ali Mills (Karate Kid) and Tory Nicols (Cobra Kai) the more they get angry with each other.

Mr. J

The Witcher Geralt while with Ciri, Yennefer, and Triss gets essence from each one transferred into him and becomes a combination of all 3 ladies.