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You were running, one belt loop frayed on the back of your jeans, your lungs burning as you heard the frantic feminine moans from behind you. What the fuck was happening? You didn't understand anything, their screams getting closer as you ran and ran, trying not to slow down. How was she... he(?) catching up to you even? You had at least two feet on your attacker and their legs weren't exactly lengthy. Then again, their legs were hardly what you were focusing on given the... well everything else.


It had started only a few minutes earlier as you were taking a break from your graveyard shift, standing at a vending machine to grab a snack before you went back to work. As usual at these hours everything was barren and closed despite the twinkling lights, making it a surprise when you heard the loud, needy pants from the side of the alley, seeing your attacker as they looked equally horny and vaguely... annoyed?

"I-I'm gonna kill Ilulu the n-heeext time I s-see her. Can't belieeeve she d-hiid this to me again and ahhhdded a s-succubus chaaaarm. Ugh g-gotta use this curse on someone. L-Losing my miiiiiind!"

Every few words were accented with a moan, the figure not all that intimidating at first given the size as the red headed businesswoman stumbled towards you. You assumed she was just a druggie or something, ready to head back to your building when her eyes locked onto yours, her coat opening to reveal something you weren't ready for.

Her bottoms looked torn, panties frayed as her small breasts stood with rock hard nipples over a monstrous, massive cock. You were mesmerized by it, shocked at its size, confused on how she could even walk with that thing. But then you noticed her eyes turn to hearts, a needy, desperate look on her face as she ran at you.


She nearly had you, her fingers catching a belt loop before it tore as you ran away, her moans following closely.

The end was in sight after only a few minutes, your legs trembling, your blood on fire, every piece of your body beginning to shut down as years of a sedentary work life were making themselves known. It was only panic moving you forwards, your horror only growing as you tried to yell for help, only to realize your constant pace had left your breathing ragged, your attempts made pointless as only panicked wheezes left your lips. You could hear her getting closer, each stumble shrinking the distance as you realized you were about to be caught by this pervert, turning to see her barely even twenty yards behind you when you crashed into something jiggly.

You fell backwards, confused by the big breasted woman looking down at you, her expression sleepy as she casually rubbed through the black top where you had slammed into her.

"Ah there she is. I should tell... yaaawn Tohru."


She stared at you with a thoughtful look for a second before shrugging her shoulders.

"Ehhh that seems like too much work. Besides I wouldn't want to get cursed too y'know? Sorry."

What the fuck was wrong with everyone today?


"Mmm f-finally caught you! S-Sorry I have to, h-have to- YESSS~!"


It was the sound of your pants tearing at the seems, your back fully open to her as the crazed sex pervert grabbed you by the shoulders and began thrusting her cock into the back of your pants. Already you were squeaking, only some denim and a thin layer of underwear protecting your asshole's virginity, two thrusts all that were needed to feel the first split open. You were left a moaning mess as the third thrust didn't stop, the threads of your underwear straining, then tearing, a multitude of plinks stinging against your asshole as the prelude to the true show, her cock plunging inside as your asshole spread, your prostate jiggling as a blazing, orgasmic surge blazed inside your body.

It was like a large husk of meat fresh out the oven being shoved into your ass, the heat spreading, contorting, your cock stiff and uncomfortable as a confused moan forced its way out. You didn't want this and yet you couldn't deny the pleasure of it all, your body feeling like it was humming as her cock slammed its way in, probing something deep inside you as something wet spilled from your own cock. Every slam sent the organ twitching inside, your hips feeling cramped as you could feel it deforming from the fucking, your squeals gaining a slight airiness to them as the way she gripped you made your body want to give in, your head throbbing as the feeling that you had been wanting this snuck into your scrambled thoughts, a slight eagerness now there with the airiness as her cock dived in, something making a sound like a deflating beach ball as you screamed in confused ecstasy.

Maybe it was the heat of her cock leeching into it, or the roughness of her fucking, you didn't know, but something was spreading, your ass feeling looser with every slap of her hips against yours, the bruised cheeks quivering as her smooth flesh scraped against yours, hairs burning off from the heat of her body as she plowed your prostate apart. You tried to make some sounds of resistance, whatever words in mind jumbling out with drool as your cock tensed, her thrusts now in a circular motion as you felt your hips crunch and move under her force, spreading wide as the looseness only encouraged her to go harder. With a harsh spearing, you felt her cock scrape deep into your prostate, your cock trembling as it spewed out thick wads of cum, your moans reaching a fever pitch as hot wetness spewed into your ass.

It didn't feel like cum, it was far too active, her moans twirling in your head as you shook, feeling the liquid squirm inside, spreading out as your cum continued to spill, your ass cushioning you against her thrusts as her releases filled them, the sex better as you shook blissfully.

You couldn't explain it, your bowels feeling watery, your hands digging into the concrete as her own grabbed onto your flat chest, her nails digging painfully around your nipples as her grip slowly coiled your shirt to its limits.


Her releases were like mini dildos piercing the surrounding organs, rounding your hips as the soft jiggle upped the sensuality, the feeling of your thick ass squishing against her showing just how hard she needed you, the thought turning you on as your wider hips began grinding into her thrusts. You couldn't help yourself, your melting organs demanding her cock, needing her to stir them harder so they could congeal into their new forms, forms your body instinctively felt were right as your former prostate deflated and swirled, her cock spreading it from a circle to a triangle as your eyes twirled. You were being irreparably changed, you knew this, yet it just felt so good, your cock's orgasms becoming unsatisfying as her cock carved your body to what it needed.

You could hear your shirt tearing, the shreds of it twisting further apart until the whole thing drifted below you, soaking in your juices as her nails finally dug into flesh, the pain giving life to something that felt like it had been lying dormant all along, your nipples tensing into thick, pink nubs against her palms. The twist of her nails was driving more heat into your chest, upping their pleasure as more and more of your body warmed, her tugs loosening the flesh as your nips sagged under her squeezes, the areolas widening to fill her small hands as they felt empty, needing something to fill them, something to fuck them. Her repeated thrusts sent her arms rattling against your shoulders as you felt her cock swell again inside, your shoulders grinding as you realized you were excited for what was about to happen, your nipples as hard as your own cock as you thrust into her next one, both of you screaming as more of her wonderful curse spilled into your body.

Like before, the thick wads of release refused to stay inert, indescribable bliss spreading up your ass as the skin wriggled around it, bumps of it squirming upwards as they moved towards your nipples, spearing them each time they found the sagging, empty flesh, slamming them against Kobayashi's adorable hands. It didn't matter that you now knew your attacker's name, nor the prickles of blonde sprouting from your scalp as your tongue lolled and spilled drool over her gripping hands. It was far more important to feel her hands utterly ravage you with her cock as fat swelled under them, each fatty spurt of growth having you give your own spurt below as they swelled past what her hands could handle, their size swelling past grapefruits as her grip slid downwards, her arms hugging your waist as she gripped for support.


Every time she thrusted inside, her hands squeezed your waist, smoothing the flesh as more and more of your body turned hairless under the friction, her arms hugging hard as your waist began to pull inside. Even without Kobayashi grabbing them, the swell of your breasts left gravity to add to the ecstasy, each one jiggling as sweat coated the heaving flesh. You craved more, your arms trembling, your body unhappy in its current state, the thought of calling your lover an attacker less fitting as a word was swelling inside, each pounding sending your thoughts around it, your voice cracking as she hugged your waist inwards, your body wanting to be her plaything, to be everything wanted by your adorable, loving-


Oh god that felt right to you, like your new sides, feeling Master Kobayashi's hands hugging your sumptuous curves invigorating, sensual fulfilling. All your unnecessary fat was burning away in trickles of sweat, your master's curse far more filling as your stomach flattened to a sensual, feminine core, your arms giving way as your breasts scraped against asphalt, her cock slipping out.

Kobayashi was too into it, the curse demanding her to keep satisfying her lust on you like her life depended on it, her cock's awkward angle not caring that your ass had shifted as it struck hard, her cries laced with a bit of frustration as she slammed into your coccyx with a dull, harsh sounding slap. Your mouth opened wide, your spine shaking down the vertebrae at the harsh force suddenly slamming into it from below, your cock's cum beginning to run thin as the pleasure was surging from your nipples, your cock, any patch of skin master's hands touched as they slapped across your body for purchase. It felt like your own lust was traveling in waves, condensing inside your spine, your master's cock slamming into it as unseen by you the vertebrae were swelling. You could definitely feel it though, your capacity for pleasure increasing by magnitudes, your body's sensitivity ramping upwards as her cock continued to thwack against the base of your spine.

An entirely new kind of pleasure was prying its way inside, swelling as hit by hit your spine was disolocating from your coccyx, the feeling of a second cock even more massive than master's slithering down as the pent up pleasure was desperate for a release, your eyes tearing up as you were caught between begging her to pause or to go harder. The pleasure was too much, your skin tensing, stretching to its limit. You couldn't hang on, you couldn't take any more. Your love for master Kobayashi was too strong it was tearing you in two, i-if she speared you one more time like that you were gonna- g-gonna-





It finally tore, your spine thrusting out as it fully dislocated, her cock fucking it free as the bulging skin ripped apart at the base of your ass. A green, scaly lump throbbed out the tear, leaking fluids as Kobayashi's cock thrust into it, tearing more free as your spine's length continued to cum out the opening, your mind blanking as she fucked your tail free.

You had never had a tail before, yet it quickly became your new favorite thing, all the sensitivity of a cock, the dexterity of your fingers and the strength of a body builder coiled into it as more and more of its thick perfection was jarred loose, feeling like the hardest you'd ever cum as its scaly length poured out your spine. It coiled lovingly against master's cock, two feet freed as you slithered it between her breasts, feeling them slide against it through her shirt as your real cock throbbed in its inadequacy, the thin releases nearly all clear as Kobayashi's hands scrabbled for something to latch onto, her cock not nearly as satisfied with your tail as you were. They pinched and prodded, sliding against slick, sweaty skin, rolling past your breasts as they latched onto your chin, her positioning changing as she awkwardly slid back into your ass.


In her fumbling she was squeezing your cheeks, mashing them into shape, her fingers tugging at your mouth as they dislodged your jaw. There was no pain, only the satisfying click as it all relocked, your jaw slimmer, cuter, your tongue rolling against her fingers as their grip crunched your teeth painlessly to a smaller smile. Lips plumped against them, your attempts at a kiss sloppy as the palm of her hand dug into your nose, crunching it into a small, perfect jut, happy to have all your rough angles rubbed away to give her grip an easier time. Even when her thumbs accidentally jabbed you in the eyes, your brain only felt bliss, that roughness kinky as her nails carved away at your pupils, leaving only slits in molten gold as your spine arched, her hands sliding up past your widening eyes. They latched onto your eyebrows for a second, tearing out the excess, sliding into your hair as her nails dug into your scalp, tearing at your thoughts, your memories, you not caring one bit as your tail slapped against her, making her tug harder on your hair as it spilled out freely.

She was ripping your scalp, memories sliding out of your head as lengths of blonde hair as your job, your responsibilities, all of it was being torn away in the most ecstatic way possible, your thoughts alight in bliss at the thought of having your personality fucked away by master as her nails gouged hard enough to draw blood. It was quickly lapped up by your hair, the roots staying blonde but the tips turned a vibrant, lusty red, your head twitching back as her nails continued to scratch backwards. As they brushed past your temples, two shocks of brain melting bliss slammed into you like a truck, your voice screeching out nonsense as her fingers latched onto two hard bumps, pulling at them as more and more of your identity was dragged out by her forceful fucking. The emergence of horns only gave her more to grip as her cock plowed into your quivering cheeks, your name torn out, your species fading with every pull as your brain was fucked into mush, thoughts of dragons and maids filling in the gaps as your long twintails swirled around your breasts. Your name, oh god what was your name, what did you want master to call you?


Your head rattled about, her hands slipping from your horns as it congealed back into a solid whole, your lips twisting into a rapt smile as your master's erotic moans reminded you of who you were. Oh god yes you were Tohru, you had to be Tohru, you needed her to make you Tohru, to fuck you as her, to make you her submissive, perfect maid! She had to- wait what was she doing to your tai-


She bit it, humping it with her full body, pulling at it as she braced herself against it, freeing lengths upon lengths of it as your spine erupted with the last of your seed, your cock starting to droop as the bulk of your tail pushed her back, her next thrust angled forwards more as she plowed into your balls, and through them, the final fucking driving you mad as the changes hit their climax.

Like your boxers before, Kobayashi's cock didn't stop thrusting into your balls till you felt the stretched skin reach its limit, tearing with a vellum sounding rip that went beyond what you could handle, the pain of it drowned in an unending bliss as her cock carved a canal with each thrust, stretching up to greet the womb she had previously fucked into shape. You loved it, feeling like your master's love was shaping you, emptying out every last piece of who you were as your love of humans grew with every needy thrust. Her cursed cock was throbbing, her own balls feeling smaller as the lusty curse spilled more and more inside, heat spilling into your thighs as they grew plush around master's cock, egging it on as her moist tip speared one ball then the other. She changed her angle against them, plowing each one to a different side, your vision clouded with stars as she fucked them into ovaries, your toes clenching as they shrank under the force of your own need as your cock spewed its last release.

You didn't need it, master's cock so much larger than yours, so much better, her curse swelling inside as every last inch of you became curved and bouncy for her. At the last second you gave a small hop back, spearing yourself on her dick, screaming as for one beautiful, mind rending moment, her cock was inside yours. It was too much for hers, less a sleeve as much as a condom stretched to its limits, your cock utterly fucked from every last corner as hers crammed inside, your tip splitting to an open maw as the rest of your shaft tore in half as clear fluids sprayed everywhere, Kobayashi and you cumming at the same time.

It was finally what you were looking for, your split cock a mass of pleasure, sliding into the gap master's cock had carved as it all slurped into one large, bulging clit, your changes finished as you gave an airy, satisfied moan. But as you went to pass out, your ears perked up, master grunting as you gave a mischievous smile as her curse faded.


You watched as thick miasma of curse drained from her balls, her face exhausted yet relieved, a pleased grin squirming as her balls began to shrink. There was a juicy sound to it as they receded, Kobayashi's moans getting you back into the mood almost instantly as you watched your master stroke her cock, hungry as you heard her squeal in ecstasy as as they plunged inside, you following after them as you pounced on your master.


Her squeals sounded so sweet to your ears, her shirt tearing cleanly as your tail slid inside, leaving her naked as your bodies tangled together, your hungry slit swallowing her cock whole as you began to ride her.

"Ohhh I wasn't going to miss this opportunity when you're so willing and pent up m-ahhhsster Kobayashi! Ahhh! AHHHH~! YESSSS IT'S AMAAAZING!"

You were surprised at how little she was resisting, attributing it to the lust of the remaining curse as you wanted it all, saving your master from such a 'horrible fate' as you felt your breasts swallow hers as you grinded into her, thrusting so hard into her cock that you could feel it as her temporary member began to sink back into her nethers as it became like a double sided dildo to the both of you.

The following minutes were a blur of passion and lust as you took advantage however you could of this moment, unsure when you'd get another chance like this as you made sure to give your master's cock an experience it wouldn't forget till it vanished for good. When it slipped out of your pussy, the shaft half its original size, its girth squeezing in on itself, you used moved your tail away from her breasts to help spear it, rejoicing in your master's screams as you fucked the remnants of her masculinity curse inside, your mouth switching between her mouth, her breasts and her navel as your tail did most of the heavy lifting, quite literally as it shoved inside, the fucking keeping her up.


It ended with her juices spilling down your tail, coating it as you finished in a tight coil, the warmth of your naked bodies lulling you closer to sleep as you pulled her into a tight hug, sighing as you asked, "Is master Kobayashi happy with her maid's performance?"

You were utterly exhausted, not even past fights to the death able to compete with how much you had spent pleasing master, your eyelids fluttering shut as you squeezed tighter to your prize, utterly happy at finally getting to go all the way with your beloved master.

"Oh god. Oh fuck. What did I do? What did I just fucking do?!"

Kobayashi struggled under her copy maid's grip, her face completely red as she realized how bad the implications of this were.

"Hmm well lets see uh... you tackled a guy, had rough sex with him until he turned into Tohru and absorbed your curse, then let the new copy have her way with you for... I wasn't really looking but it was about ten when you got cursed and it's now three in the morning I think."

She turned to see Lucoa smiling like she expected to be thanked.


Lucoa yawned checking her watch as she blurrily murmured, "I didn't want to. Besides you both looked like you were having fun, though I think Tohru seemed pretty jealous when I sent her the pictures."


Already Kobayashi could hear the sound of wings beating, her maid rushing as fast as she could, witnesses be damned as her master shuddered at what was about to happen.

"Ugh god dammit I'm utterly spent. I didn't even want to do this it was that stupid curse..."

Then something else crossed her mind as she remembered what Lucoa said.

"Ah it's a Thursday night too isn't it. I have work in a few hours."

"Ohhh maaaaster~! I heard you're ready to have your maid do all those things you said you'd never want before..."

Tohru's horniness was obvious, and it wasn't like she could pretend she hadn't done anything to the exact twin sleeping next to her, using her like a body pillow. It truly was a cursed night as Kobayashi prepared herself for another round, just hoping Tohru wouldn't make Ilulu's curse a regular occurrence for the future. It was going to be a rough commute…


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