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"Please enjoy the hospitality of the Knights of Favonius!"

Noelle almost added a mocking term to the end of it, but she was trying her best to be a gracious host and to not insult the guests. Aether and Razor were both angering her in small ways, her temple's telltale signs of anger covered by her bangs as she tried not to let it show. It irked her that these two seemed to have higher standing than her of the uninitiated, making her wonder why she wasn't yet a knight. At least Klee was clean once you shook the soot off of her...

Aether was at a glance not doing much besides waiting, giving her a few glances of interest as she went about her usual chores as they had apparently come in very early for a meeting with Jean over something important. As usual he was well groomed and presentable, but the same care hadn't been taken to his boots. It was easy to tell where he entered from the thick muddy prints he left in his wake, made worse by his pacing as he seemed to be purposefully spreading the muck around, just to piss her off. Razor was also a bit dirty, but the dust wasn't the problem. He was standing at one of their guest tables and scarfing down the complimentary treats, crumbs and rinds flying haphazardly as the tablecloth and spread she always spent an hour setting up proper was devastated by his utter lack of manners. But this was fine. A true knight never grew angry over trifling matters. She'd never join the order if this was enough to-

"You know I quite admire the work you do. It must be so easy compared to being a knight. If times weren't as they were, I wouldn't mind being a maid myself haha."

That did it. Noelle's patience had hit its last straw. She didn't know if Aether meant to be condescending on purpose or not, but the fact he was saying that while turning her spotless floors brown sent her rummaging through a nearby closet for her very special cleaning supplies, ready to teach the both of them some much needed lessons in maidly manners.

"Eh? What's that stuff you're bringing ove- GYAA!"

It was a busy few seconds as she spilled a black looking solution over Aether's legs, the splotches merging into a solid black goo that covered his greaves, tearing through metal and cloth as they bore down on his calves and feet below. Razor wasn't going to just sit there, but with the press of a button manacles clanked around his wrists and legs, trapping him where he sat as he struggled to move, growling like a beast at Noelle as she moved towards him, a copy of her maidly headdress in her hands.

"Oh I wouldn't fight it too much Aether. It's a special solution that gets rid of the toughest spots whether that be mud, cum or your identity. Now as for you you beastly boy, I believe you're in need of some proper taming!"

To Razor's confusion, Aether's panicked groans were turning to moans mid speech in a way that implied intense enjoyment, his confusion doubled as the headdress slapped atop his head.


He was soon joining Aether, straining in his bound position as the headdress seemed to tangle in his hair, the silk drilling into his scalp as intense pleasure surged into his brain.

Aether was glued to place, his pleasure more massaging and sticky as the glue of black prickled once it made skin contact, tugging at small hairs and imperfections, cleaning all spots as it kept him rooted in place, the moans only starting once the pulsing black layer compressed, his arches rising while toes were honed down to a slender girlish base. More of his clothing was fading from view as his reluctant moans grew, armor melting to black, joining the goo as it trembled up his legs, squeezing and curving as it groped, his cock popping up as he wriggled against the pleasure, drowned out only by Razor's intense screams.

Razor had never felt anything like it, desire and femininity pouring into his skull, playing with his brain as the good feelings tingled along his skin, his hair tinged with magenta as his unruly mop of hair sheared itself at the shoulders, the curled bangs at the front flattening as they sheared asymmetrically into a partial hime cut. As he shifted and moaned, Noelle moved behind him, whispering into his ears, "As a maid, you must follow every order given to you by a superior. You will enjoy service, you will learn manners. It is pleasurable to be needed and wanted by the Knights of Favonius. You will not attack your teacher or leave until lessons are finished."

Her words seemed to have a ripple effect on his face, his right ear rounding as the lobe pierced, his cheek following as his red eyes were speckling green, brows thinning to plucked lines as his eyelashes gained mascaraed order to their widening borders. Every word of hers was turning him on, the phenomenon utter nonsense to him as he felt his nose snap, the grinding sinking of it feeling like a large stain being erased from her sight, oh such a lovely, cleanly thought it almost made her-


To both their surprises he came, moaning as his pleasured whines quivered up to a familiar alto, the green mixing with red to create an orangeish mixture as his irises swirled in conditioned bliss, the last of his Adam's Apple drooled out as the manacles restraining him opened and returned to their hidden position.

Weirdly, Razor didn't feel panicked as the manacles opened, but embarrassed, a horrified look on his face as he realized how big a mess he had made, the culprit still hard and proud as for a second, he wondered how much cuter it would be to have it suffocated in maid frills, sunken inside where it couldn't-


Razor groaned in Noelle's voice, the maid tutting as she whispered into his malleable mind, "Ah but you haven't learned manners yet... Noelle."

Aether was currently being groped by climbing black pantyhose, the goo sucking on his enclosed limbs as the feeling was both invasive and erotic, his groin stiffening as it climbed up the now curved lines of his calves. They were unresponsive to his thoughts, just feminine anchors, the shock of seeing Razor's own orgasmic release as he turned into her scaring him at what the changes would feel like if they climbed any higher. Noelle seemed focused on something else entirely as she walked towards him, letting Razor battle mentally with his current mental shifts as the wolf boy's shoulders began to squeeze inwards, his moans echoing and turning Aether on despite the horror of the situation.

"I didn't think this would get so messy. Obviously I can't have you doubling the work. So here, let me take some preventative steps..."

She dipped a gloved finger in the solution that started his changes, Aether shifting as much as he could, grunting as his knees were pulled together at an awkward angle, his hips aching as the shift in posture left his groin upwards facing, as if he were presenting it to her.


She ignored him, poking his erection through the armor, all the layers dissolving until his cock was free and throbbing, the gloved touch of her fingers divine as he gave a heated moan, the black covering his tip as it slid over the rest of his shaft.

He realized he wasn't going to be able to fight it once the first trembling suck buzzed through his cock, his legs rubbing together as black creeped up his thighs. The black over his cock was darker than the stuff below, caressing it while spreading, coiling between his balls as it spread them wider, diving into his ass as the fabric stabbed into his ass and thighs, a double attack of pure ecstasy. He screamed as they swelled, thigh and ass growing to absurd thickness, squeezing his masculinity as he had a desperate need to cum, only outdone by her orders to not make a mess.

"Nngh wh-what're you doing to A-Aether?"

Razor could only hear the squeals, his arms slimming as muscle just seemed to compress or decay, his body in a self hug as he moaned through the feeling of his body getting weaker, softer, cuter.

"Oh don't worry about that lout. He's getting a different kind of disciplining, though you still need to mind your manners, I mean look at you!"

Due to the pleasure, Razor was essentially dry humping the table, his face on the middle wood as Noelle moved to correct the mannerless ruffian.

"Posture is the first sign of manners at the dinner table. One does not slam their face where "Snow on the Hearth" would be laid out!"

She grabbed her charge by the spine and scrunched, his body shooting upwards with a squeal and a crunch as the maid's tight grip collapsed his spine into a malleable arch, forcing his arms to snap back to the edges, his fingers curling to a petite grip as his pinkies raised themselves, the picture of elegance as their nails spread to a manicured tip. He was seeing brooms and washcloths in his head, his cock erect again as he leaned forwards once more, Noelle tutting as this time she pressed him into the table, leaving his nipples to scrape on the edge as her arms hugged his waist.

"Well if you won't listen to me the first time I'll teach you with your body why this posture is improper."

She pulled his waist in, giving it a good proper scrunch like she was wringing out the water from a sponge, tearing off his top in the process and throwing it under the table to catch the cum spurting from his cock as his waist turned taut and curved, his nipples erect as the wrung out fat squirmed and settled upwards. Razol was now trying to get back, moaning as fat surged frontwards, his table edge posture sending shockwaves through his body the more they surged. He snapped back at Noelle's behest, moaning as cum smeared down his thighs, his breasts heaving yet despite the weight, his posture remained proper as he moaned.

Aether's own mental state was increasingly sluggish, the unending bliss wrapped around his cock and the brutal pressure on the tip ensuring he couldn't cum no matter what. He felt... jealous? No he didn't want this to happen to him, yet looking at Razor's hands on lessons was so tantalizing. Why was he allowed to get Noelle's touch? Why did he get to be her plaything? Why did he get to cum away his masculinity while she was stuck on-

He let out a choked grunt, slapping his head for the bad thoughts, yet unable to stop eavesdropping on Noelle's lessons, strands of hair beginning to lengthen and pale as the faint mauve of her thoughts and coloring invaded. Much like Razor, all he could do was listen, his legs now rooted past the hips, meaning he couldn't swivel as his ass cheeks turned massive, the black leotard like bottom buzzing in his cheeks, its tight grip climbing up his waist as straps of it cupped his nipples and clamped around the sides of his waist.


Something bubbled inside his cock, Aether feeling the release curdling inside as it felt like waves crashing against his tip, the latex blocking any from escaping as his balls continued to swell between his plush thighs. Fuck he wanted it to hurry up, to make her complete and clean away this dirty desire to- More of her thoughts were invading, green patches laying over his irises as if they were being cleaned in patches, his hands mimicking the repeated circling motions as one played with his cock, the fingers shrinking as he polished his rod, the other flexing as it shrank around his shoulders, giving one a sharp tug as bliss followed the sloping pull of it, purple hair spilling in waves now as his frame pulled in to better fit the pantyhose.

"No I don't w-want to be clean I want I wa-"

His face was trembling, shivering as he washed it with his free one, stroking his cock all the while more of Noelle's desires poured in, his features snapping as he screamed out, "I NEEEED IIIIT!"

Razolle was trying his best to focus, every wrong answer made worse by Noelle's groping as she told him she'd ingrain it into him literally, his cock aching as he didn't know how much more would be left till he went from a boar to a she-wolf. His pants were a distraction and in the way Noelle said as she pulled them off his twitching form, wiping some drool from his lips as she took out a small duster as she went over dining etiquette again.

"Which cutlery is set in front of the salad plate at starting orientation for the meal?"

"Um, if the guest eats with their h-hands then no-"



For every wrong answer, Noelle smacked his bare bottom, sliding his strewn clothes closer as the strength of his releases was noticeably lessening, even as the pleasure grew with every smack. He was realizing he was feeling it more in his nipples than his cock now, his cheeks soon red from manners issues, each thwack making the sore flesh spread as his seat felt plusher and warm, adding to the haze of want melting over his thoughts, bathing them in mauve as Noelle smiled at the thick, ripe bottom that remained as his answers grew more correct by the punishment.

"Alright, I have punished every wrong answer, so I shall now reward every right one. Doesn't that sound wonderful Noelle?"

Razelle nodded, sighing as she stood him up over his old clothes, his toes shrinking back as to not touch the dirty, cum soaked cloth as Noelle giggled.

"Yes they are rather dirty, but now you will get proper clothes than those dishrags. Every answer shall be a new part of your uniform."

Every right answer made his thoughts buzz in excitement, a new frilly undergarment or accoutrement added with Noelle's groping hands, his hips spreading to fit her panties, his fingers slipping into her grieves as if they were made for him as he desperately wanted to get things right. Each correct response was orgasmic, her pantyhose silky, her bra tenderly hugging his breasts. It didn't take long for her to have her main uniform ready as he trembled with expectation. With a moan he let the weight of her maid apron swaddle him as he curtsied to her polite clapping, almost done as his cock pulsed weakly.

Aether for his part was desperate for release, groaning and on the verge of tears as he tried to think of what was needed for him to cum. What had displeased Noelle so much, why could Razor enjoy all of her favor while he was stuck in limbo, having to take it all into his own hands as he polished his rod to a gleaming shine, his abs fading under the repeated scrubbing of his fingers as he polished the masculinity away. Oh wait she wasn't calling him Razor, no she was calling him Noelle because Razor was dirty and anything he did was dirty. Ahh yes that must be it since Razor was Noelle in her eyes and anything Noelle did was clean clean clea-


He rubbed his temples, drooling as he tried to scrub the dirty words from his vocabulary, screeching as his thought chain had ended with one of his balls popping inside, fizzling like a bath bomb as it spread feminine urges to his body, his left nipple puffed and ready as he played with that next. It made so much sense finally, already clear, clean liquids beginning to slide down his thighs. If being Noelle was clean and cumming was clean as her, then all he had to do was become her faster. He didn't need to be Ae- whoever he was if it meant being free and clean and able to a-able to-



The sudden mental realizations hastened everything to their final stages, Noelle cumming as her remaining ball plunged inside, her breasts thrusting out to fill the empty cups of the black bodice as what felt like a lifetime's worth of white foamy cum sprayed down her pantyhose. She was being scrubbed clean internally, squeaking with ecstasy as her cock slid inside, the cum cleaning it of all masculinity as it sealed into a throbbing clit, unable to dirty her body ever again. The rest of her old cum threaded through the black, forming into a proper apron, revealing her thighs as her pantyhose turned to garters instead as her eyes gave a final flutter before only Noelle remained.

Razelle was jogged from his mental mire at the squeals and final shifts going through Aether, the wolf boy suddenly terrified at the blissful look of subservience as their outfit turned frilly, the new maid girl blinking as she looked towards the two confused before breaking into a smile.

"Ah that's right I need to help Noelle finish turning Noelle into Noelle. Ah she still has a cock. My my this will be a lot of work!"

It scared Razelle how close he was to giving in, feeling his thoughts swaddled in aprons and drowned in cleaning solution as he suddenly went to run, his legs stopping as if stuck at the border of the room as they trembled, cum dribbling down his legs as his scared feet turned inwards and shrank, his thighs bloating as they swaddled his cock and prepared him for the final changes.

"Ahhh n-no stoAHHp this No-N-N-"

Just saying her name was making his weak cum trickle, a gap pulling on his junk as he swayed from side to side, moaning in horror and ecstasy in equal amounts.

"But Noelle why would we stop? It's only proper to learn. And you already forgot that one of your orders was not to leave. Did you already forget your lessons? Which of these is a soup spoon and which is a salad fork?"

He begged them to stop approaching, one Noelle holding two forks, the other two spoons, his mind rejecting the knowledge as it tried to remain his own, but that meant he didn't know, moaning as he guessed.

"Th-The small one for soups b-because the ingredients are small a-and the bigger stuff is the main- AAAGGGH I AM SORRY I WAS WRONG JUST DON'T TURN ME!"

It was probably a sign of his wavering mental state that he knew he was wrong, but the Noelle's paused as they looked at him, flashing a smile as the one with spoons knelt by his leaking crotch.

"Such a polite request."

"And he did not use contractions like a ruffian either."

He paused, hopeful for a second.

"A shame he did not use please though. Now let me show you how a soup spoon cups..."

If he didn't know before, it was being made extremely clear which was which, his legs losing strength as the other Noelle caught him, his screams cracking to glass shattering highs as his balls were ladled inside by the cutlery, each push sending his thoughts down his thighs in watery spurts as the edges of both spoons soon teased fresh lips through sheer pantyhose. He swooned, spasming as they moved him to a couch, finishing his lessons as Rozelle begged through the moans, stammering as the other Noelle brought the pommel of the dinner fork to his cock and stuck the bump of a silver end design into the tip of his cock, the thing tongs of the other one slotting in next to it as he was penetrated for the first time.


"Ah you are almost there, though you should finish the second half when saying your own name silly. Now feel the stabbing power such thin, delicate teeth bring to the fork, though meat is not the right application for it, so I hope you don't mind me turning it into something more flowery and proper."

With that she dug in, the last of Roelle's thoughts squirting out in a thick gush as she thrashed and screamed, her knowledge of nature and her youth in her wolf pack picked away and teased as Noelle forced his cock into a smaller meal to catch, his shaft offering no more resistance as it plugged into a hungry slot that made his mind slow, his thighs trembling as tremors of ecstasy built to a tremendous climax.


The third Noelle squealed her own name as the handle of the dinner fork crushed inside, something popping as she soon found her wet slit rubbing against the chased silver, the decadence too good as she came away any resistance, her head filled with only the finest in etiquette and fighting. Satisfied with a job well done, the Noelles soon surveyed the room, stains and cum everywhere as they sighed.

"Alright we made this mess, now let's clean up in time for tea!"


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