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"Hey there, like, lonely looking guy. Feeling bored? Want some company?"

Gato's glasses were fogged the second he saw who was speaking to him, rubbing one lens clean to talk to the busty gyaru girl talking to him. She was a stunner, with blonde hair down to her hips, a leopard print bra tied in a men's dress shirt far too small to contain them. Her tan skin was on full display as he couldn't for the life of himself understand why a girl like this was talking to a guy like him. A green nailed hand wiped away the other lens with the sleeve of the sweater tied around her hips, her emerald gaze looking at him hungrily as a second gyaru teased him lightly.

"Aww what else could he be doing that's more important than us Shirley? Don't you want to help us out with something? I guarantee you'll enjoy it though it is kinda vigorous."

They had to be teasing him. Gato was a rather notorious shut in at school, scurrying from his dorm to classes and nowhere else if he could help it. It had already taken a lot of courage just to go to the library and that was out of necessity. It just felt far too good to be true, yet he was too weak willed to stop them as they weren't interested in an answer.

"Up ya go! You're coming with us cause we like, really really could use your help."

Shirley's friend made an annoyed TCHH sound, rolling her eyes as she helped drag Gato with them.

"You don't start with that! You gotta learn to make a guy bend to your will. That's why you'll never get Kevin!"

"Yeah and you keep scaring him away Mary! That's why he's like, avoiding us and stuff!"

Gato couldn't get a word in edgewise, stuffed between their argument, their breasts smothering him as he was too nervous to feel aroused at this development. Before long they were at the front of a closed salon, Mary pulling a key from out of her bra.

"Look that doesn't matter, we're sure to get Kevin with operation ugly duckling boring swan! And we've got the perfect duck right here!"

"U-Um I don't under-"


The door opened, the two gyarus ignoring his cries as they continued dragging him into the salon. Shirley kept a strong hold on him while Mary turned the lights on, locking the door behind her as they continued leading him into the depths of the trendy looking store. They were leading him into a salon chair, his panic rising as he felt they were about to ask him to help on matters far outside his purview and experience.

"I'm r-really not the person to go to f-for rel-l-lationship advi-"



Before he knew it he had been manacled to the chair, his arms and legs bound as the two gyaru girls began turning on some devices behind his line of sight, Mary lining up what looked like empty bottles of makeup and polish as she let out a domineering giggle.

"This nerd thought we were gonna ask him for advice! Isn't that hilarious Shirley?"

There was the sound of rushing water behind his head, Shirley fiddling with settings on something.

"Aww that's like, totally sweeet~! But uh, sorry to say it like this, but like, you're not really the type who'd know about this stuff. But I promise you this'll feel totes amazing for you!"

The running water stopped, something bubbling in the basin behind his head.

"Wh-What are you g-going to do?!"

This had to be a mean spirited prank, probably set up by some guy he didn't realize he had pissed off to give him a makeover or something, that was the only logical-

"We're turning you into a girl. Duh!"

He silently stared back, utterly mystified by the sheer incomprehensibility of that statement.

"Oh right, magic's real. Gonna have to make you a magicless mage before we mold you. I bet these all look empty to your normie eyes lol. Don't worry, that's why Shirley's gonna dive you headfirst into it. Once you're our mediocre friend, Kevin will realize our beauty in comparison and we'll have the boyfriend we always wanted!"

There were many things running through Gato's mind, all of them unable to exit his mouth as the chair began to lean back. He sputtered something out, all consonants and spittle as his hair hissed as it dipped into the bubbling liquid behind him, sounding like metal in acid as his scalp was submerged next. For a second he was afraid of the pain, only for a shocked howl to scream from his lips, his body thrashing as a sugar high on crack surged through his body. Gato's cells felt jittery, his scalp breathing in the liquid as the individual follicles on his scalp spread through the mana sparking fluid, warmth flowing in, streaming through his vessels as his body turned hot. It was like he was being hooked up to a massive energy field, Gato feeling flutters of living presences, the grass on the outskirts of the store, bugs under the ground, the excitement of the two gyarus as his head continued to lower, fizz pooling over his ears, his cheeks, his lips opening and shutting dumbly as his head was submerged in the potion.

"Alright Shirley, I'm the potions and tinctures gal, you're in charge of the mana weaving."

"Oki-Doki! He's gonna be, like soooo~ adorable!"

With her hands on the side of the basin, the concoction inside began to glow a bright pink, Gato's body thrashing, though judging by the tent rising in his pants, it wasn't from pain at least. Words couldn't begin to describe what Gato was feeling, the world's energy caressing his internals as the slush around his face felt thicker, streaming into his ears, his nose, prying his eyes open as the structure of his face shifted with a dull pleasure surrounding each change. His glasses dissolved fully, his black hair stretching out like the arms of a squid as his face was revitalized and feminized.

His jaw was worked by it, unhinging for a second as bone turned gooey, a bit of pressure all that was needed to mold it into a softer, smaller shape. While his chin was receding, his lips were plumping outwards, sweet, glossy flavor filling them as they pursed together, his nose shrunken to a cute point while his cheeks rounded to girly perfection. It felt like dislocated joints popping back into the right formations, the dull pleasure adding to that feeling of rightness as his eyelashes pulled from his brows, fluttering out over widening eyes, the pink coloring their dull brown an enchanting magenta. There was a pleasing coercive nature to it, making Gato almost disappointed when the chair was raised once more, black locks glistening down his back as he panted in an airy tone, his throat a bit numb from the dive.

"Unnff.. wh-wha-KFF KFF CHHHK!"

The weird soreness in his throat worked itself out, a lump rising like a misswallowed lump of jelly, Gato forced to cough it out as his voice undid all the work puberty had in lowering it, a girlish moan leaving as sparkles ran across his vision. The empty bottles and vials Mary had looked blurry, contents becoming more visible by the second.

"Wow, looking better already. Can you see what's in these bottles yet? We'll be using it to do the rest of the changes."

Shirley took one and squirted some at the center of his flowing locks, a quick scrub with the mana in the tub dyeing his black hair a bright blonde as the golden color spilled down his hair almost immediately.

"B-But can't you use your magic to- Oh god I s-sound cute!"

Gato knew his voice had changed from the buzz in his throat, but he wasn't prepared for the sopranic giggle that bounced out his lips. Shirley and Mary were too busy squeezing out magic moisturizer into their hands to pay attention, his face cute but his skin still a pimply, porous wreck.

"You must be excited to have two hotties rubbing you up and down eh?"

"It'll feel like, soo~ good!"

Their goo covered hands worked wonders on his body, Gato moaning at their touch as the magic dived into his pores and plastered over his lacking skincare with perfect, slippery skin.

"Ahh~ th-that feels s-ohhh~ OOOH~!"

The pleasure was undeniable, the magic fizzing against his skin, doing a deep scrub that banished the oils that littered his complexion, scrunching each open pore to a smaller escape while uprooting any gangly hairs they found on the way. He wasn't thrashing as much as squirming in his restraints, moaning as dead skin sheared off, the paleness pristine and sensitive as the touch of the two gyaru's was far more stimulating for him not to enjoy it despite the situation.

"HOLY SHIT! Shirley look at what this nerd's been hiding down here!"

"Huh, like what do you mean Mary he seems like the meek- Ohmigawd! Really?"

They both gave his erection a flick, oohing as a bit of precum moistened his sweatpants. They seemed shocked to see how hung he was, Gato blushing at the fascination they had as Mary gave a little grimace.

"Like, that's really amazing but uh... ooh this is gonna make things so totally tough for you."

Gato couldn't stop staring at their hands hovering over, the transformative potion dripping down as his sweatpants unfurled, losing their legs as a checkered pattern appeared on the pleated bottom. The shed legs turned tan as they crawled around his waist, hugging as sleeves as it became the arms of a beige sweater tied snugly and fashionably.


It was embarrassing to feel turned on by your own voice, yet the arousal was undeniable as some of it slathered onto his thighs, the flesh tingling as smooth, girly flesh slid against his cock, prickles and plucking rendering his cock hairless as he squinted and moaned.

"Wh-Why is it b-ahhd~?"

Shirley put some more potion on, explaining, "Well like, if it was tiny it'd pop in in one go. The bigger it is like, the longer it takes to shove in. Like imagine uh- You'll see. Here we go!"

Gato's cock was already exposed, the open skirt and half pantified undergarments leaving it sticking out awkwardly from the side. Shirley only had to grab it for the pleasure to spike, his hips grinding desperately with their limited mobility as squeals of desperate horniness filled the room. He could feel it throbbing, the gel like fluids trickling down it as each one made it tremble. It was such a unique feeling, the muscles moving like he was flexing a bicep, except as her fingers gently squeezed his member it contracted back inside, digging into his guts as he screamed uncontrollably, thrashing as cum began to spew from his cock.

"Like Mary, could you get that thing from the back? I don't think your potion'll do the full job. Plus it's totes gonna get messy so..."

It took Mary a few seconds to tear her eyes from the monster before her, enraptured by its squirms as an inch compressed inside. She grumbled about Shirley getting the fun parts as she quickly scampered to the back, Gato's awareness fully distracted by anything that wasn't the feelings squeezing into and around his cock. The most tender bits were where the gel slid into his tip, thickly stuffing between flows of cum as his balls clenched tightly inside, shrinking with every grope and swirl of Shirley's fingers.

He was drooling, sputtering as inch after inch continued to shrink down, the whole cock moving like an earthworm hiding back into the ground, its girth pulling in with every forceful, sucking throb. It reached a third of its size, four inches of stubby, tender erection before the throbbing stopped, his insides feeling stuffed as every movement of his hips sent them fucking parts of his body he never knew could be penetrated, his balls greatly shrunken as Shirley gave them two sudden boops.


He squealed as he felt them pop inside, messy fluids pouring down his sides as Mary returned, a glowing pink didlo in her hands slathered in more of the feminizing potion.

Shirley seemed happy to leave the rest to Mary, her fingers moving up to his nipples as she began massaging them, making them puffy and sensitive as the dildo moved towards his open, leaking cock.

"Alright Shirley the mana infuser's primed and ready. Make sure to direct it where it needs to go. Now lets pop this nerd's cherry!"

"Got ya! Like, have fun new friend! This is gonna totally blow your mind and your load hehe!"

Gato felt like he had to say something, make one final plea, but all that left was a horny screech as the dildo shoved inside his stubby cock, the fluids pouring into his cock and cum streaming out the slit his balls had slid into, the last of his masculinity ready to fold into a new shape.

It was easily the best thing he had ever felt in his life, not that he had much to compare it to, his sheltered memories lacking in much excitement. As horrified as he was at the thought of what was happening, the experience itself had him begging for it, thrusting his hips into the buzzing pink device as his cock was crammed and compressed, the images squeezing into his tight virgin folds as the funnel shaped end of it popped deep into his cock. The vibrations made quick work of it, cum spewing down his thighs as Shirley tugged at his nipples, slowly pulling them into beestings as something burrowed into his body, a juicy sounding SCHLICK followed by an internal explosion as the buzzing tip pressed against a button deep inside the new girl's pussy, her thoughts in disarray as orgasm after orgasm plowed her into submission.


It wasn't stopping, the dildo pulling in mana from the surrounding land, the salon over a leyline as a large, spectral cock of energy was siphoned into her wanting pussy, Shirley's fingertips sparkling as Gato's breasts began to swell, that mana surge turning to thick, spongy fat.

It wasn't like she had really been able to resist at any point, but as mana poured into her body Gato was utterly blissed out, her tongue lolling as her body went limp. She just let the orgasms roll through, a goofy smile on her face as Shirley did her work while Mary worked the dildo between her legs. Shirley was very good at her work, Gato's breasts swelling quickly under her touch, mana flowing in a strong current that sculpted her body down to feminine curves, her shoulders, arms, abdomen and feet quickly sanded away into the height of femininity while her breasts continued to billow out to proper melons.

Gato almost begged her to keep going once Shirley's nipple teasing stopped, but her work was needed lower, molding the dildo's ever plunging mana into a ripe booty, Gato's thighs squeezing the dildo deep into her folds until with a final, squeaking shudder the dildo spilled from her pussy, cum squirting out like a geyser as the two gyarus moved to see the fruits of their magic, the former nerd completely unrecognizable.

"Oh! My! God! Like, OHMIGAWD SHE'S SO SEXY!"

Even Mary was impressed, twirling her orange hair as she was stunned by the beauty before her.

"God damn she turned out well! She's almost hotter than- Wait Shirley what the fuck's wrong with you?!"

The blonde looked confused, a finger on her mouth as she tried to see what the problem was.

"Huh? But like, Mary she's perfect! There's not a single-"

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM! She CAN'T be as sexy as us! THAT'S THE WHOLE FREAKING POINT! Ugh you ALWAYS get carried away!"

Gato was still panting, shocked to see his reflection as a blonde, gyaru goddess stared back at him, but his view was quickly blocked by Shirley as she sighed, moving her head down between the new girl's thighs.

"W-Wait what are you d-HOOOING?!"

It ended with a squeak as her tongue slid in Gato's folds, Shirley's mouth beginning to suck.

"Like sorry but you're like, TOO hawt. Gotta leave some for us gurl!"

"Ahh~ ooh~ wh-what's your tongue- AHH~ s-something's NNGH t-twitch- FUUUUCK!"

Shirley was rubbing her tongue against Gato's clit, her lips sucking as mana flowed from Gato to her. The new gyaru could only clench her body and moan, gasping as her breasts shrank a little, falling just a hint below the two girls' cup sizes, her curves flattening just a tad though her figure remained generous. Mary copiloted the eating out, directing Shirley's tongue as she ordered a few other changes.

"Kay a little flatter... a bit more... oh wait too much put a bit back in and I think our group doesn't need two blondes do you?"

Gato felt like she was going to pass out as her tongue jabbed into her clit, a harsh suck draining the blonde from her hair as the color spilled into her irises instead, the rest being spat out by Shirley as the two girls inspected their work.

"PERFECT! She's still so FUCKING hot Shirley, but not as hot as uuuusss~! Now listen here uh... Gabby? Sure let's go with Gabby. If you ever want your dick back, just follow our lead and you better do your part so Kevin falls for us. Kay bestie?"

She gave a nervous nod, the two gyarus descending for one final makeover.

Gabby felt incredibly self conscious sandwiched between her two 'friends,' her skirt too short, her top unbuttoned as far as they could without exposing her chest, which was without a bra at the moment so she was constantly thinking of unsexy things to make sure her nipples didn't show. Since they wanted to match her hair her nails were painted black, a gothy choker assembled around her neck as Shirley and Mary trotted her up to Kevin, the football stud intently switching between a textbook for Spanish and some manga.

"Oh Em Gee! Like, hi Kevin! Who'a thought a hunk like you would be so studious! Oh this is our new friend Gabby by the way, say hi Gabby!"

She mumbled something, receding further from the two as her eyes looked down, trying to guess the series from the art since she couldn't see the cover. Mary was quick to steamroll past, making sure her tits were on full display as she huddled next to the jock while Shirley was quick to follow. Gabby just squirmed awkwardly, looking at the manga and waiting for this whole thing to be ov-

"Do you like Hunter Hunter?"

Oh that's why she thought it looked familiar. She only read the crappy scans online.

"W-Well I'm kind of a big nerd for anime and man-"

Mary was glaring at her, with eyes that clearly read "shut the fuck up" in their expression as she tried shifting the focus back to her.

"Yeah, Gabby always likes that kind of thing, she's a bit of a shut in but don't hold it against-"

"Did you see the new JJK episode?"

Gabby fidgeted, realizing he was staring at her, something about the wide grin on his built jaw making something flutter inside, a light blush on her face. W-Was he focusing on her? S-Surely not. And it's not like she was into guys right? RIGHT?!

"A-Actually I was studying so uh, I didn't really get to-"

Kevin's chair scraped loudly as he dislodged himself from the two girls, moving over to a trembling Gabby before softly asking, "Wanna see it in my room? If you're done studying."

Mary had a face like she was choking on a lemon. Shirley just seemed confused, playing with a hoop earring as she didn't seem to get what was happening. Gabby was suddenly realizing that the magic must have been more thorough than she expected, her preferences shifted greatly as she found her panties growing damp as the jock towered over her, her arms shifting to hide the clear signs that she wanted this.

This was bad right? That's what she asked herself as she found herself nodding, feeling lightheaded as she tried to wriggle her way out.

"B-But don't you need to study? I wouldn't want to hurt your grades though I c-could help with some of your classes if you um, i-if you..."

Mary was wiggling a finger between her thighs with a furious look on her face, squashing it with her other hand as she tried to make the threat as silently as possible. All Gabby could hear was the beating of her own heart as he smiled, nodded and led her out of the library, Mary continuing to pantomime threateningly while Shirley just made a "good for you" look once it clicked in her head.

This was bad right? She kept repeating it as they were alone, her over the shoulder tutoring oddly finding her closer than she thought, her thighs brushing against his back, her fingers nervously playing with her shirt button as another one came undone, her tits nearly free as the warm tinglies kept growing. By the time the new episode was playing, neither were paying much attention, Gabby vaguely hearing an angry huff in the hallway that sounded like a spying Mary as her skirt slid off, Kevin's hands knowing just where to go as the last buttons on her shirt popped open.

She realized if this happened there would be no turning back, moaning as his mouth found one of her breasts, her panties sliding down. Then again, it wasn't like there was much to turn back to as she smiled, moaning as she only hoped she wouldn't disappoint her new boyfriend while a gyaru raged over being cucked in the hallway beyond.


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