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Mark grunted, annoyed by the random sounds coming next door as he tried to sleep, annoyed his neighbor was blasting porn again. That was the only explanation for the loud, raucous cries of pleasure coming next door as he tried to stuff his head below his pillow. There was no way a guy like him could ever get a girl to his apartment, much less make sounds like that, though something about them sounded familiar, the resemblance bothering him. Mark didn't have much room to talk about appearances, being not too far from obesity like his neighbor, though at least he had the decency to jerk off quietly or use headphones when he watched porn, though the sound of a woman cumming her brains out was starting to get him worked up as he began stroking when he couldn't fall asleep, annoyed when they stopped right as he was getting in the-



Mark snorted out the question, his greasy hands fumbling in the dark for his Switch where it lay on the floor amidst chip crumbs. By the time he found it the screen had gone dark so he decided he'd get to it after he finished slee-


And now a text from his phone, his neighbor Greg sending him a message that there was a surprise on his switch. He figured it was probably that hentai from before, though why he'd use the switch instead of his phone he had no clue. Though now that he thought about it, didn't that girl sound like Gloria from the new Pokemon gen? That did sound interesting... Though to his disappointment, opening his Switch only showed that dumb fitness program thing Nintendo was trying to shove down their userbase's throats. Great was Greg making fun of his weight now too? He'd show that asshole what he thought of him once he got himself out of bed in a few seconds, or minutes... maybe an angry text would-


That's when a purple bolt of lightning shot out from his switch, the sound of a scottish giggle the last thing he heard before his body began to boil and crunch.

Mark didn't know how to process what he was seeing, his skin quivering in a ripple pattern from his toes upwards, the roiling bands of fat giving him a sensual experience every time a new one rolled up his cock, his bald, greasy scalp tingling when another band closed around his scalp, the shaved hair prickling as tiny spurts of growth dotted his scalp with black. Each ring that passed thrust his flesh out, oils and gunk flung off his twitching body as his cock began to grow erect, another few passes leaving his skin tight and shiny as the passing ripples drew the loose folds tighter and tighter to his form. The room was spinning, his skin feeling like it was being kneaded now as the rolls dug into his fat, the scraggly hairs that covered him from ankle to cheek popping at the apex of their bulging as the rippling changed the structure of his skin, one pass conditioning it, another few sensitizing it as the process became far more arousing.

"Agh! Wh-What the-"

He was cut off, his throat partially strangled by the next ripple to pass by it, his skin fully paled and shiny, devoid of any imperfection on the outside though the meat inside was being strangled by its slow pull inwards. Fat bulged under the rolls, warmth flowing up with each visceral molding as loose black hairs began to tickle the sides of his scalp, the front only rising to a shaved pattern before stopping. It felt like someone was roughly folding and squeezing pockets inside his body, popping them like bubble wrap as bit by bit, his overweight body was turning slimmer, his fat burning away as he moaned in sweat-covered delirium. Was he having a heart attack? Did death usually feel like you were being caressed and jerked? Oh fuck was he going to cum as he died? He didn't want to go like this, he'd change he'd change he'd-


His feet changed before he did as he gasped in blind, building pleasure.

He did his best to raise his legs, his unhealthy lifestyle making that far harder than it should be as they trembled with exertion, his vision blurring every few seconds as another pulse crammed to the top of his scalp. At the tip of his toes was where these ripples were starting, the pressure slowly crunching them down as each one compressed from the repeated presses, his nails gleaming like black gemstones as ten slender bottom digits graced the ends of his shrinking, bulbous feet. That bulbousness was being worked out, the same popping going on in his thinning frame happening with more force as he glimpsed his pads thinning, the tops scrunching inwards as a few bands popped his flat feet into arched cuties. With two pronounced crunches, his heels pulled together, the sensation of them pressing together more than a little stimulating as his ankles popped into a better shape, a strange pleasure running through him as the ripples now started from his calves upwards.

"MMPH! Ohhh~ god what's- OOOH~!"

His voice curdled in his throat, the lump receding bit by bit now as the ripples flattened a third chin, then a second. His skin had never been this responsive before, years of falling out of health having brought him out of touch with his physical form as every inch of him now felt energized and ever so sensitive, the ripples teasing his flesh lovingly as his cock finished rising to attention. The undulations were above what he could handle at this point, especially as they passed over his cock, his balls squeezed as the pressure ran up his shaft, larger dribbles of precum dampening his sheets as the ripple moved down his tip and ran up his navel. Weirdly though, his nipples were becoming just as sensitive, the wave of tweaks and kneading mashing them pink, the tender flesh bruising as it swelled higher and higher, two erect nipples that aided his body's metabolism as his calves squeezed together.

Green flecks popped up in his squinted hazel vision, his hands looking for something to grab onto as he tried to contain the pleasure surging inside, gasping as his legs were manhandled and changed, formless, mushy curves solidified by the continuous pressure as feminine perfection was sculpted from the fatty stumps he had previously. The flesh dimpled nicely, a bounce given to the creamy flesh as his knees began to knock inwards, the pressure of the rings rising as the pace of the ripples increased, his thighs pressed together in an awkward triangle as the rippling felt odd on his thighs.

While before the ripples reduced, it felt like their bulge was reducing less and less as they groped his inner thighs, the gap his balls were in growing smaller as the continued feeling of groping made his cock leak faster, moans pouring from his lips as his legs thrashed, unable to stop the slow, steady squeeze of his balls as they got thicker by the second. It wasn't just his thighs either, fat thickening his ass and hips as his cheeks grew cramped, slapping against his bed as he moaned for release, his cries rising higher as his booty's bulge grew nearly the same size as his belly fat, though given how quickly the latter was pulling in, it wouldn't be long till his ass reigned supreme. With a violent, final surge through his body, there was a loud crack as his ass grew too large to sit on his male hips, his knees knocking together as his thighs clenched shut around his cock, a high pitched squeal accompanying the orgasm as his thick thighs bore down on his balls.

"AH! AHHH! Fuck that feels- Ohhhhh~ yeessss~!"

He fell off his bed then, moaning in a new voice as something popped inside his throat, his balls juiced as cum poured from his cock like he had never seen it before. He could barely contain himself, grasping onto his cock as the pixie voice pouring from his mouth fell like oil on the fire inside, his lust raging into an inferno as finally realized what was happening. It helped when the touch of his hands sent another load pouring from his tip, the squeeze on his balls growing as he looked down at the blackened nails, his arms fully feminized as a few final pulses made their way through. His thoughts were feeling hazy, the continuous ripples through his skull pressurizing the brain matter within, his jowls loose and eyes tearing as memories of a grimy street popped into his head, his hair three inches grown now as the right half was extra long with two additional inches added in. As he worked at his cock with hands he could only dream of touching him, he knew what was happening.

"Mmm ohh fuck! I'm t-turning into HYAAAAA~!"

That moment of realization was interrupted by his balls, the ripples crushing them down as he felt them pop like his Adam's Apple, piercing through his widened hips as the last of his seed spilled on the floor below. He rubbed at the emptiness where his balls had been, moaning as he found a slit throbbing under his cock, teasing it at the downstroke of his cock as he fingered and jerked, smiling through tears and drool as he now felt desperate to hasten what was happening. Even if he couldn't speak clearly, he could think it, images of Marnie flashing between pleasure spikes as he fingered his growing slit, basking in her voice as his lips swelled with every lewd moan that left his mouth. For a second his back was against the wall of his dorm, hearing the lewd scottish moans next door as his eyes widened to emerald gems, ready to fully become Marnie as he slammed back into the edge of his bed.

She had to thank her neighbor properly when she was finished, her face continuing to shake and crumble as the ripples rolled through, Markie grinding her cock against the side of her bed while she slammed her bulbous belly into the corner, timing it with the ripples to maximize each thrust as she moaned with every, quivering slap. She could feel her grinding bearing fruit, her cock squirting as she shoved it in bit by bit, the ripples squeezing her tip shut as her slit began gushing clear fluids.


She could really feel it, each centimeter that slid inside, slotting into her slit as it lubed up her shrinking cock. There were too many things she needed to please, her nipples raging, her body hot as fat squirmed from her shrinking stomach, worming under her skin as fat teased her nipples from the inside as the flabby tits pushed outwards. She was near nirvana stages of ecstasy, her cock a shrunken stub, her tits bouncing with her thrusts, adding to the need for her cock to swell as the tip darkened. The fat slob she had been was nearly all worked out, her bed soaked in sweat, cum and drool as her cheeks finished burning away their fat, her lashes fluttering with mascara as one final ripple tore up her cock, slamming it inside as whatever fat wasn't needed for her breasts came out her pussy.


She couldn't take it, collapsing into a writhing mess as the final ripple made its journey upwards, crunching her back to an arch, giving her breasts a final grope as it slid up her neck. Any final shifts needed happened quickly, her ears bulging before shrinking, pressure releasing quietly as piercings as she squealed in ecstasy, her forehead squeezing as her first female orgasm literally blew her mind.

Marnie screamed as her memories were forced out, exploding in waves of black locks in a punky style as her thighs grew slick with cum, her nails fingering mindlessly as she felt happy to be done with that ugly form of hers moments prior. As she finished fingering herself to completion, her soiled sheets twisted around her, forming her usual outfit as the topsheet turned to a black leather jacket, a collection of unwashed socks wrapping around her feet as spiked boots while more laundry lost in the folds of her former messiness latched on to form a pink sundress with rounded bottoms. The final piece was a pair of crusty boxers, the fabric peeling away all grime and gunk as they turned to black panties, the waistband separating into a black choker as their sudden application sent her fingers deeper than she imagined, moaning as she felt oddly unsatisfied, feeling like something was missing as her phone rang beside her.

"Come over to my room, let's have some fun. Gloria~"

Oh, that's right, she had to show her neighbor just how much she loved their gift, her fingers slick with juices as her phone twisted in her fingers, turning into a pokeball as she could only imagine how horny Gloria was after listening in on her fun. She just wondered how many of their other friends could use a gift like this as she opened the door, thoughts of expanding their twosome to a group mirrored as the two trainers made sure their bedroom battle was a major event as their screams woke up half the dorm.


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