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"So you're looking for a new look right? Something that'll make you popular right?"

James sat nervously in the hairdresser's chair, trying to say what he wanted specifically. HIs last hair cut had been a disaster and any time hair went wrong it always led to weeks and even months of embarrassment.


The stylist giggled, James gulping nervously at how pretty she was as she leaned over his shoulder, her breasts resting against his cheek as she ran her fingers through his greasy brown hair.

"If you're unsure I think I have the perfect look in mind. I guarantee it'll make you look like a new person and be a hit with the ladies. I'll show you a good time..."

She blew on the back of his neck, making the nervous man squeak as he trembled, nodding silently as he gave into her whims easily.

"Aww~ glad you're trusting in me hun! Though first..."

She plucked his glasses off, ignoring his annoyed whining as his head twisted left and right, trying to find her in the formless blobs the world had become.

"Hey! G-Give those back! I need them to see my-"

A finger shushed him, her other hand back in his hair as warmth flowed from her scalp massage, his brain alight with tingles as his resistance faded to pleased mewls.

"Don't worry, you don't want to get these things wet do you? Besides, when I finish up your new look, I doubt you'll want these silly old things."

If James had been paying attention he might have been wondering what that meant, but he was enraptured by her touch, the stylist teasing his curls as her fingers danced around his locks. He was blushing at how oddly erotic it all was as she brought the scissors up to his locks, James having to suppress a moan as she took the first snip of hair away, his body positively shuddering as it felt like more than just hair was being sliced from his body.

Down his skin, small paltry hairs stood on end, shearing off at random as more of his skin turned hairless, though the stylist didn't seem too thrilled.

"Hmm, you need to take better care of your hair, here let me put some product in."

She sprayed out a puddle of shimmery foam into her palm, spreading it evenly between her hands before massaging it into his scalp. She acted like he wasn't moaning in the chair, enjoying it in a way that most people would find too much, but to her sounded just right as she began talking into his ear.

"Don't worry, this stuff will clear away all the unhealthy oils and revitalize your skin. Can't you feel it dissolving all that gunk away?"

He could, his scalp tingling as it seemed to be flooding into his brain, spreading to the rest of his body as he squirmed in the chair, wracked with pleasure as oils dribbled out his hair and into his eyes.

Even with the stinging mixture leeching into his irises, it didn't feel painful, instead that same wonderful cleansing sensation spreading as tears colored brown with their old coloring dribbled down his cheeks, his eyes sparkling pink as the cleansing ran through all of his skin. James tried his best to stay quiet, feeling mortified at just how good it all felt, trying not to look like some kind of pervert as it felt like every inch of his skin was being pampered by a goddess. Oils turned to sweat, acne and sunspots fading into an illustrious tapestry of smooth, creaminess, his pale coloring turning a pinker shade of peach as hairs evaporated into nothing. A long, lusty sigh finally pursed from between his lips as his pubic hair was plucked, his cock erect from the sensual rubbing of change as the skin was polished to a shining gleam, feeling like an otherworldly handjob as precum stained his boxers. All the while the stylist just smiled, her scissors at the ready to begin shaping her customer into just what she wanted him to be.

"First these sides. They stick out all over the place and can hardly be called stylish, let's trim them down a bit..."



James gasped as her scissors glanced near his ear, a few thin strips of hair fluttering down as an odd sensation filled his left side, as if something soft was brushing against his waist. Another snip and that brush became a touch, then a push. It felt tense, the flatness of his ribcage and sides puckering together as if they were nervous, trying to hide within a shell that didn't exist as each snip in his ear amped the pressure, and his arousal. By the seventh cut some meaty sounding crackles were joining in with his moans, making the most lovely sound as his waist began to curve, weight burning away as she did three cuts in quick succession, her customer nearly cumming as the left side of his waist slammed inwards with a sudden, meaty POP!

While James panted from the arousal just barely kept in line between his thighs, the stylist attacked, not wanting to give him a reprieve. James was in heaven as she tackled the tangle on his right side, the pressure mounting quicker, the pleasure rising as he found himself teetering out of control. He had never had a haircut like this, had never felt something so erotic and forceful and ecstatic. As she finished up with his right side he finally couldn't take it, squealing as his hips bucked on her last snip, a tear of pain running across his ear as James squealed, an orgasm forcing him to cum as the resultant jerk sent the tip of his ear into her scissors, a red gash along the outside as trickles of blood poured around the edges. The stylist tutted, the panting man before her heaving as his shrunken waist begged for air, the slender womanly curves just part of a blur for James as she looked at the red line across his right ear.

"Apologies for that, but you can't jerk like that. Thankfully I know just how to fix this ear of yours."

James was certain he was spent after that amazing release, his body feeling lighter and sensitive with a rush like a good workout as he barely reacted to the wrist restraints being tied over his wrists. What shook him out of his exhaustion was the sudden way she grabbed his ear, his cock rising back to life as he squirmed under her grasp, moaning and squinting as the most bizarre pleasure began working its way inside his skull.

She was a stylist of flesh now, working the cartilage between her fingers, softening it as the whole ear began to melt into moldable flesh. The way she wrung it seemed to get rid of everything but pleasure sensors, the sensitivity of it now a rival for his cock as he thrashed in his restraints, feeling the need bubbling up in his loins as she began properly kneading it into shape.


Any modicum of pain was forgotten under the tsunami of ecstasy threatening to overwhelm him, her nails adding a middle crease, the misshapen lump sliding against his skull as she tugged it up in one fluid motion, the sudden force driving him over the edge as his poor cock throbbed out cum.

His voice sounded delirious with pleasure as she shaped it, turning it to a cone of flesh that hooked cutely under his curls, his hearing amplified as a large, bald cat ear shivered atop the right half of his head, his thighs opening and closing as his cock refused to soften even after such a messy release.

"Hmm, a bit uneven there, well I guess this had to happen at some point so might as well make it a pair."

At this point his shaft was more like a faucet, cum steaming out as she pulled on his left ear, his pink eyes shimmering as they widened in the sockets. His mouth was mutely opening now, lips thickening as he tried to vocalize the sensations coming from his scalp as she finished sculpting his left, looking at the stained puddle on his jeans and tutting at the hard lump in between.

"What a mess. Here let me take care of  that for you."

The stylist's scissors closed around a fold in his jeans, making the first cut around the mid thigh area before cutting upwards, the cold metal slicing dangerously close to his cock as the middle seam was torn in half. From there the cutting was moving in a circular pattern, only deviating to make small triangular bumps on the fronts before separating each pant leg cleanly. Almost at once, the material tightened, leaving a decent thigh gap as James groaned, the pant legs digging into his thighs as he moaned desperately. The dry, rubbing sound grated a bit on the stylist's ears as she pulled out another bottle.

"Hmm, not bad, but they could use a bit of spray to rest properly."

The soft sound of a spray bottle triggering was quickly drowned out by James's horny screams, the denim tightening into smooth, hugging leggings, the triangles' purpose now clearer as cat faces appeared on the tops of his new thigh highs. The doused leggings were wringing his legs, as if trying to squeeze out all the masculinity as the wet spray slipped into their male, bulky forms. His toes clenched as the spray flowed in, his squeals only rising in intensity as his feet were squeezed tiny and dainty, drool pooling from his mouth as the massaging bliss encompassed nearly his entire lower half.

While most of the changes stimulated his cock indirectly, this was on a different level, his thighs swelling around his erect shaft as his boxers did little to shield it from his building curves. The pleasure was maddening, swollen thighs squeezing against his cock while jerking it, the skin around it both attached to him, but also clearly not his as he felt something slam into his groin. With a strained scream, James felt his balls plunge inside, not fully slipping in, but giving him the most rough, intrusive fucking of his life as his cum poured down thick, womanly legs.

Even if he couldn't see it, James could feel that something was very wrong, trying to break free and only turning himself on more as his balls continued to shrink, the pleasure blinding on top of his already limited eyesight.


They didn't seem to care, pulling out a hot towel that they wrapped around their neck tightly, the heat immense as they paid attention to the back of his mane.

"Don't worry dear customer I won't leave you half finished, now enjoy this soothing towel wrap while I take some weight off the back here. I'm sure you'll feel better once it's gone."

He could barely hear her, struggling to fight the grogginess the towel invited as he felt like he was melting, the heat so nice, so comforting...

"OHHHHHHhhhhhh gaaawwwd..."

His spine and shoulders turned to wax, warping under the heat while his moans rose to a cute, girlish soprano, rising as his height lowered, the cuteness all encompassing. The towel shaped his shoulders, rounding them as it slipped down, his collarbone popped and shrunken, his spine curving back to accent his non-existent ass and chest. It made his pudgy tummy stand out all the more, squeezed tightly under his perfect skin like sausage meat, the stylist smirking as she cut at the tangle of hair in the back.


His fat was shrinking, pounding into him, fucking its way into his balls before spewing out as thick release, the orgasms seemingly endless as his stomach shrank and shrank. His balls were barely raisins by the time it was done, a full foot taken off his body as a petite, toned belly squirmed in ecstasy, sweat and cum slathered on the creamy skin as his lolling tongue shrank inside his mouth, a toothy grin forming as one incisor grew longer than the other.

There was something awkward about them as the stylist tried to figure out why they weren't feeling comfortable, snapping their fingers as they looked at his shrunken height, his hands scrabbling in the restraints.

"Ah you're so much smaller now without that extra hair, I think I need to give you a boost."

Her hand moved to the height adjustment pump at the bottom of the chair, giving it a hard kick as it popped an inch upwards, throwing James up before the restraints slammed him back down into the chair.


The force slammed one of his balls inside, the flesh rippling before swallowing it whole, heat pouring into the now hollow cavity as estrogen spewed from her freshly formed ovary. As clear fluids began to pool from the hole left behind, the stylist kicked the pump again, slamming them up and down as their remaining ball popped in an explosion of clear fluids.

James would have begged if he could speak, but he couldn't so he could only squeal, feeling his thighs trembling as the tip of his cock widened, all that estrogen making his arousal shift to something alien and captivating. The whole shaft felt wet, like it was trembling on the inside, his thrashing restrained to desperate rubbing as a needy heat crawled into his groin and spread. There were still a few pumps needed to get him to the proper height though, each one now focusing on his ass as he slapped down onto the seat, gasping as each hit swelled his ass to a proper peach. Another few pumps and his hips were shattered, their width doubled as his cock finally had some breathing room, not that it mattered when his cheeks were being spanked and jostled by the shifting chair, clear fluids spewing from the tip as it throbbed, threatening to soften at any second.

"Hmm, not bad, not bad at all, though I think the only thing missing now is a little color to bleach your worldview rosy. Sound good?"


The no didn't come out in time, not that it would have mattered, a choking aerosol covering the room in smog, his hair tingling as another spray bottle was added to the mix, setting his hair dripping wet. The color was turning pink, his cat ears tingling as the flesh colored lumps finally grew their own candy floss colored fur. James couldn't stop cumming, his eyes rolling up inside his head as the dye drove down to the roots, then deeper, leeching into his brain as his thinking became inundated with horny, gremlin thoughts. While his thoughts were in disarray, the wet spray was dripping lower, traveling down his arms and resting on his fingers as they turned slim and feminine, two trails meandering their way down his collarbone before flowing to a stop onto his nipples.


It was literal, Janers thrashing in the chair as more and more cum poured out his cock, the hard shaft softening with every deviant thought that liked what was happening, that told him to give in. Worse, it was all building in his nipples, the cold streams of spray hardening them as they swelled, his hungry chest turning as sensitive as his ears and cock as the flesh rose. Janners couldn't fight it, more and more memories spurting out his cock as the stylist combed the color to every inch of his subshoulder length hair, smiling as she watched his perky breasts rise to larger and larger lumps. To help the poor girl out, she cut away his shirt, slicing off some of the stomach and most of the top half off leaving only a neck strap, tapping the waistline of his pants to floof it out into a skirt as another orgasm made his drooping cock lose the last of its strength.

"Almost done customer! Though I see you could use a bit of drying off. Don't worry, I'll make sure you're a properly teased pussy. Get ready for the new you!"

There wasn't much left of the man who had come in, most of him ready to be mopped up once she was done teasing the last of his curls and drying them, though that wasn't her focus for the teasing. More than his nipples, his ears were dripping, sensitive and in the way of her work, so it was only natural for her to grip them with her towel and tease the ever loving hell out of them, Jyanners not screaming as much as sputtering like an anime girl engine running on fumes, her memories pouring out her cock as it fully softened, not just losing its erection, but burrowing between his hips. His tip was hardening, but not from an erection, but from its own compression as it slid inside itself, fucking his shaft as the whole softened cock melted into itself. The rougher the stylist tweaked his ears, the faster his cock collapsed into itself, his mind giving one final attempt to stay before the ecstasy overwhelmed it.

"I-I'm a lewd, seiso g-guy who i-isn't some successfully sexy youtuber with amazing thighs a-and, NOOO I'm James I'm Janes I'm Jannes I'm Janners I'm J-Jyanners I'm- OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUUUUUUUUCK YESSSSS~!"

Cum exploded from her tip, the release shooting the rest of her cock inside as she came her brains out on the floor, Nyanners left moaning in her chair as she forgot what she was doing for a second.

"Hooooly shiiiit. That felt like one of those dumb hentais I used to do shitposts on. Feeeels soooo gooood heh. Ooh wait are you married or something? You're pretty sexy and I am a licensed wife fucker."

The stylist giggled, her work done as Nyatasha Nyanners was left where a nerdy guy had been only moments prior.

"That's a nice offer, but I'd prefer if you just sent more of your friends here. I'm sure you know a few people who could use a new outlook on life, couldn't you?"


Nyanners did feel amazing, like a whole new person after this haircut, and she felt really horny to boot. Time to get out the Vei folder at home.

"Sure thing!"


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