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"That stings!"

"Good! Remember that the next time you act carelessly!"

Joel was a bit rough treating Ellie's wounds, annoyed at her carelessness. Just because she was immune from the Infected didn't mean she could act like the world was one big playground. She had accidentally set up one of their many traps and nearly paid dearly for that mistake, an arrowhead buried in her shoulder while there were scratches and lines from where a bottle had shattered under her fall. Thankfully it was only in shallowly, though it was a wound that was going to bleed a fair bit before it stopped, Joel counting to three before ripping out the shallow bulbs as Ellie cried out, half from the patch of skin it took with it, and half from the burn of rubbing alcohol. A slim spray of blood shot out, misting on Joel's face as he tried rubbing it out of his eyes, only mixing it deeper though once he began to tear up, the stinging softened some.

Ellie sulked the best she could through the pain, unable to even complain since it was all her own fault, heck she had helped put that trap up, but it always annoyed her to be treated like she was stupid. At least he was being gentle with the bandages, though she was iffy on whether she wanted a scar or not, something cool she could lie about like when she asked Joel about some of his ambiguous wounds. Joel was absorbed in the work, licking his dry lips as he was careful to properly dress the wound, salty droplets of blood mixing with his saliva as he thoughtlessly swallowed. Neither were really thinking about her blood in any amount of concern, even if she was infected. She had an immunity, it had no effects so it must have been inert right? Wrong. Yes the fungus couldn't take her over, yet like all living things it evolved, a symbiotic relationship taking over the spores, a different kind of infectiousness taking over, one that only knew Ellie's body, and was focused on preserving her homeostasis as spores spread in Joel's blood.

Of course no one showed symptoms immediately, and it was in such small doses that it would take a while to propagate, yet it was happening. Roots were growing inside blood vessels, tendriling slowly through his system as they mixed into his spine, his body ever so slowly reacting to the invasion, but it was such a gentle takeover it barely knew what to do, treating it like a cold or a virus as his body began to heat up, spurring on the growth as while most viruses broke down in the heat, fungus loved it as three hours after dressing her wound, Joel started feeling woozy. There was no concern yet, they had just eaten some wild game and while he was teaching Ellie the ways to skin and cook everything from squirrel to deer, it was possible she hadn't left it on long enough.

It felt more like a food poisoning than anything life threatening, slight nausea in his stomach as threads of tissue began mixing with his chemical bath of digestive fluids, siphoning off nutrients as he felt oddly hungry, then weirdly aroused as his junk felt tight, his balls oddly squashed as he tried shifting around his boxers through his pockets. It wasn't his underwear, but the balls themselves, silky threads caressing them, piercing into his organs painlessly as minute amounts of testosterone were absorbed, consumed by the fungus the way a plant consumes carbon dioxide as they spat out estrogen, his cock rock hard after another mile of travel.

It was getting harder to hike through the jungle, but they had to do it, and he had suffered through worse, though worse was nearing not so bad as the sun began to set, Joel sweating up a storm. He hid it, not wanting to worry Ellie since he saw how guilty she felt over the accident earlier, but it was hard to think, his forehead throbbing as he felt a tickle in the back of his throat, rising to his nose as the fungal growths continued their spread. They had to stop for the night.

He hid it the best he could, taking over cooking though it took twice as long as his head felt fogged over, the Cordyceps tangled up in his neurons, two other clusters bunching just under the surface of his nipples as the testosterone sucking roots sent it through the rest of the interconnected system, nutrients and estrogen released as waste behind as the chemicals made his chest harden, that feverish arousal spiking as he felt like a teenager again, unable to control the raging need in his pants.

"Hff you clean up tonight Ellie. I need some rest."

She was a bit worried, having never seen Joel this beleaguered, the small campfire for cooking making his sweat gleam like his body was alight in tiny orange flames.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to be so fucking stup-"

He waved his hand, not in the mood or mental state to console a teenage girl at the moment, barely able to stay conscious as fungal strands began incorporating into his brain, searching for something as their roots now compromised nearly half of his organs and body.

Keeping in motion had been the one thing slowing down the progress, Joel's collapse onto his threadbare sleeping bag leaving him tired down to his bones. Now that there was no movement past his own muscular twitches as they were caressed and spindled with roots. The growth was exponential now, slithering through, his sleep only possible in fits as he grunted, his body on edge as he felt extra sensitive. The clump around his genitals was buzzing, making it feel like something was stroking his cock, his jeans far too textured a material for his cock as he moaned, scrabbling at his belt. His whole body was breathing in and out, the out breaths trailed off by moans as his stature subtly deflated. It was far too small a thing to pick up on with your regular eyes, but the nutrient suck was going into overdrive, right as fungus stabbed into his pleasure centers of his brain, ready for the real party to start.


His awareness was strained, the tendrils in his brain now squeezing, activating his pineal and thyroids as his heart began beating at triple speed inside his chest. It felt like he was having a heart attack mixed with an orgasm as he crawled out his portable tent, moaning as the spores released a narcotic spray from their pores, dulling all pain as they began to suck and distort his body in more extreme manners, each shift accompanied with a burning string of ecstasy in every last cell as the fungus began ejecting strips of DNA into his body. Joel wanted to scream, gasping out as the cool night air washed over his hot skin, but the clusters of fungus in his throat were strangling him, allowing only a tortured wheeze to leave as strands pierced his Adam's Apple and began sucking.

The adrenaline was increasing his body's production of everything, hormones pulsing through the plants as the testosterone converters went double time, sucking out male juices while bathing his nipples in female hormones, his left the first to give in as it gave a slight pop, flexing unnaturally as the flesh pinkened. He gasped out of need as he brushed a finger past it, moaning as his right gave its own flex into fullness as his grey undershirt tensed over them. Digestive fluids were spilled throughout his abdomen as more estrogen pumped inside his chest, another exit spraying his brain with the hormones as his pleasure centers linked up, his hips throbbing as he came. At least he tried to, feeling his cum bubble, his balls squeezing as his cock flexed ready to release, but a clump of fungal tissue was there to intercept, swallowing up his cum as it surged in size, Joel wheezing through unbearable bliss as the tissue surged behind his cock, budding up as the base of his cock swelled from the lump fucking him from within.

It was maddening, like a second cock trapped inside his own, willowy strands caressing the insides of his penis as it was all too much, the inner fucking and rubbing mixed with the pressure in his balls to force another release up that slammed into the fungal growth within. If his throat wasn't constricted by Cordyceps, he would have been loud enough to hear for miles, the lump in his dick now fucking half his cock, the load large enough to allow a few driblets of cum to drip out his enlarged tip. He stared in horror at his bulging cock, moaning as strings popped out his tip, stabbing into the dome around as estrogen flowed inside his cock, arousal fighting a new urge to soften and shrink as his mind shuddered from a constant fucking.

The digestive juices meanwhile did their work, making the hard internal tissues of his body softer, easier to mold as they squeezed around his stomach. Signals sent from his brain sent his cells replicating and burning at an alarming rate, his choked panting, unable to express just how thorough it all felt as scar tissue burned away, hairs forced out pores by fungal strings as skin peeled away to something softer, smoother. It was impossible to stress how amazing it felt, pain numbed by the narcotic or redirected into pleasure as the fungus controlled how he felt, how he reacted, winding into neurons as side memories were blended into more familiar formations, the pre-infection years dwindling in his memories. Joell didn't notice this, too caught up with the building pressure in his groin, his balls tightly wound inside the growing spores, his boxers pulled down to reveal just how strained his sack was as more downy strands pierced the center, making him writhe as they pulled his balls tighter and tighter, a crevice forming down the middle as pleasure and pressure built into a maddening combo until-



Joell's head tried to make sense of what he was seeing, the ecstasy blinding as he tried to scream, his scrotum torn in half as most of his cum spilled down to the grass from his now exposed inner genitalia. Each ball was being covered in a white capsule that felt like a mushroom being rubbed against his most tender of spots, his gasps rising as both were injected and converted into estrogen factories. The lump in his cock of course had sucked up as much of his seed as it could, growing up as his tip further widened, the mushroom tip split open by an actual mushroom, his balls shaking freely as he tumbled around in the throes of ecstasy and horror. Their freedom was swiftly halted by the growing capsules, flattening them as they shifted inside their estrogen cocoons, Joelle's throat flattening as both were forcefully torn inside, the mushroom bursting out his cock clamping onto his tortured manhood as the system inside pulled it in like a fungal winch.

As his cock was receding, other sections were swelling, that softened up muscle converted to fat as it was sprayed where the fungus deemed necessary, turning him on in ways he could never have imagined as his waistline shrank and melted, fat stabbing into his ass and behind his erect nipples as a feeling like someone was sucking on them drove his cock's submission to hasten. Each taste of feminine pleasure consuming more and more of his identity as his body wanted to give in, the infection far too persuasive as his throat finally cleared, a reedy, feminine voice moaning in awe of the changes, hungry for more as his brow softened under duress of how tightly he was clenching his face. He couldn't fight this, enraptured by the bunching of his torn scrotum, lips kissing the melting base of his shaft as the mushroom continued to fuck his cock inside. So he joined in, moaning and yipping as one hand fell against a rising breast, the other pressing on the white cap as he jerked himself one last time.

Joelle cursed and screamed as she came, maturity dribbling out as clear fluids as adrenaline burst the caution age had delivered unto him, a more reckless abandon pushing him further into depravity as he pressed down on his cock, moaning with every sliver that shoved inside and parted his spreading hips. The formerly imperceivable losses in height were accelerating, meaty crunches accenting the rounding spasms of his shoulders, his thrashing masking how each one was pincering his spine into a raised arch. The fungus was aiming for an exact replica, yet there was too much mass to deal with, too much experience to up and erase, compromising with its base form by allowing him to deage to his early 20's, all that unneeded mass being jettisoned straight to his chest and ass.

It was a compromise Joellie thoroughly loved, an unrestrained "FFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKK~!" accompanying the swell in fat and sensitivity as his small chest doubled in size, then doubled again, each surge sinking his waist into a curved delight, his spine popping the last inch while his ass swelled out to a ripe peach. His shirt was getting stretched beyond its limits, the collar permanently bending to its shape as it became a lower cut, letting his tanned, freckled breasts to bathe in the cool air, rewarding his masturbation with shocks of goodness running straight to his cock. Said cock was barely a nub now, the cap brought almost flush to his new lips, thickening at the base as his cock became an empty husk, driving into his innards with a steady, insistent rumble. Finally it was there, his bloated ass jiggling as he hopped a few inches off the ground, screaming his heart out as the mushroom depressed, his cock scrunched and she entered womanhood in a wave of forgetfulness, experience spurting out as her pussy was stuffed by a large mushroom dildo, detached from the system once her hardened clit cut it off.

Animals were running, any hunters nearby scared shitless by the animalistic screaming Jellie made as she used the mushroom cap to fuck herself silly, squeezing it between thickening thighs as her experienced masturbating became sloppier, the knowledge of how to pleasure a woman fading along with the last of the preinfection years as even her daughter became... huh? She never had a daughter. She was too young and besides, she liked girls didn't she? The bones of her face were starting to fracture as she indulged in the pleasure of who she was becoming, her fingers slimming as more muscle was sent to pad out her calves and hips, a shocked squeak echoing behind her as her shifting face turned to see a confused, horrified Ellie looking at her, awakened by her loud orgasmic screeching.

"Nngh m-my head! Ooooh fuuuuuuck!"

Seeing herself made her mental shifts hasten, her moans rising to a more mature, but similar tone to the horrified noises the younger her was making, Ellie unsure how anyone could make such pleased noises when their face looked like it was melting and breaking into featureless mush. If she had come a bit later, she might have been blissfully ignorant of who this was, what was happening, but she could see Joel's features softening, his clothes trembling over his half naked body as hair spooled down to his shoulders. She couldn't tell in the moonlight, but she was certain it was browner, his voice a simulacrum of her own as she stood shell shocked as an older her emerged from the boiling flesh of his skull. Plump lips, spotted cheeks with less baby fat, but the same shape, his eyelashes sprouting like weeds as his eyebrows thinned, a perfect replica of her nose popping out as Jellie gave one final screech, a gush of Joel's final remnants squirting out her pussy as she was left panting, cleaning up her mess as she looked away from the younger her, thankful for these large men's clothes fitting her voluptuous figure.


Ellie didn't know how to deal with what she had just seen, her head spinning. People didn't just turn into other people like that. This didn't make sense. She didn't even comprehend why he had become her, her head a conflicted mess of ideas as she replayed the last few days, unable to find a single thing that could cause something like this to- t-to-

"Who's Joel? I'm Ellie. I have to protect our colony's queen dummy. Don't tell me our Queen's gone shit for brains all of a sudden."

She stepped towards her younger self, the original Ellie scared, grabbing a stick as she swung at her older clone.

"S-Stay back or I'll- NNGH!"

Ellie grabbed Ellie into a tight bear hug, the younger one wriggling in her grip as she suddenly slackened, the spores in her own body prickling out and meeting the ones in the former Joel's. Suddenly she remembered, the long dormant, held back infection inside finally being of equal importance in her mind as the two twins smiled, Ellie happy to see Ellie remembered just what they were doing.

Humanity would die out if they weren't careful, and so many people seemed to be way too fucking uptight whether it be through their morals or whatever they had lived through. Thankfully she was there, now the queen of her own strain, ready to help these depressed survivors bask in the joy of becoming another her. The older her was just the first, her skin's softness hiding the fine downy strings that on a closer look seemed to be invisible blonde hairs. But if you were leaning in for a closer look, it would already be too late, spores loaded into every strand, just waiting for a human to infect and convert, a shared nervous system rewarding the Ellie collective with pleasure for adding to its ranks. Obviously each Ellie was resistant to the other weaker strains as it was now just a resource game of humans to convert and the original to protect. Ellie set out in search of Ellie, ready to spread the lust of us to everyone in this wasteland.


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