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Draknus woke with a start, his ship dark and lifeless as it hurtled towards some predetermined course, the same dream torturing him as always, the same glitched out voice beckoning towards a great black pyramid in the stars.

"Come to us."

There didn't seem to be a choice, in a fit of madness Draknus destroying the comms and steering as he left the driving of his ship up to the cosmos beyond, the darkness guiding him closer. The drifting had been accelerating the last few days, he could feel it, a being with the pull of a black hole nearing as the stars drifted to blurs. He wondered if there could have been another way, another path since he had become a guardian.

The darkness called to him ever since he had nearly been overtaken by a god like being, all of his confidence shattered by how easily he had almost succumbed to the shims of another. It raised doubts on just how much of him was really himself, the dreams starting with glimpses of what was promised to be his past life, taunting him with meaning. The Darkness had been well known by his compatriots for a long time as a thing that existed, yet discussions of temptations from it were taboo amongst other Guardians, its corruption well known, yet was it really that much worse than what he had experienced on the side of light? His missions were suffering under his doubt, his abilities increasingly shaky as that seed grew into a strong fear in his core, insistent on telling him he wasn't good enough. He hid it behind jokes and a seemingly carefree attitude yet it weighed heavily on his mind. Was he good enough? Was he really who he should be? It was that mixed with the philosophy of Darkness, that it only accepted those who were strong enough to survive on their own regardless of what happened, that dragged him into its embrace.

Well it was too late to have regrets now. He didn't even know if his ship would reach it, just having to go off of faith that this was what he wanted, that the Darkness would prove that he was good enough. But if it didn't... No no stop it just watch the stars. More like smears at this speed, but still. There had to be a reason it was calling out to him. It didn't want weakness it wanted perfection so surely that meant he was more amazing than he thought. He was still tired from interrupted sleep, so rather than dwell on what would happen or what he was doing, Draknus retired back to his chambers and tried to sleep as the speed of his ship crossed a physical barrier, a black screen stomping out all the light as the atmosphere shrieked into oblivion.

The sound of wind on sand awoke him, Draknus bleary eyed as the ship was no longer there, his bed seemingly dropped in the middle of a blue desert the sand whipping about, yet strangely avoiding his face as he stared around. There from his dreams was the black pyramid, radiating energy as it stood in the barren wasteland, the whole ambience of the area surreal, almost like he was still in a dream.

"Come to us."

It was the same voice, the earth shaking when it spoke, Draknus pinching himself to make sure he really was awake. This was what he wanted wasn't it? What he longed for? Yet he couldn't deny the fear inside him still, that persistent nagging that he wasn't good enough and that he'd never be. That this was just his own delusion propelling him forwards. Yet whether he wanted to or not, the Darkness only accepted those who were willing, and so he trekked to the pyramid, ready to serve and be part of something far greater than he ever was or could be. Except there was a snarl at that thought, the voice ringing out with a disappointed disgust, "Unacceptable!"

Draknus tried to hide his concern, as if the Darkness had made some kind of mistake, trying out a bad joke to cut the tension as he found himself at the base of the pyramid.

"What was there a dress code I had to follo-"


It boomed even louder at the attempt at humor, as if it knew he was trying to cover for something.

"You were the one telling me to come! You were the one beckoning me!"

There was a pause at that, before an approving chuckle.

"Yes. That is the right attitude. You are not here to serve or to be subsumed but to fight. We do not grant power to those that wish to be protected by us and follow our will. Only those stubborn enough to live as they are and ignore everything, even us if it doesn't suit you, can be my vessels. But are you really worth it?"

He couldn't see what was happening, but he felt it, the being's presence all encompassing as his being seemed to be strained through a transparent mesh. It was a bit numbing, every cell seemingly scrutinized by its scan as it moved upwards. There was a patch of bliss when it reached his junk, Draknus embarrassed to feel himself getting tight in the pants as the cells of his junk buzzed, but it was all this thing's fault for making it feel so damn... whatever the hell you could describe this feeling as it rose up and up before lagging at his core. He waited for a minute for it to progress, but nothing happened, his nerves rising as he heard a disproving tut from the Darkness.

"A shame, you seemed so promising amongst the guardians, ignoring death to continue living, ignoring your friends to seek power, yet this wasn't spurred on by your own will. It was caused by fear, and fear is a bitter thing that we loathe. we no longer want you. Go."

It was everything he feared, yet he had nowhere else to go, stubbornly standing there in defiance of the edict despite the worry of what might happen, of what it would do to him. After ten minutes of silence, the stalemate ended.

"Interesting. You still persist despite the fear. Ignoring our commands. There is potential yet, though if you wish to be a spreader of Darkness you cannot remain how you are. Accepting us means losing the parts that aren't compatible with my ideology. Are you prepared to be cleansed, to see what remains when all that cannot fight back is purged?"

Draknus nodded immediately, knowing he would not be given another opportunity if he showed hesitation now.

"Then prepare yourself for the betterment. Whether this hurts or ends up pleasant is entirely up to the real you."

With that ominous statement put out there, the feeling from before returned, only it was far rougher, not painful but more vigorous in the buzzing as it started where it paused at his waist. It was squeezing, his breathing getting more frantic as he wondered for a second if it was going to crush him to death, his ribcage creaking as the pressure mounted. He could feel his bones creaking, grunting as his organs gurgled inside buzzing as a feeling of emptiness grew inside their pulsating forms. He couldn't see what was happening under his spacesuit, but gripping his waist told him the suit was baggier at the waist, a strange pleasure radiating through the discomfort as a curve was forming, crimping inwards with every forceful squeeze. Draknus didn't know what was being ejected, his balls filling lustfully as more mass siphoned off.

It was such a bizarre experience, each rumble simultaneously sparking his fears, yet also making each dissenting thought of death and escape softer. Speaking of softer, his abs were flattening, the curved sides not exactly pulling in anemically but bolstered with a firm layering of fat laced with muscle. His helmet was starting to fog over with his confused groans, making him feel claustrophobic, an almost nauseous release rising up his throat, only to clasp onto the middle of his throat and rip something back down leaving his sighs far more feminine than he remembered.

"Ohhhhh what's-"

The mellow tone of his new voice surprised him, his finger clinking against his helmet to feel what had changed. Instead he made a guess, assuming from each purr that left that his throat was flat, his groans more arousing to his ears than before.

"What's h-happening to my b-ahhhhdEEE~!"

His question ended in a squeal, a rough squeeze popping his ribcage as the organs fully deflated, flexibility that hadn't existed before, his cock uncomfortably tight as the tip began leaking uncontrollably. It was a slow drip release of his fears and worries, already even the fear of his new voice countered with a curiosity to see where it would go, how hot he could make his own purrs as he cooed and sighed.

It was confusing to have fear spike and then dribble from his cock, not even a full orgasm, but the foreplay of this burgeoning self, the promise of even greater pleasures building as the water tight suit was dampening, his thighs dampened with his own thinning cum.


He didn't mean to phrase it as a question, yet that's how it came out, the pleasure and fear battling it out with pleasure easily overtaking his doubts. The Darkness laughed, finding the request amusing.

"We are doing nothing. This is the you without weakness, without fault. Can't you feel your fear fading, how the emerging form doesn't fight or fear but merely exists in your shell?"

Draknus was a bit too caught up in the pleasure to mull over such heady philosophical ideas, untying the mental knot of who was the real him almost as hard as his cock as more of his worries poured out as wet spots on his legs, his hair brushing into the peripheries as it blanched to a bone white.

"B-But what does that have to do with my d-HIIIIICK~!"


A gush of fluids squirted out as his spine snapped, the dissenting voices in his mind moaning at the feeling as his face began to pop and shift under his visor.

The bones under his cheeks and chin were grinding like tectonic plates in an earthquake, his view of the world fully blocked out by his own labored breathing. He couldn't see the amber being drained from eyes like his hair's color had, his blue pallor of past death fading even colder to an icy white. Draknus fumbled with the clasp to his helmet, desperate for release, moaning as he smeared his trembling features into the glass. He could feel each crunch in his cheek, his nose breaking as he nuzzled it against the confines of the helmet. There was an option to stop, to not rub away his own face. It was there, yet he didn't take it, enamored by the feeling of his nose curving up, his lips plumping as he moaned heatedly against the glass, feeling their luxurious thickness squeeze smearing a kiss shaped window into the outside world from his fogged view.


It was really gushing out now, inches filling up the suits bottom as his entire frame shrank, the whole thing overly large now as his shoulders pulled inwards, his frame as shrunken as his field of view as he gasped and moaned in confusion. He didn't want to lose more of himself, yet he didn't know if he was, the feeling all too tempting as his balls shriveled, his body running out of things to eject. In the newfound looseness, he was finally able to unseal the neck clasp for the helmet, breathing freely as cold air rushed into the moist atmosphere of the suit, the coldness tantalizing his nipples as his body stiffened with sudden pleasure. It was maddening in the best ways, his cock clenching and unclenching as he fumbled to pull his helmet off, gasping as his chest began to pucker, a desire to squeeze and rub the flat nubs burning its way through his subconscious. No not a desire, a need, a need so aching and desperate it was impossible to think of much else as he tore off the first piece of his outfit.

The cold eased the ache of change from his shifting body, delighting him as it simultaneously chilled his flesh while adding oxygen to the fire in his chest. Each nipple was puckered and primed, at the ready to launch an assault on his being as he tried pressing down on them. He didn't want them to grow, yet simultaneously their full heft and girth was already there in his mind, the thought of not wanting them to grow akin to wanting a rock to be gold. His own fumbling presses made the growth agonizingly blissful, each press sending a warm surge of fluids down his shaft, his balls nearly flush with his body as he tweaked the rising flesh. At a certain point he realized there was no more reluctance, no more fear to fight or deny. He was acting more out of habit than self preservation and with a tremulous moan, even that was out the window as he started to really enjoy his new body.

"Fuuuuuck yessss~!"

He had enjoyed plenty of breasts over the years, but his own were something else entirely, his fingers pinching down over the vague outlines of his nipples, the sudden stimulation making his hips buck as both balls slid into his body with a puckered squish, the fluids spurting from his cock clearing until they were nearly translucent, the spent fear evaporating along with any leg hair he had as his cock ran dry. It was parched, his tip throbbing as he continued playing with himself, groaning as the freedom materialized in his hair, locks drifting down over his left eye as all the looseness of his suit was stretched back again at his chest, bulging the flat front as he shifted back and forth with great need. It was now impatience fighting his lust, so much of him made better, improved, his cock the only true symbol left of his own self confidence issues. It was such an alien thing on his body now, made to be measured, always trying to puff itself up to prove a point, a point now obsolete as he prepared himself for a hard self fucking.

The Darkness was more than impressed with the changes so far, finding it interesting that their theory on female superiority to be proving itself, the maleness overrun easier than advanced life on a primitive planet. Their new follower was nearly complete now, the doubt long since snuffed out as they grunted, both hands clenched around their navel in a look half of pain, the other half ecstasy.

Draknus could feel his own internals splitting, emptiness carving its path, fresh organs pulling from the old as they demanded their position, the pleasure pained from the lack of release in his cock as yet another orgasm fired off around the hot shaft. He curled his toes within his boots, digging into the ground as they shrank, moaning as his calves and thighs curved, lubricated from the past cum as they thickened around his struggling manhood. Relief came not from his cock, but deeper, his ass bloating as the surrounding muscle clenched around his prostate, a fresh supply of liquids gushing out of his new womb as the final contortions ran through his thrashing body.

The base was sinking like a tower on marshland, the muscled shaft pulling in, thrusting in its half subsumed state as its pulsations grew faster and faster. It was squeezing from the tip down, flattening as his urethra sealed under the forming exposed clit, the gap where his balls had been spewing forth vaginal juices as it eased the final journey of his cock. A part of him wondered if he should be mourning the loss of a part that had been with him for his entire life, but as the pleasure reached a fever pitch and his body shivered in anticipation of the oncoming storm... If it was worth keeping it wouldn't be so willingly sinking into her now would it? At the thought she palmed her crotch, screaming as she fucked herself into oblivion, into completion, not stopping her downwards thrust until her fingers pressed shallowly into her dripping pussy.

Draknus felt like perfection, not a doubt in her mind nor hesitation in her thoughts. She was a creature of wants and desires and there was no longer a moral code holding her back from what she sought, whatever it may be. The Darkness didn't need to ask if she was happy, all who followed them were above such meaningless diversions. Instead it proselytized to its newest convert.

"Now that you have tasted our power, you should see how weak the Light's mindset is, how flawed its guardians are. We do not order you to spread this, but to let those in your former corps be toyed with by you. Enjoy their fumbling in the dark as you lead them to us, relish in their confusion and despair and when you feel tired of their inability when they could be so much more... have them join us."

With that, her ship reappeared behind, all its panels fixed, the boards fully intact and her bed returned to its proper place. The first place Draknus went was the bedroom, the rest easily on the backburner as she had to explore her new body and thoroughly enjoy her new pleasure centers, her fingers enjoying the new textures of her body, the way the pleasure was a tide instead of a wave, rising and falling but not having that same explosive finish, a much more endurance testing type of desire fulfilled in her own masturbation. The idea of a partner was intriguing, though of her options, none seemed more entertaining than the one causing her distress beacons to beep incessantly. My her old partners really did worry themselves over nothing, a weak guardian unable to believe in himself not worth this much trouble. But if they wanted to wear themselves out...


Months later and she was playing cards with a beleaguered Guardian, their troubles and doubt as easy to read as the tells of their playing style. They didn't care about winning or losing, just finding Draknus, unaware how close they were to them, the unknown torture of that amusing her as she prepared to clean him out. He was tired, ready to give in, in need of a good dose of selfishness and confidence and she had turned his corruption into a drinking game, each loss another shot of Darkness laced alcohol letting his true desires run rampant.

Already his face was hairless, losing that dreadful five o clock shadow, and the more he imagined what lay behind her chest-plate, the more obvious his nipples bulged. She'd fuck him before he lost his cock, his trackers all crisped once he entered her room so she had all the time in the world to toy with him before he succumbed. His conversation had lapsed from questions about Draknus that she had mysteriously laid as bait to how tired he was, how much he wanted to do things for himself and not be some protector anymore as his whining was swallowed up a register with another lost hand. She hoped he was loved enough to have others want for him. She wanted the searches to increase. It would be so hard to share just one Guardian between them when the next one showed up.


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