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"I already have one thing that hates me in this house without fail, why would I want another loner asshole?"

"Waah waah you just want a dog so you're not the only person drooling over the furniture."

"THE HELL DID YOU SAY  TO ME?! Are you that desperate for some pussy in your life? Hollis surely you have an opinion? Tell him how good dogs are."

Hollis was trying to rub out the headache piling up in his temples as his dumbass roommates continued to argue about what kind of pet they would get now that the apartment allowed them. They were cooped up in a medium sized two bed apartment, Hollis being the main breadwinner which meant he got his own room while Kent and Oscar shared the master. It didn't help that Kent and Oscar got along like... well the animals they were arguing for.

Kent was a good hearted lumbering dude, kind of a himbo and always very boisterous while Oscar was the reserved type who enjoyed his solitude, well as much as he could get in a stuffed apartment. He usually was complaining about how idealistic and trusting Kent was and they often got into arguments over the dumbest of things. This was day four now of the pet argument and Hollis was already going on fumes from how loud and late every fight went so he was tired of both of them. Out of habit whenever his nerves were frayed, Hollis rubbed the wishing pendant his mom had brought back from Japan, though he knew it was just a hunk of stone and gems polished to a nice looking necklace. It felt a lot warmer than usual, but given how often he was stressed these days it was likely just from his own nervous rubbing. He had to go and knew whichever one they got would be its own recurring argument, so he made a snarky comment as he finished downing a banana and some cereal.

"As far as I see it, I already have two unruly pets who I wish could learn how to behave for the person keeping them afloat. I don't ask for much, but I swear if I lose another night of sleep over this crap I'm going to lose it. Figure it out and learn to get along or I'll put collars on the both of you! Kay time for another twelve hour day at the office. Yaaaaay..."

He slammed the door shut on his way out, leaving the two roomies to glare at each other, both near simultaneously yelling out, "OH GOOD GOING ASSHOLE!"

Obviously neither would fess up to being part of the problem, their argument shifting to who was to blame as an unspoken chill rattled through them, though that was common when they didn't need the heat on in spring.

"How is this my fault? If you had just said yes to a cat it'd all be fine! Why do you even care it's not like you'd deal with her!" As Oscar hissed at his roommate the collar of his shirt detached, turning black with a small golden disc tapping his collarbone.

"Sorry you're such a sourpuss! Why don't you think about someone other than yourself for once! We both know Hollis would be the one taking care of them the most, so why not make it an animal that'd love him back!"

Kent's collar did the same, hardening and detaching into a red one, buckles tightening on both as they argued.

"Oh yeah just what he needs at night, a needy bitch barking for attention every second it can to keep him occupied."


Kent's voice quivered up, from a mellow baritone to a slightly nasally alto. Neither seemed to care though, the changes far from their minds as they only cared about the argument.

"Like cats are any better! They're perverts and always scream when they're doing it with random neighborhood cats. At least a dog would never betray master!"

Oliver's cheeks reddened at the accusations, taking them personally as his voice rose to an elegant sounding purr.

"WHO AR-KFF! You ca-KFF KFFlling a pervert!"

Oliver wasn't going to let that slide, especially in front of this himbo!

"You're far more easy than I'd ever be, I m- mroooow a cat would be! Anyone could scratch you on the head and you'd be lusting after them wouldn't you?"

"I would never turn on Ho-AWWWH~!"

To make his point clear, Oliver began running his fingers through Kent's hair, barely able to contain a smile as the dumb beast of a man moaned with delightful abandon as the head contact felt unbearable good. It didn't help that Oliver's nails were growing, making the scalp scratches dig in as his head seemed to become a full on erogenous zone.

Kente's moans were turning to yips, his dick hard as his sandy hair spilled down his cheeks, darkening the more Oliver scratched. His lips were plumping with a slight cleft, a lowercase w twitching into uppercase as his roommate's fingers found his ears. He couldn't take such wonderful teasing, such sensitive molding, both ears now like his nipples, feeling erect as his roommate teased them with their nails, driving barks from Konte as they prickled with growth, the tips extending upwards until gravity took over, sending them flopping onto his scalp, silky brown fur prickling as Oliver gave them a squeeze. It was all too much for the poor puppy, his eyes quivering on the brink of tears, wide and colorful atop cherubic cheeks that added to the cheerful energy softening his face to girly grace. He couldn't take any more, this feeling, it was like he was about to explode, something was about to-

"Haaa Haaa ROOOOO~!"


Konte's boxers tore apart, a bright brown bushy tail wagging excitedly as the tatters of undergarments that slipped down his leg holes were noticeably moistened with something.

"Hah! Mast, er, H-Hollis wasn't even here and yet you were more than happy to enjoy some headpatting from someone you hate you slutty delinque-NYAAA~!"

It was Konte's turn, Oliver's haughty back turn leaving him open for some heavy petting of his own.

A series of sounds most certainly not fit for a lady purred from his mouth as Konte hugged him from behind, his hands shrinking as he messily played with their hair, his plump lips popping around Okiver's ears while his tongue played with their shape, folding and shaping them whilst using his teeth to tug upwards on the growing, fluffing ear.


"Nfft sho hff nnd mffty nww ah yr?"

Okiver quivered at every word, color fading fast from his growing black locks as Konte's stupidity had her speak with her mouth full of tender ear flesh, the newly sensitized cat ear shivering away his drool as its light magenta coloring spread further down his scalp.

"See? You like it just as much right?"

"N-Nyooo! I'd never enjoy your tactless bit-EEENGH!"

"Fifn thn. Haff 't yrrr waah."

Okiver still had one human ear left and it was being toyed with by Konte, his purrs accelerating with the changes as his eyes widened in shock, lavender coloring the irises, filling out their heft as heavy eyeliner made them look sleepier than they were. As if the ear play wasn't enough, Konte's hands were rubbing a spot near the base of his spine, the area incredibly tender as Okiver dug his fingers into the armrest of the couch, grunting as he tore into the fabric. Shit, he couldn't let this dull concubine make him give in to this, this-


Something thick and gloopy steamed down his thighs, his moan rattling through his mouth as the raw sensuality of it seemed to melt it into a softer formation, his nose crunching as he snuffed it into a couch cushion, trying to mask the obvious squeal of ecstasy. Eventually the pleasure passed as Konte let go of his matching magenta ear, Okaver's arms feeling weak as they stopped clutching, feeling weak from the exertion as the muscle melted into feminine fat. A lump dented the flesh of his spine's bottom, but wasn't out the same way as Konte's.

"See? You're just as perverted for me!"

Okaver shot a dirty look at his roomie, lashing out with his clawed fingers, Konte only barely avoiding it as his sleeves of his undershirt got sliced in the crossfire, baring his muscles to the world before a series of small rhythmic contortions began massaging them down, shrinking his tris and bis to a pudgy, cute nothingness, though all that muscle was definitely pumping somewhere.

"That's not fair! I wouldn't even let Master do that to me! Of course I'll react if you..."

"Aww, poor little kitty's a tsundere. No wonder Master likes dogs more. Why would he like someone too dumb to share their feelings?"

With a shrug he gloated over his angry roomie, the zipper popping off his yellow hoodie, his detached sleeves slipping back under his shirt, only the ends detaching as they dyed red into bands for his slender wrists. The feeling as cloth hugged his perked up nipples was even better than the headpatting, Kornte panting like he was in a car on a hot summer day, slobbering slightly as his shoulders bulked for a second under the moving masses from his slender arms, both scrunching down and in as meaty plops sent his chest bulging outwards.

"Besides I know master loves cuddling against my body aht~ ahhh- ah ARRWWWOOOO~!"

His pants were stained by his freely hanging cock, some of his intelligence draining with the release as he flaunted his doughy breasts, gripping them from the flimsy fabric as he teasingly pressed them against Okaver's depressingly flat chest.

"Mmm~ hff hff that's why master loves his Kornte! Kornte's body never lies."

The catboy felt a few things at that moment, jealousy and anger second to this dimbo's huge knockers. He swore he was pressing his nipples against theirs on purpose, teasing off their stupid curves, but just like him it was all obvious.

"I don't need to come to Master, I can make him come to me fool."

Kornte seemed confused by that.

"Eh? How?"

"Just watch and learn putrid puppy. This is called teasing."

Kornte watched confusedly, waiting for Okaver to show him what he meant. At first it seemed rather simple as he stripped off his stained pants, wiping away any grime with them before tossing them, tip toeing forwards. Each step condensed the foot as it pressed on carpet, his arches extending as they slimmed his feet down to dainty points. There was a strut now, his boxers slipping down his hips as they widened, each exaggerated sway accompanied by a hip pop to the side, rounding them, spreading them, giving his ass a shiny jiggle as their flatness filled to an arousing thickness.

Everything about him was changing to entice, to absorb, his bare legs sliding out of his boxers curved and long, calves toned enough to support each careful movement, but fat enough to have a slight jiggle. His thighs grew hypnotizing with their swaying, thickening until his cock was sliding between them with every step, an aroused purr whispering out like a suggestion as Okavur bent down onto his hands and knees, swaying left and right while gasping, moaning, sighing. Kornte was mesmerized, his cock hard as he watched his roomie's swaying ass, their moans rising with a neediness that just begged for someone to come and help relieve. The nub of a tail was rising as he stretched himself out, his back creaking as he stretched showing off every curve granted to his lower half, letting the eroticism of his own cock being squeezed add to the performance as he yowled, his spine cracking as another spurt shot out his erect cock as a half foot of tail popped out.

The performance left him panting, smirking at the idiot drooling over his body, a sigh following a shiver that ran down his back, another few inches shooting out his back with a moist puckering sound.

"Mmmrooow~... See what I mean puppy boy? Master won't be able to take his eyes off of me. And I'll keep enticing and flaunting until he finally loses control and and- NYAAA~!"

He came as the rest of his tail shot out with a wet spurt from both ends.

Kornte's tail was wagging fast, their lust on full display as they shook their head, trying to hide the slobber though the open skirt of their now red collared undershirt left little to the imagination with his cock on full display.

"Th-That's nothing! Kornte can be sexy too! Watch!"

He tried to replicate their moves, but stumbled in their oversized shoes, teetering forwards then overcorrecting as they fell backwards, whining in a high screech as they rubbed their butt, sighing as the numbing rush of change turned the pain to pleasure.

"Nyahaha you fell on your dumb fat ass! You'll never grab his attention like I can. You don't have the poise or the control."

Koronte huffed. Fine so he couldn't do the sexy schmexy stuff, but that was never his style anyways! Master never liked complicated games anyways so no matter how cool and refined and stuff his roomie was, there was a simple way she could still win.

"Well Koronte puts out for Master!"

"Nyahaha not a chance in... what did you say? But M-Master likes pussy not-"

"Koronte put out! Watch! No dick stream!"

His face scrunched up tight as he made effort filled grunts and moans, clearly imagining the perfect form for Master as his body gave in to his whims. He hugged his waist in the process, moaning as it puckered under the pressure, sending his large tits out further while the rest squished downwards, plumping out his thighs and squashing his cock between pillowy flesh. He let both thighs go at it like it was a chew toy, barking ecstatically as his cock unloaded the rest of his intelligence, his masculinity following soon after as he writhed on the floor, rolling like a dog begging for attention. His head was filled with thoughts of Hollis spurring him on as he let go of whoever he had been, tipping with joy as his balls imploded, his cock making one final squeak before plunging inside the sweetest looking bitch in heat as Korone howled for her owner.


Okavur looked on in shock, his own cock hard at the sight of such innocent, yet lewd intent. Actually now that he looked down, why did he have a cock between his legs? No he was a man only a few minutes prior and now his body was completely- Argh it didn't matter at all, such minor concerns would only hold him back from earning Master's attention, and two could play at that game.

"I-I can put out too!"

"Pfft, silly. Too uptight. Korone upfront. You'll never genuine with emotion!"

Her words came out in broken english, though were filled with enthusiasm, angering her half changed roommate as he firmly denied it.

"I-I can easily be honest with my emotions! Just cause I don't slobber doesn't mean I can't express how I feel."

"Kay then do it!"

Okayur looked down at the cock between his legs, awkwardly shifting about as he flinched at the first move. He couldn't use his hands on a cock that wasn't masters! Even if it was his own, it was dirty and unfaithful somehow! And his thighs didn't have the same dumptruck thickness befitting a girl like Korone who probably dug through the trash. Ah but he did have one thing.


The heat in his loins was terrible as his tail flexed downwards, the tip teasing a ball as it pressed it into a slot that hadn't existed moments prior in his body. With a sharp hissing screech he flexed it, cumming as the ball slipped inside, his tail stuffing it into his body as it reverberated through him. With a meaty scrunch the entire left side of his abdomen caved inwards, his left nipple popping to attention as it swelled out to a slight mound. Just that alone was beyond what he thought he could take, but would Master really like him like-

"N-NYOO Okayu cyaan do more for Ma- for MAAAAAH~!"

His other one crumpled with a tail flick, his shaft pumping out whatever he had left as his abdomen finished puckering to a tight, sexy core, his cock all that remained between him and his Master.

It was nearly too much for him to bear, his two tips touching as he braced himself for what had to happen, yowling as he slowly forced his cock inside. It was awfully erotic, every nerve in his body seeming to spark at just a touch as he forced it in, each inch working like some kind of lever as the harder he pressed it in, the harder his breasts pushed out. After a minute of effort, he collapsed, squirting out a torrent of fluids as he looked hungrily below, unable to take much more. To his shock barely half of it was inside, the rest stubbornly sticking out. He wailed despairingly, knowing he'd never be able to do the rest himself, ready to cry about being too pussy to give himself a pussy. It was the end, Korone was better than him, Master would never-

"Eh? Not finished? Korone help!"

"I've lost you nincompoop! Just throw me out before he sees me like th-HYIIIIIIISSS~!"

Despite their arguing, Korone did still consider him a friend, and they both shared their love for Master. Master said no fighting and that when they were sad, he was sad. Plus her good nature couldn't help itself when a good friend was crying. That's how Okayu found his crotch being aggressively licked by Korone, her tongue forcing the rest of his cock in with the slobbery kiss of friendship.


She screamed it loud enough to rattle their windows, squealing as she felt Korone's large tongue pop inside her, something else popping in tandem with the insertion as she became a pussy in mind and body. She clenched her rival's face between her thighs, loving every minute of attention, her icy demeanor melting for a period under her roomie's warm, generous love. Eventually something warm gushed from between her thighs as Korone stopped, smiling thinking her job was done.

"Kay done. Back to ARRF?!"

Okayu rolled on top, ready to repay back the generosity she received tenfold, smiling as she mewled, "Actually, I have a suggestion…

When Hollis returned he was bone tired, certain it would only get worse once the duo of dunderheads kept him up with the same old argument. And sure enough when he came home, he could hear loud screeches and plenty of thumping, yet it didn't sound like arguing. Actually, despite how groggy he was, it became pretty unmistakable what he was hearing, perking up as he ran to the door to see-




A dog girl and cat girl were going at it hard in front of him, the apartment a mess in the living area where torn remnants of his roommate's clothing were strewn around.

"Umm... I don't-"

They both pounced on him, smiling eagerly as their naked bodies hugged his.

"Don't worry!"

"We learned to share."

"Now have two pets yaaay~!"

Needless to say, Hollis ended up getting even less sleep that night than the ones before, yet for once he had no complaints as all three's living situations became a whole lot cozier.


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