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"Hello. I am a normal person here to do normal things in this very not illegal club."


"Did I mention that I am very normal? You seem to think something is wrong."

Emma Frost had been able to read minds since she was a kindergartner and her psychic abilities were the cream of the crop, though she didn't think she needed to flex them for today. Were they serious? She obviously knew about the X-Men given their continued butting in on mutant affairs that delved into the shady side of things, but they were usually more battle oriented and not um... well...

"I have very strange fetishes. They involve illegal weapons manufacturing and drugs. If you have any facilities to show me that would arouse my interest, I heard you specialize in fantasies." Oh god she had to stop him, she had to make this moron stop before she cringed to death from second hand embarrassment. Then again...

"Oh of course mister... Sai Cloppsenha- REALLY?!" It was like he was making fun of every spy in the world and his lack of effort made her feel like they weren't taking her seriously at all.

"Er, is something wrong? As I am entirely norm-" She cut Cyclops off, unable to take much more of this show.

"Yes yes you're very normal. I was just surprised you kept your large ruby visor sunglasses on in such a dark room. Why don't I slip them off-"


Of course, he didn't want to remove the things preventing his eye lasers from killing people, but it was fun to mess with him, plus the moment her hand was near his temples she was able to quickly and accurately read his mind. Apparently he had come here after an argument, wanted to take down the Hellfire Club by himself and there was no backup that could respond immediately. Interesting. She had dealt with many similar stick in the mud types and there was something she wanted to try.

"Oh the illegal things fetish, yes I know exactly what you want. Don't worry, plenty of people have a hard on for evidence. Why don't I show you our most illegal section over here..."

Emma led the easily fooled x-men leader to a secluded room, littered with crystals, mirrors and a lavishly decorated bed. Adjacent to the door was an equally gaudy armoire, bone white and angular. Cyclops's lack of peripheral vision would prove to be a great disadvantage as he only focused on the bed, missing Emma silently opening up one of the doors and pulling out a bag of rainbow colored dust.

"Um, are these crystals illegal or is there something els-"

She blew a handful of it into his open mouth, the powder flavorless, more of a sensation than a taste as it buzzed on his skin and in his mouth, carbonating his spit as he swallowed instinctively.

"Oh dear it must be hitting you hard, you're so weak in the legs and the room is spinning. First time?"

There had been no side effects until she had talked, Cyclops suddenly feeling incredibly tipsy, stumbling through the room before Emma pushed him onto the bed. Certain materials helped amplify psychic abilities, usually used for garments or add ons to the user to boost their strength, but Emma had a theory she wanted to test out. She was already powerful enough, but her false realities were all purely in the minds of her victims. That didn't mean they didn't have physical effects. Cold hallucinations caused chills and goosebumps, hot ones caused sweat and given how many men had jerked off inside a phantasm made up of her suggestions without noticing a difference, it was clear that her abilities had some physical effects. Now if she put a large amount of enhancers in their body as well, just how much of an effect would it have on them? Already she could see him reacting to her words more strongly than any before, but she could go deeper. He was an awfully large stick and it was time to see how much her powers could carve.

"What did you give me?!"

"Aww and here I thought you wanted something illegal? All the other normal customers were more than happy for a little pick me up before the fun started."

It kind of annoyed her that he wasn't the least bit hard as she moved towards him, most guys eating out of the palm of her hand at this point in the night. Well it's nothing that'd stop her, another test as she thought out, "you are incredibly horny right now. Your nerves are easing."

The corners of her lips curled up at the same speed of his pants tenting, happy to know she just had to think something to trigger it. For a second he seemed to relax, but apparently one order wasn't enough to upset a personality that was always on edge. Good to know.

"W-Wait this is wrong I'd never- mmgh!"

He was cut off with an imagined kiss, his mouth moving as if someone was really there. To be fair, he certainly thought Emma was doing it herself, though she was far more interested in observing, ready to up the changes, though she had undress and defang her cute little play pet. With a flick his clothes began to unravel, threads spooling all across the bed as his naked form was put on full display. She had to admit, he was impressively muscled, though this was probably par for the course for most crime fighters. Her usual customers were all rich and powerful so beer bellies and excess defined the usual type of person that stumbled into her venue.

It was so hard to balance her schedule and be the number one girl at the Hellfire Club alongside of course her managerial duties for Frost International. Though she'd have to strip away his good side to make any progress physically without significant resistance. Flexing her fingers, Emma dived into his brain, his real name of little interest as she began partitioning off certain memories, leaving the real one to thrash about confused as the woman in his mind turned to some redhead in a spandex outfit.

Going back through a few of his personality setting memories, she found herself in an orphanage during his teen years, apparently his first lewd time walked in on by a bully so stereotypical she would have thought he was made by a lesser psychic if it wasn't a memory.

"Lil Scotty boy was yanking it over here! Hey everyone laugh at the freak!"

"Sh-Shut up Lefty!"

He did more than shut up, his head turned a full circle, the imagined bully of the past dead and dissolving from the memory stream as she put some of her own bullies in, the body thumping to the ground as an older teacher.

"Hey there lil boy."

He still had red glasses on, but he was considerably less on edge, and also rather blatantly staring at her breasts as she tried to ignore his pants half down and the laughable thing rising to attention.

"Didn't it feel wonderful to see your bully destroyed?"

He nodded, his hair turning blonde with each shake, the bedspread fancier as she moved towards him.

"B-But isn't that bad? If I killed him then-"

"You'd feel even better. But sadly you didn't so now I got all the fun. You like fun don't you? Don't you want to know what it's like to shut a bully up? And no one's coming to punish either of us, so what's the harm?"

He chewed his lip, plumping with every bite, slight rises to his chest raising a blush to his softened cheeks, a flushed smile creeping up on his rapidly shifting face.

"Oh by the way."

She gestured to his junk, still gripped in his right hand.

"You're doing it wrong, it feels better in than out."

Another gesture and the past version of him was thrashing on the sheets, no more filthy rod to distract from the conversation as the new girl moaned, her cheap bunk bed shaking, the bottom bunk vanishing as her bed crashed to the floor. Rather than breaking it grew lavish, the cheapness of the room washed over with luxury as the mini her moaned out, "N-No m-my pAAHHrents!"

And there was her next memory to defile.

In the real world the changes were minimal, a bit of self control lost as Emma found herself having to multitask as his glasses came undone, a beam of destructive laser firing out. Thankfully her room was full of adjustable mirrors as she aimed them expertly to siphon them away, her mental self traveling to the source of his accident, the piece of his brain that removed his ability to control his powers healing with a thought as his eye beams weakened from deathly blasts to a slightly stinging sheet of red. To save time she moved the beam over his body, a single pass enough to shear off any hair below his eyebrows, his red irises cooling further as mascara shielded the final sputtering of his powers, opening to reveal eyes as glazed as they were icy, the sockets angling slightly as their sultry look fit not at all with the serious visage surrounding it, though with a bit of focus his nose was surely turning pert, his features straining as the bone rounded nicely to her will.

It had taken mere seconds to rectify a source of his lifelong trauma, though she'd have to deal with the psychological damage of it later as she found herself in the middle of a plane crash, his origins so overwrought it nearly made her laugh, needing a redo to deal with it seriously. As the memory of his family plane crash replayed the fuselage began to shrink, seats moving closer together as the pilot became a chauffeur. The cabin opened, windows growing from slender ovals to wide views of more grounded scenery, the young Scott now riding on a rather boring limousine ride. As he grew bored and restless, every time he sulked out the window his parents would alter slightly, a little more blonde, a little more overbearing, far more annoying.

"Their expectations are so stifling. Screw what they want. Doesn't freedom sound nice?"

Her whispers blew over him, piercing the ear she mouthed to, his t-shirt and pants becoming a confining, girly dress.

"Don't you just wish you could leave?"

In the real world Scott's face was now hers, Emma smiling as she heard him whisper "yes" in a hoarse voice, her glare flattening the obscene lump in his throat as she asked aloud, "Could I hear that again?"


"Hmm a bit too much alto, not enough appeal. And the acoustics are all wrong."

Another glare and his neck lengthened, matching hers as his collarbone crimped itself closer to his chest, his hair growing longer as she stroked her pretty little copy's face.

"One more time dear."


It was a perfect match.

Now they could skip forwards a little, his trauma fading as each anchor point spread her influence, her thought patterns, one final memory the last lynchpin she'd need to replace before this X-Man's identity collapsed into itself. It was his teenager years, but later, college aged him already feeling the ripples of her tweaks with his blonde streaks and jewelry, his parents hers, his absent brother replaced with all of her siblings as he left their house for good, vowing to make it on his own. Emma could feel the oncoming guilt though, not from his leave but from what was about to happen.

There was a crane loaded with bricks and his glasses were loose, made worse by the strut he held which was incredibly awkward on a male body. Of course, the glasses fell, his panic slightly lessened, yet he still had the fear of his powers even if the most that happened now was more glare hitting his eyes. Still, despite the lack of eye beams, the crane still shattered like it had been hit, the tons of brick plummeting down towards the crowd below. He was scared, scared of hurting others with his powers, desperately removing his glasses on purpose this time to blast away the debris only to be confused when nothing came out. He had no time to think, only to despair as he realized his actions were going to kill these people when Emma held up a single finger and the rain of construction supplies stalled in the air.

Scott looked around for who had stopped it, realizing his own hand was now outstretched, gloved and slender and controlling the mess from above. He flicked his hand, psychic energy coming as naturally as breathing as the bricks fixed themselves up along with the crane, the crowd cheering their savior as instead of scorn and fear he felt acceptance.

"That's right, you were born with a gift. It's only fair you take advantage over it or else someone else will take advantage of you. There's no need for strength with these powers. Now, it's time to work. We did say we'd do anything to succeed and we're an independent woman now... aren't we?"

Cyclops awoke from the dream moaning, his body alight with new wants and sensations, blonde hair streaming down his sweaty back as his hands tangled in the white sheets, trying to grab his erect junk. His memories of where he was were muddled, that last memory crumbling any proper resistance as the thought of no longer needing strength caused his muscled physique to shudder, sweat intensifying as years of training melted away, the sheets drenched as every inch of his body became smooth and soft.

The sheets tore apart, white silk grafting onto his hands as gloves, squeezing his softened flesh into something unmistakably feminine, more white wrapping around his waist as a white corset tied loosely, loose panties held firm by his cock and two stockings joining the fun as beneath his toes were painted a glossy white, his moans rising in fervor and pitch as his legs coiled curvaceously, psychic energy bloating his thighs with sumptuous curves. It had taken about as long as Emma had expected, but she wanted to make sure this would have some staying power, smirking as her next appointment came in, already oblivious to the changing her as all he saw was Emma writhing on a bed, pawing her crotch with her ass exposed.

It was hard to describe the person rolling on the bed as Cyclops anymore, so much of their personality overwritten, the disparate parts of Emma Frost in his mind and body rolling around, looking for something to make them congeal. For a second it seemed like he might still keep some semblance of who he was, the changes stalling, staggering.

"That's right put it all the way in!"

"Huh? Ohhh wait GYAAAA~!"

Which was when a large cock roughly shoved itself  into his balls.

"O-Ohh gaawwd oh noo ohhh~"

He was trying not to curse, gasping as the man grabbed his hips, pinching the sides as his rough treatment made Scott's unconscious wants spread them apart, fat cushioning the blows as his cheeks were slapped by the man's body, his groin only able to handle two presses before splitting apart, his screams filled with shock and ecstasy as his balls were fucked inside of him.


Gone was any reluctance in cursing, his cock unleashing load after load of cum as it splattered over the sheets, his cock shrinking as his customer carved his cervix into existence, his cock a blunt weapon made for killing his masculinity.

"NNGH! God you're tighter than I even remember! You must really like me eh Queen?"

Emma made sure to filter out all of their reluctant cries to ones urging him on, fingering herself as she watched his cock shrink until it crumpled inside, an especially high pitched whine leaving her clone as the customer pounded Cyclops's cock deep into her body, clear fluids pouring out her hole as she was nearly finished.

"Pull on my corset lover. You know I like it rough. I know you can go even deeper!"

They obliged, gripping the strings as they yanked every time their cock slammed into Scemma's clit, pulling the cloth tighter as her back arched, her sides crumpled. Each slap sent a shockwave ending at her nipples, fat bloating until she gave one final screech, her tits surging forth as both client and clientele came together, her latent psychic abilities blossoming as a perfect copy of Emma Frost gasped from the pleasure overload of her first happy customer, and yet... she wanted more.

"Don't tell me that's all you had in you babe. I can take sooo much more..."

From then on Emma Frost's control of her organizations only grew, Frost International's coffers expanding along with her workforce, proving the cliche that two heads are better than one. She had cheated slightly with her clone, making sure she'd enjoy the dirtier parts of her schedule, saving her the embarrassment of pleasing all the politicians they needed favors from and members who needed appeasing. And now that she had proved her theory true, like all enterprising CEO's, the opportunities for expansion were difficult to ignore.

The other bishops were a piece of cake, the biggest worry in Sebastian proving surprisingly easy to manage once he was drugged up properly. Then again, his was always an ability for physical attacks, not mental upheaval. In a month's time the entire Hellfire Organization had gotten a chilly makeover, though she wasn't aiming to turn everyone into her, only the most useful who also kept a private life. Five was better than two and as they planned to give their dear family a surprise visit and takeover as a victory celebration, they were rudely reminded of the X-Men's existence.

They were looking for their leader, who unknown to them was much happier without their guilt or cock. Honestly it was surprising it had taken them this long, but then again she had put a few false mental patterns of his in various locations around the world since she knew they scanned for powers and minds. If it had been a few weeks ago she might have been nervous, but at this point she was just glad to have the extra help. All those continental business treaties were difficult to travel to. The idiots barely even scoffed at the glitter filled with her rainbow amplifiers, their awareness futile as it was already too late to fight back. But that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun.

"Hello soon to be Ex Men. Welcome to the Frostfire club where all my fantasies come true. I am your host and believe me, it will be our pleasure to change you tonight."


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