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For years Tim had followed TWICE, from when they had just been starting out to their eventual rise in popularity seemingly everywhere. It was with maddening devotion that he followed them, proud of his fandom and even feeling partially responsible for their American crossover. After all, how many people had he shared their music to then shared it to others who shared it to, etc. So obviously he had to be a shoe in for their special meet and greet celebrating their biggest fans. The prompt was rather mysterious, only saying the top fan of each girl would be accepted, with a cutesy tagline to boot.

Show your devotion to TWICE!

He didn't know what that meant, but given the tagline and the sign in website, it was clear he had to outshine everyone and prove he was the number 1 fan of... Damn there were so many good options, he loved the whole group! But if he had to pick...

Tim clicked on Tzuyu, half cause Sana would definitely be a crowded field and half cause she was just the cutest! From there it was a basic questionairre of Tzuyu which he aced easily as a super fan, getting a perfect score, surprised it gave you 24 hours to answer it. Seeing that perfect score sent a little shiver down his body, feeling amazing knowing enough about her to get a perfect score, unaware his right thumb was tingling, the nail painted white as the thumb stretched to a softer, feminine length. It was then he noticed that this was a month long contest  and every day would be a new, harder questionnaire. That's why it had been so easy, his eyes sinking as he noticed the scores of people who matched his score, but that just meant he had to be on top of his game for the rest of the month. He knew he was her number one fan, it was time to prove his devotion.

It started with brush ups, rewatching every song she sang in, studying the lyrics, when she had solos, a strain on his free time for sure, but he wasn't going to let himself slack off, especially with how good it felt to get it all right. It was hard to describe the thrill, his body warm and excited after every question answered right topped off with the buzz of completion whenever he finished off the day's test. The fifth day was his first actual challenge, a more obscure question about her outfit for a tour back in 2016. It took hours to find a proper bootleg, double checking it was for the date asked, his eyes nervously glancing at the clock until he finally found the answer, surprised he hadn't seen any pics from such a cute twist on a Taiwanese Schoolgirl uniform.

The buzz from that correct answer left him moaning, his pinky shrinking down, an extra reward pulsing through his body as his right hand turned svelte and slim, the palm heavenly soft, a fact he enjoyed as he unzipped his pants, horny from winning yet unaware something had changed. It felt rapturous, like the girl herself was servicing him, Tim feeling unworthy of her as he grunted, though after such pleasure, worry kicked up in his mind.

He had almost messed up. Not terribly bad, but a question had stumbled him and there were still over twenty days to go. This wasn't something a true fan would worry over and he was one... right? What if someone else- No he had to win this, he had to end his distractions and devote himself to Tzuyu.

All his free time was now based around Tzuyu, her dancing, her interviews, her outfits. Compilations of her dancing played on multiple screens, the choreography hypnotizing, every move committed to memory until he swore he could do them himself, the next five days helping that belief as his right foot slowly feminized, each toe popping into a sparkly blue beauty, a floppy shoe well worth the pleasure of proving himself to his idol.

He stayed up till midnight to get the next batch of questions now, obsessively refreshing the page, researching until his eyes were red and sore, his work alarm only bothering him as he reluctantly got ready to the sounds of Tzuyu singing. He had her interviews playing in one ear, her music in another when he worked, only becoming more enraptured by her ability, tapping his changed foot while hopelessly rubbing his thighs against the raging erection in his pants.

His typing got better over the next five days, his left hand gaining the reward of his devotion now, each day another finger slipping into Tzuyudom though his mind was far from work. The fifteenth day was incredibly stressful, all the questions obscure enough to take a few minutes and there were more than before, asking about performance venues, food orders, demos of unreleased songs that only the most devoted of fans could ever hope to track down. Tzim had to call in sick from work, helped by how stuffy he sounded, his throat sore from days on end of research, his jaw slackened as he scrolled through endlessly perfect clips of her, moaning as he finished day 15 off perfectly with his left hand fully shrinking down, the blockage in his throat clearing some as he cheered in a higher voice.

Looking on twitter, Tzuyu had posted a tweet encouraging her fans to keep on showing their devotion, through their hard work, the reward would be worth it. In fact, everyone who reached this point without missing a question was promised a free concert to show their appreciation to the fans who already showed how much they loved TWICE. Tzim didn't even notice he hadn't needed to translate the tweet to read it, feeling more driven than ever to win, moaning as he double handed his cock, his coos rising more as parts of his memories spurted out his cock, all the more room for Tzuyu to take up.

Tzimu quit on day 20, his sick day stretched to a week, and he just didn't have the time anymore to split between Tzuyu and work. He finished the daily questionnaire with glee, wiggling his cute toes as he blasted her music over another day of perfection, just barely making the 24 hour deadline and giggling in a voice identical to the music blaring around him as the next day's quiz popped up. This one had a webcam needed mark, his eyes crinkling with delight as he realized it wanted him to dance, to match Tzuyu's moves as best as he could with a score of poor to excellent instead of the right/wrong dichotomy.

For only a second, he worried, his pudge flopping a bit as he considered if he even could dance. Then the music started, his fears vanishing as pleasure filled every crevice of his body, his feet kicking off his socks, hands leading his arms to dance in sync, each step leaving the changing man falling deeper into the ecstasy of Tzuyu. His flabby thighs were turning firm, athletic yet girly muscle swelling his calves as his legs grew, hairs popping out the moisturized, golden skin that emerged from his office paled asian hue. Each wobble burned away at his gut as fat subtly slid into his hips and ass, not enough to make a massive difference, but there were three more songs, and nine more days to build on what was starting.

The last days could be called religious devotion, Tzumu not eating, only drinking water and the sights of his idol, his body wasting away to the proper proportions, his tummy tightening as all its girth either burned off in the growing repertoire of dance moves or gave his ass and thighs a much needed thickening, every swipe of them turning him on more and more as he found himself unable to do much of anything unless he jerked off once every other hour. It was like his body had a great need to release something, his last name fading, memories fading, Tzumu nearly a blank slate by the time he came out on top on day twenty eight, biting back a moan as his lips swelled under his teeth, his cum watery as his perky butt plopped onto his chair to see his name at the top of the leaderboards.

Wait, that was his name right? It felt off yet he couldn't- Oh the next day's test! It didn't matter that he won, he didn't want to miss a single question, a single move. Besides what if he grew lazy and someone creeped up from behind to take it? Except, the last two days of questions were weird, asking about details so personal it would be impossible to answer unless you were her. And yet, as he read them, his smile only widened, moaning as Tzuyu's most precious memories and most private thoughts ebbed into his mind, his mind nearly all gone by the time of his flight the next day.

None of his clothes fit, yet that didn't bother the people that knocked on his door to take him to the airport. Nothing seemed to bother them, whether it was his slowly growing mane of hair or the sudden shriek as he jerked his cock a little too hard, his left testicle slurping inside as watery seed spilled onto the floored carpet. The flight over he relapsed, slapping his perfect hands down on the annoying lump that remained, squealing as his hands and thighs forced it inside his growing slit as the plane touched down.

He didn't expect all the members there to greet him, giggling out phrases in languages he now knew fluently, poking his thighs, rubbing away patches of hair from his back as they popped it into a larger arch. Tzuyu herself stripped his pants off, her proximity alone enough to make the last of his seed squeeze out his cock, his face popping into a mirror image of hers as she drew him into a kiss.

"你真的很投入. 感谢您传播我们的爱,让我休息一下."

[You are truly devoted. Thank you for spreading our love and giving me a break.]

English faded from his mind as the rest of the band began toying with his body, teasing his nipples into breasts, massaging any stubborn bits of masculinity away into a perfect body, the super fan in bliss as Tzuyu herself pressed down on his cock, his shaft offering no resistance as she forced it inside.

"Ah! Ahh~ g-goood! Ohh t-too hǎo! W-WO SHI^ [I'm-]"



The freshly minted member of TWICE panted, moaning as her first female orgasm reverberated through her body, the other members off to the next plane where a man with a white midriff and a body much like Sana's was moaning, the girls ushering in their next bandmate while Tzutwo stretched and walked naked to the backstage of their venue, enjoying her new body in the shower as the last of her male desires washed down the drain. She quickly changed into her outfit, a tight white top with her name barred in pink and black, laced up high waisted shorts and striped thigh highs finishing off her attire as she hummed her part of their brand new single.

She did her own hair and makeup, the usual helpers unable to resist their song, now backup members to the real ones, though after a few days, who was the original didn't matter as much as who was tired. Hours later the crowd cheered as she entered with the other winners, some in the mid stages of changes, others moaning in their presence, most barely changed at all.

"Thank you coming to TWICE! We have new song for you called, DE-VO-SHUUUUN~! WE LUV YOUUU~!"

Even more cheers erupted as she made a heart shape with her hands, loving the cheers of the crowd, the music starting a ripple in the crowd as men and women alike squealed in harmony to the girl they were becoming, their inner TWICE member exploding out as the irresistible tune finished off what the survey had started Tzutwo smiling as she was soon joined by Tzuthree and Tzufour and onwards, all moaning blissfully in their new perfect bodies, mingling with the other members turned as it became a large group dance number of naked TWICE girls stomping on who they used to be. She was glad to see that the test run had gone off without a hitch, ready for the debut, knowing that once it hit the air waves, everyone in the world would be just as devoted as them.


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