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"Piss off you deranged hag. This is the last time I ever do charity for free."

"Oh don't be too hard on the fairy Ender, she's clearly just a bit touched. Losing your wards to the forces of evil clearly are just making her a little... peculiar."

The rest of the party was trying their best not to laugh save Old Captain, all of them finding the idea hard to stomach without some hint of derision.

"Be careful Majestor, this means the hero's been saved by the princess more than he's saved her. I mean obviously our prickly rogue is the princess. Ender, Endeara, just add some aa cups and it's done! Puhahahaha! SNORT Hkk haha."

"You can piss off as well Velor."

Ender didn't need this right now, their tech girl always making fun of his "loner emo act" and his mind felt fuzzy for some reason since that princess bullshit had been spoken. Of their group, Majestor the hulking bruiser was gently trying to get the teasing to stop, Velor still laughing at her own jokes as her oversized glasses threatened to fall.

"GWARF!" said Gwarf.

Well at least Old Captain wasn't putting up with this bullshit. Ender had been raised by the crusty old grump, years of stealing to get by despite his disapproval getting them enough gear to join a party proper. When they heard tell of one of the former royal mages being targeted, and the payout for a safe rescue, they had been the bulk of the attack, Captain's tactics and Ender's stealth preventing a battle from happening between the vastly larger forces of Revilus. The old biddy had almost ruined it though when she squealed at the sight of him, Ender gagging her until they were far away leading to the current stupidity. Though he did find the expression on his guardian's face rather worrying.

"Is something wrong Captain? It's just a senile witch's ramblings. Or perhaps the stew was a bit undercoo-"

"No it's true you are the princess."

"Ah so I am the prin- WAIT NO!"

The mood shifted instantly from gentle ribbing to intense confusion, everyone looking at the old soldier. Well besides Gwarf, but that was because Gwarf was Gwarf. The Captain never joked, being too serious to a fault though it made him all the more reliable when the party had to discuss strategy. Even so, they all waited for some sign of a joke, only to find him for once raising his temper at the witch.

"Melixa, do you remember what the plan was? Three more years were supposed to pass. I have been hiding out with these fools and training them to be heroes for the day we take back the kingdom, but do you think this paltry party is enough? SO WHY IN GOD'S GRACE WOULD YOU TELL HER NOW?!"

A moment passed between the two, the fairy suddenly looking pale, clutching her mouth with a look of realization.

"Oh Hecate! I forgot this would trigger it to unravel, I'm so sorry Sebastian I was just so happy to see you both agai-"

Ender couldn't listen to any more of this garbage.

"Wait wait wait! Okay both of you shut up! I am not a princess! That bitch died with the rest of the royal family while I was still scrounging for pennies on the streets of..."

A chill ran through him, the name of the street and town swallowed by that mental fuzz, such a large part of his identity suddenly gone from his mind.

"A-Anyways the royal family never did a damn thing for any of us! That's why I had to steal from those bastard nobles just to give my friends enough scraps to fill their bellies.

"Ah yes Endeara, you did always have a charitable hear-"

"IT'S ENDER! I'M NOT SOME FUSSY, PROPER... I-I'M NOT EVEN A GIRL!!! So what do you mean I'm the missing princess?! That's impossible!"

Captain sighed, reluctantly answering, "No, not yet. But now that you know the truth, the hex suppressing your true identity is already beginning to break down. I noticed you already forgot the home town we made up. Soon you will remember, and in remembering your body will change."


Ender backed away, stumbling on a fallen log they were using as seating around the campfire, his hood popping off. The other members of the party were staring, whispering amongst themselves while Captain continued.

"Listen, we had no other options. The rest of the royal family was destroyed and if they caught wind you had survived, the forces of Revilus would have never stopped hunting us down. Melixa was the only court witch left, so we did a simple spell, changing your gender, your form, your class and giving you a false history as the rogue Ender."

"So that's why we'd never heard of you before you joined the party!" Velor seemed pleased with herself at the realization, continuing, "Cause for the life of me I wondered how such a talented Rogue could be such an unknown presence in the adventuring guilds."

"Not you too! I wasn't known because I was really good at what I did. A thief doesn't let other people know their na-"

"Actually I was wondering that too. Considering you give a lot of your loot to the poor, why was it you only became well known when you joined up with us? We'd have heard talk of you before if you always-"

"You can shove it too Majestor! Thinking doesn't suit you, it leads to dumb ideas like this!"

"Well, you're also the only person I've ever seen with pink hair, so..."


While Ender was yelling, Velor had her lenses of foresight on, checking Ender's status. Like the day before, it showed him as a level 15 thief, though unlike the day before, there was a question mark at the end of it, something Velor had never seen before. Two cowlicks were rising from his usually hooded flat hairdo, ever so subtly twisting. At first Velor thought she was imagining it, but the closer she looked, the more she could confirm as they looped into a half circle. Ender's hair was growing, tapping his shoulders as he stared dumbly for a second before grumbling, "Screw this! I'm heading to bed! I should just abandon the lot of you!"

That night, Ender tossed and turned, his dreams the usual nightmares. He had been bullied by the other children, picked on for being small on the streets of ___ and yet, the blows didn't hurt this time. Instead of cudgels and sticks it was makeup and sponges, the castle staff prepping him for a feast, the bullies replaced with servants all telling him what a good girl he wa-

"Ahh! Hff hff."

Ender awoke in a sweat, nervously feeling around, half expecting to suddenly be a princess. Nothing obvious was off which relieved the thief, though something kept flopping into his eyes annoyingly. Thinking it was his hood, he swiped at it, only to find his hair slipping past his nose. Feeling the rest of his mop, the two cowlicks on the side had gained cousins, thicker bands of hair now joining their singular circle, the ends pointing down as the gravity defying hairdo seemed to warn of later spiraling. In going to poke at them, his arm brushed against his chest, a shock of warmth surging through as Ender found himself moaning.

Glancing down, he couldn't help but notice the two bumps in his shirt, right where the defined ridges of his pecs were. He tried not to panic as he undid the strings, heart racing as he pulled it loose. His nipples were rounder, and seemed to be stiffer than normal for a cold morning, the patch of dark behind them larger than he remembered. They almost looked like they were a-

"No no I'm not listening to their hogwash. Nothing is happening. Nothing has changed!!"

And so he flattened his hair with his hood, hiding the most noticeable change while deciding to just ignore the lumps, walking into the rest of the camp.

The whole party was staring at him besides Gwarf, Ender fuming in silence as he cooked some herbs for his morning bread and bacon, pausing only to borrow some of Captain's tea. Now they were really staring, Ender's mood boiling over, unaware his pinky was pointed upwards as he drank.


Actually wait, didn't he prefer water or coffee in the morning? Why was he suddenly craving tea? He hated it as a child. This realization made him look down at the cup, noticing his errant pinkie, the nail shinier than the others as a pink sheen encroached upwards from the nail bed.

"Sh-Shit why did I- Er I was making a joke. You're all so gullible falling for this uh..."

Every time he put it back down, the pinky shook, eventually flinging straight up again as it seemed slimmer than before. Ender carefully set the tea down, dipping the pinkie in before using some spare bandages from one of his pouches to scrub at the polish, annoyed to find that the color was apparently part of the nail now and all his efforts seemed to do was give it sparkles. He tipped over in the kerfuffle, falling down and punching the ground with the changed finger, annoyed to find that dirt seemed to be repelled by whatever magic was coloring it.

Adding insult to injury, Majestor was scampering over, offering a hand to help him up.

"What the fuck am I going to do with that hand? Put it away! I can help myself damn you!"

"B-But you're the prin-"

Ender unsheathed his sword and held it to the bulky hero's throat.

"If you want to have a head you won't finish that sentence."

Velor snickered, the rest of the breakfast passing in silence past Gwarf's occasional outbursts as he watched over the witch who started this all. The sooner they dumped her out at the damn resistance area, the better it would be. He was certain this must be just some silly curse or whatever. He gave them all the silent treatment for the rest of the day, scouting ahead for any enemies as they maneuvered through the forest. It was relatively eventless, but there was one significant issue plaguing Ender more and more as the day wore on. His chest was growing shockingly sensitive, his eyes fluttering whenever it pressed too hard against his shirt, and as night fell, his shirt was feeling tight.

It wasn't just his shirt either, Ender's hood looking lumpier as the day progressed, another half twist added to his hair, the shape refusing to bend or flatten no matter how hard he fussed with it under the hood. Levor kept checking on his status periodically, trying to suppress her giggles when a few strange statuses popped up. She was always a little odd, so no one questioned her snorts when the pop up "+1 Chest" appeared, another for hair soon following. As they finished their trek for the day, to her surprise his level even wavered, shimmering like a mirage before dropping down to 14.

She knew bringing it up publicly wouldn't go well, so Velor waited till after they had set up camp, smiling at the nervous looks Ender was shooting towards his chest as he fiddled with his tunic, two spikes of hair peeking out the sides of his hood. It was only after the rest of the party had retired that she snuck out, popping into his tent to update him on his status. The thought that she should have asked to enter first only popped in as she swung open the flap to his tent, entering on quite the sight.

"EEK~ Velor what the hell are you barging in for?!"

Instinctively Ender's arms slid over his chest, his face blushing as he stood shirtless.

"That's strange you never seemed to mind my intrusions too much. I definitely don't remember you ever shrieking like a-"

"You surprised me! Nothing's changed."

"Then why are you covering your chest?"

He sputtered a little at that, shifting about nervously as she could see the gears turning to think up an excuse. Velor just tutted.

"Silly Ender, don't you remember what my glasses do? I can see your status changing. Speaking of, I think you're deleveling as your class changes back. You slid down to 13 when I startled you."

That made him pause for a second, nervously twirling one of his growing spirals before he realized what he was doing.

"Argh this stupid hair! Look your glasses can see any curses right? I know you helped figure out what was wrong before when Gwarf had eaten some of Revilus's cursed soldiers after midnight. Tell me what did that bitch do to me?! If you can show she's a fake we can go and force her to undo this before it gets any worse."

She chewed on her lower lip, thinking it over.

"I mean I think we would have noticed a spell being cast in front of all of us and-"

Ender was giving her a pleading look, only made more effective as the rare showing of emotion seemed to make his eyes grow larger, his eyelashes fluttering as they grew heavy with mascara. She would have teased him, but she felt bad for the royal rogue and took out a separate set of lenses from her pockets.

"There is a spell affecting your status-"

"Aha I knew it! I'm going to kill that bit-"

"That is starting to weaken. It was done around the time the royal family was massacred so-"

Ender was almost visibly fuming, forgetting to cover his chest as he pushed Velor out of his tent.

"You're all delusional! I know who I am and I don't need any stupid status checks to know that! Now leave me alone!"

With a rough shove, Velor was ejected from his tent, stumbling as she turned to try and offer him some comfort, but her glasses picked up something interesting. With the spell lenses on, she could see a buff adding itself to his stealth and steal abilities, "Divine Magic of the Goddess" appearing.

He very clearly put a booby trap at the tent flap, ignoring Velor as she tried to tell him something about his status, deciding to ignore her from here on out. There was a plan forming, their shifts rotating for guard duty on the royal witch, his turn being the day before, just as this all started. That couldn't be a coincidence, though his party would be too on edge to sneak inside. He'd have to wait the four days till his shift before he would have his chance to force her to undo this before killing her.

Ender didn't get much sleep that night, finding his usual face down resting position to be... problematic for reasons he didn't want to dwell on, waking up early to dress. To his horror, his chest had grown significantly without anything binding them, his nipples standing ripe atop two apple sized lumps. Without thinking, he tried to push them back in, immediate regret filling him as the sudden pressure on them made him feel... Well he just hoped no one heard the moan, his cowlicks now two full passes past his ears.

Even though he woke up first, he needed all that time just to slip his tunic, the process grueling, embarrassing and annoyingly pleasant. He had to loosen the strings multiple times just to slide it over his sensitive breasts, his face cringing at every brush against his nipples. Eventually he got it back in place, ever so slowly tightening the drawstrings until it bound his breasts as best as he could. Thankfully he was able to hide it fairly well, though he might as well have been choking himself with how tightly he had to pull it. It took a few minutes for the tightness to grow numb, his erection taking a few minutes more to soften as he slid his pants on. And then they slipped.

Ender stared for a few seconds, confused. Sure he had his skull belt around them, but it wasn't like he ever actually tied it. Usually they fit snugly around his hips, no fuss necessary, but they were slipping down, just barely catching. Well at least it was easier to ignore than his chest, the rogue grumbling as he tightened his belt, ignoring the worried feeling that there was more slack at the legs around his boots, the tailored clothing never creasing like this before. Finally he was dressed, throwing his hood up and stuffing his hair inside though his forehead locks were drooping more even with significant bunching. It was going to be a shitty day.

They were leaving the forest, crossing plains for the next few days which meant there was little need for Ender to scout, the party traveling together. It took some time to wrangle a few plains runners, the mellow beasts always stubborn to new riders, but Captain knew how to make them docile and they were better than any horse for long journeys. Though he tried to keep some distance, there was little he could do about Captain riding up alongside him, Ender's hands rising to cover up his already hidden chest before he thought better of it. They continued in silence for another ten minutes before he finally snapped.

"What do you want Basty?!"

For some reason Captain seemed surprised, though he answered with his usual stoic tone.

"Is it that odd to see how you are dealing with the truth?"

"Not this again."

Ender hastened the pace of his beast, but it was futile. Captain had been the one to teach him how to ride after all. Before he knew it, he was reminiscing, though parts of it felt different. No difficult journey to the plains, no warnings of using beast's on the king's land or the threat of losing a hand. Instead he could see himself in a royal procession, giggling as the lords and ladies watched him ride, finding it all much easier without that bothersome lump between his-

Ender smacked himself in the head, jogging his memory, trying to remember all the details of the truth. Vaguely he could recall the paths they took, the danger they faced, but details were fading under the fanfare and privileged landscape in his mind, the shape of his hood deforming further as his hair ringlets pressed against it, the ends of the cloak fraying in the wind. Captain made no signs of acknowledging the strange sight, merely noting the way Ender's posture was becoming less loose, more formal, the reigns held daintily between his fingers as more of his nails began turning pink, the fingers noticeably longer.

"I apologize for hiding this from you, but there was no choice. And you had such fierce determination before the spell was cast, I never considered how the false identity would feel when we-"

"I am NOT a false identity!"

"Apologies I didn't mean to offend you like that, I only meant that-"

"You only meant that I'm a fake and you've lied to me for years Basty, never even telling me your real name. Oh I thought that was so cool, my mysterious, caring benefactor. Well once I dispel this curse you can thank me with some fire wine and a night with Jilly at the old er..."

Ender wracked his memories, finding it strange that he couldn't remember their favorite inn, the place he had lost his virginity, where his first crush had gone to work, where he had drunk enough to make the world spin, waking up in his own vomit. Yes father had mentioned many people often debased themselves in those places which was why she never was allowed to touch a drop of wine till her coming of-

Again he slapped the side of his head, letting the errant thought disappear while letting the right hair spiral loose. Sebastian looked confused at the show, then understood.

"Ah, that must be the fal- er, your current memories of childhood. It would be quite the scandal if the princess was seen at a whore house, though I admit I nearly collapsed when I saw you frequenting such places. I knew the old you had proclivities for both, but thankfully with how often you rode horses in the past, the actions of Ender won't impact your future matches for the-"


His voice cracked awkwardly into a higher tone at the end, leaving his cheeks red. For another minute they rode in silence, Ender seething as Sebastian considered what to say, sighing as he rode off with one final message.

"Well it's nice to hear my old nickname again."

Sundown came as a relief to Ender, the ride oddly taxing which he mostly ascribed to his terrible mood from Bast- Captain's words. It was like he was a beginner again, his thighs sore, arms jelly. More of the details of his first ride had faded in that time, the harder he thought on it, the greater the tickle on the sides of his head grew. His ears were already buried in twirls, so he stopped thinking about the past, instead working out the soreness from his arms and legs.

There was a sweetness to the stretching, the muscle fibers breaking and decaying as he moved his arms behind his head, the workout giving his arms a decent swell to them, A slight tearing sound revealing his elbows at both sides in oddly congruent patches. The crinkles near his calves were more numerous and there was a hint of slack as he walked around, ignoring it as they set up a cookfire. The whole team turned when he noticed all of his nails now sparkling pink, the slimness of his fingers and the softened nature of his palms lost under the somehow still tight fit of the gloves, his voice cracking again near the end as he heard Velor stifle a giggle.

"I'm fine! And if I hear another one of you laugh I'll be serving your portion to the ground tonight!"

That shut them up. Ender was the best cook of the party by far, Velor's food just mixed together haphazardly, Majestor's just charred meat and Gwarf just eating whatever was served to him, including any enemy soldiers unlucky enough to fall near him while hungry. At least they hadn't had any incidents with post midnight feeding since the last war they had stumbled upon, though all agreed to never talk about that no matter the circumstance.

Ender brought his ingredients together, making a thick broth well spiced and filled, the smell delicious. And yet, when he tasted it, something was missing and the memory of what was needed was gone.

Everyone still enjoyed it, but Ender was bothered, unsure what it was he had forgotten, unable to recall which herb gave it the fullness missing. At least a hot bowl of something felt nice between his sore thighs, the comfort masking any loosening up going on between the folds of muscle. The first bite reminded him how hungry he was as he devoured it, the bowl finished not long after he had served it, the hot broth making his eyelids heavy as he was reminded just how tired he was as well.

The rest of the crew dug in happily, Majestor whistling without thinking, loudly proclaiming, "It isn't fair Ender, with cooking this good you'd make any king a happy man!"

He regretted those words the second they had left, looking down like a scared child about to be punished, which was amusing on such a large muscled man. Fortunately the sudden exhaustion was making Ender far less argumentative, the rogue only slurring out a few curses before stumbling to his feet, yawning as he trudged to his tent, deciding the fight wasn't worth it. And yet, despite everything, an odd flutter filled his heart as he drifted to sleep, Majestor's compliment replaying as he shifted his thinning thighs together around his strangely hard groin.

When he awoke, Ender felt strangely content, his cock cupped by flesh that had swollen from the hard day's riding. He tried remembering what he had dreamed the night before, only remembering flashes of pink as he scratched at his chest, only realizing something felt uncomfortable as the slight shifting allowed blood to briefly flow again. It was a dizzying feeling, equal parts arousal, pain and numbness, the rogue tottering a bit as he suddenly realized how tight his chest felt. Cursing he tried to loosen the strings, but in his chest's growth, the knot had been drawn too tight to fuss apart, leaving him cursing as faced with either cutting it loose or bearing with it, he had no choice but to ignore it and go about the day with sparks of that sensation.

He was counting the days until his guard shift, trying to ignore just how jiggly certain areas were becoming as they trekked across the plains. The long days of riding felt endless, the one bright side being no one able to hear Ender's occasional moans as the fabric shifted, nipples springing to life for a few tender seconds before numbness overtook the embarrassing feeling. The tightness in his chest was only getting worse as each day went on, the feeling he was slowly being strangled as the strings stretched tauter and firmer at least meaning there was less shifting of his top, the loose material turning skin tight.

The changes were burning through him, using the constant shake that went through his skeleton on the road to start grinding the jostling joints down, each day grinding out a half inch, each night burning through another as his aching body repurposed muscle and bone for other areas. Without fail, Ender would wake up to loose pants barring one area in particular and without fail he'd just glower, still in denial even as he was forced to use the tip of his sword to stab through new holes in his belt just to keep his pants affixed. Even with that, he couldn't help but notice their growing bagginess, and to his confusion, his sleeves seemed to be merging with his gloves, adding some cushion to them as it left his upper arms bared. He just had to last one more day and then it would be his rotation to "guard" their charge. Surely he could last one more day of this degrading magic.

The last day was especially grueling, the last of the plains growing rockier, filled with small hills that made his cock bump uncomfortably against his ride's back, and each painful throb only made the memories without grow, something nice and almost refreshing when he dazed into them, only getting out of it when an especially sudden drop sent his crotch bristling with pain.

Ender felt more exhausted that night than ever before, yet he fought sleep, feeling the throb in his thighs, noticing the plushness now as he walked. It was a pain just to breathe, his chest struggling against its confines, his shrunken hood cloaked over to mask the more obvious bulge as he plopped down next to Majestor, panting from effort.

Turning to Captain, he spoke his first words to him since their conversation days ago, "You can cook Basty, you know I'm no good at it."

He was so out of it, it took a minute to realize what was wrong with what he just said, his face blushing as he just pretended the party wasn't staring at him yet again, thankful that Sebastian was cooking as if what he uttered wasn't out of the norm. As the aroma of cooking wafted towards him, Ender's stomach growled, each one followed by a light pressure above, the sound of leather creaking growing more urgent. By the time it was done, Ender was dozing slightly, eyes lidded, head slack as his body shifted side to side. He was exhausted, yet starving, the rising smell sparking new memories as his lips curved into a sleepy smile, remembering the castle's cooking.

When it was served he savored each bite, sighing as chunks of meat fell down his gullet, gasping slightly as each added chunk of food sent something upwards, Ender giggling like a drunk as his swaying worsened until he found himself leaning against something warm and comfy. The support was fulfilling something unconscious, Ender's smirk now a smile as he rubbed his cheek against it, the passes rubbing his face clean of what sparse facial hair it had, his arm wrapping around whatever he was leaning on happily, the muscle fully fading as he gripped it closely. Hadn't he dreamed of this as a child? Imagining those brave knights and having one at her command? Mmm the thought was making her-

"Er, Ender, why are you hugging my arm?"

Majestor asked it gently, rousing the rogue to realize he was hugging his compatriot's body lovingly.

He jumped to his feet, heart thumping, his hood falling free as the growing spirals of hair bounced up and down in the flickering light of their campfire. Questions raced through his head. What had he just done? Why did he just embarrass himself in front of everyone?! And most importantly, why did a part of him feel sad that he had stopped, that muscled support making the flush in his cheeks burn, his groin stirring as the thought of wrapping himself once more around Majestor was making his heart feel so, so-




His voice didn't crack, just spilling out in a way that definitely didn't sound masculine, Velor nearly spilling their dinner as Ender moaned, the strings of his jerkin breaking apart, letting his chest jostle free as all the stifled feelings from before wracked his shaking body.

It felt exquisite, each bounce sending an erotic jolt that he might have enjoyed if it wasn't in front of everyone he knew. Velor's glasses were fogged over, Majestor's dinner similarly steaming on the ground as he covered both his eyes with his hands, swearing he had seen nothing. Even Sebastian had his eyebrows raised, blushing as he quickly faced away, calmly continuing to eat as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh wow, already so large and you're not even finished! You really are your mother's daughter."

Melixa drove the rogue to curse, Velor having to hold him back once Majestor quickly made it clear he didn't even know where to look or grab to stop the rogue as he was dragged over to Velor's tent.

At least his voice had dropped back down by the time he was away from the rest, though he didn't like how breathy he sounded now even while speaking regularly. And yet, despite how awful he felt, there was a tinge of enjoyment still making his embarrassment all the more hot, imagining again that feeling when the jerkin burst, how wonderful it- Pink sparks shot from his fingers, surprising him and Velor, baring all as the shirt turned to dust.

Both of them stood shocked, their faces equally red as for a second, relief filled him, happy at least she wouldn't have to stuff her girls into such a tight corset agai-


He shook his head as if that would dislodge the thought, his left eye twitching as years of standing still for corsets drilled their way into his thoughts. It wasn't like he could go bare chested, and part of him still hoped to squash the bothersome breasts or at least flatten them somehow, their size already looking massive from his up close view as he took out bandages and grit his teeth, putting one end on his left nipple and passing them around.

"Er Ender..."

He ignored Velor, groaning every time he had to put pressure on a nipple, looking away from the science geek as he now had a few decent loops around his breasts.

"Ender you just used magic. I feel we should talk about-"

"No I did NAWT~!"

The final word came out extra bratty, not helped by the surprise shift upwards. Each sign only made his efforts double, the rogue clearly in discomfort as he pulled his breast bindings tighter, grimacing as he tried to flatten them, cursing as their size was too large now to properly hide.

"Don't do that. It's bad for your chest."

"I don't have a chest! And I can't use magic! Because I'm not the princess!"

Each time his voice cracked, Velor couldn't help but notice his hair circling more, rolling her eyes as she snidely commented, "Tell that to your hair drills."

Ender huffed at that, trying to sound intimidating, but instead noticing he was now at eye level with her. He knew that meant he was shrinking, but the thought was terrifying, Ender ignoring the obvious as the loose folds of his pants jostled, slipping down as he tried to deny it, straining to keep his voice low as he whined, "What hair drills?! And did you get taller? S-Screw this! You're all going to feel silly once I sort this out tomorrow!"

And with that, Ender stomped to his tent, waiting for dawn to come.



No image? Is this normal?


This was cause it wasn't uploaded permanently yet. It has been since so a link to the sequence, https://www.deviantart.com/thetransformistress/art/Ender-to-Endeara-TG-866477999