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Things had been slow for the last few years for Sam Winchester, his retirement from the supernatural hunts and battles essentially on a, "only attack if they're in the area" basis. The days of traveling along the country looking for trouble to fight were gone and he was enjoying the first peaceful moments of his life in decades. That's why he had torn up the strange invitation sent to him, calling him out by name to "cum see the evolution of fanservice" which he assumed was either a dumb prank by the fans of the fictional version of their adventures, or some succubi being very blunt in their methodology. Either way, he wasn't dumb enough to walk into a clear trap, especially since it was just him these days, plus he'd rather just patiently wait for them to come to him on his home turf. Looking at the clock as it approached the hour he was supposed to show up, it did make him smirk imagining a bunch of demons or vampires annoyed as they checked their watches. Though he wondered what kind of idiots would expect a seasoned hunter to show up to a shady invita-


"Gah! The heck?!"

At the promised time, Sam found himself whisked away, the chair he was sitting in vanished, his body falling to the floor painfully as giggles resounded around him from a voice that sounded familiar, but it stopped before he could get a proper listen. With the giggles gone, the area was weirdly silent, Sam looking around for something he could use as a weapon as he stalked the halls nervously. The place looked cheap, not quite run down, but filled with flimsy patches that had been covered over poorly, with the dingy feeling of a well used back road motel, stained mattresses and tv's from decades past adorning most of the rooms.

The good part about that meant it didn't take much to pry a wooden bedpost off and brandish it as a weapon, only for the giggles to start again. He went to the source of it, ready to fight only for the makeshift weapon to shift in his grip into a floppy dildo.

Sam threw the perverted appliance away, or tried to, the dildo stuck to his hand like it was superglued, Sam sprinting out of the room and into another, this one filled with people frozen in time.

"What the heck is going on?!"

Sam had been in some weird situations before to put it lightly, sometimes put in universes where he was just an actor, other times in animated shows, but he was considerably confused by the five buff naked guys standing against a backdrop, all of them facing an empty spot while surrounded by a camera crew. Each member of the crew seemed bored besides the director who was half shaven and clearly having a hard on, but again the camera was pointed at nothing, the set looked cheap and why he had been transported to what looked like a cheap back alley porno was not resting well with Sam. And then his hand shattered.

Well, not really, but it definitely felt painful, each finger around the dildo popping as the joints undid themselves, like some force was taffying them, the nails horrifically lengthened as he could feel them growing out the nail beds, his palm shrinking until the dildo was cloaked inside a slim, girly hand. Right as he thought the pain was over, one final round of fire played across the skin, the top layers peeling off up to the wrist as hair and callus was painfully ripped off, the skin revealed a fiery pink that cooled to a pristine cream color, his hand turned girly in a few seconds flat as the giggles erupted into full gales of laughter.

"You always liked to scream jerk at your brother didn't you? Well since you enjoy to rattle 'jerks' off all the time, I figured I'd help you to jerk... off. Oh I know this must be incredibly painful, but it's okay to laugh it was a good joke, wasn't it Sam?"

His blood ran cold, recognition hitting him followed by horror. He knew that voice, the voice of the god he and his brother had depowered and embarrassed now laughing as his other hand stung.

"Oh don't worry too much Sam, I'm just evening it all out. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything."

Sam grit his teeth through the pain, the fingers jerking as they feminized, the threads of his sleeves unwinding wherever they touched the female hands that looked grafted onto his arms.

"Aww, trying to put a tough act on already? Your brother was much better at that than you."


"How did I get my power's back? I mean it took a few years, but did you really think god wouldn't have backups? You know I had a few angels waiting in the wings, and once I got back some of my power it didn't take long to return to omniscient, omnipotent ol me. Really I'm thankful you both only humiliated me instead of killing me outright. What was it my brat of a son said? Do unto others what they've done to you? Well I'm sure you can grasp what's going to happen here, but I wouldn't want to bare all just yet!"

At the phrase "bare all," Sam's sleeves vaporized, the muscles writhing about in a horrifying manner, like maggots had infested his body, bringing him to his knees as the mass steamed and burned away to nothing. Muscle was decaying at fast rates, his grip strength gone, arm span viscerally shortened as all the strength he had built up from the years of his work faded to soft fat, the skin paling from its ruddy texture to conditioned beauty, model like in its perfection. Weirdly, after the pain had faded there was a strangely enticing afterglow, the pain so extreme that its fading was tantamount to ecstasy, confused moans cut off by more screams as his shoulder blades were grinded down, the sound of stone being shaped even playing as his frame was forced to pull in, every added curve and shift to them felt intensely as every nerve in his body was set well above what should have been humanely possible. The pained cries led to more mirthful cheers from God who couldn't resist his own bad jokes as the changes continued.

"I just figured my explanations were a bit too broad! Ooh! Double en tendre heh. But I wonder, you're used to fighting back. You've died oh... what was it twenty times? More? Less? Even now what should be overwhelming pain isn't filling you with despair. Hmm... would it gall you more if it went like this for part of it?"

Sam was going to tell him to shut up, but the pain finished, his sleeveless jacket melting into his usual flannel, turning the whole thing green as the fabric softened. Before he could get his bearings though, a tingle ran along his nipples, accelerating into a pulse, then a throb.

"Ahh~ what are- ohhh~?"

"Ah sorry let me make sure you can see what's happening. Wouldn't want you to miss my gifts coming in."

The neckline dove, Sam's eyes glued to his now hard nipples as he watched them swell into ripe, pink nubs, the pleasant feelings in them only growing as the brown discs around them tripled in size to taut, smooth frisbees.

He tried to stifle the feeling, biting his lips, digging his longer nails into the palms of his hands as his cock began to stiffen. Every air flow, every minute brush of his shirt against them felt like someone was pleasuring twin cocks, the resultant fidgeting only adding to the tortured pleasure as his face scrunched up, trying not to moan, panting as his bitten lips swelled under his restrained grimace.

"My what willpower, what embarrassment! I know you must hate this and yet... don't you want to savor it Sammy?"

Nausea flowed up from his stomach, the muscle liquifying partially as it sucked in tighter, each one a wet worm that was wriggling up to his nipples. The two threads of fat swam up into his nipples, feeling like two tongues that surged and tweaked his pecs from the inside, a heated scream of bliss finally leaving him as the first spurts of growth sent his chest out into twin bug bites, his cries rising as the admittance of pleasure only heightened it further.

Sam's Adam's Apple was going down Eve's path, the lump bisecting as it drained down into his chest and adding to the rising ecstasy as his breasts were now visibly tenting his shirt.

"Hmm, is Sammy a good alternate name? It sounds kind of hometowny like your nerdy neighbor girl you'd have a crush on or something. Lets see how that fits eh? Oh by the way, this WILL hurt, but hey, pain is beauty right Sammy?"

The following minutes were a heady mix of pain and pleasure, more of his stomach heaving as it continued to shrink, his cock ready to burst any second from his swelling bosom, only hindered by the sudden, massive pain radiating through his head. His face was like clay to god, only all the nerve endings were kept in tact so he had to feel every softened bone, each feminine shift the product of muscle tearing and bones breaking. This led to a weird mix of sharp cries like a scream queen and longer moans as the pain made him shift more violently, his shirt dragging against his nipples as if tweaking them.

His lips had already turned plump and kissable, his skin reupholstered as age lines ironed themselves out, any crinkles pulled taut as the same porcelain skin tightened around his skull. Sam's mouth hung loose as his jaw was cracked in five separate locations, sanding away the jut, softening the edges and pulling it out to a cuter form, his teeth whitening as they shrunk to fit his smaller face. Each nostril flared, the only parts of his nose actually widening while the bridge of it slammed inwards, becoming cute to round off the bottom half of his face, his cheeks drawn inwards to babyish fat. Their blush was heightened by the clear skin, his arousal undeniable as his sides were surely puckering into curves, all that fat adding to the rising swell of his funbags, his shut eyes bubbling internally as they sloped and turned green, eyebrows plucking as a final squeal sent his hair fluttering down to his shoulders in conditioned beauty.

During these changes Sam had slammed himself down to the ground, teetering like a turtle on its back. The final shifts sent him reeling over onto his front, his new eyes shooting open in shocked bliss, his nipples pressed by the ground to flattened buttons, each one sending massive pleasure through the changed parts of his body, his vision blurring as he couldn't help himself from cumming as he thrusted his hips, only to be surprised as nothing came out.

"No that's for the grand finale, I'm not skipping to the end just yet. Isn't that always the worst part Sammy? You're having fun and then it's over. Besides I haven't even introduced you to your costars! But you have to be a bit more presentable than this Sammy..."

He couldn't help but scream, moaning as his sides fully collapsed, his stomach eating itself into flat femininity as any spare bulk rushed into his breasts, the perky lumps pushing out to b-cups as he grinded his groin against the ground, another phantom orgasm building up his pleasure as he tried to hold on.

From his splayed position, his ass was rearing up, a few surprised ekes leaving him as his spine snapped inwards, the curve only accenting it more as a winch was slowly winded outwards between his buttocks. It was like two horses were attached to either side of his pelvis and before he could even beg they were off, his hips violently tearing open his jeans as soft fat rounded any boniness.

"Ohhh~ oh gaawwd nooo~!"

"Thanks for the shoutout."

The same feeling that had swelled his chest was now rooted in his backside, the flesh of his ass cheeks bloating with fat, straining the already torn jeans further as boxer and denim rode up his widening ass crack, fat packing itself in deeper and deeper as more of his ass continued to bloat. Even with nothing coming out his cock felt raw as the changes paused, Sam shakily standing to his feet, the world a blur. Black glasses formed on his face, Sam realizing the camera and men were all pointing at him as time started once more, the room focused on his cute, nerdy body.

The director with the hard on tried to sound impressive as he set the scene.

"Alright so for this one Sammy we need you to be a resistant little coed way over her head with the five hunks who you've been giving special tutoring lessons to. This is the big scene so remember, you're their tiny little plaything who gets corrupted but you have to be scared first. All the pervs out there like a little resistance. Got it? Okay lets roll!"

"Huh? W-Wait I'm-"

A slate was readied.

"Naughty Nerdettes, wide shot, take one. Speed. Rolling..."



The hunk behind him smiled, his muscles oversaturated in the cheap lights, but his cock was hard even if his acting sucked.

"W-Wait I'm not supposed to be here I'm actually a gu-"

"Good girl Sammie, but you need a bad boy in your life."

His cock slammed inside her torn apart jeans, wrecking the rest of Sam's boxers as pain burned into pleasure, his cheeks swelling against the fucking as his prostate was pounded.

He was railing her hard, his cock slamming deeper than he thought possible as to his horror, it felt amazing, his cock hard tenting his jeans as his nipples felt hard, precum dripping from his exposed cock.

"Ohhh faaawwk stahhp~! Ahhh~ AH! UGH P-PLEASE Chuck or NNGH GAAAAWWD Staaawwwp ihhht..."

He lurched forwards, his hands looking for something to grab onto for purchase, finding two hard cocks instead, the dildo from earlier finally flopping out of his hands as before he knew it, his hands were jerking them off.

"How's the real thing feel babe?"

"Oh boy no wonder your... hands are so... good on my handwriting. I mean your handwriting is so... um... your tits are great."

Forgotten lines aside, the two new members of the foreplay flipped Sam's shirt up, their mouths latching onto his nipples as pleasure coursed through him. He could feel his prostate breaking, squealing as it shifted his innards into a hot womb, and as the first bits of precum dribbled into his asshole, his body erupted.


He could feel his ass growing, his thighs turning thick as they clamped on his lover's cock. The first person to bust was Sam, thick ropes of cum blasting over his thighs as the slick fluids only made it easier for the cocks to slide in and out, the one in his ass grunting as more fluids threatened to burst, the guy on the left who had remembered his lines the second to go as cum poured over his breasts. To his surprise, the goop slipped under the skin, turning to fat as his small boobies started swelling into tits, their sucking driving Sam to deeper depravity as he came, his mind feeling fuzzy as more than just cum poured out. The director seemed pleased, barely hiding his enjoyment as the camera zoomed in on his face, his lips thickening, the thick frames of his glasses shrinking to wires as blonde highlights threaded into his growing hair.

"This is going to be the best entry yet in Bookish Bimboes. You're a natural Sally!"

No that wasn't right, the porno's name had changed and he wasn't Sally he was Sammy! No wait he was like, not some bim-


The fourth guy had moved, shoving his cock into his mouth, the hot taste of dick driving him wild as his balls shrank, cumming and cumming until the empty husk of them slithered inside with a dry, leather slurp. Sammy bucked, gagging on cock, his plump cocksuckers proving their worth as the second guy in her hands busted, his tits jiggling out to E cups as his toes shrank and arched under the raining driblets of white. The tip of his cock felt wrong, throbbing as it felt empty, wanting something inside it as the slit at the tip widened, the whole shaft leaking clear fluids as the mushroom tip puckered inside, his cock trembling as the guy in his ass busted.


Sally was drowning in ecstasy, his brain dribbling out with each orgasm as the final guy pressed his dick to Sammy's partially inverted cock, fitting perfectly as he thrusted into him.

Sally could barely think, the name on the slate card now reading "Salacious Sluts Seven," his breasts massively inflated, booty jiggling as he felt the first guy's cock swelling in tandem with the one in her throat. Time paused as the final guy's cock thrusted into his, Sally's slit tearing open, his cock leaking away its length and all of it was paused for one final moment of gloating.

"Looks like you're enjoying yourself Stacee, though don't worry I won't talk for long."

The almost girl was gagged by the almost foot length of schlong shoved down his throat, finding it harder and harder to even be able to focus on anything past the burning need his half shrunken cock was screaming out for.

"You were always the intelligent thoughtful one of the pair, so I hope you know I'm going to leave a sliver of yourself left to remember, though I'm not that cruel. The pleasure will eventually force you to give in to bubbly, busty Stacee and your hunting days will be just erotic fanfiction to your mind. Just remember, don't fuck with god, cause when you fuck with god, god fucks with you."

And with that time resumed, Sally becoming Stacee as their cock was fucked into her, twin jets of cum filling her above and below as she swallowed it, her shrunken dick twitching as it spewed out what little seed she had left, all of that warm, salty fluid making her hornier as her breasts finished growing, her figure absurdly busty as she moaned like a bitch in heat, her mouth finally free as the finished boner shrunk out of her mouth. The cock inside her had a condom so tight it was nearly invisible for the camera, doing its job well as she felt her own tip slammed and compressed into a tight clit, the walls of her forming pussy hugging the cock inside, her whole body throbbing as she moaned for the camera, giggling as her final hunk came inside, her body blissfully shaking as she got her first taste of a female orgasm.


The former demon hunter was now more of a cock slayer, her sexy bod trembling with happy feelings, her pussy dripping, hungry for more. She was disappointed when the director yelled "CUT!" She wanted more cock in her, more dicks to fuck and suck and play with.

"Like, director how many more shots of these do I have left?"

"Well we only have one day here so we'll be fucking and filming all day. I think we have about twenty more rounds to go so once they're all ready-"

"YAAAAAY~! C'mon guys like, hurry it up I'm super super horny right now and we got the schedule and stuff."

She was touching them as she spoke, smiling as a few of them were already starting to get back to hard. There was a small voice whining about stuff she didn't understand, using words that were too big for her and it was annoying. Thankfully a full day of fucking made it slowly die away until whatever it was saying was just giggles and moans, which was way more, like, fun to listen to than complaining. This was going to be like, such an awesome day!

God looked down at his slutty enemy, laughing at how easy it had been and going down the list of people who had fucked with him over the years. After all, Stacee seemed to be loving the punishment, and he was sure that she wouldn't mind a few more costars to join her…


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