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"Hey we're short on like two months and I need your part of the rent asap dude."

"Short?! Are you making fun of- Oh right the rent. Shit James I forgot. Uh, could I get you back in a week or-"

"Oh cut the crap Caleb, you're literally playing gacha games in front of me!"

"That's why I need more time, I just put a bunch of my last paycheck into getting some special loot crates and you know, they weren't chea-"

"LOOT CRATES?! We might be getting sent out on our asses for Christmas and you're focused on freaking loot crates?!"

"They're special! Besides it's a limited holiday event tie in and I already bought them for a few games so all we can do is just wait for the rolls. Plus you play gacha stuff all the time so-"

"Yeah! After I pay my bills and save! And what kind of bullshit special drops could make half a paycheck worth-"


Both roommates jumped at the random banging, James worried that their landlord would be on the other side with an eviction notice and a german shepherd. Still, if they broke the door down, they'd likely charge them for that too, so James ended up walking to the door while Caleb's phone stood slack in his hand, the screen going wild as the words "Secret Rare Six Stars Loot Acquired!" If he had seen it, he would have likely gotten pissed off since there was no tangible reward, at least not on the phone.

James let out a relieved sigh when there was no one on the other side, two decently sized packages left there instead, both rectangular and feeling hefty as he lifted them.

"Did you order something Caleb? These're addressed here but there's no return address."

Caleb shook his head, equally confused as he took the top one off the stack, shifting it as the contents thumped about.

"I think it's a sword."


James stared in disbelief as Caleb began tearing through the packaging.

"There's no way it's a-"


To James's surprise it was a sword, an expensive looking one at that as Caleb struck a pose.

Caleb looked completely lame, his dark hair left in greasy tangles and given how short he was, the sword threatened to overshadow him. James couldn't say anything though, considering he was basically a stick with some blonde matting on top, his lankiness worsened by how skinny he was no matter how much he ate or worked out. Thankfully the one left for him was smaller and lighter, a black, angled blade that had a button on the hilt. Something about it looked familiar, but James was just happy to have something that could probably be resold for a few months rent, so why not goof off in turn even if it was a struggle to keep it held in the air for long. In his fumbling to pose, the button got pressed, James nearly dropping it as red LED's suddenly popped up on the top, the shock covering a slight discharge that zapped his fingers, the nails scorched black.

"Pfft what a puss- GAH!"

Caleb meant to mock his friend with a casual pose, forgetting just how top heavy a real sword could be as it suddenly swung down in a clockwise motion, shearing off the front of his bangs and just barely missing his face, though the side did bounce against his thigh, slashing him laterally. Caleb yelped more out of shock than pain, his surprise doubled when he saw only a thin slice of red, the blinding pain he expected merely a dull throb.

"Are you hff okay Caleb?"

James was starting to feel strange, likely the start of a migraine, except the pressure seemed to be traveling around. It wasn't good or bad, just uncomfortable, his hands twitching as their grip was forced to shift by the subtle slimming of the digits. Caleb nodded, confused by the sight of the thin line of red healing over, except a line remained, one of pristine, pale skin and the more he looked at it the more he could swear it was spreading.

It was smooth, shockingly so, a warm surge accompanying its spread as the silky sheen eventually wrapped around the full length of his thigh, the soothing warmth and the incredible touch of it against his ball disarming him as Caleb moaned instead of screaming, something hot and slippery squirming into the meat of his thigh. Caleb motioned for James to see this, but he was moving to the kitchen to grab some Excedrin. Caleb tried to speak up, but all that left were confused gasps, his thigh throbbing as fat and muscle swelled. It felt exceptional, the plushness covering a layer of hardened strength, the thickness squeezing against his balls as he moaned, unable to deny how good it felt. A sudden gasp was followed by the cramped space loosening somewhat, his thigh more angled, though his relief lasted until he felt the straps of his shorts digging into his hips, the bulging pelvic bone rounding before his eyes as the same pleasant heat pooled inside his ass.

James didn't care about the weird moans coming from the living room, his head pounding, a weirdly concurrent pressure in his spine building with what would likely be a bitch of a migraine. He downed two pills and drank water from the sink, swallowing them both while nursing his head. It felt so bad, he swore he could feel bumps pressing against the skin.

"Ugh shit man, I think I'm gonna have to lie down or something my head's killing... k-ki-"

His knees actually went weak, the couch thankfully there to break his fall as he grunted. There really were bulges in his skull, the skin of his scalp denting up and looking like something hard was slowly drilling its way up, a similar sight pressing back against the hem of his pants. The pressure was becoming unbearable, the tipping point approaching as his forehead throbbed, his spine rumbling, and Caleb could only watch as both him and his friend's changes kicked into gear.


James screamed it out as two goldish brown horns tore through his skin, glistening as they dragged themselves out of his scalp. It was a glorious release of pressure, his sigh rising to a moan as his spine clenched downwards, snapping into an arch as the skin above his cheeks split open. A solid foot of height was pulled out, the muscle coiling together inside a responsive blue tube, the initial blood of the split trailing off into frayed edges of James's new tail as it swung about. James was trying to understand what he was feeling and failing, pleasure masking any pain as his back snapped into an exaggerated arch, his face digging into the cushions to stifle the jolts of arousal pulsing through his body.

His mind wasn't equipped to handle a tail, instinct and ecstasy controlling the whip like organ as it slashed at his clothing, smacking his ass in its lacerations to leave his bottoms bare as the brush like end teased around his asshole. As amazing as it felt, James wasn't just going to not see what the hell was happening, whipping his head around to get a look only for his horns to tear into the back of the couch. This left him deadlocked, unable to fight back as his new tail rammed into his virgin butthole, pain and pleasure coursing through his body as his prostate was pierced.

Caleb wasn't content to sit around and watch his friend be violated, but his body was controlling poorly, his left leg twitching as strength and girly, sporty curves trickled down his leg, his attempt to help ending with him slamming to the ground, squealing with James as his hard cock felt battered by the carpet. The changes intensified as if to heal that pain, his hands rushing from the front to the back as fat and muscle surged, forcing him to squirm and moan as plump ass cheeks rose under his hands like exquisite pillows, firm and soft and driving his cock to the hardest it had been in a good while as his right side was beginning to even out the changes.

His horny mind wanted to bask in it, his groin in a vice grip as both legs matched in angles, Caleb unable to help himself as he squeezed his junk between them, feeling his shoes plop off as shrinking feet popped and curved into dainty delights. The cut hair from before had regrown, blonde streaks spreading amidst his black mane, turning it from oily trash to the radiant locks of a lion. Well, lioness would prove to be more accurate, his cries rising as he crushed his own balls between his new athletic supports, his eyes prickling as they widened to proud, glaring emeralds.

But what did he have to be proud about? What did he have to be happy about in this situation? Glancing at his moaning friend, seeing their ass cheeks swelling as the dripping tail end was diving in and out of their jostling crack, it came to him. He at least had the choice of progressing his changes, not having to submit to them unwillingly. This prideful excuse for indulging in lust suited him nicely as he began to jack off to his friend's distressed cries, grinning as his male hands softened to give his cock a regal farewell show, each change enticing him further into his growing persona.

There was no such tact with James, his body being fucked into submission as he made tatters of the couch, squealing as he could feel his prostate dimpling, cum pouring out his cock with every harsh jab as his g spot crumbled into a warm womb. The tail had entered him with only a flat expanse of ass, and left sliding between a thick booty, James wondering how he could be this hard after cumming so much. The respite was short lived, his eyes darting down towards his exposed cock as the tail caressed his balls, teasing them expertly as it coiled around his shaft, the tip condensing before his eyes into a thin point until tightening around his balls, a high pitched squeak all he could get out before the tip dived into his cock's slit.

His screams rang out, his body writhing as the tail turned his penetrator into an entrance, slowly widening what it stuck in as his cock began to feel hollow and pliable. The constricting coils around his balls were only adding to the impossible ecstasy, each orgasm spilling back into his body, little bumps swimming up from his shrinking balls past his stomach to pool into his chest. His still somewhat lanky frame was starting to tip forward, James not realizing his breasts were dragging him down as more and more girth flowed inside, his nipples nearly as sharp as his horns as they stabbed into the cushioning. A gush of clear fluids bubbled up out of his tip in a sudden flow, both his testicles strangled fully, the squishy sacks slipping inside with a rubbery squelch.

The sensation was indescribable, his chest heaving with growth, weighing him down as clearer gushes of fluids poured out around his tail, the feathery ends drilling in to usher his balls into proper womanhood. Now he was thankful to be stuck to the couch, biting down to stifle the wild screams as the girth of his tail pressed down. Each thrust pleasured his cock utterly while shoving it in a solid inch, wet goopy churns and stifled screams all James could do as his cock flattened out. Near the end, the entire shaft softened, gushing out cum as it was expertly inverted, her screams unable to be restrained as her pussy was split open by her swinging tail. When it stopped, she was exhausted, her body devoid of strength, the end of her tail sliding out as James tried to regain her bearings from her first female orgasm.

"AAhh~ ahh C-Caleb what's h-ahhh~ppening to me? Shit I c-can't get up with these things-"

"Ooh, braAHHgging about your breasts now are we Chames? Are you trying to get a rise out of me? Your sexy body's done that plenty already."

Caldreb was jerking it, clearly loving the changes as his free hand actively worked to dominate his own body, starting with his face as he pinched his lips to plump, inviting size, his nose popping easily as his jaw gave into his touch like it was paper instead of bone. Even if he didn't have such a lovely sight in front of him, the pleasure of his own hands would have been enough, his stomach gurgling as his balls tensed before spewing out their load. It was like all the fat in his body was draining with every release, the ridges of his slightly pudgy stomach flattening into the abs of a goddess, or at the very least a strong queen, Caldred moaning as his core was whittled down into pure athletic wonder.

"Oh my god! What the fuck's happening to you Mordred?! Wait, no your name's NNGH M-Moooohrdred~ ahhh fuuuuck~..."

The tail was teasing her slit, Mordred smiling as he watched her own musculature begin to grow.

"Mmm thanks for reminding me of my name, Chen! You should just give in, simpering doesn't fit who you are becoming besides-"

Mordred clutched a nipple, crushing it until it bloated to her liking, desire racing through as he cupped the burgeoning muscle around it and pulled.

"-if you act like a bitch, you get fucked lik- Ohhh gawwd yes!"

His cum spat out in wild flows as breasts grew, hard nipples rising in the air as plenty of fat swelled below, driving his pleasure deeper as he groped his rising bosom. He was losing himself to the lust, moaning as his jerking became more violent, the smack of his palms against his balls growing louder until the feeling of his balls pressing tightly became stronger than that of jerking it, one hand working his other pec into a matching boob while the other pressed down on his testicles. There was a tender burn, like that of a good work out as he jabbed each ball inside, knowing they were reforming into better, stronger pieces, not even thinking as he shoved down on his cock, laughing between squeals as she came.

Chanes wanted desperately to get away from the room, Mordred's moans making it hard to concentrate, her tail lightly teasing her dripping pussy lips to keep her hot and bothered. It was disturbing that her roommate's name had slipped from her mind, each memory of who he used to be edited to bring up thoughts of the domineering, blonde powerhouse, though she was much more powerful than that freak with daddy issue-

Shit shit that was the new voice speaking up, she couldn't give in like her friend. But god dammit her weak frame couldn't carry the fatty treasures now hanging off her chest and behind, their supple fullness arousing and trapping her as she pitied her lack of strength, something that could be rectified if she just submitted to-

"Ooh that feels, gooood~. No WAIT!"

It was too late, her tail plunging back in as she could feel something pumping into the viscera of her body, her eyes rolling as her weakness was overrun by feminine strength. A mixture of muscle and fat was pooling where her body needed it, her thighs smooshing together, her arms gaining softly defined bulk, her bones crunching under the raw strength pouring over them as some of her lost height was added to her calves and waist, ridges starting to press against her pale skin.

Her sword was glowing, the red light hypnotizing as her eyes took in its glow, widening as a pleasant pulsing spread from her horns, the roots of her blonde tuft corrupting into an oily blue. The changes were almost over, so she tried to not lose anymore of herself, repeating her name incessantly as if it was a hymn that could stop this, "Chames Chames Chanes Chanes Chenes Chens Ch- AHHH~ MORDRED STOP!"

"Why don't you make me Chen," she teased her as she slid a few fingers into her struggling friend's slit, mixing with her tail as their lips met. She tried to ignore her arousal, running into the nearest room only to fall onto her bed, Mordred smirking mockingly at the new location, finding it fitting for the fun.

"Ah so this is what you wanted from me. You only had to ask."

"No please Mordred this isn't us! I'm Je- Che-EHHHHHN!"

She screamed it out as Mordred continued where they left off, fingering her with both hands while her mouth found Chen's breasts soft and responsive. Chen was drowning in ecstasy, forgetting her name, her past, unable to mourn what she was losing as her increased power rewarded her for giving in, her personality warping with every jab to her clit. Her abs grew defined, her body brimming with power, a rapturous look on her face as she pulled Mordred towards her and initiated the next phase of their encounter. Her feverish kissing made short work of her face, her features collapsing into something less smug than Mordred, but brimming with confidence, her legs wrapping around her playmate as she smiled down.

"I'll be on top now Mordred, got it?"

There was still some small piece of her old self rattling about her mind, struggling to fight this, but the view of Mordred finding herself restrained, nervously smiling as Chen's tail began to creep towards her own slit, the domination crushed it as she dove in to enjoy her lucky pull.

While they loudly fucked, the landlord came down, annoyed at the racket, especially given how lenient he had been. The last thing he needed in the middle of the night was this shit as he hobbled down to their floor, ready to demand payment. The smell of sex was strong as he entered, spots on his mid grade carpeting that'd definitely come out of their deposit and the noise alone was grounds to-


The sound nearly gave him a heart attack, Caleb's phone on a counter near the entrance, glowing in the landlord's face as it showed a notification for a new prize in some weird game called Genny Impact or some other nonsense. Well the phone could be good collateral if they didn't have the money so he grabbed it, somehow opening the screen as it showed one of the packs left bought but unopened, the landlord's thumb pressing twice as it rolled out onscreen to show a special six star prize, a blonde girl named Jean staring intensely as the phone glowed, shocking the landlord as it turned into an elegant sword that pulsed like something alive in his hands. Black gloves sprouted from the hilt, wrapping his hand in a tight fitting piece as the fingers youthened, white fabric spilling out next racing against the youthful skin climbing over his body as breasts and hair grew, cocks shriveled and a panicked yelp turned into an ecstatic shriek.

Mordred and Chen didn't balk when their third guest turned up, her pants thoroughly soaked and her face like that of a woman on a mission, a horny, fanservicey event that'd outdo any beach cosmetic pack the developers could imagine as they dragged the overly serious woman onto the mattress. And as the different franchise girls split the reward of three lucky pulls, the thought of rent was forgotten, the only use for money now that of how many other franchises they could luck out on, and how many angry neighbors would fall to the Gacha Gods before the night was over.


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