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Ryu was between tournaments, focusing on meditation as he seeked inner guidance on where he would go next. While he usually preferred traveling he was currently holed up in his gym, focusing on continuing to improve wherever he found deficiencies. It was a nice time for solitude, the gym empty, the owners happy to have such a well regarded champion using it as they left him to his own devices.

Yes it was a perfect time to ignore the world and focus entirely on himself and imagine just what he should aim for ne-

"Oh good. I finally have you all to myself. I've grown sick of all your friends playing interference every time I've tried to spar with you. Surely such a strong, muscular fighter isn't scared of getting a bit sweaty with me."

He recognized that voice anywhere. Then again, it was hard to forget anyone as flamboyantly themselves as Juri, her every word a provocation, whether to fight or something else depended on where her interests lay. It was a bit bothersome that the woman who pushed everyone away seemed to pursue him intensely, but there was little he could do to quell whatever desires led her to him. After all, denying Juri anything only made her that much more obsessed.

"What do you want Juri?"

"Oh my, straight to the point as always and yet I have to take such roundabout methods to sneak in alone time. I come with an intriguing new challenge for you, one that I bet you'll love. If you pass it you'll be free of that disgusting Satsui no Hado inside. But we must hurry before the month is over."

Ryu was intrigued yet confused, excited to hear about a way to dispel his unfortunate bloodlust, but what the month had to do with it he had no idea.

"It is November? What does thi-"

Juri clapped in mock support.

"Yes very good. I am happy to see you've passed the first part. But are you willing to go through the Triple N challenge?"

As always with her, the teasing was there, each word implying that he didn't have the ability to beat whatever she had in mind. This was an attack on his pride, one that he could not just ignore. Besides despite her sadistic nature, she had never seemed all that interested in destroying him and she could be generally helpful though she'd always be bitchy about it and get angry if you thanked her.

"Fine I accept. What kind of challenge is this? I shall tackle it head on!"

A chill suddenly crept up his spine, the air turning still as Juri's left eye glowed bright purple.

"Mmm~ how wonderful! I knew you'd want us to jump right to it once that bitch Sakura was out of the way. This is a contract, a binding one and you know how much I love things that bind! Now prepare yourself Ryu I won't go easy on you! And I swear if you go easy on me I'll make your last moments hell on earth before showing you heaven."

That answered none of his questions, but he was surprised this was just going to be a fight with her. Usually there was something more conniving, complications abounding anything Juri did but perhaps if they finally had a proper bout she'd focus on someone else.

"Alright come at- Gah! J-Juri what are you-?"

She opened her top, letting her breasts fall freely, her nipples barely cloaked by the sides of it as her body was already soaked in sweat. He quickly took a shaky fighting stance as she pulled something out from between her breasts, clutching it in her teeth as she took a run at him. Whatever he expected proved to be wrong as she suddenly leaped in the air, only as he turned thinking she was trying to get behind him, instead her thighs clamped down over his face, something hot and wet pressing against the back of his head.

"We're not going to fight you fucking walking thyroid though it does begin with F! Lets see if every part of you's been trained to its peak! LET'S FUCK GOLDEN BOY!"

His protests were squashed between her thighs, his attempts at throwing her met with her body clinging all the more tightly as her versatile feet stretched low to undo his black belt, her toes flicking his pants down to the floor.

"Trying to get me off already? I knew you understood what I wanted Ryu but it seems like you're a bit skittish. Let me loosen you up a bit. There is some fun to be found in foreplay after all."

Her feet were now toying with his cock, her hips grinding her pussy against his head as his attempts to shake her off weakened, his body unable to deny the building lust. It was demeaning to be toyed with like this, his cock bulging out against his will, his nostrils bathed in the scent of Juri's horny body, his mind screaming at him to run while every instinct in his body wanted her to continue.

Eventually he was subdued, grunting as he weakly tried to shrug her off, his legs turning to jelly as every inch of his cock was services, her soles going up and down while toes flicked and massaged his balls. The veins on his forehead and the back of his neck were throbbing, turning Juri on as she could feel his blood flowing harder, trying to resist her charms.

"My what a struggle you're putting up. I'm almost offended you haven't blown yet, but then again I was holding back, after all there's a sure way to make you bust instantly. How about it Ryu? If you can take this I'll stop, otherwise it's my victory."

He could only grunt, gasping as he suddenly felt her big toe jab up into the space between his balls, the rest of the foot wrapping around his left testicle and squeezing. He had trained to never give up, to never give in, but that was in battle. In sex he was a complete novice and her skill was too strong, her body too hot, his cock too-


Juri fell off as thick spurts of cum jettisoned out his might shaft, the fighter falling to his knees as Juri's eye gleamed happily.


As pure and noble as Ryu was, it wasn't like he hadn't had his teenage years or wet dreams. He knew at least what release felt like, but this was something different, each spurt feeling like his core was being gouged, his body forced to enjoy it as he moaned. Cumming had never felt this draining, this intensive before. Looking down immediately confirmed something was wrong, his cum coming out black and sticky, shocks of purple and pink flashing through the miasma. Wherever it landed it stuck, flattening and turning skin tight, the flecks coating his legs and stomach. His cock was tightly coated in the black goo, his horrified moans creaking a bit as he felt it constrict, noticeable pressure around his latex covered cock. The outlined features of his muscles in black made it more obvious why it felt so draining, his body like a punctured tire, his muscle flattening down as it spewed out his cock before stopping.

Juri relished in his horror, turned on by the pitiable squeals as he tried to stop the flow of corruption, fingering herself as the first round of release left his lower half fully coated in the start of a body suit, up to the pit of his navel with various specks of black dotting his musculature like a goth Jackson Pollock. He was still bulky, but it was less exaggerated, as if two years of training had been undone in the stroke of a cock.

"Wh-What did you do to meEEE?!"

One final bubble of black popped out, this one purple as it added a color coordinated band around his hips, digging in like a sumo fundoshi between his legs. To add to the embarrassment his voice had croaked, sounding more kiddish than his usual bass rumble.

"You're the one who agreed to it! What, is it my fault you barged headfirst into a fight you can't comprehend? God you look so scared and weak, it's making me wet. I'm going to drain you of everything until you can enjoy this suffering as much as me!"

She stalked towards him, loving his blushing features as he tried to get back to his feet, his heels slick with solidifying latex, his usual fighting stances leaving his erect cock sticking out. He had gone from a fearsome foe to helpless pervert, but even if his figure looked like a Greek statue, Juri knew there was something far more powerful lurking behind that marble. She just needed to force it out. Ryu could barely keep up with her kicks, made worse by how clear she was making it that she wasn't even trying, yawning between some while it was taking him everything just to retaliate.

"This is the best you can do? Pitiful! Oh how the mighty have fallen, though there's still one part of you that seems like it's up to the challenge."

"S-Stay ba-ACK!"

In the blink of an eye she had caught his hands, twisting his body around into a painful lock, her body grinding against his.

"Can you feel how hot I am right now? Can you feel how hard my nipples are?"

He could, her open top letting her nipples press against his back, their hardness cutting through his Gi's back as she began to hump him slowly.

"Stop this madness Juri! What do you gain from this?!"

"Oh I gain plenty from dominating one of the world's strongest. I haven't felt this gratified since I redestroyed Seth's body and forced his consciousness to watch from a fucking Tamagotchi. But I'm not the only one standing to gain from this. I'm giving you a preview of what yours are going to feel like. Want a taste?"

With that she let go of his arms and instead grabbed his nipples, pinching them violently as Ryu found himself overwhelmed with pain. And yet, despite how painful it was, something began to feel good about the pain, his cock throbbing as his eyes rolled up.

"Ahhh~ wh-what is this NNGH AH AH S-TAHHHP I CAN'T TAKE-"

She knew so she twisted them at that moment, making the fighter squeal as he came.

The tender flesh swelled under Juri's rough handling, turning a vibrant pink, the same color as her eyes, throbbing as they hardened to sharp discs. Juri cooed happily, feeling his chest throb as her fingers danced along his pecs, his screams a serenade she was conducting as she pried into the hard muscle, stabbing it with her nails before scrunching it inwards. Ryu's knees quivered together, his strength gone as more and more muscle blasted out his cock, pink and purple now the primary shades as too tight leggings formed, the pink parts clasping around his feet while his balls engaged in a seemingly endless cycle of surging and releasing. The room was climbing up around him, an inch or two lost as his frame grew more lithe, his hard earned muscle forced out and all he could do was moan as the pleasure continued to climb.

Whatever she was doing to his chest felt unworldly, the sharp pricks of pain adding to it, his brain changing to find pain just as important as pleasure. Even with his arms freed they just dangled at his sides, twitching as Juri teased the flesh, pounding the muscle under her fingers as it slowly pooled behind his wider nipples.

"Ohh~ oh p-pleassse..."

It felt so good, his mind unsettled on what it wanted to ask, her nails diving back into his pecs as two small beestings sat at the center of his muscle's plateau. Another inch lost, another year of muscle stolen as the rest of his pecs were mashed into fat, the fighter squealing as he found his nipples even more responsive as Juri gave his small tits a proper squeeze.

"Ohhh m-MOOOORE~! Wait no I didn't- OHHHHH~!"

"Well how could I say no when you asked so nicely?"

There wasn't any more muscle to stab into so she just did whatever worked for her usually, dragging her limp puppet of an opponent down to the floor as he begged for more or for her to stop. And then she grabbed his hands.

"I can't do this all myself Ryu. You're going to have to put in some work yourself now."

She wrapped them around his cock, forcing him to jerk it, the sensitive meat chafing instantly at the rough touch of his fingers. It felt like it was going to combust as she increased the rate, though as he grunted with little to show, she seemed to realize something.

"Oh my, you really are becoming quite the fucking perv aren't you Ryu? You get a small taste of my body and suddenly nothing else will do? Not that I can blame you, here, let me get you into the mood..."

She crushed his hands with a tender accuracy that rivaled a masseuse, popping and shifting the muscles and tendons into identical shapes, rough skin peeling to sinfully soft and slender digits, spats of cum dribbling down to coat his growing nails in black polish. Soon his palms were moisturized and shrunken, their touch sending his balls surging back to life as she forced them up and down, or at least, he thought she forced them. Shamefully when he looked down she wasn't even holding them, his own body betraying him as he played with himself until the ooze was bubbling up once more, his hands instinctually aiming his cock upwards for the next step of the change.


It was too late to stop, half a foot of height shoving in and out his cock as black miasma spewed out, covering his chest and arms in the fluid as it quickly merged together into a constricting bodysuit, its tightness pressing close as his arms visibly spewed out their muscle. Losing such strength felt impossibly good, his tongue lolling as they turned svelte and slim, the bodysuit connecting down, the black splotches strangling his neck as it solidified. With his tongue hanging down in such a rain, specks of the dark fluid struck it, his eyes popping open as if winched apart, a tangy electrical flavor zapping its way through his brain as a narcotic high filled him. It was freeing his inhibitions, changing his desires, and as one eye began to tinge itself electric pink, Juri slotted herself onto his lap.

She stared him in his eyes, annoyed that she still had to crane up slightly as she unzipped her bottoms.

"Before you give out entirely-"

Her hands clenched upon his shoulders like the talons of some massive bird, the bones creaking before she forced them to angle, her captive prey moaning in rapturous horror as his broadness was shaped as easily as a clay statue, his eyes watering as they stared into her glowing, pink irises.

"-you must know what I want-"

Now she was hugging his back, careful not to rush things and crush his waist too early, loving every pitiful whimper and moan that came pouring out as she forced him down to her height, each vertebrae snapping into shape like they were kernels of popcorn, the visceral meaty noise only turning her on more as her dripping slit hung over his cock.

"-DON'T YOU?!"

Her gaze was hypnotizing, its hunger infectious as the glow of her stare seemed to paint his own, his other iris wobbling as pink bubbled up to the surface. Juri's desires were burrowing into his head, toying with his memories, mocking his resistance as he felt her slit now brushing against his cock, his hands still working at it as he knew she wouldn't initiate. Ryu tried his best, struggling to fight against the insatiable lust, the raw need as he could smell her cunt's dark desires filling the room with a sickly sweet scent, his jaw clenching tighter and tighter. Squirming one last gust of dark cum spewed out, purple and pink as it connected to the fundoshi below, turning into a replica of Juri's full body battle suit. Every inch of him was bound and heaving, struggling under Juri's clothes, Juri's wants, and Juri herself. He could feel his jaw grinding itself down into something sharper, crueler, all his honor feeling idiotic for a second as he gave in for only a second, but that was all it took to thrust upwards, his hands slamming her face to his as their narcissistic coupling began.

It didn't take long for Juri's influence to propagate, her own teeth ripping off those ugly slugs he called lips to reveal what she wanted, two sets of plump, pernicious puckers slipping around one another, the intensity of their makeout making short work of the rest of his facial structure until a copy of her visage was smiling back at her. The only sign he wasn't completely gone was in his left eye, crying weak tears as it wrenched itself in a way most unlike her, but that was fine with her. Juri didn't want him to be a two pump chump who couldn't even satisfy her for more than a minute, she had waited years to sample this gourmet slab of meat and she wanted to savor every moment of the devouring.

"That all you got pretty boy?! Fuck me before I crush this fucking worm you call a cock or I'll-"


Even Juri was caught off guard by the sudden outburst, his right pupil shining as Ryu rolled over on top of her, thrusting every inch of his cock in as his body pulsated happily, urging him on into deeper depravity as his balls slapped against her lips, even them shoving down into her hungry slit as the two screamed in bliss.

Curses Ryu never even knew, much less could have imagined speaking were being screamed at the top of his lungs, his cock slamming deep into Juri's muscles as for the first time in the fight he took the upper hand. Pain and pleasure poured into every inch of him, tenderizing his muscle, softening it, the bodysuit pulling taut as it forced his bulky body to compress further, a feminine diamond forming from all that bulky muscle. Juri yanked his hair, pulling it longer as she wrapped her mouth around his, sucking in like a vacuum until the bulging muscles of his neck relented, a squishy lump popping upwards as she separated, his Adam's Apple in her teeth. It slipped out right as he struck her clit hard, Juri squealing as hot ecstasy ran through both, hot cum ready to flow.

It pissed her off that she had cum first, that stupid resistance the likely culprit in keeping him from busting. She had underestimated him, the heat of the changes too much for even her perversion to hold back, his cock dragging her down a widening hole of ecstasy, her walls tightening as she moaned.


He was fucking her raw, her muscles screaming, her pussy bruised and beaten, but that only made her want more as she lost the ability to taunt, caught up in the tumultuous temper of her monstrous lover. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve, his loss only half solidified as she caressed the meat of his stomach. It was softer than before, all that tenderized muscle sloping inwards, his sides trembling with every slam on the verge of collapse. Juri knew just where to grip it, where she had to strangle as they shattered inwards, his screams a match for hers as she pulled it into a taut, form, the rest of it surging up and down.


The shock of change sent him ramming deeper, his balls throbbing as his member gained another inch, splitting Juri further as her insides strained to encase his manhood. They rolled about the floor violently, his own spasms her own with how close they were as his bee stings surged, teased and pinched by the tight bodysuit making him all the closer towards release. They grew and grew, two massive breasts heaving as their heft was kept upwards by the confines of his latex, though his nipples seemed ready to slash their way out at any second. Juri purposefully slammed hers against his, doubling their pleasure as her hands crept towards his swelling bottom. Though she couldn't talk, she could definitely squeeze, driving both of them to their limits as his ass swelled out to a monstrously thick booty.

Ryu couldn't hold back anymore and Juri couldn't take much as his ass dimples around her hands, stretching the latex limits of the bodysuit stretching tightly. The final blow to his groin came as Juri slammed her legs together, clenching her muscles tightly as they constricted around his balls, forcing him to let out every drop of their prized masculinity. Ryu screeched like a wild beast as he came, Juri slamming back onto the floor in blissful delirium as his cock erupted, coating her insides with hot, masculine vigor, no black or purple to mar it, just pure white release as she could feel his balls dimpling less and less inside her quaking walls. It was nirvana to her, her pussy sensitized to feel every last microscopic sperm of his wriggling about as they coated her insides, their swaying tails slowing as testosterone and Y chromosomes began to break down inside. She could feel his cum thinning, clearing, burning away the last of what made him a man as despite the massive load that had utterly filled her, only clear, feminine cum came dripping out as Ryu's cock slid out from between her thighs.

"Ohhh n-noooo~! NNGH AHHHH~!"

Ryu was gasping, fumbling at his cock as thinner spurts  dribbled from it, staining the leggings as his balls continued to shrink, forcing out whatever was left inside as the martial artist moaned in terrified pleasure.

"Nggh fuuck FUCK! Y-You lost so- hff hff- oh fuck it just squeal for me I need time to recharge."

Squeal he did, his hips sending out feelers that wrapped around his balls, his eyes shut as they expanded, dragging his balls inside. Warm gushes of cum shot from his cock as his balls fucked him, taking him like a bitch as they rammed their squishy contents further inside his stubborn body. It took plenty of ramming and plenty of orgasms, but finally they slid all the way in, estrogen pumping as his eyes glowed with dark energy, his mind tearing to shreds as he tried to hold on.

Dark thoughts and desires were surging to the forefront, laughing at his honor as they grew all the more emboldened by his ecstatic releases, digging deep into the malleable molds of his brain and squeezing. His left eye still showed resistance but the look was cloudier, his hands out of his control as they dug into his breasts.


The pink bands of his leggings were tightening, his legs locked in place as every muscle tensed itself to their limits, his masculine shape not what the bodysuit wanted as he felt it bear down.

The tension broke with his big toes first, a warm surge softening them as their shape slendered, the joints doubling as an energizing flexibility spread from there. He was moaning as the Jurification ran through his toes, their changes accelerated by the clear fluids dribbling down from his cock onto them, the nails glossy as each toe wriggled with acrobatic glee. Each change sent more of his essence out his cock, his eyes rolling about like marbles as the pink straps forced his arches to snap upwards, his heels grinding down from the press of latex into svelte, sexy feet with all the complex finesse and control as his hands.

The loss of tension was utter bliss, spreading upwards as his fibulas and tibias melted, the soft bone stretching as his calves traded muscle for curves, power for sleek, sexy allure, his knees trembling as they linked up with his hips and twisted inwards. The softness was fast encroaching on his cock, his body jerking as squeals of maddening pleasure poured from his drooling mouth, his thighs swelling like the hug of a succubus, their muscled, pillowy strength wrapping around his cock like twin cobras ready to strike.


His new thighs didn't like that response one bit, slamming together as the softness spread up the hard confines of his cock, the muscle finally ready to blend into Juri's pussy.

His thighs were relentless, rolling his cock between them, striking it, crushing it under their girth as they slid it, angling the shaft upwards as slowly the softening muscle was forced inside. Each blow made the throbbing resistance around his left eye shrink, the pupil shining brighter with madness and hunger as the mighty cock that had subdued Juri was ready to do an encore in an even more intimate manner.

"HAAA~! F-FUUUUUUUCK! I UGH caaaahn't- I CAN'T-!"

His legs now flexed, stretching the muscle between them as a quarter of it suddenly slotted inside, her body throbbing under the power of Juri's lust, her perfection. Feeling a decent chunk of his cock inside was what finally broke any holdout will left to him, every submerged inch now being massaged and dragged deeper under a wave of pulsating muscles, his eyes positively gleaming as he screamed, "I CAN'T WAIT ANY FUCKING LONGER!"

The final surge seemed to go forever, his cock spitting out fluids as any hardness to it was drained out, his mouth opening into the wailing of rebirth mixed with the death screams of Ryu's identity. His left leg was the vector for his cock's end as it began to lift, pulling the muscles of his underside tighter as his cock ever so slowly forced itself inside. As his leg reached a 90 degree split in the air, he began to relish the death throes of his self, laughing as each memory was ejected, that hold on his brain squeezing the Ryu juice from his mind and out his cock. At 135 degrees his cock was barely more than a nub, the slit gushing vaginal juices as he felt a muscular strain. Grabbing it with a hand he yanked once, moaning as his cock nearly pulled inside but flopped out, a second pull driving it in further before ultimately giving out.


And with that her legs snapped to a full 180, her cock imploding with an explosive rush as she felt her pussy pop into existence.


She fingered her new slit, jabbing deep to make sure that pesky worm would never come back, moaning as her old self dribbled down her thighs as hot lubricant. Even now she could still feel his once massive form boring deep into her, the changes not truly finished until it had pounded her prostate into oblivion, her left eye popping as it became artificial. As she stared at her new body, each succulent inch of her curved form brought into relief from her bodysuit, she had only one thing to say.

"I'm fucking hooooorny! Juri get off that fucking floor and face me you bitch! I want a rematch asshole!"

Juri smiled back at her new sister, her own fingers pulling out as she moved up towards er twin, her own pussy just as ready for stimulation.

"What makes you think you could take on the original copycat? You lost so fast~..."

"Ha I lost?! You're the one that couldn't take that pure fucker's dick. YOU were knocked out on the floor flopping about like a fish while I'm still raring to go! Besides that lame fucker should be grateful he got to lose his virginity to me. Now are you up for it or am I going to have to fuck his best friend into a Juri who's got some fucking balls?!"

The two were neck and neck now, breasts pressing against one another, their mouths within striking distance.

"Mmm now there's a thought. Ryu was so easy to break, and if it's just cumming, well half these fight masters couldn't beat their own meat much less us. And an orgy of Juri sounds like a good time."

"Fuuuuck yes now you're speaking my language. But who the fuck should we turn firs-"

The door to the front of the gym rang as Sakura strode in, nervously clutching a love confession for her childhood friend and crush, everything about her screaming innocent virgin as she hesitantly called out, "R-Ryu? I have something I need to- Ehh?!"

The two Juri's smirked, turning to the fresh meat as they spoke in turns, the smell of sex filling the air.

"Just missed him."

"That jacked idiot lost to Juri so now he's ours."

"But hey it's not too late-"

"To save him-"

"It's called the Triple N challenge and we have some time before it runs out."

"Wanna try and save your crush?"

The scared girl trembled without thinking, accidentally nodding as the two Juri suddenly pounced, tearing her clothes off as the former Ryu deflowered his childhood sweetheart, Juri working on her breasts as the corruption began to work its way through her. Both the Juri's laughed as a third's squeals began to mingle with theirs, and soon the horror turned into anger and fucking as they fucked till morning, the bell of the shop ringing as their next victim came in. Before they could even run away, each Juri said the same thing.





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