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If it wasn't so hilarious to her, Asuka might have been pissed. If it wasn't mandated by NERV Shinji would have never allowed this to happen even in the privacy of his room, much less in front of the single most bitchy, domineering person in his life who wasn't his dad.

"Aww, is that a blush on your face? Maybe I should call you Ero-Shinji instead of Baka-Shinji. I bet you're ready to cream your pants knowing I wore that aren't you?"

"Sh-Shut up Asuka!"

"Ooh finally grown a pair Shinji? All it took was a bit of my style and you're already on your way to being a man. If you wear it for a week, maybe you'll grow a spine next."

"Please just stop it."

"Aww what're you going to do, make me? It must suck to know you'll always be second best at the one thing you're good at in the world. Hmm, maybe third, I think Rei at least can follow orders without breaking down like a little-"


"Fine I'll stop. Mein Gott it's just some teasing you baby!"

It had been a disastrous battle the day before, Shinji's synchro rates nosediving as his Eva unit took heavy damage, Asuka annoyed at having to work twice as hard to make up for his deficiencies. Given the destruction and damage to his holding area in the Eva, Shinji was left without an Eva and without a plugsuit for a few days. And since they didn't have a spare for him and they wanted to test sync rates between dual users in one Eva...

"Your ass looks great in my suit by the way. You already possess a girlier figure than me so it really accents how weak and useless you-"

"Please. Just. Stop."

He hated this, his body stuffed into a plug suit made for Asuka in front of all of NERV to watch. He felt naked, which technically he kind of was given how each suit is meant to feel like a second skin, his body awkwardly cupped by curves, his groin feeling squashed inside the suit. He just wanted to do this stupid test, fail and collapse into his room and act like he didn't exist for the rest of the week.

The inside of Asuka's unit was much the same as his own, the usual red lights, their shared Entry Plug equipped with two spots to strap in and prepare for the syncro attempt. Shinji was already dreading every second of this, especially given how close the two pilot areas were, knowing there was no way Asuka wouldn't somehow use this to tease-

"Try not to blow your pathetic load if we touch each other in here Shinji. I know a stupid perv like you'll probably bust the second your stubby little cock touches a girl and I don't need that kind of distraction while I'm carrying the both of us."

"B-But that doesn't make sense we have the plugsuits on so you wouldn’t feel-"

Asuka's face curdled in disgust.

"That was just a joke! Do I really need to worry about you being horny right now? This is a test! What are you an idiot?!"

He knew retorting would just draw out the teasing so he stayed silent, fuming all the while.

"The purpose of this test is to induce higher sync rates and better link up testing pilots-"

"WE KNOW! Mein gott it's like they think we're both stupid. Well they're half right at least."

LCL was beginning to flood the hold, drowning out the rest of the test briefing though Shinji had already read it. It always felt weird when the LCL poured in, all of his instincts still screaming at him to run and get out of the rising tide, but once it went over your head the breathable liquid became more like thick air than anything you could drown in. There was something dirty about it this time though, given how intimate it felt to pilot an Eva, the fact that this was Asuka's fluid he was drowning i- Why did he think of it like that?! His mind was playing tricks on him, the usual orange goop pooling up feeling warmer, smelling scented and fiery and kind of like Asuka. Ugh he really needed to stop having weird thoughts like this, it'd mess the synchro rates and make it last longer. Taking a deep breath the two were submerged inside the LCL, a slight charge running through it as it began.

Shinji wriggled around a bit, starting to feel weird in the LCL. A large counter showed the regular synchro rate and his sync with Asuka, starting at 0 and ticking up. It felt tingly, the LCL entering his body as his synchro was stagnating around 4%, the fluid thickest around his body as he floated in it. Strands were starting to flood his suit, the jelly feeling insulating his suit, other parts of it caressing his naked skin as it filled the loose gaps, making the suit even tighter. Most embarrassing of all was the amount now coating his groin, vibrating around it as it began to feel warm. He must have given a squeak or a groan as Asuka turned towards him.

"What're you doing Shinji? Focus! It's just the usual LCL, what are you stupid?"

Turning around the utterance of her usual phrase felt different this time, the fluid around Shinji thickening more as it jiggled, his mouth clenched as he tried to ignore the feelings around his groin.

It was all in his head, he was just imagining it, there was nothing special about this fluid and it didn't feel good to-

"Alright, lets see if some exercise can get that rating up. Focus Shinji, we're upping the charge slightly in your area. Try to match each other's movements."

He felt the rise, every hair on his body standing straight up from the added energy, the LCL coating every inch of his body as he felt it beginning to rub against his skin, bubbles of discomforted groans popping as their sync rating ticked up another two percent. He tried to match her movements despite the encumbrances, feeling sluggish, each lagging movement causing Asuka to tick, clearly holding back a number of insults as the Eva Unit staggered about. To his horror, the bulge in the suit's codpiece area was starting to jut out visibly, each passing minute showing more. In his distraction he stumbled in their movements, causing the Eva to nearly fall in its test steps, enraging Asuka.

"Ich bin wütend! FOCUS Shinji! I can't move for you! Do you need me to do everything for you?! I wish I was born a twin, then we wouldn't need you!"

Again her words seemed to affect the fluid around Shinji, two of the fluid areas suddenly clamping down on his nipples, his shocked eeps silenced by a flow of LCL down his throat, filling him with that same scent of Asuka, her anger flowing into him. Each EVA was responsive to their owner's emotions, each one aiming to do their best for their specific bonded child. As far as Asuka was concerned Shinji was little more than an invading force and her own EVA was treating him as such, her wishes flowing into him, reshaping him in their overwhelming anger. If he had more of a self to fight back, more of a personality, he might have been able to hold off against her influence, but just like in real life, he was unable to stand up to her power.

The hardened goo was now covering his suit like a shell, moving to Asuka's wishes, their synchro rating rising as he was given no choice but to follow her movements, his body her puppet.

"Gott sei Dank! Now is that so hard? Just follow me Shinji. You never think for yourself, so why should it be any different in here?"

The heat was beginning to feel good as it warmed him, his tension hard to keep up as it flowed over him like a warm blanket. His short cut brown hair was conditioned by the LCL, scrubbing away his dandruff, his color as it bleached the dark hair halfway, leaving brown wisps of color draining out, vibrant orange remaining. The strands were growing, his eyes widening as he saw familiar orange locks float into his view, the mass of LCL in his throat rising as it leaked from his nose, his eyes, his ears. He tried to give a sign of his distress, groaning weakly as he felt his brain surrounded by warm goo, but no sooner did the first muffled shout peter out did his body jolt, the synchro rating rising to 15% as his head was remodeled.

It was like his bones were clay, his skin wax. His body was moving more and more like Asuka's his face shifting to match. As his hair was braided and styled, his nose was molded, the bridge pressed down, giving it a slight upturned curve, his ruddier complexion paling from the neck up. It was invasive and wrong and yet it felt good as the jelly fluids mixed with his eyes, widening their surface area as it flowed into his irises. He could imagine Asuka's voice now, "Your eyes are like muddy ponds, I'm just clearing them out."

The stuff around his brain sparked his serotonin centers at the thought of thinking like Asuka, more stifled moans gurgling up as his pupils turned a clear blue, his lips plumping around the widening LCL tentacle before the pressure popped his jaw to a slender size. The lower mass was rubbing up and down his shaft, adding to the building pleasure, the ooze in his throat fondling his Adam's Apple before leaving it for later, shoving deeper into his maw as he was left gasping, the Eva done with his face.

As far as Asuka was concerned, it sounded like Shinji was already exhausted after barely doing any work, though she had to admit he was at least not completely falling behind.

"Ah no wonder you rarely ever try to exceed. Just a few minutes performing at my level and you're already half dead. If you had trained all your life and weren't an idiot this'd be easy for you."

The LCL was buzzing again, Shinji trying to grab Asuka's attention before more of him changed, scared as he could feel the tentacles intertwining with his muscles, every inch of him alight in warmth.

"A-Asukaah I need help something's GHH!"

His teeth clacked down nearly biting his tongue off, like a warning, his back suddenly pressurized as LCL pressed down on it.

"Pfft I know you need help BAKA! You buckle under any pressure. Hölle, I bet you can barely stand up to gravity. Fight through it Shinji and GROW A SPINE!"

Everything began to creak and shatter in his body, the jellification of his skeleton conversely sending strength through him as his body was reshaped. The few seconds his new skeleton spent reforming were peaceful, warm, the LCL meant to act similarly to amniotic fluid and in many ways this was a rebirth. The suit was feeling less tight where it used to be, the fluids sewing into his bones, his muscles, merging with them as his waist was tightened, the featureless length of his abs throbbing as they condensed into svelte, athletic muscle. He never knew it felt this good to be in shape, not just stagnantly remaining a rake, but being stronger, sexier, god he was an idiot for wasting so much time moping about.

Their synchro ratings were creeping up and up, steadily moving past the twenties, the thirties, Shinji's spine snapping under the pressure as he grew a curved spine, his chest and ass flaunting themselves as he groaned through pursed lips. Asuka didn't seem to notice, relieving him, his mind not wanting to alert her even if that didn't make sense. His mouth remained shut as if stapled that way, his voice only echoing in his own head as his hips were slowly forced apart, his slender frame not needing many adjustments to fit its new model. Strength reworked itself into his arms, making them slender, the skin long since dredged of all imperfections into a pale, German cream, his fingers clenching as he felt nails dig into palms, his grip tightening. It felt ecstatic, his pathetic cock long past its breaking point, stoppered by the LCL as his balls swelled, his body needing release. Gott it felt so good, if only this raspy, whimpered shit he called a voice would change, if only he could, if she could give in! His silence finally ended as his body bucked, the fluid around his chest and dick stabbing into the tender flesh.

Shinji kept forgetting he was supposed to fight against it, moaning as the strength was bolstered with fat, his nipples pried wider as LCL slipped inside and poured in delectable plushness. He had always wondered how they felt, crying out as the first surges thickened them more, soft dimpled lumps beginning to crowd the formerly loose cups.

"Go on Shinji, touch them, I know you've always lusted after my body, how you wanted to BE me."

Asuka's voice was in his head, his brain aching as more of her memories were flowing into the cracks of his thoughts, her mannerisms and desires spreading. She teased him into moving his hands towards them only to rip them away, giggling inside his head like a parent smacking their child's hands from the cookie jar.

"Ooh you think you're good enough for those? You think I'd let you touch them even if we're sharing a body now? You and I both know you're not worth it."

He wanted to tell her to shut up, to let him enjoy it, but disturbingly he agreed. Every part of him was feeling better, stronger, sexier, his head shooting back as he squealed out happily, her breasts surging outwards to their full size as the contours of the cups squeezed his erect nipples tightly. Asuka during all this was confused, then disturbed, unable to grasp what the hell she was hearing.

"What the hell's wrong with you Shinji?"

That did nothing to stop the moans, the grunts, the heated noises of pleasure making her blush as their synchro rating rocketed up past the halfway mark, already most of the way through the 60's.

"SHUT UP SHINJI! Stop those fucking noises right now arschloch! I know you're a pervert, but do it away from me you fucking freak dummkopf!" It was the popping noises and sudden screech of his breasts coming in, his ribcage popping down tighter that made her turn, shrieking as she saw Shinji turning into her, his cock massive in its outline as the lack of focus sent their EVA tumbling down, breaking as the plug module ejected.

In the sudden spastic movements, the two pilots lost all orientation, the world switching up for down more times than they could count, Asuka banging her head against the control panel as she passed out, Shinji's body struggling to keep it together as they came to a sudden stop. LCL began to drain, offering a slight reprieve from Asuka's thoughts as his head rose above the falling levels, but that didn't stop the fluids from crowding, still wishing to follow their pilot's desire. His cock looked torturously swollen, the LCL pouring in from there, engorging the organ as it swelled tightly under the skintight suit, rubbing against the soft skin of his belly as his balls throbbed harshly. It was pleasure so strong it burned, his body thrashing about as his buttocks swelled with fatty LCL, his thighs growing to perfect fits in his suit. His leg bones were still reforming as he broke free from his usual pilot restraints, his feet finishing their reformation as he dragged himself from the escape hatch, moaning as he felt himself resting on the precipice of total erasure.

"Mein gott! It's so hard! I-I need to give in and expel this stupid rrgh shut up Asuka!"

There were orders from NERV screaming out from the control panels, Shinji screaming at them to fuck off as his voice wavered up a little. He was shockingly close to the town, in fact, he could see where Misato's place was, running as the LCL left in his suit either drained or flowed inside his body. It was the suit, this fucking spare suit allowing the changes to worsen, his cock throbbing as his plush thighs scraped against his balls, the feathery touch bringing him closer and closer to cumming. He needed it to stop so he could think, to let his cock cool down. As long as he had that, surely he would just turn back over time, but that'd require a part of him to actually fight back and his disgustingly passive self couldn't compare to the body of one of the best pilots in the SHUT UP ASUKA!

Running inside, he groaned, tearing at the suit, gasping as cold air hit his sensitive new body. Everything felt so heightened, his skin singing as he struggled to hold in his desires, pausing as he realized he was in front of a mirror. His cock throbbed, the plugsuit peeling off slowly, revealing her naked form like a striptease, his mind racing as he saw bare shoulders, then her perky breasts, each inch revealing more and more of his most shameful wet dreams. The moans gurgled out, rising to Asuka's bitchy voice, her angry tones spewing out venom as he subconsciously went, "I bet you like this you dirty perv. I bet you'd do anything to fuck a real woman!"

Shit what was he saying, this was wrong, he had to focus. Just saying that like her had made precum moisten his now exposed tip, Asuka's naked radiance showing to him, only marred by a his cock, her body open to his every-

"UGH you Ero-Shinji! You don't want to stop this, you just wanted to see me naked you sick freak!"

Suddenly he was a passenger in his own body, Asuka's domination overwhelming him, her anger fading as she moved to his room, before scowling and going towards Asuka's.

"I can feel you in here, watching. I normally wouldn't humor this, but can you feel what I'm feeling?"

He could, intense arousal welling up, not just from him, but from her. It was shocking to suddenly have all of Asuka's thoughts flowing inside, confused at why so many of them were around him, wanting him, needing him. Did she actually like him? Both of them moaned as they gripped their cock, Asuka stroking it as cum began to flow.

"Nnnggh~ AHHH~ I-It's not fair you only understand what I want when it's too late. I didn't choose to share so I won't! This never did you any good as a man so you better leave thanking me for giving you one good memory idiot!"

She slammed her hand down on her balls, hearing his inner cries fading as all of the cum in his body was forced out, Asuka blissfully delighting in his pathetic cries of pleasure, joining in herself as she shoved his balls inside her forcefully, tearing her groin open with her nails and clear fluids gushed out around her cock.

Asuka wanted to savor it, but Shinji's pleas were getting on her nerves, her face flush as she just wanted to be released from this embarrassment, unable to be honest with her feelings even as she had nothing she could hide. Her massive cock squirted as she gripped it, wringing it dry of every last bit of sperm until her hands began to shove, her screams rising to a wail as she forced the dirty shaft inside. It was stirring her own insides, orgasms blasting across her shifting genitalia as she shoved and jammed the damn thing into her forming pussy. Finally they came properly, their sync rate at ninety-nine percent as the rest of his cock inverted inside, their new pussy trembling as the end was near.

"Verpiss dich ShinjEEEEEEEEE~!"

She screamed it as she shoved her fingers up her new snatch, fingering herself as their synchro hit one hundred percent, the two becoming one as she stained her bed like the messy pervert she had been, reborn now into someone better, stronger, and simultaneously way more and way less of a bitch. This was the scene Asuka ran into, still in her plug suit, nursing a nasty bruise on her left temple as she balked at the clone of herself pleasuring themselves on her bed.

"Sh-Shinji? Mein gott what happened to-"

The other Asuka seemed annoyed.

"Do I look like Shinji Idiot?! That pervert's gone, though I'd half suspect you used to be him with such a stupid statement!"

The original was clearly in shock, unable to react as her new twin slid off the bed only to pull her closer.

"Again, do I look like Shinji?"

She shook her head, muttering as her plugsuit began to be unbuttoned.

"Do I sound like Shinji?"

Again Asuka shook her head, her suit pooling down around her feet, the former idiot moving one of her hands to her breasts.

"Do I feel like Shinji?"

She moaned this one out, feeling the original squeeze it, their pussies damp as she kissed her mirror image. It lasted a solid minute before the two separated, a bridge of saliva hanging temptingly before snapping.

"Do I taste like Shinji?"

Asuka moaned as she shook her head, the two of them moving over to their bed.

"Well how do you know Asuka? I've got another set of lips for him to be hiding. How about we make sure Shinji isn't here before we report to those flachwichsers at NERV? They'll love it once they realize they now have two perfect pilots. Now come here bitch..."


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