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Lucas had gone missing for months now and it was getting you nervous, his family helpful at first but going quiet weirdly after only a two months of help. The assholes had even called off the investigation, saying there was no point. If they were going to give up and the police weren't going to help, you sure as hell weren't going to let him just vanish without a word. You always had suspicions something was up with his family anyways months before he disappeared, something off about him. He would wear sweatshirts even in the summer heat, acting nervous and paranoid all the time. Once you had a horrible suspicion he might be hiding bruises, his voice cracking when he refused to take off the sweatshirt. It was clearly stress or fear or something that caused it, Lucas running away after that. For a few months you had tried to deny the possibility. You knew them for years and they didn't seem like the type, but after that day he wouldn't respond no matter how hard you banged on their door, so now it was time to take matters into your own hands.

Thankfully no breaking and entering was needed as his parents were more than happy to let you over, in fact they seemed thrilled, probably smugly thinking they had erased the evidence. It all seemed so fake now, the perfectly maintained yard, the manicured rose bushes- Actually scratch that first part, there must have been a vine or something cause something swiped your legs as you passed, a few shallow, but visible cuts along your ankles. They stung something fierce, but at least they weren't bleeding, your curses cut off by Lucas's mom opening the front door. She looked, really good, like impossibly sexy, her hair longer, her body... bustier? There was something enticingly wild about her aura now too, though you shut those thoughts down, disgusted at letting something so dumb sidetrack you.

"You can come in, it's an awfully chilly night and we're so happy you could stop by."

You remembered the panic over getting rabies or hepatitis or aids. It was a cliffhanger you knew had a happy ending at least, nothing bad beyond some inflammation and nothing communicable had been detected thankfully. They had gotten really fucked up after the good news, stumbling back to his place to recuperate. It stood out as one of the last good memories before he started getting distant. Anyways that was enough reminiscing, time to go to the next earmarked page.

January 24

Drank too much, head pounding. Feel weird, like I'm drained. Not hangover drained, just out of it. Know how like in the winter the sun's there but it doesn't feel hot? It's like that but with energy. Just out of it. Gonna sleep more. Weird dreams. Eyes in the night stalking me, a big fucking beast coming after me like that one from the Polish movie I watched. Borcyk or some shit like that. Back is throbbing, but just inflammation or something. Doctors gave me a clean bill of health. Don't feel clean but they know best.


February 10th

Last night was really weird. Like, I don't usually look outside at night when I'm in my room, but something about the moon was really interesting. It felt good, like really really good. God I suck at descriptions. Somehow I spent thirty minutes just staring at one point. Probably would have wasted the night if mom hadn't checked in on me. Looking away left me kind of winded so I went to bed. I had another one of those dreams, the stalking ones with the beast and it's massive dong. I don't know why I keep having them, might look into therapy if they keep happening but I could feel everything in it. I felt like I was getting weaker, slower, duller. It caught me and it started to... do things. I'm still trying to not think about it but that's not what was so fucked up about it. I woke up after the beast finished moaning like I was still a horny teenager and all my sheets were soaked with jizz. Felt like I came out a year's worth. Shit's sick.


February 23

Feel weak again. At least I'm not horny now. It happened for two more days, that disgusting dream followed by me busting the nut of all nuts. I hope mom doesn't notice the stains cause there's a lot now. Every other day I've been waking up hard like I'm in middle school again. At least my metabolism's picking up so not all bad news. I'm losing all that pudge from college pretty fast. Don't know what I'm doing to lose ten pounds in a week, but hey keep more of that coming and less of the weird pervert furry dreams. Seriously I've never been into that shit. You know that feeling when you know something's wrong but you can't really explain it? Well I went to the doctor's secretly for some more blood work hoping they could see if anything's wrong. I kept it vague cause I don't even know what I'm looking for but if there's something there, they'll find it. Feeling too tired to do much so going to bed.


March 10th

These doctors are worthless! Fucking worthless! They said nothing's wrong with me, but this shit isn't normal! I felt really good last night, full of energy, hyper even. I left my blinds up cause the moon was really bright and for some reason I got hornier and hornier. The usual sites weren't really doing it though so I started randomly clicking and one of them had this artist with some weird furry shit on it. I didn't really like the really far shit, but some of the stuff with just some features were really getting me going. Again, not a furry, never was, but I couldn't stop jerking it to them. Then that stopped working after like two times(yeah I don't know how it stayed up either) and as I was scrolling through, one of the male oc's caught my eye and my hand was kind of moving on its own and I- Shit I can't even talk about it in my private journal, it's just, everything felt really raw after that I don't get it. Why the fuck would a dude- Nevermind. Nothing wrong my ass.


March 24

Ugh feel shitty again. Every two weeks I feel like I'm going up and down, up and down like one of those sign graphs in school. Was that the word? Doesn't matter feel bad. Feel horny. It's not going away anymore. I thought this was supposed to stop after puberty. Pudge is gone. Yaaay. Hard to celebrate when I feel like I'm deflating. At least no scars from that hobo thing a few months back, but fuck man I think the inflammation moved spots, like straight through me. I want to sleep shirtless, but I just can't. Need to ask my mom if she's using a new fabric softener or something. Maybe I'm allergic? My nipples feel raw. They're definitely redder too. Really need those warm days to come back cause they're really sensitive to cold now. Swear they're hard in the morning too for some reason. Great now that I'm thinking about them they're feeling weird against my undershirt. Kind of feels... nice? Exhaustion talking. Sleeping again.


April 1

Nothing happened. Ha! April Fool's! More dreams, more cum, nipples look like discs. It's ramping up, the feelings, the dreams, everything in a pattern. Think all this cumming is making it thinner. Looks clearer and the smell's kind of different. No one better be fucking reading this right now! I know YOU know my hiding spot, but seriously dude, if you're reading this NOT COOL! Anyways, going to get burgers. I usually like them well done, but trying medium rare. Been getting them bloodier. Need the protein, I'm losing too much weight. My waist's thing. Not like, unhealthy looking thin, actually it's kind of appealing, but it's curvy and slim and kind of girly so no. Hope whatever's happening will stop soon cause doctor's can't find anything.


Ap 8 or 9 it's fucking late

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck one of them slipped inside I fucking came too hard and one of them's just fucking wriggling inside fuck fuck fuck why does it feel good fuck fuck fuck fuck come back

That one wasn't even signed with his name, all chicken scratch and clearly written in panicked, jagged letters. You had to know what was going on. Feeling guilty as you turned to the next page.

April 9 for real

I'm still fucking freaked but it came back. I never heard of this shit before but I was watching more furry porn and kind of went into a daze with one eye on that and one on the moon. I started having that dream again, but awake and when he bit down on my neck and thrusted into me I swear I could FEEL it like a phantom limb. I don't think I ever came that hard, it was like three fucking spurts and I was looking at my cock as my left ball was shrinking. Not blowing its load, but fucking shrinking and at the third one it slid inside. I want to say I immediately panicked but it... It was mind blowing, like sex times ten. I almost started pushing my fingers into there but I stopped and after a few hours of it kind of, wriggling around and thumping, I mean I could feel every throb of that fucking thing in there, it slipped back out but its kind of, it feels crumpled, like its not fully rebounding. I don't want to go to a doctor. I know that's dumb, but if they tell me nothing's wrong I'm gonna break something. Also fuck why's my chest so tender? It feels hot so I'll try taking a shower and write later.


April 23

They're getting bigger. Ball's back to normal. Just sitting in bed, rubbing my cock, rubbing my nipples. Too tired to deny it. More changes to wants. Watching more bdsm porn. Want to dominate but when there's a really buff dude it gets me hard. Guess I'm bi now. Parents are still mostly ignorant, just asking after the bad nights if I'm okay. Thrashing in my sleep more. When I relax I hear something whispering, feels familiar. Sleepy again, scared for what's to come. Jerking off like I'm throwing a farewell party. Too tired to even do that now.


May 10

Been three days since it happened. I still feel fucking awful. I've been fighting so hard and on the 7th I gave in. Once I let that thing fuck me, even if it was just a fantasy, it was like a chain reaction of shit I couldn't stop. I hate that it felt great, I hate that I was begging for more as my own body fucked me. Everything just betrayed me. I don't know how it can feel so good, it's like everything just fired off happy juice, and my nipples, fuck I think I was playing with them while my cock was fucking itself. I'm too scared to tell anyone what's happening. Think my friends are starting to notice. I know they're just beestings but every time someone stares at them I feel like they're massive. Can't wear anything tight in public. I'd bind them but, feels too good and I don't want to lose another ball. I shoved a few fingers up to try and pull it out, big mistake. My other one nearly shriveled up and my cock's still raw thinking of it. I think it's smaller now. I think I'm smaller now.


May 22

Head pounding, hurts good. Pain feels good. Give in. Body on fire. Whispers louder. Weakness going to stop soon. Give in. He wants me, loves me. Wants me to give in. Cock throbbing. Not big enough. Give in. Holding out. Holding cock. Parents concerned. Pretend I'm sleeping. Need moon, moon brings me closer to him. Give in. Whispering louder, feel tired. Says to forget. Get strong. Give in.


June 5

*Feeling better for some reason. Had a weird entry that I don't remember writing, but I'll worry if it happens again. I'm regaining some weight finally. All that protein and meat must be working cause I'm starting to develop a six pack. It feels really good to work up a sweat. Can't go to the gym though. Feel weird when people stare at my stomach. It's still curvy, but hey, at least something is coming back. Feel ravenous now, can't wait to eat, fucking starving.


June 5

Fuck hot, body hot, everything filled. Stuffed with his love, need to make harem. Can't think straight. Need fucking FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUCK FUCK FUCK!

June 6

Don't remember that last one, last night a blur. I ate too much, everything feels thick now except my stomach. I have to wear sweatshirts now. Everyone's messing with me and it's way too hot but my chest is past training bra. It feels really good too. I hate it but, look I'm not supposed to be feeling this shit, but my other ball's getting smaller, my cock's still hard and I'm feeling it all in my chest. It's like having two extra dicks going through puberty and I can't stop feeling them up. They're not sagging yet, but it's only a matter of time. The dreams are changing too, sometimes they're tender. Sometimes they're the same. Had a new one last night where I was chasing something and it felt great. The hunt was thrilling, glorious, and I could feel my teeth. Can't finish that sentence, just came a little. Fuck.


June 21

Can hear my bones creaking. Just in bed, feeling them pop. Not as bad as last time, but the whispers are growing. My ears feel tender. Kind of like my nipples. I don't get it, I know I'm turning into a girl, but why would my ears start changing? Hips feel really hot, I think it's my old testicle. I can feel something pumping into me, making me hornier, stronger. That's why this isn't so bad this time. I'm guessing all the cumming is toning my core. Really defined now, really slim. Fuuuck I think I felt my breasts surge more. Can't write, have to jack off. Too hot.


July 6

Oh shit my cock was just too hard last night and that stupid ball kept on blowing blanks and giving me nothing so I crushed it under my thumbs until the dumb thing popped inside. It felt so good. I couldn't help how good it felt so I slipped a finger inside and my cock exploded. Parents thought it was a wolf or something. Thank god they're dumb. Well my voice is different, when I fingered it, I think I choked on something. I can still make a low enough voice to pass but I doubt it'll last long. It just feels too good. I can feel it now, throbbing, hungry, I need something big to stir me up. My ears are sharper now and some brownish hairs are cropping up. Can't inspect them well cause every time I touch them my nipples get hard and now I get this wet feeling between my legs. New spot feels good, base of spine. Nub there wriggling when I touch it. Tired of hiding my changes, but don't want them to know. I don't know if I want it to stop. Master's cock feels so good in my dreams. I wonder what it'll feel like when he comes for me...


You paused there, hearing a sudden yowl and moan. First you looked outside, the cloudy night starting to resolve itself, the moon ready to light up the night. Peeking your head out from the door, its coming from the parent's bedroom, a weirdly ambiguous moan rising. You wanted to leave, knowing you should run, half convinced they found the journal and were fucking with you. Sure he had gotten a thing for red meat the last few months and sure Lucas had been getting more brusque and-




"Ohhh~ ah... NNGH!"

The sounds coming from the room were meaty, the ambiguity giving way to something definitively not male that didn't sound like Lucas's mom either. Something wet had definitely splattered out somewhere, drips of some liquid plinking onto the floorboards. Something made you go back and keep reading, ignoring the moans, ignoring the throb in your ankles.

July 20

His voice is weaker now. Feels like thinking through sludge though. Wall of horny, need to cum. Too good, everything feels too good. Cock half size. No longer soft, always hard. Friend tried to look. Thought I was doing good. Hood covers hair, covers ears. Ears halfway up head. Feels wet, can only write while distracting new urges. Friend touch like dommy man. Desire hot, nearly jumped on him, flinched back instead. Can't get out of head idea of hopping on cock. Breasts surged again, every day larger, every day riper, getting close to maturity for master. I can hear him. Wants me. Want him. Hips wider, ass thicker. Almost can't hide. Hear his voice all the time, feel him stroke cock, push cock. Family annoying. Ugly, old, weak. Every time they worry, hunting dreams increase. Teeth sharp. Cut tongue when I slobber too hard, tongue tougher now. Face softer. Cuter. Sexier for master. One more cycle. Can feel it. Can't last one more cycle, have to get parents out before teeth grow. Before cock burst. Before his gift lies in my drool. Alpha wants harem, I want harem. Almost screamed shoving writing utensil inside. Need bigger. Cock slipped inside more, meaty shaft fucking me. Need bigger. Bigger coming. Need master.


August 3

Parents out house. Excuse given. Recording final message. Won't be able to write. He's coming. Feel him coming. Can't keep it inside, going to, going to-

The rest of the entry ended in a messy scribble, ending in a hole torn through the paper, likely from the pencil stabbing through. You felt sick, confused. What was this? Lucas went missing that night and this didn't make any kind of logical sense. None of this could be real. This all had to be an elaborate prank, your friend an asshole. But no this was too far. Also god, did his parents turn off the ac? Why did you feel so hot? Why did you feel- That's when you noticed more earmarked pages, feeling scared. He was gone, missing. Why were there more entries?!

September 2

Returned after getting fucked by master. My head is clear, his lust and love fueling me. They'll be back soon. We need the pack to reform, the corruption getting stronger with more carrying master's glory. I want to feel their bones in my mouth, taste their blood. It'll only take two cycles this time. His voice will reach them once they feel the moon's light. Master says after this we only need one more, then I can be free of these dumb thoughts. Then I only need to fuck master with my sisters. They're pulling in. I can see them. They look so worried. Soon they will be horrified. Soon they will succumb.

October 1

Girls change faster. Dad squeal fuck. Mom now sister. Dad almost sister. Better. Lust too strong. Scent too strong. Master here at night. Secluded. Can fuck loud. No neighbors hear. Fucked old parent. Sister helped. Clawed open slot for Master's cock. Nearly done. Moon will finish. Friend pesky. Friend looking. Friend cock escaped. Need friend. Friend for harem. Make perfect for master. Master say hide in bushes. Infect. Fuck cock away in moonlight. Three sisters from two. Master make him stay once scratched. No running. Get him horny. 111111 password. Watch change. See what to cum. Prepare for fucking. Prepare for master.

At this point you had no choice, the cuts healed but your feet were throbbing, slipping out of your shoes as they passed through the moonlight pouring in strong from outside. Gold hairs were sprouting but that didn't matter, the phone in hand as you opened it and went to videos, hitting the only one on there.

Lucas was barely recognizable, moaning as a low growl slowly approached, your friend slamming open the window as moonlight bathed his form. He was screaming, audio peaking as each growl came out sultrier, more feminine, his clothes tearing apart as breasts burst out, his ass and thighs shredding his sweatpants to ribbons. A shining stub of a cock shot out more cum than should be possible, gushing like a hose, sparkling in the moonlight. The growling was suppressive now, your friend screaming as brown hair now coated their thighs and collarbone, a thick patch rising around their cock as their ears swiveled fully to the top of their skull. A shadow fell over the screen, a hulking behemoth growling over your friend as you watched Lucas get taken. Their claws tore at each other as they fucked, that cock stub slurping inside after two thrusts, your friend squealing as the video cut out, no longer recognizable, only a lust filled she beast remaining.

You could hear the growls now, 4 sets of them, your friend's door breaking off the hinges as she clambered in. Something made you stay, your body quivering as she pushed you into the moonlight, blonde hairs sprouting, your cock harder than you thought was possible as she threw herself onto you. Her jaws clamped down on your shoulder. Your screams drawing the other two girls, all of them panting with lust as your cock was shoved into Lucas's slit, her love bites forcing your nipples to swell, her sisters joining in on biting a rising breast. There was no thought left, only lust, animalistic urges bubbling under the moonlight, your cock gushing away its girth, your mind breaking under pressure. Soon master would be here to finish you off and complete the pack. And then the real fun would start.


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