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"Hey baby, I know you're the Ice Queen around here, but isn't it time to find a king?"

"Ugh no."

Jaune didn't let Weiss's clear and obvious disgust stop him from trying to put the moves on one of Beacon's top babes, certain he could get through her icy demeanor to find a nice warm core of acceptance.

"How many times have you even tried to ask me out this semester?"

"About two hundred ninety times babe, but you know what they say, all good things come in three... hundred." Weiss had her head firmly in her hands after that line, muttering, "I half want to say yes so you will just stop bothering me and leave me alone. I'm sure it would be somewhat entertaining to watch you flounder at an attempt to please me and run your credits dry trying to appease my tastes."

"All I heard was that you want to say yes, so what's stopping you from trying out the Jaune experience."

"Basic dignity, all of my self respect-"

"Um, okay you can stop ther-"

"Having taste above that of a brain dead elementary school child, being so far above your station that you'd only see clouds when you look up at me-"

"No really it's fine I-"

"All of your unearned bravado that reeks of someone insecure about their own ability , the lack of ANYTHING interesting or attractive in your entire miserable, lowly, disgusting peasant self."

"...Are you done?" That really set Weiss off, annoyed that he still wasn't listening to her.

"ARE YOU DONE?! I can tell you with complete certainty that whether this is the three hundredth time or the three MILLIONTH time that my response will never change. I wish you could get it through your thick skull how annoying it is to be hit on by little boys who think they're men! Now go away before you get shown up by a girl. I know I can squash you like a bug in a fight."

And with that she left Jaune, his ego bruised, though he was sure it'd come back stronger than ever. Though with that said, it still hurt to be put down like that.

He didn't understand, Pyrrha had seemed to think his flirting was very effective when he had tried out a few lines, and she was even above Weiss! There was that worry that Pyrrha was lying to not hurt his feelings, but her reactions had seemed pretty genuine. Maybe he'd ask RWBY later for advice since Weiss was her teammate. Well since he had finished his studies anyways and he had a lot of frustration to get out of the way, he knew how he'd be spending his night. It was kind of a tradition at this point after donning his pajamas. Ren usually spent a decent part of the night meditating separately outside. At first Jaune took it as a bit weird since he hadn't known the reclusive huntsman all that long, but now he took it for the nice block of "alone time" he knew a bunch of the other students needed in a public dorm like this. After all, Weiss could deny him all she wanted in the real world, but he still had his fantasies where Weiss was less mean and more into him.

He changed into his nighties, got out the small bottle of lotion he never showed publicly(cause there's only one thing it could be for and he knew Ren would likely blab about it to Nora out of ignorance since he seemed the type to just not know about that kind of stuff) and prepared to blow off some steam. It took him a bit to settle on what the scenario would be this night, settling on a captured princess trope, Weiss in a cage, dressed in little more than neglige, forced into serving the Grimm king's dastardly desires while Jaune was the hero here. It was completely coincidental that Weiss's skimpy, torn bikini fit his tastes as well. After all he wasn't the one forcing her to bend to his whims. Well he was but- Argh stupid brain stop thinking and just enjoy this! He made quick work of the Grimm king, besting the behemoth and freeing Weiss from her bonds, ready to draw her into a kiss.

"I've arrived my princess."

"Oh Jaune thank you I was so wrong, you're hot and completely-"


Jaune's heart nearly burst, his lubed up hand dropping his cock as he whipped his head around his room.

"I-I can explain Weiss I'm sorry I- Huh?"

There was no one there. He double checked, even calling out a meek, "hello" to calm his heart. It was weird, he swore he had heard Weiss loud enough to be in his ear, and that disgust was definitely not something he'd imagine, though now that he thought about it, it was kind of dumb to be that scared. One, she'd never go to visit him and two, how would she even know he was polishing his sword to her? It's not like she could see inside his head or something. Alright time to get back into the fantasy and have some fun.

"I need you Jaune. I'm so sorry for all of those awful things I called you earlier. You're so strong and hot and my type. I just couldn't admit my love because my evil dad wouldn't let me! A-And now that you've saved me I want you to-"

Pfft loser.

Again Jaune looked around, annoyed that his mind was playing tricks on him. It almost sounded like someone had laughed at his fantasy like it was lame. Wh-Which it wasn't it was a totally real possibility and not just him daydreaming!

"I need you Jaune now kiss me! Give me your peasant virginity!"

He was really getting into it, his hand stroking vigorously, dream Weiss ready and willing, letting him climb on top and ready for him to-

Wow even in your dreams you're a virgin? And this pathetic showing is more than enough reason for me to laugh at you every time you fall into my field of view.

His stroking stopped, Jaune now fully confused.


She had to be here, there had to be some place she was-

No you idiot I'm in here!

At the "here" it felt like something had slapped his temples from the inside, the weirdness mounting.

"What?! How the heck are you in my head?!"

I don't know, you think about me so often maybe it turned your brain to mush and that mush to me. You're not the one forced to live in here! Though hmm, you want my body this badly...

Jaune wasn't sure how to react to the news that his crush was somehow living in his head, suddenly feeling very self conscience about how badly his fantasies must have looked to her, but she was too busy plotting to care about his stammered justifications.

"Ah s-sorry Weiss you're just really hot and I swear we were only going to kiss and I wasn't gonna-"

Oh shut up! I figured a loser like you could only have fun in his fantasies, besides it's only proper you'd lust after me like a lapdog, but I won't stand being stuck in such an unworthy vessel! Now let me focus!

That sounded ominous.

"Err focus on wha-AHHH COLD COLD AH!"

The same spot on his temple throbbed, traveling down his right arm to the hand gripping his cock, the hairs on his arm freezing in a thin path as he groaned, the hand around his cock twitching and chilling fast. He threw the blankets off with his non twitching hand, eyes widening in shock as the cold hand was changing, glowing with a blue aura that slowly compressed it, each joint stretching and thinning, slender digits, now wrapped around his cock, the jutting nails digging into his sensitive member as he squeaked in pain.

OWW! Why is this hurting me?! Oh great because we share this body I have to feel the pain too? Fine, but you should be thankful everything after that will be much more pleasant.

Each word sent a throb through his changing hand, the palm softer, smaller, the chill dying down some as the final change only flash froze the outer layer of skin and hair. Said layer cracked, revealing a perfect, pale hand, its skin untouched by blemish or fault, a wet nightmare wrapped around his cock.

"What? What's happening to me?! What are you do-EEEENGH AHH MY ARM NOT THE MUSCLE NOT THE- ohhh~?"

The next round of changes traveled up his hand, the ill fitting arm throbbing as it began to deflate. Unlike the previous change this one felt good, barely a chill as the Weiss voice giggled, happy to tease her captive admirer.

First off what muscle? Meat does not mean strength and I doubt these arms could even lift my weight, not that they're worthy of it. Well one of them is now, but that's all my doing. And be thankful I'm doing it, this should be a dream come true for you and since we're both going to feel it, it might as well feel pleasant no?

It definitely was, the slow reducing of his arm's circumference completely alien in sensation, but also enticing, a strong buzz working its way out from the core of his shrunken bones to the skin which was shedding hair and imperfections, turning soft and smooth and heavenly as his fingers started to twitch, one wrapping around his junk, then another. It felt amazing, far softer than his fantasies, his lotioned hands unable to match with something so pristine and perfect, yet it was marred by the small issue that IT WASN'T HIM MOVING THEM!

"NO LET GO! PLEASE WEISS STOP- mmm~ s-stop... Ohhh~ STAAAHHP!"

All the muscles in his face slackened as Weiss's hand began to jerk, slowly at first, still jittery as more of his arm's tendons and muscle groups were changing, his entire right arm soon a slender stick that was starting to tease his shaft. Weiss was still a novice at how to please a man, but given their combined nervous system she learned fast on how to make a spectacular handjob feel otherworldly to him.

We both know you don't want this to stop, not when it feels this amazing. Besides, I thought this was your dream, to have my hands wrapped around your cock, my voice in your ear teasing you as you-


His body rocketed up from the hips, a loud splat of cum erupting from his cock as the sudden jerking popped his right shoulder, the entire thing tingling as it crumbled and softened to a more petite size. He had never cum so hard in his life, actively winded and gasping nasally from the rapturous half minute of action.

...oh. Well congrats on not busting the second I touched it I guess. God you are pathetic. Luckily since you're turning into me and I need to drain you anyways, this ought to blow your little virgin mind.

Before Jaune could even ask what she meant he was moaning, feeling a hot tingle at the base of his cock, diving deeper. Weiss's skin was spreading over his groin, shearing the blonde hairs into an even lighter snowy white, his cock leaking a bit more cum as it slowly hardened, spreading out to its full length once more. His balls were filling up, though it felt like they were siphoning off something inside, each throb carving away at the pocket of heat, sliding it deeper into the start of a canal. By the end of it he was already about to bust his nut again, the fear that the euphemism could become literal with any release terrifying him.

"W-Wait Weiss I'm sorry don't d-HOOO~ this! I never wanted any of this to happen!"

Already her hand was wrapping back around, his right shoulder fully rounded and smooth, snapping back into place as his collarbone throbbed and moved down into an angled jut.

Ohh? Now don't lie Jaune. Didn't you want my body at your beck and call? To bring me into your bedroom and be happy about it? Or didn't you want to be a better student, hunter, fighter? And you did want to be the kind of stud who could fuck aaaaaall night and come back for more instantly. Well Jaaaaauuune.

She held out his name, another tingle running down to his other shoulder, making its way down.

I think this'll solve all of your desires. You'll lose your virginity to your dream girl and finally get to be popular. Now squeal for me peasant.

He didn't have much choice, her hand slamming down onto his balls, the sudden pressure causing a bit more of his manly essence to spurt out, the testicular tap also making his whines come out strained and higher.

Not a bad pitch to be at honestly. Let’s do that again, shall we?

The pleasure weakened his resistance, his left shoulder crunching after that first tap, his frame going trapezoidal as it drew itself in and rounded down to match. The arm itself offered even less resistance, her magic running through it as if she were popping a balloon, hair raining down as the muscle that was once there deflated into refined elegance, the skin now just as pale too. Weiss was flexing the arm muscles, making his hand move as her perfection spread, his palms starting to shrink as she forced him to cup his balls with his shrinking fingers, Jaune able to feel as the changes progressed as his roughened touch softened, her manicured nails pressing into his full balls and tapping as they tightened into a grip. Jaune squirmed as she only raised the pressure slowly, the tenderness making it uncomfortably ecstatic as she squashed them flat in her grip, his squeals rising up into a familiar, haughty register.


His cock stayed hard, even as load after load oozed out, his voice cracking as her grip lessened on his balls. His throat was bobbing up and down, the Apple chomped down by Weiss's will as his neck winched upwards, craning to a swanlike appendage, unblemished by any masculine features. Looking down, his testicles were barely the size of raisins, draped in his scrotum like a kid in adult clothing. He half expected Weiss's hands to shove them inside, but instead they rubbed at the base, her nails teasing something, a weirdly invasive twitch adding to that feeling inside as both testicles throbbed, surging to life as they drained more of his essence. Jaune gasped, happy that he wasn't becoming a eunuch yet, but flinching as the cavern inside was carved out deeper, his prostate throbbing as it was almost encroached upon.

My what lovely sounds you made, though surely you've had enough of my hands. How about we try something... meatier.

Jaune responded with a whimper, his mind already burdened with ungodly pleasure and trying to panic its way into a solution. There had to be something he could do, someone who could help something that she wouldn't-

I can see your mind idiot. Even if there was something you could do, I'd know it the second you thought of it and shut it down. I'm already smarter than you by a large margin and that's without the advantage of being able to hear your every worthless thought. But please, do try and struggle, your utter inability to fight back is more entertaining than anything I could have thought up for revenge. Now come on Jaune, I know how many times you imagined how plump and soft my thighs would be around your cock, don't tell me the thought isn't enticing you?

To add to the embarrassment he felt her digging around his brain, replaying his fantasies of a Weiss thighjob on a loop as his cock was teased by a single finger circling around his engorged tip. Speaking of tips, the tips of his toes were starting to feel chilly, shedding callus and mass as his toes flexed, each one popping as they lengthened, slender little toes pumping refreshing Weiss into the stubby feet they were attached to. What resistance he could put up amounted to thrashing, Jaune cooing as he felt his soles tapering off, shrinking to petite perfection, arching into shapes well used to the touch of heels, sloped to the slimmest of sizes. Both ankles throbbed as they didn't quite fit into the girly feet below, Weiss urging them to give in as they crunched down to fit her will, betraying Jaune as the pleasure surged upwards into his calves.

At this point he was just looking for something to hold onto, groaning as one hand broke free, grasping onto his Crocea Mors, hoping to find strength in his sword passed down for five generations.

Pfft only five? The Schnee family has branches that go past that. Though just like you this sword is way too bulky and in need of a Schnee Upgrade.

Sure she was busy working her way up his legs, but it was instilled in her to overachieve, and this dull hunk of metal was so bland and boring it hurt to even have it near her. Focusing let her power surge, at the small expense of missing out on Jaune's geeky moans, his mind at the bargaining stage as he tried to make some deal to be her slave if he kept his dick. Ha, as if her slaves would be so ill bred. Not that the Schnees had any. Not for two generations her father had promised. It certainly helped that focusing was rewarded with her share of the pleasure, her demeanor able to remain the same even if she felt like moaning rapturously as his calves were pulled out and thinned to slender, sexy calves, the legs of a toned dancer forming from his unrefined body.

The sword was a bit tricky due to it being inorganic, but the more her will flowed into it the more it seemed to melt, its basic hilt twisting, the cheap materials of it all becoming dust refined carbon still, that luxury further amplified as it was chased with silver, patterns forming as her will pounded the useless sword into an all purpose weapon. The blade was slender and sleek, the edge guard  bulging out and opening to reveal a six chamber revolver for dust particles. All that history, that family name, erased as if it was nothing, her Myrtenaster shining transcendent. Now that she could focus she noticed a few tears whimpering from Jaune's eyes, the loser crying over a sword.

Oh please you should be thanking me for giving your family history some meaning. Here I'll make it up to you. Do you feel that?

His knees trembled before slapping together, his hips sore as he felt his legs angling inwards.

MMPH! God even your body is stupid! Thwarting my taunts it all su- AGH hold on I'll fix this.

Both felt relief as his hips surged outwards, adding to the angle and relocking with his thighs, the bony juts a prime candidate for some fat, but Weiss had bigger things to fatten up first.

"P-Please Weiss it's n-ah-ah-ahht too late t-OOOOH~!"

It was definitely too late to stop the thighjob, his muscle softening to fat inside his thighs as they slowly shifted together, clamping down and rubbing. They thickened fast, swelling with sensual fat as the pillowy flesh still felt heavenly through the fear. On one hand it was there to purposefully drain him of more essence, to hasten his change, but on the other hand-

"AHH~ It feels b-better than I even i-imaAAHHHHgined! Can't, C-Can't- YEEEESSSSSS!"

He never wanted to fulfill his dream like this, but Weiss's thighs were truly the stuff of his dreams, her girly girth bearing down on his cock, sliding it, teasing it, the pleasure making his eyes water as they turned blue, his jaw clenching as it shattered. Even he had to admit that his cock looked out of place, surrounded by such plush divinity, fat surging into his hips as Weiss separated his thighs only to clap them back together, dealing his balls a fatal blow as they gushed out an explosive load of masculinity.

All Jaune could do was scream in unbearable bliss, feeling each bout of cum ransack his body, gushing out his wide waist as if it was attached directly to his cock. It was draining it all, his height, his width, some of that fat jostling towards his ass it rushed to get out, making his flat cheeks clap with his thighs, their sudden sensitivity making an already unbearable sensation reach a new plateau. Soon everything about him was lithe and feminine, the tender slopes of his waist, his puckered tummy, the petite shape of his body as a whole as each curve led into the next, suggestively drawing his eyes in deeper into his dream girl's body. His spine definitely felt it, his body shaking with each orgasm, every sudden jerk snapping his back in that much more, another inch shot out until he felt minuscule in his bed, heaving as it finally stopped.

Trying to take stock of the changes, he slowly separated his thighs, his cock now on a consistent drip of thin spunk, his balls like flattened husks. Already he could feel them starting to try and come back to life, quickly giving his face a feel before whatever came next overwhelmed him. Just from a feel he could tell it was Weiss's face, the scar around his left eye, the long eyelashes, pert nose and pouty mouth all there and his eyebrows were plucked, styled even. His hair was a bit longer, but nothing major though a quick brush with his fingers let him know it was far more silky than he remembered. Somehow neither had noticed during the changes that Weiss's will had gone a bit out of control, the same effect on the sword having changed his nighties into a flowing silvery nightgown, its fibers made of the finest silk, the softest fabric, its gentle caresses adding to his discomfort. Jaune figured it was now or never to stop this, unaware his time was up. To be fair, Weiss was equally caught off guard, planning to taunt him when a gurgle erupted from his groin, the two losing all semblance of reason as they screamed.

His cock backfired like an engine running on fumes, his balls huffing like an asthmatic smoker. Both had thought there would be another round before the end, their eyes widening as the canal finished tunneling, only filling his left testicle before hot Weiss essence rushed over their prostate. Since it was a surprise, Weiss had no way of getting her guard up, screaming along with Jaune as they felt the tunnel merge with the muscle around his prostate, all of it squeezing down, triggering its g spot mercilessly as it was forced to take on the shape of a womb, his right testicle imploding fully as it ran out of juice in a flurry of clear releases. Something popped in their heads, hair exploding out as their screams ringed out, his left testicle pumping out load after load as their hands shot down to their groin.

Something was bubbling, churning their abdomen as neither could stop the relentless ecstasy, Jaune's right hand forcefully stroking his cock while Weiss's more timid fingers traced the hole their ball had slipped into. She was mesmerized by it, feeling the testicle melt and shift inside, thumping like a second heart as it nestled and pumped out something hot and viscous. While Jaune was trying to get everything he could from what remained of his cock, Weiss was still enamored with the slow flow, the contents pumping up, worming through their belly until finally flowing under a flat nipple. The sudden shock of breast growth sent them reeling, Weiss's hand spasming as it shoved two fingers into the hole, the sensations this caused overwhelming both as an arced shot of spunk erupted out, not stopping as their ball deflated, the hole widening with a moist SQUELCH as the cum ran clear, their final testicle slurped with gusto as they crumpled and tore the sheets, screaming as their chest surged out, the world going white as Weiss slumped, utterly stunned by the drastic orgasm.

Weiss was out for the count, but Jaune was still conscious, the world spinning as cum poured out from his cock and the hole below it, moaning as his breasts finished growing, small b cups rubbing against the designer fabric, designed to be waterproof as all their cum dripped out and stained the sheets.

"Haaaaah~ ahhhh~ ohhh~ it f-feels so wet and s-slippery- GAAAH~!"

At the thought he felt his cock soften at the base, pulling in and leading to another orgasm as every muscle in his body clenched. Weiss wouldn't have missed this opportunity to taunt him so she must have been knocked out by whatever that last one had been. Without thinking he sprinted up, running through the halls of Beacon trying to ignore how sensitive his cock was as it slapped between his thighs, another inch melting inside as he bore through it though his endurance was going to run out soon. This was his only chance and he couldn't waste it, he had to find help while "he" was still accurate.

Perhaps it was his subconscious leading him, or an innate desire to enter his soon to be new normal, or the fact that they both shared a common friend, but his legs had ran him straight to team RWBY's dorm, his heart filling with hope when he saw it was empty except for Ruby who smiled as he entered. Thank god, someone he could trust, someone who would understand and listen.

"Ruby listen I need you to help me I'm-"


The sudden scream of Weiss was like a hammer to his cock, another inch slamming inside as he gasped, his moan lost under Ruby's incessant fangirling.

"Wait R-OOOOH-by d-don't call me-"

"What's that Weiss? What shouldn't I do Weiss?"

If it wasn't so blinding he would have screamed, instead giving more of a hiccup as two more Weiss hammers slammed into his cock, his whole body warm and tingly as he felt barely a nub left, a bit of drool tumbling from his mouth as he tried to speak, only for his mouth to lose control.

"Oh you shouldn't be yelling it’s so late, but you say my name so beautifully Ruby, could I hear it let's say ten more times?"

Ruby seemed to burst with energy at the sudden praise from her self proclaimed bestie.

See that Jaune? Your friend's about to put the nail in your identity coffin, and you're going to love it.

Somewhere he was wailing in the back of her head, Weiss admittedly using every ounce of her self control not to join him in the debasement to cum, their cock throbbing as pitiful as it was, Weiss hoping she could bear the loss of her own virginity for a minute as Ruby gripped her in a bear hug.

"Of course I can bestie! Cause you're the bestest! WEISS WEISS WEISS WEISS WEISS WEISS WEISS WEI-"

"HYAAA~! I-I mean a-actually Ruby thaaaaht's good I n-need to lie, mmm~ d-down. Could you fetch me my swrooohrd it's in J-Jaune's-"

Ruby was already gone at the request, not asking questions as Weiss relished the final moments of Jaune's cock, biting down on her pillow as she felt what it was liked to be fucked, gasping as she heard Jaune's voice echo futilely in her head, slowly getting softer. Every inch that slammed inside was a downpour, Weiss knowing she'd have to do the laundry tomorrow, but loving it as it plummeted in deeper.

"H-Here that J-JAAAAAAWWWNE?!"

It was stirring up their insides, barely a tip left peeking inside, barely a hushed moan left from Jaune in her mind.

"I c-can't hEEEare you Jaune, I'm here, ready and willing so wh-AAAht are yOOOO w-waiting foooOOOOHR NNNNNNGGGGHH~!"

It shot inside at her goading the two orgasming violently until only one remained, Weiss gasping as her pussy finished forming, her purity restoring itself as she felt with her own fingers, nearly sullying it herself as the whole thing twitched and poured out another release. Finally finished, she got up and showered, imagining how much Jaune would have loved the view if he was still there, though as the hot water cleaned the mess from her, the last hour dribbled down the drain as well, her mind clearing itself as she suddenly felt free from a distasteful thing, like all the times people told her about the dark side of the Schnee family and how it all just ended up forgotten by the time tea came around.

Drying off and feeling full of energy, she donned her regular clothes, finding her nightie a bit too used as she folded it into her hamper. Just in time too as Ruby came barreling in with her Myrtenaster, though it had a rancid stench to it that reeked of poverty and male horniness. Nothing a good battle wouldn't fix.

"Alright Ruby lets go to the practice field for a mock battle. For some reason I feel like a great weight's been lifted and I'm feeling utterly spectacular right now."

"Yaaay! Though why was your sword in um... wait whose room was it-"

"Didn't I give it to you for safekeeping? Now lets go before I change my mind."

And with that, Jaune was erased from the world, folded into the Schnee legacy like so many of its competitors over the years, unable to compete with Weiss's perfection, a wet dream run dry now living as its dream girl for the rest of her life.


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