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Victor was built like a brick house, a linebacker for his college football team and a massively imposing presence. He was also a wimp to anything spooky, or as his other teammates would say, "a scared little bitch." He had tried to hide it for a while, avoiding any scary movie outings and ignoring the one player who was a big Junji Ito fan when they shared chapters, but it was Halloween and slowly, they began to suspect. There was a big culture of teasing in the locker room and given just how big he was, he knew he'd never get the end of it if they found out a jump scare could bring him to his knees, even the lamest of lame supernatural franchises giving him goosebumps. The more he avoided the movie days, the corn fields, the school haunted houses, the fewer excuses he had until one member had called him out, asking if he was a chicken.

"Pfft me?! You think I'm scared of some plastic decorations and shit? I just don't like that stuff cause it's boring to me."

He one hundred percent was, even having a night light still in his room which he always hid now when people came over. That bit of bragging had a cost though, the other members smiling as he could already feel a nervous lump in his throat. There was no way out, the guys taking him after practice to the abandoned theme park at the edge of town.

Everyone knew about it, all the deaths from the 60's that happened, the layers of graffiti, a history so shitty it never sold no matter how cheap real estate sharks made the land. Victor had had tons of nightmares involving it and now, he'd have to spend the night there. The guys would stake out the entrances with booze and candy and if he stayed the entire night they'd all agree to cover the bill for every post game meal for him, and as a big boy, that was a lot of money saved on snacking. Still, he'd rather cover them than spend even a minute in the rusted wreckage of a park, the sun slipping down as he creaked open its metal entrance.

Fall meant the sun downed quickly, the sky turning orange, then purple, shadows of busted pipes and rusted attractions reaching out for him like creeping skeletal hands. It took everything not to squeal when the wind blew the entrance gate shut, Victor quickly running out of audible range from the guys though he swore his heart was beating loud enough to alert everyone from five miles away. As the purple was quickly fading to black, the sky wispy with few stars visible, the way the wind echoed around the park sent a series of squeaks out like he was a little mouse in a cat conservatory, the chill making him hug himself out of worry. Checking his watch, it was a shock to find that only ten minutes had passed, hours of torment left. Worse was his lack of thermals, the wind and brisk air slicing through his varsity jacket like it was nothing. Now he had all sorts of health concerns flaring up, thoughts of hypothermia mixing with supernatural concerns when suddenly an impossibly loud CREEEAAAAK sent him screaming and jumping back.

God he hoped none of the guys had heard that, pissed at this dumb amusement park for existing. Turning to the source of the noise slowly, covering his eyes half expecting to see some kind of tall beast smirking at him, instead it was just a door that had fallen ajar, the wind having finally wrenched it open from its rusted away locks, the wood banging ominously against the side of the building like a rickety heart. With his breath visibly puffing, he tiptoed over, surprised to find the air coming out of it warm considering how ramshackled and drafty he assumed it'd be. The comforting heat dazed him for a second, fear replaced with a need to get warm, the open black insides beckoning him forward.

Ironically his safe haven from the wind was a haunted house, one of those infamously cheap rides where performers in subpar costumes often had gotten drunk and accidentally beaten a few customers to death after laughing at them. The paint had long since faded and cracked, but Victor could faintly make out some letters, eventually parsing out the crappy tagline, "Enter And Let Our Spooks See Who You Really Are" in a sloppily done font. Everything about it had aged poorly, from the use of "spooks" to the the line sounding more like a bad new age guru than anything spooky. What made it worse was that it still got his heart thumping away, the dumb terminology making his mind race with what the hell it was even going for. It was in this state that he entered the dark shadows, well not really entered but straddling the border. Yes it was warm, but it was pitch black and he really had to think about whether it was worth it to-




Victor was slammed forward, the wind somehow reversing course as it slammed the door shut, the edge snagging his jacket, shirt and pants as the resulting thud sent him jumping inside, his caught clothing tearing apart his clothes as his bare body ran frantically in the dark. He slammed into a corner, groaning as he rubbed his nose, trying to find his bearings when he felt something wisp by his skin, tiny strands blowing around his body, his heart ready to burst once he realized what that feeling was.


His flailing made it worse, seemingly tons of cobwebs draping over him, that creepy crawly feeling of spider legs rubbing up and down his naked body, his scared whining fruitlessly reaching no one as he bounded from the corner rolling along the floor until the feeling faded, his breathing slowing down. Stumbling to his feet he realized his eyes had gotten used to the dark, surprised to see a lack of cobwebs in the corner past a few strands above where he had hit. And yet, that feeling was there, a particularly sudden buzz against his cock making him squeal as he panicked and batted down there only to find... cloth? No that couldn't be right, his clothes were still caught in the door so what the hell did he just feel?

Looking down short circuited Vic's brain for a solid minute, even his fear gone with pure confusion as he looked at something not just freaky, but impossible..

Looking down itself was a major warning sign, a thick fluffy tube brushing his neck, his jaw opening as he noticed the thick sweater draped over his body. It was far too small, leaving his navel completely bare, yet it wasn't tight either, the flexible fabric hugging his broad frame. Below was a short red miniskirt, frilled and loose yet somehow not falling to the ground. Looking under showed white panties the cause of the sudden jolt around his junk, the initial confusion now fading to fear. How the fuck had this gotten on him?! Even if someone was trying to mess with him there's no way he couldn't notice someone putting this shit on him. Trying the door he found it shut tight, the warped metal jamming it from even shaking much as he pulled at the handle.

"Fuck it, it's warm enough I'll go naked before anyone sees me in this shit!"

Victor tore off the clothing, ripping it to shreds to ensure it'd never come back. Now he had to get the fuck out of-



The lights had suddenly turned on, not many, but enough to give a visible orange glow to the building. Victor had jumped, his scream coming out weird as his throat buzzed, the new light weirdly blurred as if his eyes were fucked, but worse than that was his body. That same spider feeling ran over his body, a quick glance down giving a blurry look as orange fibers swallowed his body, red and white cramping his cock as the outfit reformed, materializing from nowhere as the torn scraps were nowhere to be found.

"Holy shit how the fuck did that- What the hell?!"

There were too many things to worry about, the clothes, his vision, but worst of all his voice. Feeling his neck, Victor gasped, his usual large jutting Adam's Apple half recessed, the scared squeal somehow melting it further as he now noticed a slight bitterness in the back of his throat, the lump barely protruding out as an almost comedically high pitched voice eeked from his lips. Feeling up further he found just what was fucking up his vision, the world coming back into focus once he removed the thickest pair of glasses he had ever seen in his life. He threw them to the ground, crushing them underfoot as he hastened to tear the reformed clothes into tinier scraps, not stopping till a drizzle of threads fell from his fists.

"I-I'm not going to play your stupid games. Just let me out or I'll-" Another light switched on mid threat, sending the linebacker leaping, moaning as the clothes reformed tighter to his body, the glasses popping back into place as a noticeable pop hit his throat, his screams coming out girlish and mousy.

"EEEEEEEEK~! No! No! Nooooo~!"

Now he could feel the fabric tight against his frame, as if giving him a warning, the uncomfortable hugging of it amplifying the wrongness as the panties buzzed against his crotch. A message had appeared with the new light written in dripping blood, "DON'T BE A SCAREDY CAT!"

A red arrow pointed deeper into the building, around the corner of the hallway he had been stuck in.

"Fuuuuck no! I'm not- Oh god I sound like a fucking lab girl!"

There was no way he was going to go deeper, and even if the door was locked, all the wood around it was old and weathered and he was a god damn beast on the field as is. Not bothering to take the clothes off this time, he went against one wall, angling a shoulder as he charged into the opposing side like an enemy team. The wood splintered, red blood spraying out as the building moaned like a wounded animal, Victor groaning as the surprise left his shoulder throbbing, a chill working its way into his muscles. Running back, he charged again, trying to ignore the blood from the cracks as he rammed his shoulder into the wall, hoping to break through only for his shoulder to splinter instead.

The splintering had gotten worse at least, but pain raced down his arm, the breakage continuing as the moans loudened. The volume was deafening, making the chill and buzz in his muscle worse as his right side was deflating, the broken bones popping and shifting as muscle seemed to just drain to nothing. It felt numbing after the initial break, his gait now lopsided like a hunchback in a monster movie as years of physical training melted away. White mist spewed from his pours, as if his muscle had died and was now haunting him, his shoulder rounding, compressing, arm slender and lanky. Working the fingers to try and get rid of the numbness, he watched as his oversized hands shrank, leathery digits fading to pathetically tiny fingers, delicately curved and cute without an ounce of strength left to them.

The blood from the wall was now an inch thick off the ground, and there was a grinding noise as the building shook, the end of the hallway starting to pull in like it was a trash compactor. He ran back to the other side, hoping this'd all reverse itself when he got out, angling his left shoulder as each panicked breath sent the chill and buzz deeper, his torso pulling in with every breath out. Before he lost more strength he ran, cursing as his speed was reduced by the now ankle deep flood of blood, his left shoulder still ramming into the wood, but not doing as much as that first strike as slivers of outside light teased him with the chance of freedom as his left shoulder popped.

The building's moan was more a roar now, the shrinking hallway's compression hastening as it was nearly halfway to the door he entered, Victor busy grunting as mist puffed out his shrinking arm, moaning as terrible weakness assaulted his muscular body. It disturbingly felt nice the way hypothermia made the cold blissful, as if his body was trying to make him ease into the terrible fate planned for him. In his attempts to escape, three sets of glasses had appeared and fallen into the red river rising up, each new pair that replaced it slowly fucking with his sight his 20/20 vision more 20/30 now, his pupils wobbling imperceptibly as a reddish brown color poured in. He was on the verge of tears at this point, whining as his left arm became slim and girly, his abdominal muscles all gasping out as his body slimmed down greatly. He felt exhausted, scared as his nails grew, their orange painted color mixed with his own feminine shrieking scaring him as he could feel the sweater prickling around his skin, sensitizing it and shaving his thick layers of body hair to add to its growing thickness.

He didn't have time to run back, nor the strength to use his shoulders and the blood was creeping up his calves, a sticky, soft flow wrapping around them as he raised one of the few strong parts of his body left to him. Clotted blood was pressing against his foot, already feeling the trapped foot straining to maintain its form as blood continued crawling up his calf in a ridged pattern. Victor slammed it into the weakspot, aware the wall was closing in, more slivers of outside pouring in, the wood so close to breaking. He could feel each slam rattle through his skeleton, muscles jostling, shrinking, sagging into fattier formations as he kept on trying.

He stopped when a surprised moan left him, his once beefy thigh now curved and thick, its fat sliding against his balls in a way that ashamedly tented his panties, his kicks doing little now that his entire leg was curvaceous and girly. The kicks were wobbling them more, adding to the burgeoning curves as some more fat swelled around his cock, Victor switching to his remaining leg. It was so close, so despairingly close, yet as the blood neared his knees the wall would not give, the blood clinging to his already half shrunken leg and solidifying before his eyes into a scarlet stocking.

His final feeble kick scrunched his foot down to something cute he knew, the congealed blood a red heel so small and girly that he would have barely been able to fit a toe into only an hour ago. All of the strength had been drained from him, his body lanky, arms slim and feminine and both legs were now fully girlified. He stopped before adding any more thickness to his thighs, already disturbed at how he was helpless to feel his cock hardening as he trudged through the blood, running from the wall bearing down on him. The blood stopped once he rounded the corner, the wall suddenly slamming closed, his escape route sealed off and his mousy squeak summoning the glasses onto his face, his pug nose crinkling slightly as he moved deeper.

Victor was whimpering as he stumbled down the hallway, an endless corridor of doors surrounding both sides of a cramped, claustrophobic midway. The lights flickered, each one causing the tired jock to whimper, said whimpers causing a tingle in his scalp. Rubbing it, his usual short buzzcut was losing its bristles, slinking out in soft little growths as the blonde color darkened, chestnut locks tickling his neck as he swiped at it, nervously expecting something to chase him when he looked back. A cowlick popped up in the back as a door finally creaked open, the scared boy running past it without looking. More bangs creeped down his forehead as another one creaked open, this time showing off a shiny 6 as its number when he made the mistake of looking at the gaping door. Another minute later and there was a pit in his stomach, the doors now familiar, the design looping, his eyes seeing golden numbers appearing 1-5 before the sixth opened once more and the lights seemed... dimmer?

Each cycle led to the flickering getting worse, the hall grungier, dirtier, the same door opening each time until his head was shaggy with soft hair, the plastic bit of the glasses dug into a petite nose from multiple attempts to get rid of it as he finally gave into the building's desires, looking.

It was a mirror, only showing his face, his eyes shooting wide as he saw a face that wasn't his, shown back. Groaning he could feel his cheeks wobbling, the mirror moving on its own, his face forced to follow as he was helpless to mirror it, feeling his lips plump with each pursing of them, his jaw snapping down, a flock of freckles burning their way under wide, slanted eyes. He didn't want this, hearing another slow creak behind him. The cute girl reflected back suddenly laughed before the mirror shattered, Victor finally able to tear himself away in time to turn and run, screaming as from the other door emerged a lumbering mummy, reaching for him.

He ran, feeling the mummy's fingertips brush against his spine, the sudden shock causing the vertebrae to bend and pop. A solid inch slid off his lanky height in that first swipe, a cold shudder pooling into the small of his back as it partially pressed in. Thankfully the monster was fading into the distance, Victor turning to watch where he was going when suddenly another bandaged fist swiped at him. It was equal parts a shriek and moan, the mummy suddenly right behind him again the second his head had turned away, a hot rush pouring in as his great height receded another inch. It was hard to explain, an aroused rush accompanying the loss of height, as if his body was rewarding him for being changed. In this confused state the mummy gave him another brush up, this time pawing at his sides as they squished, a girly moan rising as he started running again.

This time when the mummy fell back he refused to avert his gaze, groaning as the residual fear was still running up and down his body, his spine crumbling under the high pressure in tiny pops, a solid foot already taken from him when his heels snagged a loose floorboard he couldn't have seen while looking back, his body tumbling over as his shoes popped off, his stockings sagging as his knees stung from the hard fall. Like before the mummy was back now that his eyes had left it, it's hands wrapping tightly around his legs as he screamed and squirmed. Groaning Victor felt it peel off his stockings, digging its ancient thumbs into the meat of his ass and groping it. It was horrifying, arousing, shameful, all of that fear finally manifesting in a sudden snap that sent his spine fully curving, another foot sheared off as he moaned, feeling mass pump up under the mummy's grasp. It was tearing apart his hips, feeling up his thighs in ways that made them thicken and billow, his moans and screams rising as he tore himself away, dashing into one of the side doors and moaning as his lower half swelled with corruption.

For a solid minute, the touch of the mummy lingered, Victor spasming along the floor as the meat of his thighs continued to press tighter together, his bare bottom not stopping its mammoth growth. The jock's face blushed red as his cock hardened, struggling between the thick pillows that insisted on battering it, squeezing it no matter how he shifted as his fear of it not stopping grew with his arousal until-


A hot flush of fluids tumbled onto the floor, his thighs stopping their growth at the release. His whole body seemed to throb as the small spurt of cum dribbled out his cock, the once towering giant suddenly aware of just how small he had become, how girly. Disturbingly, the more his sperm flowed the more he could feel a strange sort of stirring in his hips, two slithery things digging towards his groin, fear striking his core as the orgasm slowed, but the results still throbbed like a beast in pursuit. There wasn't much to change now, his cock still hard and his nipples unchanged as far as he could feel under his sweater. Though the more he worried about what might be going on, the scratchier his top felt, a sudden throb hitting both as he groaned, feeling the flesh start to swell with his every worried-

"Stop thinking stop thinking I'm not scared I'M NOT SCARED!"

The hysterical declaration worked partially, the changes pausing in their tracks as his glasses scattered down, the world now blurrier without than with them on. If he could he would have broken down there, but as he felt his fear cause them to reposition themselves, the skirt and panties reforming over his shapelier bottom, he turned and saw a brief glimpse of hope in a bright red neon EXIT sign that pointed through a short hallway, the outside finally within reach.

Victor kept repeating he wasn't scared as a mantra, hoping it would work, hoping this wasn't a trap, his dick riding on not feeling fear as he stumbled through the hallway. The chilly air at least calmed down his raging erection, though he couldn't help the way his thighs were moving, his whole gait disturbingly feminine no matter how hard he tried to consciously shift it. The area was bounded by a massive fence, impossibly tall, but it was at least a welcome respite from the inner workings of the house, or it was until his eyes landed on where it was leading him.

Mist was rising from the widened area in front, freckles dotting his shoulders and knees as both knocked and shivered at the yawning expanse of a graveyard in front of him. The real exit was also visible, nestled a distance away past the cracked tombstones, Victor unsure of how he should proceed. He didn't want to find out what final trial had been left to torment him, but there was the fear as mists continued to spew from the graves that once he lost sight of the exit, it might never appear again. Oddly despite the stress his eyes slowly dimmed, his squeaks more pleased than scared, a nervous flush painting his cheeks scarlet. Suddenly the most amazing sensation was encompassing his dick, willowy, soft, tender and pervasive through the whole shaft as if waves of pleasure were being run up and down the excited manhood.

Drooling a little as he looked down, all of those good feelings turned to horror as he noticed the ghostly figure formed in the mists around him, palming his cock as he screamed out. "NOOOOoooooOOOO~," the shaft visibly shrinking as he came against his will. It was a far more intense kind of release, making his whole body buckle and jerk as an inch of his massive cock was drawn in, his balls tighter to his groin as he gave up any hope of avoiding the graveyard, running into dead's playpen.

"Nothing'll happen nothing'll happen please let nothing- HYAAA~ Ohhh NOOOOOO~!"

As much as he wanted nothing to happen, the second he ran over a grave a rotten hand had pulled out, grabbing his cock and dragging itself up as it regrabbed for better positioning. Victor squealed as the undead handjob further sapped his masculinity, hating himself as more cum darkened his panties, his schlong now average as more forced itself inside as the zombie forced its way out. He swatted at it, finally escaping but moaning as the two snakes finally struck his balls. The best way to describe it was as if both were being swallowed by wet, churning muscle, the releases now unstoppable as he screamed, gripping his cock as he wriggled from side to side, any attempts at running through thwarted by the slow, pleasureful death of his groin, any slowness terrifying as hordes of undead hands were dragging themselves up to the surface.

Every nightmare was coming true mixed with the most awkward of wet dreams imaginable, his body thwarting his attempts to quickly escape as the surges pumped out his cock. The moans of the dead were noticeably horny, brains the least repeated groan as more of the rising ghouls moaned for pussy and titties, others near her moaning thighs as if they were all desperately hungry for a good fucking. Victor felt like a naked cheerleader running through one of the team's locker rooms after a bad game, the feeling of tons of frustrated spirits all desperate to relieve stress and take out anger on the weak thing running through their sanctum. The moans were catching up, one hand pulling at his skirt, another fondling his shrunken testicles, grabbing hold of his sack for a terrible second until the pressure forced Victor to moan, the swallowed testicles gulped down his abdomen as he ran. Tears of bliss and fear streamed down his face, drool pooling from his open mouth as he felt his balls yank deep inside, dissolving into the maw of his forming womanhood.

It was so hard to run like this, his body feeling weak in the knees with every terribly wonderful orgasm, now feeling the pleasure in his chest as much as his half shrunken cock, the exit so close when the zombies finally caught up to him. The undead cared not for his whimpers or his cries, only wanting his body, needy hands desperate for warmth, for life, for sex. Some pulled at his hair, others at the neckline, stretching it out as they caressed his contours. The rotten smell was all around, forcing his eyes to squint as he couldn't see what they were doing, but definitely felt it.

His nipples were descended upon by the hoard, feeling their bony fingers grip and tease, some of the undead mouths clamping down, forcing him to gasp and moan like a needy slut as their toothless mouths brought the flesh to rise. Victor was trying to stifle the fear, the need, the burning desire building as his cock was manhandled and pressed, some of their fingers slipping into his virgin asshole, spearing his prostate as he felt the corruption warp his g spot into a hot, throbbing womb. He was dragging himself to the exit, trying not to drown in madness, in ecstasy, unable to stop the clear cum from flowing now as the ghouls cheered at the warm fluids they forced from his body.

Every groping hand was causing fat to surge, freckles speckling his chest as his cock pounded against a forming chasm, now barely four inches weakly standing, trembling under the undead assault, his mind barely thinking as he kept dragging himself one arm's length at a time. There was a fatty sounding churning that erupted in unimaginable bliss his bosom suddenly rocketing out to E-Cups, his cock slurping in two inches as the sudden growth threw him out of the undead horde's grasp, his body alight with alien feelings as his cock continued to melt, his breasts surging as he realized this was his last chance to escape.

He stumbled, crying as his cock was pulsing down to a mere nub, his tits hanging massive as they stretched his neckline further, hot and heavy as they jiggled in his braless run. At the last second his bare foot tangled up in a tree root, a nerdy yelp sending him tumbling through the last few feet, breaking the precipice as the moaning horde of horny zombies faded, the mists clearing.





In his moment of victory a hot spasm poured through his cock, his fallen form jerking against the ground, the boy frantically pawing at his crotch, screaming and cumming as his cock was yanked inside. Unimaginable ecstasy rankled through his core, spreading her legs as she felt her cock drilling deeper and deeper inside her quaking pussy. She screamed in rapturous bliss, a geyser of clear cum spurting past her pussy, her breasts now the stuff of her old self's dreams as she moaned, feeling her first female orgasm utterly deplete her. At some point in the spasming her glasses had fallen off, leaving her blind and though she was scared, they didn't reappear. She had to see, had to know for sure, groping for her glasses, nervous when she found them as she slipped them on.

"I-Is it... Noooo! Please come back I can't be a-B-But I got out! I GOT OUT! I-I-"

Turning around the haunted house that had caused it was gone, a burnt out wreck and some foundations all that remained of the building that had taken everything from her. She shivered, somewhere in the back of her mind realizing she couldn't remember her old name, only able to think of herself as Velma, sobbing as she looked through the wreckage. There had to be something there, this couldn't be permanent, it wasn't fair! It wasn't-

Eventually her legs gave out, the weak girl trembling from cold and fear. She knew she'd have to exit the park, her skimpy outfit leaving her freezing, her new body far more sensitive to the already biting cold. She shuddered at how the guys would react to her shambling out, half naked and still dripping with sex. Disturbingly the thought of them coming to her and forcing themselves onto her sent a warm shudder through her. D-Did she like that kind of thing now? Oh god what the hell had these ghosts done to her?! She stood there trembling in the dark, her pussy dripping, panting and rubbing her thighs together over the wreck of the haunted house, whimpering as her mind and body argued, unsure of what to do as the night wore on.


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