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Silver enjoyed the quiet of the abandoned mansion, a far cry from his usual hectic days. He didn’t mind his acquaintances too much, but he was never the type to form longer lasting bonds past those with his pokemon. Besides today’s business was personal, he had heard rumors of The Masked Man having escaped to Kanto in an abandoned village near Lavender Town. According to the local legends the old mansion had once been run by an absurdly wealthy woman whose proclivities were infamous, though when asked about what said proclivities were the people he talked to would just turn beet red and move on. 

Either way whatever had happened there led to the owner dying(a few of the townsfolk would chuckle saying they wished they could die like that, but again, no one answered when he asked for details) rather suddenly. Now it was a haunt for hordes of ghost pokemon and a few dark types that had migrated in for the season. The townsfolk insisted no one could stay there for long, but he doubted a highly skilled trainer like The Masked Man wouldn’t be able to fend off some gastly’s. He owed it to himself to at least check. This would require the utmost secrecy and all of his fo-

“Ah sweet you’re here too Silver?! Better not be stealing anything... I’m kidding I’m kidding.” Oh great Gold was here.

“What are you doing in Kanto?” Why did he always run into this guy wherever he went? It was odd how often their paths intersected.

“Well I wanted to get some more badges! Plus I figured some ghost pokemon wouldn’t hurt for The Psychic gym near here. But this place is dead! Well okay yeah it’s an actual dead manor but I figured there’d be like swarms of pokemon to catch. Wanna play cards while we wait for some to appear?”

He had the deck out before Silver could even respond, but before Gold could get another word out he quickly refused.

“I am not here for fun! I am here to find the masked man once and for all understand?! Besides you cheat at cards.”

“I do not-“ He had flung his arms down in protests, a few hidden face cards slipping out of his sleeves as they fluttered slowly to the ground. Golf course corrected

“-cheat that often! Besides it was just gonna be for fun.”


“But Silve-


“...Fine. But I’m following you. You might need some backup.”

“Just don’t make any noise.” And so the two were off.

Gold barely lasted a minute before he began yapping, a largely non responsive Silver hoping he would get the idea to shut up, but Gold seemed to just barrel on to new topics. How's the  masked man hunt going? Is his Feraligatr doing well? Do you think this place is haunted by that dead owner? Is she hot? Do you think we might get some ghost sex? How do you even catch a Gastly the balls just kind of phase through them half the time. Oh do you think the owner also had ghost maids? Can a ghost be horny? Have you ever want-

Silver's mood was quickly turning angry under the constant questions, his desire for peace and discreteness constantly being infringed on. Even worse, the mansion truly did seem empty, searches for secret passageways or hidden rooms turning up nothing as they completed a full circuit of the mansion. The masked Man wasn't here and he now had to deal with Gold's incessant talking for the rest of the night unless he was able to shake him off.

They were both unwittingly releasing energy into the air, the ghosts of the house slowly feeding as they hovered around, just out of sight. Silver's growing negative energy a delectable treat to the various gastlies nearby, but the more unfortunate lightning rod for mischievous spirits was Gold's intense horny energy.

The owner of the house did have some presence still there, but usually she stayed dormant. As a vastly rich socialite with lots of free time and too much clout to hear no, she had been a massive pervert, her death hard to remember much like her name, her past fading with every year, but she could recall it happening over the course of an orgy and something with a Tauros and a Weepinbell. But feeling Gold's fantasies as he imagined them, it brought back her desires, a finger moving down to her ghost slit only to bring a rush of disappointment when her incorporeal fingers merely went through her nonexistent pussy. She wanted to feel again, to go wild and indulge on her own fantasies.

She began hovering over Gold's head, slobbering over his delightfully perverted ideas, his rambling eventually settling down into mumbled thoughts as he stared dreamily into the distance. Flipping through them, one idea stood out from the rest, a part of Gold's mind annoyed at Silver's silence, imagining the gloomy rival turning into a horny goth girl from some curse in the manor followed by various angles of sex and debauchery.

The more she let his fantasy fill her the more promising his idea seemed, her power growing with his horniness. She was beginning to merge with the throng of ghost pokemon feeding off of the humans' energy as she wondered if it was possible, remembering rumors of such things happening to small children who were weak to psychic influence. But would it work on a grown trainer? Well there was only one way to truly find out.

With no sign of The Masked Man and no rest from Gold's perverted musings, Silver figured he had every right to break his usual sullen and quiet behavior to lash out a bit. At least when Green was angry she'd forget about it quickly and understood his personality, though she'd still rub it in his face that he mixed up a Lugia for Ho-Oh. But he really didn't want to spend a night out in the woods, especially when there was a rain forecast according to the local castforms. So he'd yell at Gold a bit, get some peace and quiet and let him be the one to sulk for once.

And then something strange washed over him, any thought of yelling at Gold replaced with a sudden wave of cold and weirdly enough... arousal? Goosebumps formed along his skin as an intense cold filled him, a glance down showing wisps of purple aura rushing into him. He tried calling out to Gold for help, but that just let more of the ghost energy rush in, his teeth chattering as all he could get out were a few labored wheezes and a surprised moan.

It wasn't just in him, but on him too, a ghostly mouth phasing through his jeans and underwear to wrap around his cock, moving up and down erotically. All of his words were being tangled up in his throats, grunts and groans all that left his lips as they started to turn blue, but all of that was lost under Gold's loudmouthed talk.

The small hairs on SIlver's skin eventually froze, all of the micro icicles giving a little shudder before falling to the ground in pieces with almost inaudible kliks. Rubbing his arms, Silver noticed his skin was not only hairless, but incredibly smooth, his fingers gliding against skin so featureless and silky it seemed more fitting on a Victorian Doll than him. And it was getting paler, his pasty appearance looking almost anemic by the time it finished lightening.

The mouth around his cock was beginning to increase its tempo, a tongue joining in on the pleasureful assault as his knees buckled, a cold tendril beginning to snake up the tip of his dick and into his abdominal cavity. Whatever the cold touched changed, some ungodly sensations building up as he nearly collapsed, his organs beginning to churn and shrink. Worse still was the strange soothing effect Gold's voice was beginning to take on him, his dumb sexual questions and random asides landing differently to his perception, the aggravating now arousing. Was the ghost making him... attracted to Gold?

Realization struck then, horror racing through him as he remembered the rumors of the manor owner, his smooth skin and shifting innards just the precursor to some rather drastic changes if he didn't get help quickly. Deciding to forego any actual words, Silver just screamed, hoping to get Gold's attention and maybe a fly over to the nearest pokemon center, but what he let out gave other things the chance to come in, a gaggle of gastly pouring down his throat as they merged, the intense cold freezing the lump in his throat before it shattered and dusted down his esophagus to leave a sultry, feminine scream behind.

Gold was jolted from his fantasies when he heard that scream, confused when Silver's voice transitioned to a dusky feminine siren that dripped sex. Looking over at his friend he was greeted by a shocking sight, Silver collapsing onto the ground as purple wisps gave his body an eerie outline, his clothes turning brittle with flecks of frost appearing on them. His usual outfit then shattered, the few strips of cloth left behind doing about as much good as no clothing as his outfit had become a thong one piece bikini in solid black.

"Oh shit what the fuck?!" Gold really didn't want to see his friend mostly naked, his dick on full display tented against the thong and the way he was writhing was just wrong. But he was compelled to look, his feminine cries resounding throughout the empty rooms of the mansion as his body began to look different.

Were his muscles shirnking? They were! Plus his whole body was looking smoother and soft, his waist beginning to cinch inwards and the bones of his hips were straining against the flesh, like they were trying to get out. Then there were his nipples, which he thought were just hard from the cold, but every time his eyes accidentally landed on them they seemed fuller, pinker, larger. It was almost like... No that was impossible! ...right?

"H-UGH-EEEELP~!" Silver croaked out as his hips throbbed, a meaty crack signalling their expansion as they pushed apart, once, twice, three times into a wide form, their bony, blocky shape just needing some fat to turn into the hips of a goth goddess. And Gold couldn't help but imagine what the final product would look like, wrapped around him, desperate to please him like he had fantasized. I mean he could go and get him out, drag him to a pokemon center and  get him back to his usual unresponsive gloomy self, OR he could just enjoy the show. It's not like he was LETTING him be turned into a hot girl, really there was nothing he could do or science for that matter since this was clearly a possession thing. A sexy possession thing. And what if touching Silver spread it or something? Yeah, he'd let this one play out just to be safe.

Silver meanwhile was in emotional flux. He was equally horny, horrified, embarrassed, entranced. The spectral mouth on his cock was growing more experienced, finding new ways to tantalize his sensitive appendage as more mouths began to form around him. Why was this happening to him? Why did the ghosts have to leave him in a bikini? Why did this feel so good and why the fuck was Gold just standing around while he was about to experience a gastly ghost gangbang?!

Two of the mouths materialized over his hardened nipples, the inert male flesh coming to life under their groping lips, each mouth's tongue sparking a new sensation as he couldn't help but moan euphorically. That's when a new mouth formed over his, a large tongue forcing its way around his own, preventing him from closing his mouth as more energy flew in.

The cold in his head was becoming all encompassing, his ability to fight back being frozen out of him as he slowly became numb to everything except the pleasure, his own mouth beginning to return the kisses, Kalos style. The macabre makeout felt better once he began returning it, his lips smacking together into soft pillows while the bones in his face popped and crunched, the severe edges of his face rounding down to something more inviting.

He began to suck down his ghostly lover, drawing in its face as it slipped behind his features effortlessly, his face bulging  outwards like an awkward mask before compressing down to fit snugly. His nose was scraped down to a cute button, his cheeks gaining dimples as his brain cavity was compressed by his shrinking skull, memories slipping away to make room in his smaller head. The most apparent changes though were in his eyes, his red pupils glowing with ghostly energy as they quadrupled in size, his eyes now massive as eyeshadow curled his growing eyelashes to thicker, dark fringes around luminous purple pupils.

A pleased whine escaped his lips at the end of it, the face of an insane beauty plastered on top of his still male body, his eyes those of one drunk on madness and ecstasy. He could feel all of these useless memories stuck in his head now being squeezed out, tainting his red hair as the roots turned a purplish black, his locks curling and spiraling out randomly in a chaotic tangle as his usually tight crop became a wild mass of glossy hair. Silver loved the way it felt on his skin, the excess weight making his spine easily pop into a curvier formation, his flat chest and ass accented from his position on the floor.

They didn't remain flat for long, all of those ghosts being channeled by the intense sexual energy into wonderful lumps of fat. Silver couldn't handle it, his seed blizzarding from his dick in frosty spurts once his chest and ass began growing. He was in heaven, or at least some form of afterlife bliss as his growing breasts first brushed the floorboards, then squashed against the old wood, going from cup sizes to quarts and gallons. He didn't even have to mash them, gravity was doing it all for him as he writhed, his upper body elevating more and more as they strained the thing strings of his skimpy outfit.

Still his body craved more, his ass and thighs sucking their fair amount from his core as pleased squeals accompanied every minute shift. His once thick core had turned slim and squished in, the thickness now lower. His shaking legs soon gained an added jiggle with every squirm, his ass cheeks clapping faster and faster into an applause as the added tightness strained the bikini bottoms, his cock struggling to stay firm against the pressure.

"G-Goooold..." It was a strained plea, mixed between moans and yelps as his body unconsciously caved in to the pleasure, his cock continuing to pump out spurts of cum while his body temperature plummeted. There was a tightness to his balls, a strained ache building in the cavity above his cock that yearned to be filled and given how close he was to losing himself completely, he didn't doubt this would be his last chance to save himself.

"Pleeeaaase I n-need you to-" There was another sharp spike of cold in his head, one of his bangs thrusting upwards in defiance of gravity as he lost track of what he wanted. What did he need?  Wait he? Silver looked down at his massive breasts, wiggled shrinking fingers and toes, groped his ass and basked in the sensation as the ghostly mouth below's large tongue began to push against his balls.

Suddenly the thought of being male was hilarious, a few snickers leaving him despite his best efforts, the edges of his mouth curling upwards to let more boisterous guffaws out. The timbre became more manic with each laugh until the male idea became full on mania. Even her ghostly lovers were getting in on it, the mouths buzzing against her tits and balls. And with that final bit of resistance properly taken out of her, her cackling soon turned indistinguishable from her ecstatic shrieks, her last male pieces pushing in.

Yes she really needed Gold more than ever to save her as her balls deflated, the last of her sperm choked out as her cock was slowly ushered in, the long tongue now focused squarely on her shrinking dick once the last of her balls had drawn in nicely down her new fallopians. The tip of its tongue was pressing into her urethra, widening it the closer it got to being flush with her groin, every inch filling her with a chilly delight. She could feel the muscles connecting, her insides desiring more to fill her as it pushed in deeper and deeper, the maw widening hungrily as it tensed, eager to latch on and draw in anything it could.

Soon it was drawing her spectral sucker in deeper, joining in with the cold mass within, her cock barely an inch, but wide now. She tensed up, the last of her cock inverting with a loud squelch as she released an unearthly howl, her new sexual organs greedily sucking in the final dregs of spirits. Silva felt her body internalize them,  vaginal fluids dripping down and hardening to ice against her chilly thighs as her body temperature dropped to the low 30's. She was complete, alive and more importantly, desperate for a good pounding, a connection, heat.

"I need you to fuck me Gold! I'm sooo~ cold. Could you warm me up?"Gold hardly needed the encouragement, his pants already half down and his shirt tossed off during the final moments of her change. He figured if his fantasy was coming true, then there had to be some spiritual sex in the mix, especially from just how horny she had sounded. True the crazy laughter had almost been a turn off, but she had this hot/crazy thing going on that he just couldn't say no to.

She spread herself wide as she rolled over, exposing her frosty privates to him teasingly through the folds of her bikini, the blue frost and her pink walls making even her insides look a vibrant shade of magenta as he stepped free of his boxers. She was perfect!  He always had a thing for the hex maniacs he'd occasionally battle, but his former rival was a whole nother level of gothic hotness! And she was hungry for his cock, hell shivering with anticipation!

When he wrapped his arms around her, Gold could feel that she was also probably shivering from the cold too, her body like a popsicle! She giggled at his body's reaction, goosebumps breaking out over his arms as he grew closer, puffs of cold air making his eyes tear up as he pushed through it, slowly lowering his dick to her exposed pussy, determined to live out his dream. Her massive eyes widened happily, that sexual hunger in them gaining a predatory edge, her lips in an uneven grin that screamed danger as her thighs clamped around his cock. Silva bucked her hips upwards, submerging his cock deeper and deeper and deeper into her needy folds, her strong thighs dragging the struggling trainer closer until his balls were scraping the sides of her vulva as Gold's screams turned from ecstatic to horror.

It was like he had exposed himself to a blizzard, that horrible cold stuck feeling from licking a frozen light pole mirrored on all sides of his cock as the cold deep within her began to flow into him. It chafed at the sides of it, his genitalia soon rubbed raw as a solid mass of paranormal energy mixed with Silva's fluids, a buildup of it growing in her air tight chasm as she thrust Gold's cock deeper and deeper until she felt his pubic hairs brush and freeze next to hers.

The walls of her vagina pumped rhythmically, his pained reaction to the cold numbing to pleasure as Gold's whimpered pleas stuttered as he felt every last inch of his manhood massaged into a numbing pleasureful lump. He couldn't help himself, pressure building and building until it couldn't be denied as hot spurts of cum rushed out to thaw his icy lover's insides.

Silva loved it, the masculinity and resistance between her thighs filling her with a marvelous warmth as her body temperature rose back to an almost normal state. There was just too much raw sexual desire and ghostly malice in her for just one body. Sure she wished she could ride Gold like a stallion for the rest of the night, but there would be other cocks and she had such a willing male body to help split the load of her overly possessed gifts. Arceus she wanted to just kiss his scaroused face, the tears streaming down in lovely patterns, but given the size of her chest her mouth hung longingly inches away.

Slowly his resistance faded as more and more cum was drained, the orgasm seemingly unending as he struggled to choke out a question.

"Wh-UNGH-aaat are y-yOOOH d-HOO-ing to HCKK!" His balls tensed up one final time, the last of his male essence spent as his body drooped, all resistance and energy sapped out.

"Mmm I'm just spreading the love Goldie!" The lukewarm fluids in her snatch began to push, flowing into his cock and down, his balls filling with the mistress's essence. The sensation was indescribable, an intense feeling of wrongness spreading through his body at the liquid intrusion, but any negative reaction was soon drowned out by unbelievable amounts of pleasure.

It was filling him, his pleasure receptors changing to desire that sensation more as a strong urge to be filled and dominated replaced his usual tendencies. The ghostly fluid rubbed against his internals, an alien heat replacing the intense cold as he squirmed, unable to comprehend what was going on. He could feel something carving a channel into him, pleasure sparking up as tubes and muscles attached to his balls, spreading the contaminating substance deeper as he bucked, the sudden orgasm only drawing in more.

The liquid drove his balls inward, pulling them along the current as his face twitched, the pupils widening as a matching purple tint began forming. His hands scrabbled towards his submerging genitals, unable to break through Silva's thighs as first the left, then the right testicles were driven deep into his body. Silva was almost disappointed when she began to feel his dick recede, his thrusts and cries growing more frantic and wild as he was caught between wanting desperately to climax and wanting to stay a man, but sooner than either of them wanted a wet tearing squelch set Gold's hips rocking backwards, his lower body free as a dripping wet pussy now rested between his legs.

Gold stared down at his new genitalia with a dumbfounded look on his face, his body stuck in place as his mind raced to understand the disappearance of his dick. Not in a mood to wait around or chase down her changing prey, Silva quickly hopped on top, pushing him back as she took the dominant position. Under her gentle touch, Gold's remaining masculinity was soon drained, his muscles atrophying as strength became sleek, his arms effeminate twigs that pushed weakly against her, his core soon reduced to a thin, shapely center.

Their lips touched, fusing for a second as the last of Silva's spare ghostly energy flowed into Gold, tears welling up behind his enlargened eyes, his face quickly shifting to an almost identical shape to Silva's, his brown hair streaming down his back in waves of murky black. With a soft floosh sound the rest of his clothes evaporated, leaving behind a similar black bikini one piece and a small pink collar. Silva grabbed for his hat which had fallen off at some point during his fall, placing it on top of her head as it quickly extended down into a purple headband.

She pulled away from him, watching him squirm futilely against her as muddled moans eeked from his drooling mouth, one of her hands tenderly caressing his new features. He had less ghosts in her so she had a ruddier complexion, still pale, but not as untouched by the sun as Silver's ceramic tone was.

"Ooh Goldie you're looking so sexy! We could almost be sisters, fellow hex and sex maniacs! But you need to let the love in! Don't worry big sis Silva'll help you open up." Her hands latched onto his nipples, but her head moved lower, her tongue darting out ominously as she approached his leaking slit. Gold coughed up the rest of his Adam's Apple, a husky alto leaving his slender throat as he fearfully grunted out, "W-Wait Silver please don't go down-HNNGH AHHHHHHHN!"

His eyes gained small floating hearts as he screamed ecstatically, Silva's tongue prying into his new womanhood, stimulating his clit while her hands ravaged his nipples. He shook wildly about, his bony ass first hurting as it rammed against the floor, but soon a growing acceptance mixed with sexual energy gave him some padding.

Silva grinned from between his thighs, felling them plump up with every smack, his splintering hips widening to let more fat in, his resistance turning to an unconscious urge for more as his thighs drew her closer and close to his wanting snatch. Gold couldn't follow what was happening anymore. Moments merged into each other, his chest taking up more of his field of vision every time he glanced down until he couldn't even see what Silva was doing. he just felt every lick and subtle drag of her tongue against his vaginal walls.

For someone who had been so cold at the start, all he could feel now was a wonderful heat building up below, his whole body shivering expectantly, his mind not even trying to resist as Silva stopped fondling his beach ball breasts. Gold's eyes widened when she stuck her fingers in, one at a time until he was filled, her digits probing deeper and faster than her tongue ever could. He bit down hard, grunting once, twice, then finally letting go as her first orgasm tore through the remnants of his psyche, the last of his sanity leaving her in a rush of hot fluids spurting from her ravaged pussy.

The two hex maniacs took a breather, Silva helping Goldie pick out her new room in the abandoned mansion, not coming to a decision until they had tested the springs and strength of every bed. The forecasted storm acted as the perfect ambience to set the mood, three beds breaking under their vigorous fucking over the course of the next few hours, but eventually they both had found their own perfect little rooms and set about admiring their new bodies.

It had been so long since they had had a physical form and they couldn't wait for the first stragglers in the area to settle down for a quiet night, hoping for some cocks to fill them. After that though, they could do whatever they wanted. They both remembered where the secret treasure was hidden before their death and once they had fixed things up a bit their old debaucherous lifestyle could continue like it used to.

Actually it would be even better than before, the possibilities opened up by having a twin with all the same desires and kinks as you definitely filling both their minds with pornographic possibilities. Or maybe they'd never let people know about their revival and haunt the woods, dragging in helpless men and women to be converted to the maniac fold by their own folds. Yes the possibilities were endless, but glancing at their own mostly naked bodies, they couldn't help but continue to test every other bed in the house, just to be thorough. 

Their reign of terror could begin tomorrow, or whenever they grew tired of each other and decided to find fresher game. Either way it thrilled them to think of the legends they could inspire, the terror they could spread, the cocks they could swallow and devour.  They'd paint Lavender Town red and maybe if they caused enough chaos they could have some fun with the elite four. Either way this old mansion wouldn't be quiet anymore.


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