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"Dodge this Berry Boy! Ha-Chaa~!" Ichigo found himself being knocked all along the training grounds by his "teacher" Mashiro, the quotes because her teaching wasn't so much explaining as much as getting angry when he wouldn't immediately grasp a concept and just beat him up as the day went on. It was especially bad today since the other Visored were away, making this a one on one of pure Mashiro with none of the adults to temper her childish abandon.

"Could you just explain how I'm supposed to control these Hollow- OOF!" He was kicked back to the side of the room he started on, the dust prints of her boots littering his black shinigami robes at this point.

"HeeHee caught you off guard Berry Booooy! Just be more-" She took a deep breath in then before striking a pose and yelling out, "SUUUUUUUPPPEEEEEEERRR~!" This was obviously going nowhere fast and Ichigo didn't have the time to waste with her, deciding he'd just wait till any of the others got back who could at least explain the basics to him.

"Okay Mashiro I'm done for today. I'm gonna wait for Shinji to get back so I can understand what the hell I'm supposed to do."

Of course she kicked him still, but she appeared upset, trying to understand what was wrong.

"I don't get it what's wrong?! Just go all SHAPOW with your powers then WOOP WOOP your way through the stuff till your mask goes FSSHHH and then you're SUPER! It's easy!"

From the look of annoyed bafflement on his face, she could tell Ichigo had doubts, which normally wasn't a problem since all of the other Visored had understood it pretty quickly after Aizen had duped them. Was Berry Boy slow or something? Agh if only there was a way to make him more super, more smart more-

"OOH OOH I GOT IT! I can help ya understand instantly! Wanna try it? Huh?! Huh?!"

Sighing, Ichigo humored her.

"Sure what did you have in mi-NNGH!" And that's how he ended up being kicked repeatedly in the face until his body went limp on the ground.

Making sure he wasn't dead and smiling as his heart went pitter patter, Mashiro stretched out while resummoning her mask, the grasshopper looking white hollow mask tearing off still in a half goopy state inside, her cheeks stinging a bit from the separation, but it was a key part in helping her dumb Berry student. After all, every part of the hollow stuff came naturally to her and was as easy as breathing. If he just stopped letting his thoughts interrupt everything, it would all be so much easier! And what better way to make him stop thinking so much than to give him a shot of Mashiro Influence! She knew most hollow energy was invasive and stuff so she was sure while he was knocked out a session her mask would do the trick and help him feel waaaay more super.

Giving him a few pokes to make sure he was out, Mashiro watched wide eyed, not 100% sure what would happen as she slapped it onto his face, the emo boy looking much dopier and funny with her mask on as his body began to twitch and pop as strained gasps and groans echoed from the mask holes. It was really fun to watch, Mashiro forgetting it was supposed to be training as his open chested shinigami robes let her see his body start to shrink, all the little hairs flinging off as she wiped a finger against his paling skin. She didn't feel anything because she still had her gloves on, but it definitely looked smoother. His socks were drooping more and more as the unconscious shinigami's discomforted grunts took on a more erotic tone, moans quivering up as the lump in his throat bobbled up and down. Finding it mesmerizing, Mashiro chased and poked the traveling bump, cheering as it shrank with every successful prod as his sleepy moans turned familiar, his body all curvy and smooth when Mashiro felt something hard poke her tummy.

That was strange, did Berry Boy hide something in his robes? She didn't even know his had pockets since he seemed like the boring type who wouldn't have the patience to modify his shinigami uniform. It wasn't like she was that type either, much preferring her solid white body suit of which she had multiples of in case any got damaged in her fighting. Still curious about the lump she pulled at it, her cute student moaning happily as she tugged at the weird bump, his slender fingers twitching as they flailed about, landing on his hairless chest and trembling near the hardening nipples there. Frustrated that it wasn't moving much, Mashiro slapped the tip of the lump, a wet gurgle sounding as the changing boy bucked his hips up, squealing before flopping back down, a puddle of drool forming under the gaps in Mashiro's mask.

She didn't know why that had happened, but those noises were just, soooo adorably super! And weirdly the lump seemed to have gone down a bit. Like his Adam's Apple before, she began to poke it, giggling as sticky stuff started staining the black robes, her kouhai making increasingly adorable sounds as she pressed up and down the receding thing between his legs. Her fingers accidentally slapped down against something squishy near the base, her gloved hand feeling what she assumed to be squishy marbles before an accidental squeeze sent one slurping inside, his following hip thrust slapping the other one into her hand as he gave pleased, muffled groans. Mashiro glanced approvingly at the lengthening tufts of mint green hair atop his head, and the way his hands were playing with his chest was definitely like her usual sleeping patterns, though did he always have boobies?

"Don't good teachers like, mold their students into superstars like them? Ooh I'm such a good teacher!" She giggled as Ichigo cooed away the last of his masculinity, the bump barely tenting as it softened and slipped away.

"Mmm! Mmm~... Ohh~!"


Mashiro wasn't sure what had popped down below, but the wet spot had stopped growing after that, her mask dematerializing as well to reveal a perfect copy of herself, just younger since he was her junior by a good couple centuries. Already he was much improved, a goofy look of contentment showing how much more open he'd be. And the freshly minted woman seemed to be enjoying her boobs just like Mashiro did, her right hand groping her left breast like a stress ball under the loose robes, moaning every now and then when her palms rubbed against a nipple. But she couldn't just be allowed to sleep the day away! Well okay a bit longer, Mashiro wanted to spruce up his look a bit, tying a red scarf around his neck, putting some stretchy goggles on his head, plucking his eyebrows and doing his eyelashes and... Darn he was a heavy sleeper wasn't he?

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD! IT'S TIME FOR BERRY BOY TO GROW INTO A MASHIRO TREE!" Did berries grow on trees? Eh who cared she had to wake him up for the real training now. Shaking him didn't work, yelling didn't work, and when she tried to do a flying kick on her soft belly, the lil Mashiro just rolled over in her sleep dodging them. Hmm... what would annoy her enough to wake up? Without thinking about it much, Mashiro casually murmured, "Someone's getting friendly with Hachi without us..."

To her surprise, Berry Boy's eyes popped open, an annoyed, jealous look on his face before it shifted to confusion and horror. As far as Ichigo had been concerned, the last few minutes had been one of those embarrassingly visceral and enjoyable wet dreams, feeling his hakama drenched and his mind weirdly bubbly, like someone had pumped it full of coffee and Coca-Cola. Whatever it was, his head felt sloshy. Of course, that all seemed entirely inconsequential once he noticed the boob in his right hand, and that it was attached to his body.


No that didn't come out right. Ichigo was supposed to be gruff right now, furious sounding. He tried again.

"This is like, suuuuper wrong even if it felt awesome!" Agh god dammit why weren't the words coming out right? It was like he had a filter editing his thoughts in real time. His lips were betraying him, even his attempt at a grimace puffing out into an exaggerated duck face, which attempting to flatten made that sloshy feeling in his brain return, a really cool feeling buzz dripping down to his toes that felt like what one of the seniors had described getting high as like. It almost lulled him into not thinking, the gentle hum just really nice as a dopey look crossed his face. It just felt so silly to fight against the fun, and she was just a goofy berry... boy?!

"ERGH M-Mashiro... something, is, wrong, with, my, head!" It was a struggle to talk normally, Ichigo having to sound out each word individually, which while it avoided the airheaded feeling from before, sounded even sillier, like a bad bit he was putting on.

"Why. Am. I. YOU?!" He spat out the question through his duck lips, not wanting to risk that warm, nice, bubbly nngh worrying feeling again. Mashiro made a matching duck face, annoyed at his slowness returning even after all she'd done.

"Well duh I made it easier for you to do all the hollow stuff! You were like super duper bad before and even when I explained it clearly you couldn't FWWSSHH! Or go BOOM BOP BOOM! And you're waaaaay cuter like this! MAAAASHIIIIROOOOO HUUUUUG~!"

Her attempt to hug her younger twin panicked Ichigo, partly cause she didn't know self control and partly cause a part of him thought it's be awesome to rub their super bodies together and snuggle before kicking some Hollow-

"AGH GET AWAY!" Without realizing it, his mask had formed. Well it was his mask for a second before liquifying into Mashiro's, that slosh in his mind getting thicker as he moaned happily.

It was tickling his mind, a pleasant heat building in his bosom, between his legs as the mush around his brain surrounded it in a hazy curtain that made his face look derpier by the second. Reason broke back through as the mask fell apart, Mashiro looking disappointed at the failure.

"Aww you almost haaad it! Why'd ya stop all of a sudden?!"

Ichigo responded with clenched thighs, panting while trying to ignore the slight dribble slipping down his thighs, letting the desire slowly ebb away as he tried to make his situation clear.

"Nngh I was f-feeling more like you! F-Forgetting I was me and your MMPH p-powers like, totally superfied my hollow thingy- I mean made your mask appear but I'm not you! Please you have to help before ohh~ b-before this gets worse!"

Mashiro seemed to put on her deep thinking face, a Eureka moment flashing about as she slapped a fist into her palm.

"Ooh! Ooh! I totally got ya Berry Boy!"

"Th-Thank god now t-hurn me-"

"You're only laming out cause yer not embracing my Mashiro S-OOOOOOH-PAAAAAR influence and you need to be even more like me! MAKEOVER COMMENCE!"

The hyperactive visor grabbed Ichigo's black Shihakusho and tore it in two, leaving him to shriek and try to cover his nakedness, only to moan as his arms slapped into his breasts. There was a wet tearing sound as Mashiro reformed her mask, tearing it away while still solidifying and slapped it on Ichigo's concerned face.

"Wait don't HYAAAA~!" He could feel the soft parts of the mask melding with his face, rushing up his nose and joining the muck in his head, giggly, hyperactive pleasure pumping in as he moaned, feeling his body shake and grow as her breasts swelled under his arms, his knees knocking together as a warm gush escaped his quivering pussy. Mashiro was back by the time his age up had finished, holding a copy of her outfit in hand, grinning as she began to dress her nearly identical student.

It wouldn't have been half as bad if Mashiro wasn't so rough and invasive, some part of Ichigo being smushed or groped or teased with every shift, the mush around his brain starting to melt into the folds, any struggles he might have attempted thwarted by the feeling of latex on his skin, digging into his cracks, tightly hugging his curves, a strong orgasm winding him as Mashiro pulled the bottoms of the white latex onesie up, her gloves coming out drenched as Ichigo moaned from the accidental insertion.

"Whoops sorry Berry Boy I think I juiced ya or something cause I touched something soft and fleshy, but anyways how's it feel?" She had finished stuffing his arms into the orange gloved ends of it, the orgasm still bumping about his brain as he moaned out an ecstatic, "SUUUUPER!"

Mmm if only she could feel like this all the time, the world would be like, sooo much cooler and brighter and super and and- Oh god what the hell was she thinking?! No, HE! What was HE thinking?!

H-He was a man he was a man he was a-


"H-ahhhh~ Ohh oh!"

"Whoops sorry Berry Boy, or well you're not much of a boy anymore, hmm... need to think up a new name. Anyways apologies I was looking for the zipper and slipped into that place again!"

She was losing herself, moaning as the bodysuit was positioned tighter and tighter to her, Mashiro's hands accidentally rubbing all of her most sensitive areas as the Mashiro goo finished melting into his brain, that warm, insistent buzzing returning with a vengeance as sunshine and action exploded in her mind. The sky seemed clearer, the colors brighter and the pleasure was like, soooo amazing! Why was she always so mopey when the world was this amazing? She had to lighten up, enjoy all the cool stuff around her and stop being such a sadsack! Like Mashiro's nickname Berry Boy. That was hilarious and she was suuuuper dumb  for not laughing at it even if it was a dumb pun off her name of uh... Wait what was her name agai-

"There ya go sis! All dressed up! I even gave you a new scarf though you were too busy moaning to notice. How's it feel on ya?!"
The question made her lips brighten into a goofy grin, her mind's screams of NO repeatedly getting softer as more and more of the Mashiro goo was screaming out for her to bask in the tightness, to show how much she appreciated her... teacher? Sister? Who cared, all that mattered was how good it felt to goof off as she grabbed Zan-something-or-other and posed, not even noticing how much her sword had changed as she posed with a slackjawed smile.


Okay good, now that she had done that aweso- stupid pose she could think again. She had to figure out a way to make Mashiro turn her ba- Wait what was that energy?! Both girls' heads popped to the source, the usual sounds of a rift being torn open by a hollow booming out, one of those big ugly ones crawling out with the big beaky masks. Err, but no she had something important to focus on, something she couldn't be distracted from which was... uh... okay it'd come to her any minu-

"Okay kouhai! You look super! You feel super! Now all that's left is to be super! Lets go kick that hollow's shapeless booty and show me how great a teacher I am!" Right duuhhh~ the training!

"You got it Mashiro Senpai!" Taking a deep breath she summoned her mask and ran off with her teacher to show that hollow what's what!

The battle though felt all wrong to her. Her muscle memory was telling her how she was supposed to grip her sword, fling it around, slash and hack at stuff. Like yeah that's how she usually did things but her slashes were all just kind of wimpy and not showy at all. She'd hack at the hollow's big body and it'd grunt a little, but she couldn't help but compare her fighting with her sister's. Er no she wasn't her sister she was something else, like... her BIG sister! So of course she'd idolize someone super like that whose every punch and kick sent the hollow's massive body flinging about, the impact so much more awesomer than her lame, uncomfortable sword ever could be. No that was dumb, she never even liked swords so why was she carrying one of these dumb things? She knew the move she was supposed to be using as she doubled up with her big sis.

"Maaaashiroooooo~ KIIIIIIICK!"

She moaned as it landed, her brain abuzz with tons of super duper sensations, the impact buzzing up her leg and straight into her sensitive snatch as the rush of the fight felt better than any of that sex stuff people had talked about, her privates spasming as she repeatedly screamed out a series of Mashiro moves, for some reason loving the sound of her name as it made her brain buzz and solidify with the Mashiro mash inside, her sister tapping her on the shoulder for the finisher.

"Great job sis! But now for the final test. You know what'd be super to do right now?" Mashiro giggled at her twin's suggestion, as if she didn't totally know how to finish this off, both of them donning their masks as they charged up energy in their feet, both girls ready to do their ultimate flashy finisher.

"Mashiiroooo~ Ultraaaaa~ Suuuuuupeeeer~ Cero!"

Cannons of light flashed out from their kicks as the hollow vaporized into thin air, the mass of souls inside burnt away with one massive flash of ultimate kickassery as the two Mashiros landed in victory, striking poses at each other as the after shock of their explosive kicks shook the surrounding area. The two girls couldn’t help but flaunt their awesomeness with their biceps gripped, each one yelling a complimented,

Much like the hollow, that large blast of Mashiro energy built up inside Ichigo had utterly evaporated any semblance of him left in the Mashiro clone, her body trembling with power, and unrestrained happiness, her body abuzz with fuzzy pleasure as she posed with her sister over the defeated remains of their competition.

"I feel so totally SUUUUUPEEEER sis! Though why were ya acting like I didn't know how to do stuff? It's sooo much fun doing that cool stuff and going WA CHAAA and  KA BOOOOOM~!"

"Um... Berry Boy?" Mashiro had to ask her this question, shocked that she hadn't noticed it before.

"Were our butts always that big? Wow these suits hug them Super tightly!" The other Mashiro giggled wagging her spandex covered ass suggestively as the two giggled, ready to shower off the sweat of a good session of being awesome heroes.

It was weird though, both of them felt like they were forgetting something, feeling something was off as they disrobed. Weren't they supposed to be training someone? And why was that spot between their legs twitching all of a sudden when they looked at each other? The former Ichigo still had some wisps of sexual knowledge not lost to childish abandon as they started to wash each other off, the bubbles popping as they giggled and moaned, the new Mashiro making an overly emphasized, "WHOOPS" before sliding a finger inside her twin's snatch, making sure to wash it till water came pouring out, Mashiro moaning they tumbled together in the water, trying out some very different types of poses as their soapy bodies slipped and bubbled against one another.

Their soaped up slits slammed into one another, as the teacher became the student for lovemaking, though like all awesome things in life, she was a quick learner. They both could feel their pent up lust building to a climax at the same time, identical bodies squirming as the same cutesy squeal echoed out a single word at the amazing day of fighting and fucking.



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