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Neji had happily volunteered to clean u after his training with TenTen had one over, her “Kunoichi’s Night Out” thing with Hinata and Ino apparently about to start. He knew better than to ask what she’d do about her training outfit, one of her scrolls popping up and quickly replacing her usual mission garb with something more trendy and form fitting. She’s laughed at how flustered he had become, finding it cute how the thought of her being naked for a second through the smoke must have excited him. Neji decided it would be prudent to not mention that with his Byakugan still activated, he had gotten more than just a glimpse. 

Honestly he wasn’t even sure where their relationship was going, a noticeable tension growing in their recent group activities, and there was more than just the heat of battle going on between them. There had always been something admirable about her flowing scrollwork, her battle garb cleverly filled with pockets for her parchment and ninja scrolls, a pouch for every occasion she’d say. The only issue was his complete inexperience in matters of love, but even then he was inching ever closer to outright asking her out. But not today.

“Have fun TenTen.”

Thank you so much Neji! I’m so so sorry for always leaving the clean up to you. Oh and remember, don’t touch any of the open scrolls, you know how I’m always testing out new techniques.” He was admittedly always curious about what her scroll experiments were, but his specialty laid more in ninjitsu and live chakra than the flowing scrollwork that covered every inch of her private work area.

Speaking of her work area, it was cluttered and messy, completely disorganized as it often was with half subsumed weapons and scroll magic. Neji didn't even know where the hell he was supposed to place the scrolls she had been testing, some chakra blocking, another slipping out of his grip as he maneuvered through the mess, a flurry of kunai shooting out and thunking into a nearby table. He cursed, letting his own armful of scrolls fall as he rushed to prevent a tower of them from falling down, a few more weapons skittering out though these ones didn't create as much of a disturbance. The real danger was the slowly unraveling chakra blocker scroll, lazily opening up in a steady line towards Neji.

He really had to go over a better organizational system for her the next time they met up. There was no reason to be THIS disorganized and some of the scrolls on top of the precarious mountain still looked freshly inked, black flecks threatening to dribble as he slowly pushed everything back to stability. Of course, that's when the scroll fully unraveled, the edge landing spot on between his legs, a paralyzing field rising up to hold him in place, his bounteous reserves of chakra all paused for a moment. Good news was it was a simple technique to escape, his hands right outside the confines letting him easily use Eight Trigrams to blow away the scroll. Bad news was the delicate tower of scrolls near him definitely couldn't handle that blast and promptly fell onto him, TenTen's newest works collapsing on top of him as the scrolls began to spark and activate.

Smoke filled the room, which wasn't much of a problem given his Byakugan which immediately activated. Unfortunately it didn't do much to help him past letting him see what was going on, the scrolls shooting out strings of chakra into all 8 gates, disrupting his flow and making any ability to fight back moot. Wracking his mind he vaguely recalled TenTen mentioning a technique meant to replenish chakra stores for the team starting with herself, and this would make sense if it was aiming for the main chakra pathways, but it was still in the early stages and rather than a general chakra his Byakugan could easily recognize Tenten's specific ebbs and flows. Worst case scenario was that this would open all 8 gates and he'd ironically of all people be the one to fall to their Sensei's last resort for battle, but as more of her chakra poured in, heat filled him, sweat starting to drip down, his suspended body dripping in sweat.

Trying to get a fuller picture, his field of view moved towards his own body, everything but the blind spot highlighted as he saw her chakra not just entering his body, but overtaking it, the flows of it seemingly infectious as whatever scrollwork TenTen had drawn seemed to be treating his own chakra as an invasive force. Neji though was only seeing the changes in terms of chakra, the smaller physical details eluding him as patches of ruddier, pink complexion began sprouting out from his traditional Hyuga paleness. He was far more concerned at the moment with the heat of his body's corruption, feeling more and more of TenTen filling him, swelling up his veins and spreading into his eyes. This was the strangest part, tears welling up as her chakra assaulted his byakugan, his bird's eye view stuttering as a small black dot appeared in his colorless eyes.

It pooled in the bulging veins around his eyes first, the ruddy coloring spreading over them before flattening the skin, leaving him with smooth, sun brushed cheeks, his own chakra sputtering out as the last thing he saw was TenTen's chakra rushing in, the two white orbs tingling as the black dot was soon ringed with brown. Their shape was angling, turning almond shaped to match the spreading brown pupils, his kekkei genkai eradicated as two ill fitting eyes fluttered about with growing lashes. It spread from there like a landing point for change, his eyebrows plucking to sharp lines with a slight inwards bent, his nose crinkling as it shrank to something smaller. Everything felt wrong to him, ear splitting pops and churns resounding around his skull as his ears grew pierced and cute, his forehead shrinking, chin softening. Even his confused groans were wrong, sounding raspier and raspier as his lips puffed against each other, the lump in his throat receding as if it had been struck by a palm strike to leave a horrifically familiar voice.

It wasn't a complete shock given what her chakra was doing, yet it stunned him nonetheless to hear TenTen's voice leaving his mouth, sharp spikes of brown hair invading his line of sight as he figured the tingling in his scalp must be hair growth, the oily locks conditioning as they turned brown. Two tugs at the side of his head alerted him to the next step of it, the slight tickle at the back of his neck spooling itself into tight buns on either side of his head, a perfect match for her usual style.

"How is this even possible?!" His face grimaced, weirded out by having her voice, her eyes, his life of the Byakugan leaving him essentially in the dark as the scroll released its grip on him. He was boiling, chakra roiling, his body hair a casualty in their fight as he stumbled about, pawing at his sweat stained collar.

"Ugh t-too hot, h-have to-"

There were many things he had to do at this crucial moment, but instead of doing any of them, his head tilted back and let out a painfully aroused squeal, TenTen's essence draining from his changed neck into two specific anchors, his nipples on fire as the cool air did little to quell the building sensitivity, the alien pleasure sending him to the ground, his cock erect and threatening to burst from even the most minor of brushes as he saw both brown dots pinken and swell. The pleasure winded him, leaving only gasps to escape his clenched lips as he felt an intense need building, ravaging his body every second it wasn't met. It was hard to describe what they were doing, the sensitive nubs bouncing against the muscle, the bottoms contracting as they pushed down against his abs, almost like they were sucking at the muscle, trying to reshape it as his hardened physique was massaged into malleable softness from TenTen's chakra saturating every muscle fiber.

Neji had endured countless tortures, committed himself to the highest degree of self restraint meant to keep his village's secrets safe if he ever fell into enemy hands. None of it helped in the slightest as his knees buckled, his nips surging to bee stings as his clenched cock spasmed out a trickle of cum. It was horrifying to see just how small they were after converting his pectoral muscle and just how good it had felt from just a small surge, TenTen's breasts significantly larger than the paltry things barely tented out of his chest. Though he could no longer see the exact channels of chakra being carved and changed, he most certainly felt the tendrils spreading out from the base of his nipples, hungrily searching for more masculinity to consume and convert, strands prodding his shoulders, coiling around his arms, tickling the insides of his hands.

"No this c-can't- GYAAAAH~!" It could, it did and Neji had to gasp for breath as he drowned in pleasure.

The first tendrils that sparked were on his shoulders, siphoning away their broadness, rounding them down to petiteness, his collarbone slotted down a few inches as his breasts swelled out a solid cup size, his nipples bright red as they bounced from the sudden growth, his voice cracking into a pleasured wail as they formed. He fell back down to his arms and knees, trying to hold back the pleasure and failing as his boxers became damp, his fingers twitching as next to go was the excess muscle in his arms. It was all very visceral, growing nails digging into the floor atop shrinking, spasming fingers, the hard earned work of Gai Sensei's lessons compacting into slimmer athletic form as his tongue lolled out, his groin grinding against the wooden floor as the wet spot grew much larger, cum flowing as freely as fat as they surged out to perky b's. Eventually it all became too much for him to fight, his hands tearing open his robes to fully free them before digging into the tender flesh, TenTen's squeals of ecstasy urging him on his cock unloaded more and more of his chakra onto the floor, no longer needing it as TenTen's influence spread.

He felt dirty, ashamed at himself for being a slave to his own lust, violating TenTen's body like this before even asking for a date, but once he started it was impossible to stop, each grope sending unbearable flashes of ecstasy through his shifting body, each blast melting away his form for something sleeker and curvy. His spine was the first to go, wobbling in distress as TenTen's chakra worked its way between each vertebrae, eating away at its straight line and applying more and more pressure until it snapped, his breasts surging out one final time as he worked his pants off with flailing kicks. His cock was too cramped, too hot, struggling in its hardness to release the fire inside, a fire that only grew as his ass perked to life.

Neji was grateful TenTen lived on the outskirts of the village, the only positive he could think of as he made sounds that would have sullied her reputation for years if a neighbor heard them. He was stuck in a conundrum though; his ass needed some attention as well, but his breasts were only growing more sensitive somehow, both eclipsing his dick in terms of raw pleasure, but that too was the neediest of them all. Having already spilt most of his pride onto the floor, he took the most shameless way out, grinding his breasts into the hard floor while his hands squeezed and worked on his ass, tenderizing the muscle and forcing it into perky, juicy mounds.

There was a guttural gurgle inside, his stomach spasming as his ass was the one to start sucking, draining his sides, flattening his abs, changing his detailed musculature and stocky abdomen to smooth sensual curves that only accented the size of his new breasts more as fat packed itself tightly under his hands. It was too much really for his pitiful hips, two womanly cheeks squeezing against each other with more and more pressure until they finally could take no more, splintering apart into wider arrays, the bones now cradling his bounteous behind as his balls ached, another spurt leaving his tortured cock. In all of his wildest sexual fantasies he had never imagined a feeling so divine, one especially harsh bump sending another scroll tumbling from the messy pile, no longer caring as to wrapped around his head, bathing his crumbling resistance with alien thoughts.

He didn't just want to grope and grind, no the scroll was messing with his memories his fantasies, shifting them to TenTen's scrambling the horny fool's brains. Moaning, his hands moved to his cock, Neji's cock, imagining what it'd be like to have all of it in himself, his mind referring to himself more and more in the third person as he began to jerk it with one hand, the other gripping his balls before starting to squeeze.

"HYAAA~! AHHHH~! T-TENTEN WHAT ARE Y-OOOOOH~!" His hands felt like a stranger's, his cock all that mattered as the soft touch of her fingers revealed their gripping strength, ropy spurts shooting out the tip as he felt his balls starting to crumble, compress, the sacks of his family jewels slipping into a channel that hadn't existed there before. A small trickle of blood dribbled from bit lips, part of him struggling to stop, his entire body spasming in unrestrained bliss as more of his testicles slipped inside, close to a tipping point as almost half of them were shoved inside, some force sucking internally as his hands pressed down, something important threatening to split into pieces if he went any-

"N-NOHHHH OHHHH~ N-N-NEJIIIII YESSS!" They were both swallowed with juicy schlicks, a mushy churning noise accompanying the swift downward dive as Teneji felt them swell up inside, her insides siphoning them down increasingly narrow tubes, massaging them into mush until two fiery ovaries began to pump sweet estrogen into her body.

"OHHH GOD MORE NEJI MORE!" It was better than she could have hoped for, her bare legs covered in his seed as the last of it came pouring out, her toes wriggling as they shrank. She had never imagined someone could penetrate her this deep, this thoroughly, her hips singing as bliss filled her thighs, fat wrapping around Neji's cock, adding to her pleasure as she gave it a thigh job, wanting to give him at least half the pleasure she was getting, screaming as each pass of her thick, muscled thighs only added to her own unending joy.

There was barely anything left of the ninja who had walked in, and most of what was was pooled on the floor under her, something feeling wrong as she lusted for Neji to compliment her, to tell her she was doing a good job. Why was his cock still dangling between her legs, it was supposed to be inside her! Rolling it between her thighs she thrashed about in intense concentration, squeaking out as she finally felt the base of it slot into the hole her balls had slipped into, the whole thing shuddering before beginning it's dive into TenTen's body, her hands clasping over her lover's cock as she screamed for the end.


What followed was pure, unadulterated ecstasy, his shaft slowly diving into her pussy, fitting like a glove, like it was always meant to be in her. She relished every inch of it slurping in, fucking her as it fucked itself, the outer skin of his cock sensitizing and moistening as it was driven deeper, merging with muscle, fully servicing and converting more and more of the receding shaft as clear shots of cum squirted from her hardening tip, the distinction between fucking and being fucked not mattering as it all got lost in the building surge of pleasure, washing over her every inch as it slid deeper and deeper until half had been fully changed into her pussy, the other half stuck between her own pulsating walls as all at once it shot inside, pounding into her with one climactic thud before she thrashed against the floor in unrelenting ecstasy as she came, completely a woman.

Scrolls fizzled and popped, some summoning weapons, others sex toys that added to the growing bliss, TenTen not even noticing her clothes shifting as her underwear turned to white panties, frilly with a pink bow on top, her regular red fringed top replacing Neji's as any sign of him was washed away in the torrent of fluids that ruined at least a week's worth of scroll work. Eventually she ran out of stamina, her work station a mess, toys dripping of fluids or dented from harsh treatment or tossed about by her own climaxed spasms.

"Mmm~ sooo good, s-sooo~ fucking good Neji... Did you... huh? Neji? NEJI?!"

Oh god had she, h-had she gotten so caught up in a fantasy that she... AHH She had missed her girls night out too! How could she explain that she had skipped out just to masterbate to a fantasy?! Even Hinata wasn't this desperate for Naruto. This was so embarrassing! Sh-She didn't even know if he liked her yet. Though just WHAT exactly he was waiting for she didn't freaking know. She had sent so many signs to that idiot, that stoic, sexy...

"Mmm w-well since he isn't here..." She picked up one of the summoned dildos and when she closed her eyes it almost felt like he was doing it, but that was just her imagination, Neji wasn't here even if she wished he was.

That last one had done a number on her, her energy completely sucked out, yawning as she showered and looked at the mess she had made, deciding she'd clean it up tomorrow morning, or evening, or... well she'd get around to it eventually. For now she just wanted to crash and god was her bed comfy.

A few hours had passed before she woke up, rising out from under the covers, confused as she heard someone walking around her place. The bathroom light was on and the shower was still steaming, freshly used. TenTen could hear the hums, confused as she realized just who she was hearing and scampering down to see another her playing with her hair in her favorite see through pink neglige with no bra on.

The humming stopped, both TenTens looking at each other confused, unsure whether this was an enemy spy or something much weirder before the neglige wearing one suddenly shouted, her eyes wide and worried.


She was going to argue that, but suddenly she remembered handing the scrolls to Neji to put back, warning him not to touch anything while she went out on a trip with her friends, but she didn't did she? She had stayed in lost in her fantasy. But wait why was she even there she had plenty of spare outfit scrolls-

"Oh crap one of us is Neji!"

"One of us? It's clearly you!"

"Well whichever one of us it is thank god the memories don't transfer."

"Oh yeah, that'd be sooo awkward for us if he were to realize that he had... that we...

Both were biting their lips as they stared at each other.

"He definitely won't remember this right?"


"So we could do anything and he wouldn't even have dreams about it or anything like that... right?"


"...d-do you wanna break out the double sided and fuck this idiot?"


"Mmm~ we can take turns being Neji."

"I like how you think, but I mean that goes without saying. God this'll be so hot!"

"A-And when we're MMPH d-done we'll turn him back right away!"

"Ohhh~ h-harder! I mean NNGH s-sure or tomorrow!"



It was going to be a long while till anyone saw Neji again.


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