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Deku was in the midst of accessing more of One For All, trying to talk to every previous user, going deeper and deeper into the past. Decades slipped away, centuries soon following. Usually he had issues delving this deep, but this time it was almost like he was being pulled, shooting past the first user as the world devolved and rebuilt itself until he found himself in an ancient looking field surrounded by castles like something out of a fantasy book.

“So you’re the anchor point to the present.” Deku whirled around, shocked and immediately set on edge, stiff from surprise, then stiff from something else as he was greeted by a dark haired woman in a very skimpy outfit.
“Oh don’t be so worried, this is just a formality. And no hard feelings I’m just tired of the present and want to see what the future can offer. How are things there?”
“Um… I don’t-”
“No don’t tell me. It will make it more fun to leave it a surprise. Mind if I get closer to you?”

He most certainly did mind, stuttering as she pressed against him, sliding her breasts against him as she traced her fingers suggestively on his skin. And then her fingers pushed past his skin as her body began to entangle with his.
“Wh-What the hell?! Get away from me! Stoooop!” She laughed, cruelly mocking his fear.
“Ah this is your first time isn’t it? Usually it’s the man who does the entering, but you were the only person who could connect me to your present, so don’t worry Deku, I promise it won’t hurt. Well it could, but I’d rather we both enjoy what’s to come. See you soon dea-” She cut off as she was fully absorbed, Deku somehow knowing her name was Merlin before the shock of it all sent him reeling back to consciousness, awaking from his meditation with a gasp as he tried to wrap his mind around whatever the hell had just happened. He still felt off, his skin crawling at the thought of her under it, shivering as he wondered if she had been a user of All For One before the original. But no that wouldn’t… wait was he getting hard?

Looking down, yes his cock was very noticeably sticking out against his trousers, straining as he groaned, harder than he’d ever been until with a rubbery snap, it seemed to tear through his pants. No wait, it didn’t tear through, his pants were shifting, morphing to tight latex while the legs separated, mixing with his shoes into high heeled boots that snapped against his muscled calves. The boots were small for his feet, before a series of invisible pops did something to them, the bottoms at least fitting perfectly as if his feet had become svelte, cute, tiny. The panic really started when he realized they were no longer responding to him, their toes wriggling against his will as if testing out their new mobility. At the thought of screaming for help, Deku choked, his coughs rising as bitter juice drooled from his lips, a horrifyingly familiar voice dripping from his mouth as the liquified Adam’s Apple remnants hardened to pink lipstick, plumping his lips to a saucy pout.

Th-This can’t be h-happe… ohh~?” The pleasure caught him off guard as his tightly packed groin was rubbed aggressively by the latex, expertly pleasuring the inexperienced Deku as his balls clenched for a second, as if holding onto their load, before he screamed in Merlin’s voice, all of his spunk exploding out his cock as her sultry tones turned him on more, the latex only pausing once the last of his balls’ contents dribbled out with a shudder.

Ohh~ god yesss… W-Wait no you can’t NNGH AHHHH~!” What was the tender caress of an experienced lover was now a clamp, bearing down on his suffocated junk as his balls struggled against the latex panties, something flowing into them as Deku’s hips thrusted forward uncontrollably, a new magnitude of ecstasy peaking as he felt his scrotum sucked inside, pleasuring entirely new and alien parts of his body as they split apart and buzzed internally.

Deku pawed at his crotch, sighing as his fingers brushed against the forming lips, his face scrunching as clear fluid spurted from his balless cock. It felt amazing, his brain tingling as magic enveloped the folds, letting him know just how it was changing him and tackling the serotonin sections of his brain to send out harsh shocks of ecstasy, his resistance fading.
Mmmm s-taAAHHHP!” He barely even meant it anymore, his muscles beginning to spasm pleasurably as his nails sharpened, tearing his uniform down the middle as he exposed his throbbing abs to the cool air.

The torn fabric whipped around him like it was caught in a breeze, all spare material flowing to the shoulders to form a great fluffy collar, the color becoming a matching midnight blue to his boots and panties, grey hearts popping up along the borders. Deku’s twitching fingers cracked, all the scars and visible tears along the knuckles flattening to a sensual cream, each joint relocking as the fingers turned slim and elegant. They felt weaker as they clutched at the individual muscle groups, but a spark in his brain sent the tips tingling as green sparks shot out into his stomach. His subconscious was already converted, leaning into the changes as he inadvertently reshaped his core, all that muscle he had worked up being stripped away, softening to a flat, compact core, his sides squeezing under his grip. All of that work thrown away, abandoned, spat on… it felt marvelous, so good in fact that he begged for more as his spine cranked upwards, gaining him height even as it curved inwards. This meant his flat chest and ass were accented, his posture leaning more as he noticed magical aura hovering over both.

They were like lightning rods for pleasure, the flesh charging, ready to be filled to the brim with aura, his leaking cock already threatening to burst from anticipation. First his nipples hardened, darkening to pink disks that tented the thin cloth visibly as the top subtly clamped down on them, his ass cheeks gaining a shiny luster to them as rosy shades colored them, the hard muscle under both breaking down to soft fat. Before he knew it he was on the ground, writhing and screaming in utter euphoria as his tweaked nipples swelled with fat, the panties riding up his ass cheeks as luscious fat fruitfully multiplied in both areas, a clear puddle springing from his cock as he grinded it against the floor.

NNGH M-MOOOORE! GIVE ME MORE DAMMIT! YESSSSS~!” He didn’t beg for it, he ordered the world to comply, his breasts surging as he kneaded their added girth, the trailed off strips of fabric on his top coming alive to snap against his ass cheeks, the sting of it mixing wonderfully with the overall ecstasy.

Deku was so close to the edge, his cock throbbing as it burned, a sensual churning at the base giving it a wobbly look as something was forming inside. The knowledge of what he had to do to be freed of this torturous ecstasy was seared into his mind, the total collapse of identity all Merlin would accept to offer him true release, but he couldn’t give in just like that! He tried to find something to hold onto, ignoring the ways her outfit was pleasuring his body and trying to think of All Might and his teachings, his… morals… those dull, unimaginative ideas that seemed behind even in her times. Was this really the best he could come up with? Why not embrace the endless possibilities and endless ecstasy of magic? It wasn’t like he had much of a choice, but she did prefer to-

I can feel you rattling around in there, reluctant to give in, so why don’t I give you a first hand experience of how much better my body is.” She reached for his cock, scowling when she noticed her arms were still his stubby ones, focusing her energy on the sleeves to drag them out to their proper length, the limbs slim and svelte as she stretched the ache from their restructuring.

Deku didn’t stand a chance, his horny teenage side sparking once he felt adult hands wrap and tweak his cock, rubbing the long shaft as Merlin showed off her proficiency in matters of erotic knowledge. She worked it so it was soon between her still male legs, moaning fiercely as her other hand shot sparks into her thighs, the muscled limbs swelling around her shaft. Her boots had been somewhat crumpled, not tall enough for his current gait, but the fabric was sticking to the flesh, stretching out as more height was added, his calves curving to sexy slimness while his exposed thighs rubbed together, his feverish shifting masking the technique Merlin was using to ensure that every last moment of his change was impossible to resist.

The corners of her mind were filling up, a brain as large and vast as hers not one to want to share such a cramped space, the pleasure making bits and pieces of Deku’s mind willingly jump into the shredder of arcane knowledge to add to the growing ecstasy, the pieces useful for integrating into society carefully catalogued while his past relations were overtaken. All Might was useless garbage for her anyway, she didn’t need all of that obsessive fan knowledge nor the notes on every hero, well at least not the factoid sections. A glossary of powers could prove useful after all. Before the last bits of him were subsumed, she tenderly grasped the tip, angling it straight down until she felt something internal pop, both Deku and Merlin screaming as she began worming his erection inside her new body.

The ecstasy was maddening, every sensitive inch of the cock firing off, desperate to cram in a lifetime’s worth of male orgasms before it was crammed in. It was leaking fluids messily, a hot fountain of their debased pleasure sprinkling out as more and more of it shoved inside, the tip making a painfully sharp slurping noise as it slipped into her vaginal lips, her pelvis rocketing up and down as it inverted Deku’s cock into a mature vagina, the last of Deku vanishing as her hardened clit rammed into her prostate.

Merlin felt her essence stab into her and spread like a virus, the circular organ wriggling and forcing her to orgasm spectacularly as it reshaped itself, the spare mass spewed from her vagina as it connected to her new ovaries and linked to her cervix, her womb pulsing with lust, life and magic. And finally her head succumbed, one last holdout collapsing. The curly kinks of her hair were flattening, all the green fading into the black as it gained a silky luster, the bunched hair slipping down past her chin as her visage grew more mature, sexy, domineering. There were some sparks of consciousness glowing in the dying embers of Deku, not that Merlin minded. Fighting back was just a formality as her eyes fluttered golden, eyelashes springing out as she hugged her waist. She relished it, committing each final desperate jerk to memory as her cheeks crinkled, her forehead popped. There was something just so utterly satisfying in bodily corruption.

She stretched her entire body out, not knowing how long it’d been since she’d last felt that good, time travel possession magic ignored. Escanor might have done that to her if she had accepted his advances at some point, but there was no point in thinking about the past. It was a lucky break to find someone with connections to latch onto with her magic, her interest in England and the politics of that island snuffed out after that messy situation with Arthur had played out. Instead she wanted to find a new time and place to practice, and thankfully the world had only gotten more interesting it seemed.

Even the common folk had powers, and there was a lot more egalitarianism between certain groups, though in other cases there was still sizable discrimination. At least she wouldn’t be bored, though the possibility of loneliness was there… if she wanted it that is. She was in the boys dormitory at a prestigious school. There were plenty of horny, malleable bodies that could be pumped full of magic and used to channel her friends. Who would be fun to turn to Diane? Or should she bring Elizabeth back? What if she brought back the other sins, but all as women this time? Oh there were so many options open to her, but she’d just see what she felt like doing. It was going to be fun here, she just knew it.


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