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The trip was a grand success Chris's adventure through Japan leading to plenty of fun, fucking and festival. He had been to the country a few times in the past, but most of those trips had only seen the big cities to enjoy the massive night life and other fun filled cities, but the more traditional side of things always called out to him slightly and it was nice to relax in the Ueno district, a much calmer, olden style area than the neon lights and bustling bars of the other districts. Even here there was still a decent night life, many people in kimonos and other traditional garb out to give their moms a proper night of fine dining and drinking for Mother's Day, a large number carrying their own hangover cures with them to Chris's amusement as he watched from the second story of his choicest bar in the area.

It was wooden with traditional sliding doors, tatami mats and tile roofs, the inside decorated with all sorts of great knick knacks making it look like an Ozu film setting than a place to drink, but luckily it was no slouch in alcohol either. And so while others were spending their pre Mother's Day celebrations with family, Chris was fond of just watching from afar in the quaint bar on the second floor, though there was an odd sense of want in him. He always kept returning to Japan, never sure why this country more than any other held some type of sway over him, yet every time he had to leave he always felt a tad unfulfilled. He was just waiting for something he couldn't grasp yet, always trying to leave himself open to the whims of fate.  Yet it seemed like this trip would end as fun

When that man came in, everything changed.

It was hard to explain the aura washing over the room, his dark red eyes and elegant features as sharp as a razor and tantalizingly perfect. He was dressed in an elegant vest over a crisp white dress shirt and dark pants, moving as if all of creation was under his thumb and Chris could feel his body desire to make that true, his cells screaming out to get closer, something about him pulling the tourist in. He felt so awkward as he closed distance, the gentleman turning to him mid shuffle. His heart froze, fear and arousal spiking as he could feel the man's eyes pierce him, have their way with his body as if it was nothing but a plaything as he inspected every inch before smiling, beckoning him closer. Chris's body moved before he could even process what he was doing.

There was a lump in his throat, a knot in his gut. It almost felt wrong that he was approaching this man, as much as to Chris's tastes he was, like his body was screaming out to stop while simultaneously being drawn to him. He had always liked a little danger, but this felt like something beyond normality that asked why was he doing this. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he was never one to be a bold drunk. Chris was buzzed more than anything, still in control. Whatever was tugging on his heart though, knew it could scratch and itch he just couldn't. He wanted to greet this man, see what they could offer, their intense gaze seeing right through him.

As if he could sense the intended advancements, he immediately ordered two drinks, one for him and one for Chris.

"Oh, I uh, thanks. but I've probably had enough." He chuckled, trying to keep his cool. A simple wave of the man's hand insisted otherwise to him, so he obliged and awaited his drink, starting up some conversation. "I gotta say man, you stand out like a diamond in a dim cave. Sorry if that's too forward. I may not come here often, but can't say I've ever seen people as sharply dressed as yourself roaming around these parts."

He started to feel a tad more comfortable once he began talking. Yeah this wouldn't be so hard.

"So what brings you here tonight?"

"I've come to find amusement." What that meant Chris had no idea, yet the smooth tone at which he said it made Chris swallow it as easy as the alcohol, another round ordered before he could even say no. Strangely the man's drink was slightly different, some kind of Bloody Mary offshoot with a dark, viscous alcohol in a shot glass that almost looked like it was pulsing with life. It intrigued Chris almost as much as the man, the strong smell of it wafting over to him as his body shivered, everything about it and the man drinking it intoxicating. He noticed him staring at the glass and smiled once more, Chris's heart like a marching band doing drills when he asked, 

"Would you like to try some?"

"Really? Um sure. Heh, can't turn down a drink"

He passed the glass over to Chris, but before he could drink it he noticed a previous round's drink still filled. He excused the hospitality for a moment and downed the drink fast, a mild stupor starting to rise from the rush of alcohol. Looking back at the man, his attractiveness only became more evident, making it hard to make conversation other than what was readily on Chris's mind. It was like he was being driven crazy with aura and alcohol.

"I have to say, you are a real looker my man." Chris placed a hand near his and leaned forward a bit unsteadily, the man's eyes glancing down at the red shot glass. "Oh right, the other drink."

He picked up and examined the bloody looking drink, its movements seeming almost separate from the tipping of the glass.

"What in the fuck is this? Oh well, bottoms up!"

He downed the drink fast, the texture almost like pudding, making it a bit of work to slide down his throat. It seemed to almost assist itself after a point, slithering on its own further down into his gut. This drink greatly heightened the humming in Chris's body and the beating of his heart. It was like he was being drowned in a dozen drinks at once hysterically, yet mentally he wasn't too much worse for ware where he'd say something embarrassing... in theory. It was the worsening arousal made him spill the beans.

"Look man, I'm just gonna come out and say it. You, are freaking hot man. Like ridiculously so. Heh. And I think you know that I know, er yeah. Haha. Seriously how'd you get skin that perfect? Hell with those cheekbones, honestly you'd pass really well for a woman."

Chris laughed until the mortification took hold, suddenly scared he had ruined everything. For a fleeting moment he saw rage plaster the gentleman's face, dark and horrible, a mask of death foretelling his own end. Then it died down, replaced with amusement, intrigue and an inviting purr as he said the next part, almost a whisper as his silky tones caressed Chris's ears.

"Ohh are you saying you'd like to be in me? That's a shame since I'm already considering how you'd react to having me in you. If you can handle my gift that is." He put a hand on his shoulder and suddenly the room felt hotter than Chris had ever felt, every cell screaming out to either fuck or run from the man, yet the inviting hunk held back Chris's hand as he saw it reach for a button, much to his amusement.

"I don't mind the enthusiasm, but this is such a public venue, would you really be satisfied sharing what we do with the public here? Do you think they deserve such a show?" Chris almost said yes, but a deeper part of him wanted to jealously hold on, his cock aching with need as it hardened quickly, almost feeling like there was more blood than usual keeping him erect as he laid a hand on their smooth skin, perfect body, drinking in his aroma with a slight coppery scent, Chris's mind falling deeper into the alcohol buzz that seemed to compress the world down to just this man, his red eyes already fucking him savagely the longer he stared at Chris, their buzzed body ready to cum if he commanded it. Chris eagerly responded.

"I-I, yes... Please. Make me yours.. guh handsome." He replied, trying to get up and almost stumbling, the man catching him surprisingly, their touch causing Chris's mind to grow even more fuzzy. An electric shock went through him as if their bodies connected on some other level in that moment of contact. 

"Lets... yes, lets go somewhere, just the two of us!" He was losing composure fast, his mind forcing him to speak before he could even muse over the thought. Despite his buzzed state of being, he knew exactly what he wanted, what his body was clamoring for. The intensity in the man's stare and the odd feeling inside sparking with every look should have been enough warning signs but damnit this man was the hottest gent Chris had ever laid eyes on. And not only that, he actually wanted him back!? For something more it felt, but maybe he was reading too much into their comments. Either way, he was under this man's thumb.

He lead Chris out into the streets. It was kind of necessary to lead since Chris was hardly able to walk of his own accord. The agitation in his body only grew the longer he was next to him. The whole world was spinning as he led Chris on, his drooping eyes darting from person to person, all of them looking like shapeless, disgusting masses surrounding the brilliant beauty leading him on. It was actually starting to hurt a bit, the thumping of his heart, the rattling of his bones, like something was digging around inside him. And yet his cock continued to throb the most, and his body flooded with perspiration. He was breathing excitably, curious over what wonders could possibly await me.

It took minutes to realize the world wasn't just a blur from the alcohol, his strong grip half carrying Chris as the world flew by his fast traveling shoes, not a speck of dust marring the black leather. He was increasingly growing rough with his handling, looking a bit annoyed as he had to carry his drunk passenger, yet despite the almost embarrassing posture, Chris's arousal only mounted as he manhandled their body as if it was as light as a feather, the city fading, the lights, the people. Somehow Chris had missed how sharp his nails were, or how long, one of them slicing his shoulder blade as he placed him over a shoulder, Chris's cock nearly bursting as it rubbed against his abs. Something flowed from the fingertip into his body, a hot, thick liquid that reminded him of the drink, a lustful moan leaving as more of that painfully erotic burning bounced around his insides.

The man slowed as the crowds vanished, just two people alone in the dark countryside in front of a lavish estate with the lights turned off, no servants in sight. Chris knew something was wrong, this travel impossible, the isolation deadly, yet the steely touch filled him with impossible longing as he was put down, strong, clawed hands gripping both shoulders tightly.

"Interesting, you still seem mostly yourself even after taking such a large dose of my blood. I wonder..." 

The world was spinning, the fire in Chris's body throbbing at every word spoken like some kind of migraine, the pain and pleasure only amplifying as the long nails sharpened further, each one piercing his shoulders as more of that warm slippery fluid pushed into his body. He didn't understand what was happening, yet the sensations were overpowering, a warbly scream leaving his mouth as he came, the man's claws slicing away Chris's pants before he even noticed, pleased coos following as his cock trembled with release, slowing until it stopped, even harder than before. He could distinctly feel something mixed in his blood now, pumping through his cock, keeping it hard and sending alien arousal throughout his wanting body, on the cusp of something bizarre.

"Oh fuck! Wh-what is this, aahhn!" Chris screamed out, the sensations far too damning and chaotic for him to make sense of, the arousal materialized as whatever substance was flowing in his blood, creating fireworks wherever it flowed, prickling pleasure dancing along his skin. He squirmed on the floor, disrobed and naked now with his chest throbbing as fast as a panting dog, his dick throbbing and fattening even. He could barely focus his gaze down at it, the man staring at it intrigued as well. The veins in Chris's cock were bloated and thick. In fact everywhere he looked across his body the veins were rising, popping out from their hiding place and hardening like stone. Whatever was coursing through him was very thick and very physical, like a creature all its own.

It brought with it excitement, pain, confusion, terror, so many emotions swirling about from moment to moment, his feelings on what was happening ever shifting. The one constant though was sexual tension, the arousal. This was insane! Something was wrong with him, his legs! They wouldn't stop writhing!

They went limp and seized about, all the muscles slacking for a moment as they flopped around like a fish, something else taking control of them briefly. His upper body soon followed suit, an alien force taking control and thrashing him about, before quickly settling. The leftover tremors traveled straight to his dick, causing Chris to cum copious amounts onto the floor and onto his belly.

As pleasing as it felt, Chris felt uncomfortable, frightened. He begged for him to make it stop.

That angered the man, his name pounding into Chris's skull as if it was being screamed from the heavens MUZAN KIBUTSUJI!

"M-Muzan make it s-staaAAAHHP~!" He came once more as he begged, his fallen body writhing as the pleasure seemed almost aggressive, angered that he wasn't loving every inch of its embrace as the widened girth of his cock pulsated, a feeling as if his cock was being jerked inside and out tormenting the changing man. Yet nothing seemed as pressing as the anger in Muzan's eyes, fire from the pits of hell that soon switched to cruel mockery after a quick scream.

"You wish for this to stop? Are you telling me, ME OF ALL PEOPLE WHAT TO DO?!" Something had to be wrong with Chris, even those threats making his mouth drool with want, a tremble passing through his skeleton as if it was at the behest of this one man, all of his body wanting to please.

"And yet, we both know that isn't true. You were drawn to me, your body desperate for my gift. I've been waiting for decades for a person to come like you. Foreign, little attachment to their home, endless capacity for pain... and pleasure." He violently squeezed one of Chris's nipples then as accent, a wild bolt of activity swirling through as it filled with blood, turning pink from the pressure as it swelled to a delectable nub. It burned with desire as much as his cock, the two throbbing in time as Muzan brought his hand to Chris's other nipple, the same searing pleasure puncturing it as his gifts made it swell to life.

"If you want me to stop, you must beg harder than that, much harder. Scream for me to help, beg until your throat runs raw, grovel and prostate yourself, or order me once more and I will see how much of my blood your body can take until it bursts with my love, my anger, my power." The choice seemed simple, yet his presence, his body, his everything outpaced the obvious. Chris wanted it as much as his swollen nipples wanted Muzan's touch as he circled them, a few cum splatters leaking from his cock, mind ready to give in even if it horrified him.

"No! I, augh fuuuck!"

He couldn't think about anything other than him, all denial starting to bend to the truth in his words. It was so god damn painful, so god damn pleasurable, so damn freeing! His name continued to pounded away in Chris's head, Muzan's desires and thoughts sifting through his own as if to understand further what drove them and how he could mold it and make it submit. Chris was not his own person anymore, he had been seized by the overwhelming pressure of the man in his head, his body. He had wanted him inside his body, but not like this! Not like... no this is better! So much better! but fuck does it hurt! Muzan's name reverberating in his head, filtering his thoughts. He was about to scream for him to stop once more, going from rejection to denial. He wasn't sure if he was ready. After all, who could be ready for such torturous pleasure such as this? To be offered such an escape from everything, it was inhuman this feeling. And who was he really but an aimless pawn in a large world. But this man apparently saw something within him, expected something great from such a lowly human. Perhaps if he believed it as well, submitted to his will, he could show him. Show him more!

"More! Muzan please give me more!!"

"Good my partner shouldn't balk under such paltry pain as this." He squeezed Chris's ass roughly as he spoke, drawing shallow cuts into the flesh as more purposeful mass flowed into their cheeks, swelling the flat muscles with fat and blood. It seemed to network with his cock and ass, each squishy swell sending his erect parts writhing with pleasure, hips creaking as his ass cheeks bloated under the slicing squeezes. So much fat was squeezed together, suffocating to itself as the booty struggled to expand, the pain surging as Chris couldn't help but tease him through it, already loving the feeling of Muzan's nails in his skin.

"OHH~! I-Is that all you have f-OOOHHR me?! You even misspoke earlier. It's prostrate not pros- AHHH FUCK YESSS~!" Muzan smiled at the screams, his fingers tracing the puckered outline of Chris's asshole as he waited for the right moment to shove his hand in, his fingers playing with their insides, stirring them up as neither bone nor muscle could halt his thrust, his arm sliding in halfway to the elbow as his clawed grip wrapped around Chris's pulsating prostate. It was all too much, a burning fountain of cum erupting from Chris's cock as the white even seemed stained with red, Muzan pausing as he shifted his grip to dive deeper, thrusting his arm to the right, then the left.

Chris moaned as his pelvis gave in eagerly, endorphins rushing down as their suffocatingly thick ass finally found freedom, Muzan's arm movement forcing their hips to crack outwards in gloriously painful stabs of womanly thickness. His needle like nails were truly pleasuring every inch of his captive lover, half seeing how many times they cold trigger Chris's g spot with lightning speed while others spread out, sending slivers of fat to round off the bony juts of his hips, their swell deliciously thick and rosy with his blood. Finally as Chris could take no more teasing, his claws retracted, fingers slowly closing around the throbbing organ as he squeezed it dry.

Chris couldn't speak, only scream as every milliliter of cum in his body was ruthlessly forced out, prostate distending in Muzan's grip as he shifted to give room for its growing appendages, two squeezing from the sides of his palm, another from a gap between his pointer and middle fingers. Chris was helplessly enamored by it all, screaming, sighing, panting, cursing. He cursed Muzan and himself and the world and begged him to fuck harder, eyes nearly bulging when Muzan's fist flattened. Their palm rubbed against his womb as their fingers stretched against the skin of his gooch. For a second his fingers teased the base of Chris's shaft, hot air and a clear fluid weakly spurting out before he moved lower, eyes focused as his grip clenched around dangling testicles. He rolled them around like marbles, twisting tubes, drawing the sac in and relishing in every pained cry as Chris screamed at him to do it, his arm jerking backwards, both testicles pulled down into the sides of Chris's hips as they were flattened and reshaped under his grip, his hand only sliding out from Chris's rectum once both had been changed to ovaries that brimmed with estrogen and more importantly, his blood.

The addiction to pain was strengthening, Chris letting himself drown in the ever increasing terror that was his shifting body being toyed with. He hated himself for giving in, unsure if the yells of "fuck me" and "damn you" spattering across his pained moans and screams were as much them cursing his own weakness, the world, or playing into his own debased descent. Every cell within him screamed for more. It no longer mattered, he had made my choice. 

He wanted Muzan and all he could give, to be like him. To be something so beautiful, unique, original, unrivaled. 'He chose me' was a thought that ran through his head. Someone so powerful, so perfect, chose ME as their own. Take me Muzan...

"Ooh fuck! What am I!?" He forced out, questioning what this inhuman being wished for him, what he was becoming as he was invaded by his essence. Perhaps he just wanted to hear it from his own lips, who Chris now was and what he wanted.

"Make me yo--gaaaahh!!"

With his perfectly porcelain skin his body seemed sculpted by marble, and as his scratches healed, every bit of reformed skin was like his, the tearing pain of his claws burning to an indescribable pleasure, each swipe bettering the bearer of their fury. Muzan tutted at Chris's waist, touching the blocky shape, the linear sides.

"Oh this won't do for what I have in mind for you. After all, you seemed so desperate to celebrate this silly holiday with me." Before Chris could ask he was screaming, divine pain racing through as he carved away at their waist. It reminded Chris almost like a kebab maker, the overcooked meat of his stomach peeled off, only instead of the blood and guts he expected to find under it, were the beginnings of strong dips, Muzan's perfect skin hiding under a fully toned and muscled waist. The only difference was in how smooth it felt and how deep the starting curves dug in under the old abdomen.

Like the other depravities, he was quickly loving the pain, squealing as more red chunks of unneeded bulk was torn away. All the flab and muscle that he could never shake were violently torn off, revealing a slender waist with two, meaty THWUCKS as the remains of the old abdomen were tossed away like trash. His cock throbbed excitedly, Muzan's claws tracing the dense musculature, feeling up his work while Chris begged for more corruption, more him. He happily obliged, his fingers reaching for a stiffened nipple while his sharp fangs inched every closer to Chris's neck.

It was all in slow motion to Chris, every sharp stinging pain and sensual slicing of his flesh a drawn out excruciating experience. His body felt more and more intertwined with Muzan, communicating with him via his touch and feeling as if his will was being passed on directly to his nervous system. With each shift he could feel my psyche understanding this man more, craving him more, wanting to be just like him. 

But alas, that may have been his blood talking, whispering sweet lies to lower what pitiful resistance remained. Chris trusted him now, his very life in his hands. He would become whatever was needed of Muzan and would let him discard whatever didn't belong. He was a perfect being gifted powers beyond understanding. But Chris wished to understand, wanted to be of use to him, to be with him! 

"Augh aaaahh! Pleassse! Pleeaasse!" He screamed out, not really begging for anything specifically, but the whole package. Chris just wanted him to finish, to find what he truly was.

There was an indescribable ecstasy that outpaced the pain, all of the negative sensations numbing under his touch, his blood doing it all, aphrodisiac, sedative, internal caresser. He first scraped the bumpy texture of Chris's nipples, teasing them as they continued to swell, intense lust pooling in each teat as the (barely) man begged for release, clearly loving the erotic torture as he waited for his master to strike. His hands circled both nipples like tigers around injured prey, closing in ever so slowly. Muzan's mouth found his neck first, shockingly tender love bites disarming him, loosening up the muscles of his neck from the anticipatory comedown, only for his teeth to dig into the exposed throat, his nails doing their own probes as Chris felt sharp nail pierce each areola and begin pumping.

The euphoric screams that filled the mansion became less and less his own, Muzan's mouth sucking something out as they rose. Like chewed up abdomen before he was tearing away at the old body, revealing a slimmer, taller neck than before. Chris found that his feminine shrieks made it all better as corrupted blood coursed through their flat pecs, pooling at first as the liquid sagged against the pale skin, forming two small, liquidy sacs before integrating with the muscle beyond, a thought from Muzan restructuring the cells into fat as fresh bliss ran through him. His claws dug deeper into the tender flesh as breasts swelled, rising at the same rate as Chris's voice, a sultry alto bellowing as clear liquids shot from his cock. Muzan's mouth tore away the remnants of spare throat tissue, leaving behind more perfect skin, his fangs chomping down, dissolving what had once been their voice, his teeth teasing the separated Adam's Apple before slithering it down in a way that made Chris's heart flutter, his cock twitch. He wanted to be that lump of flesh, wanted to be made a part of him more than anything in the world. And yet Chris didn't want to rush it, that growing Muzan in his head playfully teasing it out.

With his desires and essence flowing in, Chris could feel deeper emotional complications as well, getting the sense that he had never known true love or family himself, or had experienced a womanly presence that he could consider to be in his level of understanding. To him though the concept of gender meant little, camaraderie less. There was definite intent to making Chris like him; to recreate in his image, but through what he was lacking, Through his own warped perception Chris realized Muzan was creating a female image of himself.

He welcomed it with open arms his mind fitting into the role the more his masculinity was devoured. Chris's alignment was shifting as was the way he saw my dynamic with him. No longer a mere inferior specimen, but a sprouting equal. He felt like a lover in more than purely the physical sense .

"Oohhh Muzan! My love!! Does it disgust you? Haha! Aaaugh!! Yes! Kill the lowly human! "

Chris teased him in his madness, no longer wishing to be human, nor thinking of himself as one at this point. He was in Muzans world now, waiting for that final blow to kill that human still dangling on for dear life.

"Mmm yes you're ever so tasty my dear." A finger was running up the back of his neck, gently pressing into the spinal cord as Chris didn't just hear him say the words, he felt him think it, a bit of his own nervous system latching on, speeding up the throbbing in Chris's brain as he read what they had realized.

"And why should this come as a surprise? I've always seen myself as a new god, and as the holy books say, god made man in his image, though you're the one who said I'd look amazing as a woman. And while your old self is ever so pointless and disgusting, I do think he was onto something." They both laughed, loving the pressure as he put both hands on his shoulders and pressed down, breaking Chris's pitiful skeleton and letting his blood and desire reform it, smiling as his budding ingenue slammed their own hands crashing down on the small of their back to cave it in and give it a wonderful arch that both just knew would be getting some usage once this was all done.

Chris reached into Muzan's pants to find him hard, only to regret the stubby, calloused hands that were about to wrap around it, grunting with some effort as he used their will to reshape them, making their own nails stretch like the fingers themselves, each one slim and sharp. Before his palms began caressing Muzan's cock, they softened, every callous shed as their firm, smooth grip sent pleased moans from him for once, the thought of this as masterbation sending a wave of Muzan through Chris as his arms compressed, wonderfully soft, feminine fat swelling over a layer of malleable muscle, a nail scratching at his shaft as he grunted, looking down annoyed, but smiling as he realized they were teasing him, both hands now resting on Chris's face.

"And how should I punish you for that?" He responded playfully, tracing the hard jut of their chin, threatening to hack at it.

"Aheh. Those strong hands, I feel them anxious to hear my ugly mug apart." He seductively spoke, relishing in the sound of their new voice, which was as commanding and hypnotic as Muzan's but with the sexual allure of a woman.

His fingers began to pinch at their face, his grip tightening, claws poking shallow holes in the skin. He lifted their chin harshly with one hand, nails staring to cut and slide under the skin of Chris's upper neck under their jawline. 

Chris tensed up and was caught between a grin and a grit. But there was nothing but delight coursing through him. Soon he would gain his love's image, but he was becoming something even better! Yes his own sense of growing perfection wasn't lost, haughtiness making him quite the saucy ojou. He saw himself as an equal in his Love's image. He was feeling the same immense power grow, catching up to the power emanating from Muzan himself. But he had a growing pride as a woman, one that made him also recognize himself as unique and through his own opinion a fairer sex. 

Sure he had Muzan to thank for awakening his true self, to allow his blood to unlock this hidden being within them, but as far as he was concerned this was always there waiting to be unlocked. For there must be a goddess as well, and SHE was perfect for the role. She just needed her yearning God to set the rest of her free.

He crushed cartilage and bone, massacred mass and feasted on flesh, yet it all felt like a wonderful massage, her blood staining their lips red as he sliced them open, the skin rehealing thicker, poutier and lovingly adorned with the bloody color. Like a dull blade to a whetstone, his fingers scraped against the bridge of her nose, gripping it after an appropriate amount of sharpening and crunching it to an upturnt wriggle. With two firm grips his thumbs stabbed into both eyes, the fingers compacting her face into elegant, demonic allure, his exiting nails leaving her pupils as slits, the irises circles of red. Things were starting to get more sexual in a literal sense as he tore away his clothes, going at her body like a wild animal in heat, his cock shoving against her leaking tip as she came, screaming contented moans as a hand wrapped itself in her hair, tearing at the strands and leaving them to fall in silky tresses, the wild locks catching the moonlight as he began to thrust harder against the remaining manhood.

"SUBMIT." He only had to think it for her to hear it, an equally commanding order barking out to finish her off. Muzan lifted his muse, his Muza by her plump ass, squeezing it as his nails dug in, sending luscious fat into her thighs while reshaping her twitching legs, giving himself two lovingly svelte cushions to thrust against as their legs locked together. She could faintly feel her feet succumbing, their strong daintiness wrapping against his back, breasts throbbing as his hands savagely battered them, his tongue a spear in her throat, changing shape and size to fill in novel ways with every second, yet all she could focus on was his hard cock against her own, his cock changing shape to form almost a thin spear as he inserted it into the small gap of her urethra, his blood pumping out as she could feel that last inch of herself succumbing to his greatness.

She was nearly there, a demon goddess in all but her genitals. Her love piercing her limp noodle with his blades thrusts.  It was sliding deep into her shaft, widening the hole of her cock into something more befitting of a wife. 

Yes, she was his wife and he, her darling husband. King and queen, their destinies now forever linked. She knew she was being used for something, his plots for revenge implanting themselves inside her own mind, his will and desires replicated, merging into her free will violently. She welcomed it, I understanding that they were to be the ultimate form of life. Tasting such bliss, becoming that perfect being herself she understood what compelled him. And it compelled her in turn. She ferociously combatted against him as he massacred her cock. Her tongue pressed back against his just as feverishly, her hips colliding violently, intensity rising against his as she came into her own. She screamed out her final words as a human, "Damn this mortal shell, set me free damn you! Complete me my love!"

"With pleasure." His shaft instantly swelled at the remark, tearing her pitiful cock as his own hardened from the back downwards, his widening girth forcing Muza's own in even as his cock remained lodged in hers. It was maddening, the feeling of fucking and being fucked at the same time, his penis extending further into her body to fuck out a path for their retreating genitalia. She couldn't hold it in any longer, not even realizing she was holding something in as her womb throbbed, his thrusts violently stabbing both of their cocks inside, cramming it in as both fucked her forming pussy with equal ferocity. Finally his own cock exploded back to normal size, the massive shaft forcing Muza's nub to be squashed inside, her rubbery, leaking tip exploding with pleasure as her hips thrust, a hot, life curdling SQUELCH signifying her rebirth, her change. She was Muza, his wife, his lover, his other self.

The pleasure was miles away from what could be done in the bland mortal coil, that first heavenly orgasm tearing away her morality, any shred of her past self that had stayed around scrapped, yet that wasn't enough for Muzan or for her. The phrase 'stirring your insides' took on a whole other layer with two shapeshifters, their bodies coalescing and splitting, making strange contortions as both vigorously heaved with one singular purpose above all others, "To fuck like no living creature has ever fucked before." Finally as dawn threatened to paint the skies grey they both came, together as one, white, red and clear fluids dripping from the messy fucking as both rolled inside, thoroughly satiated past one nagging thought.

"What's wrong Muzan?" She cuddled next to him, both enjoying the sensation, wondering if this is what those family bonds that other slayers had gone on about were really like.

"Well while I can tell you enjoyed my gift, I hadn't put it in words yet have I?"

"Ohhh?" She teased him interested in where he was going, purposefully not using her mental link to keep the surprise there.

"Happy Mothers Day." Muza blushed, then thought about it for a second, taking a peek at what he had in store as her smile rose.

"But Muzan dear, while I'd be ever so happy to change that, I'm not a mother!" Now he was in on the act, grinning madly.

"Well then... why don't we make one together. I know just the bloodline to ravage..."

Taji nervously fondled his sword belt, making sure it was hidden and not easily viewable for the fifteenth time in the last ten minutes. It was annoying enough that his family held so many traditions, yet as a dead ringer for some important ancestor from generations past who had slain some kind of terrible evil, he was far more worried of the cops than a demon, the former possessing guns. Hell why didn't they make guns for these demons? The few that were left were all crafty, but weak after decades without a master. Of course the order was worried that a piece of Muzan had dug into the ground or whatever but seriously what could a few stray cells do? He did admit a shockingly identical resemblance to Tanjiro, but besides that he mostly wanted to go out and  enjoy his youth, not patrol for ghouls on Mother's Day.

His mother had refused his suggestions to take the day off, tradition blah blah, vigilance blah blah, respect your great great grandfather who blah blah blah. And so he roamed some dumb back alleys that were mostly deserted since that's where the weak things he considered demons would be feeding on a bum or something, the night going slow until she suddenly appeared. The woman was shockingly beautiful, her pale skin and dark hair working perfectly in the moonlight, her kimono mostly slid down to show off every inch of her gorgeous body, her presence beckoning.

Like a moth to a flame, Taji approached, enchanted by her red eyes as he felt himself falling into their bloody pools. Who was this woman and why was everything about her so sensual? Shit didn't he need to have a condom? Ah fuck it he might as well spend Mother's Day right, besides his crow was unusually absent which meant his parents would never know. Of course that bird had been turned into a flurry of feathers and blood by Muzan earlier, watching from a distance as he saw the boy had Hanafuda earrings just like the one who had caused him so much trouble in the past. The horny idiot was so enamored with Muza that he barely seemed to notice her clear devilish traits, which made things less fun, but easier. His line had refused him once, but not this time.

Muza held him tenderly, her claws carefully slicing a line down his clothes, leaving his chest and groin open for her to play with.

"Th-This is my first time so uh-"

"Shhh." Muza cut him off with a wink as she prowled over to him, draping herself on top with every word.

"My my what a lovely-" Taji was pressed against a wall, stumbling backwards.

"-sexy-" She lightly tapped his chest, pushing him down with surprising strength as he fell into a wooden carrier box.

"-daughter you'll make for us."

"YES! I'M REAdy... Huh I'm not a girl I"m a-HNNGGGH AHHHH~!" A single nail drove itself deep into the flesh beneath his balls, something hot pumping in as his anus puckered, Muza's other hand fondling his nipples carefully, drawing out his confused sighs and groans as the brown lumps pinkened, then hardened, the poor boy ignorant of what was to befall him, and he'd take that ignorance to the ends of his identity.

Taji went to scream, but Muza shoved a bamboo muffle into his mouth, muzzling the hashira while his fingers scrabbled to feel at the gash under his most sensitive bits. Rather than the deadly wound he expected, to his shock her slice had made a small channel, the edges sensitive and puffy the longer he rubbed them, pleasure crippling his actions as the opening pulsated, drawing a finger in. The shock of that first insertion sent his hair exploding out wildly in black tufts that tanned to brown near the ends, his jaw clenching tight around his bamboo gag, tight enough to crush the jaw to a cute size, his lips swelling against the cylinder.

Muscles he had never felt, much less worked before were dragging his fingers deeper, his inserted pointer stretching at the joints, a sharp nail forming as if to help carve at his muscular insides and drive the chasm deeper. He tried pressing against the surrounding area to leverage them out, but that just led to slippage as his cock hardened, two more fingers falling into his slit. The same fluid that had started the change was pumping through them, making them feel weak and helpless as their muscle withered , soft fat and rosy coloring making his skin look delectably rosy as all imperfections were burned away by the blood in him, altering his body like it was some plaything. Taji knew this situation was incredibly fucked, but the pleasure from his inserted fingers was too high, their stretching grip scratching deeper as clear fluids began to lubricate the channel, the gash widening as it grew to encompass his full hand, the edges of the lips now surrounding his balls.

"There there daughter, Mommy Muza is here for you, just let it happen." She squeezed his other hand supportively, crushing it into a dainty slim thing, slowly guiding it towards his throbbing nipples. Once she had him circling one of those engorged prizes, he couldn't stop, some delightfully tortured moans pouring from the slobber on his gag, the fingers below sliding in and out, widening the pussy's entrance as his scrotum was pulled taut. Taji felt like he was melting when the lips began to wrap around his testicles, reality shaking ecstasy rocking him as cum shot out from his cock with every downward suck at his balls. They were being drawn in, rubbing against his fingers as the muscled walls of his forming cervix crushed them and gobbled them whole, every last ounce of sperm in his body spurting onto the floor to Muza's amusement.

"Ah yes, let it out, let it all out. Your bloodline doesn't need any more male heirs, here let me take care of that bizarre rod between your legs, if you want to keep it just say something." The muffled screams that followed made it all that much sweeter as she pressed against the smooth mushroom tip of his cock, the boy clearly afraid of losing his manhood, realizing his protests were futile. It was only when his despair was ripe that she pushed down, his eyes alighting with confusion, shock, then pleasured bliss, tears streaming down as Muza worked his shaft into his throbbing pussy.

She manipulated the blood running through it, making it softer, more malleable, grinning as every inch forced in pushed her 'daughter's' chest out, the whole affair a fluid mess as his shaft continued emptying load after load even as Muza's fingers joined Taji's in the fold, mother and daughter squealing as they felt the shaft melt into her walls, the tip popping as it inverted and hardened to a small nub. Muza 'accidentally' moved Taji's fingers to it, the former boy screaming in euphoric bursts that were barely hampered by her muzzle, her other hands desperately groping at her now swollen bosom, pleasure corrupting her, converting her, making her its slave.

She could no longer tell how long she had been masterbating, her fingers playing with herself with a need to cum, a true climax deceptively far away, her blood throbbing through her veins as she could feel it being withheld. Her face screwed up tight, angling and shrinking as her eyes burned the same blood red of her tormentor, her goddess, her... mother?!

"MMMMPH~! MMMMM~~!" The thought of that woman as her mother made the blood in her body go mad with lust, her frame seemingly collapsing inwards as her shoulders and waist refined themselves to daughterly delicateness, her spine arching gleefully under her mom's strong touch.

There was no denying it any longer, her large breasts dimpling under multiple hands, her pussy throbbing with need if she would only let go of the past. She wanted this, acceptance bringing with it gifts of fat in her thighs and ass, her feet twitching as their heels slimmed down, flexing toes stretched, the blood painting them a vivid red while her arches accented. There was no Taji, only Nezuko, and all thoughts of her birth mother were fucked away by her own fingers, her rebirth mother all she could think of as she stared into her red eyes, Muza welcoming her daughter into her new life as she came.

Her new body shook with ecstasy, her thighs squeezing together to drive her fingers in deeper, pleasure plateaus broken again and again as her trapped fingers shot out with an arc of clear release, her body shivering as the Muzan blood in her finally settled down as muscle, making her groan as the muzzle popped out her mouth, a fevered smile on her face.

"Oh mommy thank you!" They embraced, Muzan stepping off from his perch with new clothes for their family's daughter in tow, her devilishly sly eyes crinkling in delight as she was dressed to perfection, though her smirk soon faded to a scowl.

"But mommy I thought I was supposed to get you something on mother's day!"

"Oh it's fine child, just your presence is-"

"But mommy, daddy, I have some weird memories still, about a house where I got these earrings and the defenseless humans just begging to be feasted on without their son..." Muzan and Muza stared down at Nezuko with delight, proud of their not so little girl for already wanting to massacre her old life. Well, there was no need to take any longer. The day would end soon and they had a feast to attend, and then they'd be complete, a family sitting around the table, eating and ravaging their way through the world. And no one would stop them from their family time, not now that they had each other.



really really really loved this on wavercd's patreon! never realized it had pictures to go with :) thanks!