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"I demand more clothes Kit! Fetch me garb that befits my royal lineage!" She was the immediate center of attention, her red hair and devil horns already very attention grabbing, most people writing off the latter as a cosplay thing, but even without her eye grabbing look, her high declarations of demands to the public would quickly attract anyone who hadn't noticed her before. She didn't just attract attention, she demanded it, all while sipping a smoothie and playing with her Switch.

"I also demand you to tell me how to evolve this tea Pokemon!" Kit was annoyed with all of this after days of showing her how to do all of the new mechanics, though her excessive amounts of gold from the demon world were always a great way to stifle any negative feelings Kit had over it. Besides it was nice to not be turned into a girl every other day since her corruption of Amy so yeah, all things considered a few minor annoyances were worth it even if he was treated more like a pack mule than a person. And even though Diva was very cute, Kit made sure to avoid having any lewd thoughts, unsure of how her powers fully worked, but certain that once she had you under her sway she could fully transform you into her servant. Of course she had some more forceful ways of forcing a person into a love slave, but as long as he didn't piss her off he'd be fine... probably.

Of course if there was someone who wasn't going to be fine, it was the cocky Pokemon player barely paying attention to the people around him. Wearing a trainer beret and athletic jacket and sweats, and for some reason shades indoors, everything about Tom screamed cocky. The excess of Pokemon theming made just as much of a splash, his nerdiness shining through, not that he minded. He was a proud nerd and it often led to on the spot trades for good stuff on his copy of Pokemon Sword. Of course this also meant that while he was playing he wasn't really paying attention, just figuring people would move out of his way if he stayed to the side. Diva though had no desire to move out of the way since she herself was too busy talking with Kit demanding more sustenance, more makeup, more-


They collided, Diva crying out as her Switch flew away while her smoothie crumpled against her uniform, fruity pulp staining the dark fabric as she almost cried. Luckily she remembered who she was and forced back the tears, instead giving the proper reaction, pure unfiltered rage.

"YOU INSOLENT CURR! YOU SPINELESS FOOL! YOU DARE ATTACK YOUR QUEEN?" Tom was torn between confusion and guilt, figuring she must be a chuunibyou and hoping her switch wasn't too badly damaged. He didn't need to have to rack up an additional charge this month.

"Uh, s-sorry miss...?" It took a few seconds for the girl to understand he was waiting to hear her name.

"I am Queen Diva, lord of-"

"I don't need to hear the full thing." While Diva fumed over being cut off, Tom picked up her switch, relieved to find it unbroken, though he couldn't help but pause and notice, 

"Oh you have Shield? Nice I have Sword." That stopped her whining, Diva inspecting Tom up and down.

"...how many shinies do you have?"

"Oh almost a full dex do you want to se-" He was cut off by her hand, her tone changing from angry to flirtatious on a whim, flustering Tom.

Of course all she was doing was making him open to the effects of her Love Slave ability, a hair flick here, a hand on the shoulder there, suddenly he was like putty in her hands, his defenses lowered.

"What'd you say your name was?" Tom was flustered in his response.

"Uh... T-Tom! L-Lord Tom-"

"Ooh a lord? A Queen could use some lords..." She let his mind fill in the blanks there as she leaned lightly on him, waiting for his face to become acceptably dopey before continuing.

"But you made me sad Tom when you bumped into me. You almost broke my switch, you ruined my outfit and you hurt the queen. Would you do anything to fix this mistake?"

It didn't really matter that she had already magicked away the stain or that it took a lot more than a bump to hurt her, Tom could notice none of that, her eyes glowing as he was drawn into her voice, her field, already the stirrings of something below the belt driving him to attention. It became very important to him to win her favor and be loved by her, desperation creeping into his apology.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you Diva! Of course I'll do anything you ask to apologize, consider me yours!" Kit rolled his eyes while Diva smiled, both knowing what that wording entailed.

"Weeeell~ I could use a bunch of your shinies, but before that I think I misspoke. I said I could use a lord right? But I think what I really need, more than anything right now, is a lady. Are you ready to serve your queen as a mistress of the night?" She didn't really wait for him to answer, her glowing eyes casting her spell, Tom groaning as a barrage of strange, pleasurable sensations wracked his body.

It was hard to explain what he was feeling at first, like his body was suddenly less solid. When you step on the ground or a building's floors, there's a sense of stability present in everything you do, never doubting it'll fall out from under you. But lets say you stepped on a thin sheet of ice over a pond, the threat of breaking through replaced that stability, every action uncertain, threatening to crumble away at the slightest misstep. Tom's body was the ice, every bone and muscle feeling malleable, delicate, waiting for the hard boots of Diva's orders to come crashing down.

"Here I'll take that from you." She gingerly removed the Switch from his grasp, delighted to see a hex maniac on screen.

"Oh perfect I needed a design. Kit?! What do you think? Would this be a good fit for us?" 

He had to adjust his grip on a few of her bags before looking down at the screen, shrugging since he knew this guy's dick was already forfeit the moment he pissed Diva off. Such was the life of schmucks around all powerful brats.

"I can read your mind you know..."

"All hail Queen Diva!"

"That's better. And fine, a hex from a hex it shall be! prepare to be pretty Tom, or should I say, Hex maniac Tammy?!" Tom gasped her words sending powerful reverberations through his core, everything shaking as his clothes darkened and merged. The hat stayed mostly the same, though it gripped tightly to his skull, the dark blue turning black. In fact, his entire merging outfit was turning black past some white trims at the shifting collar and sleeves, said sleeves turning more into ruffles that made his hands look like they were sprouting from some strange type of flower. Before he knew it, his body was wrapped in a tight fitting gown, the bottom creeping out like toxic sludge, a darker black thread running cobweb patterns through as they drew the waist in, threatening to choke the life out of him.

It was hard to talk back or ask questions about what the hell was happening when he couldn't really breathe, some choked struggled sounds all that came out. Kit tried to offer some advice as a veteran of tging people.

"Uh Diva... I know you're not Amy, but there's a reason she usually saves the clothes for last cause you're kind of crushing him to death... n-not that there's anything wrong with that if that was what you wanted to do." She considered that, but deflected, not wanting to take blame.

"Look it's all his fault! If he just gave in and accepted my blessings without any hassle he'd be a girl by now!" Kit held back the obvious point that she controlled all of this not wanting to get caught up in it, besides when it came to whether the magic clothes or Tom would break, the answer was obvious.

At the height of the pressure, Tom could definitely hear his skeleton creaking before the break, each bone being brought to load bearing capacity before all at once, his skeleton just gave. Thankfully the whole process was numbed by the rising magic inside, set to erode his will. Unfortunately it was still incredibly uncomfortable, his entire skeleton shrinking almost uniformly, inches pouring off his arching spine, the tight confines of the dress reshaping his shape to something curvier, delicate, feminine. All of that lost mass seemed to squeeze out his head like a stress doll, inky black locks streaming from his scalp in waves of darkness. It almost seemed to have a life of its own, cowlicks tangling and spiking out like thorny offshoots. One in particular smacked lightly against Tom's forehead, the insignificant hit jostling his brain as his pupils began to spin, Diva's satanic influence pounding into the malleable pink matter.

Tom's pained groans were replaced with wicked cackles, the sound just naturally coming to him as they rose in pitch, something leaving a slight burning taste in the back of his tongue as the turtleneck stretched his neck to an elegant cylinder. The spirals that were Tom's pupils continued to spin faster and faster, his irises drawn into the swirling riptides of insanity as purple and black replaced the normal setup, his sunglasses slinking down a smaller nose to reveal them to the world. It felt like his brain was being tickled, his skin was being brushed, hordes of spectral beings having their way with his body as his skin paled and softened to hairless, tanless porcelain. He was being shaped by the forces of hell and he was loving it, in thrall to the dark energy, feeling lucky to have been cursed with such amazing power.

"Ahh~ YES! Corrupt me mistress!" Diva blushed at that, Kit directing both of them to a tucked away corner to avoid the eyes of the mall crowd, picking a closed Brookestone and trying not to die of embarrassment.

"I didn't realize you were into that Diva."

"SH-SHUT UP! She's just lost in reverence to her rightful queen. Nothing strange at all abou-"


"...maybe you should have picked a lest perverted pokemon trai-"

"IF YOU DON'T WANT TO JOIN HER I SUGGEST YOU SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH KIT!" Diva screamed, awkwardly pausing when she noticed the shifting Tom visibly aroused from her anger, both his nipples and male bits tenting the dress. He was panting like a pervert in heat the corruption tearing apart his aspirations and goals as easily as it tore away his handsomeness, creepy and cute the new norms while his hands fell limply to his sides, fingers twitching to macabre instruments of gothic delight.

It took everything in Tom's power to not give in to his lust, moaning in stuttered ekes as like the ghost pokemon he now adored over everything else, the dead flesh of his nipples rose back to life. Diva tried yelling at him to stop making those noises, but his new mistresses anger was like a mandate from heaven, the bliss magnified tenfold. Tor was his master's plaything and that dark thought made him incredibly hard, a lacy number wrapping around her chest as he hugged himself, squealing as his momentous mammaries were pressed by the fabric, squeezing his tender lumps in all the right ways to make him go wild.

The subtle curves of his waist fully crunched inwards, his slender abdomen throbbing as the muscles flattened to a refined elegance, that mass all rushing down to his hips, his fingers digging in gleefully as his seat of power swelled to a tipping point. His body was so delightfully dark now! So weak and submissive and willing to do anything for its master even if that meant grinding reloads of the legendaries with mods on for hours to get a shiny legendary with good EV's, but there was one thing Tora absolutely needed as he shifted from side to side, his groin uncomfortably outlined against the front of his dress.

"M-Mistress Diva p-please take care of my last throes of masculinity! Take my eager sacrifice, my pride and crush it in your wonderfully manicured fingers!" Tora drooled as she said it, thrusting her hips forward as if awaiting her master's touch. Diva's face couldn't have wrinkled harder if she tried, her disgust louder than any words she could say, though she still screamed out, "GET THAT DISGUSTING DICK AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT! DO IT YOURSELF!" Even though she had meant to crush Tora's spirits and turn him away, the vitriol had the opposite effect, sending Thora's head back with a squeal as her body caved in to her master's demands.

There was a black hole between Thora's hips, its force increasing with its master's anger, her withering comments sending his shaft inwards, hot shocks of ecstasy roiling through his body as he shrilled along with every harsh, dominating blow to his manhood. It was all receding at the same rate, testicles and cock flattening, drawn in to the dark void of her writhing prostate as the pleasure continued to reach new plateaus, one succulent squelch signaling the complete withdrawal of her left testicle. Her mind was nourished with thoughts of Diva, focusing her maddening ecstasy as she screamed, her remaining nub of a cock and slip of a scrotum hastily slurped down a pulsating maw, like a haunter was gobbling her male essence down into an unreachable cavern, her womb pulsing as something hot ran down her legs, Thora cumming gleefully while screaming Diva's name.

Kit had long put his headphones in, amping up the music to max to avoid the messier parts of the transformation, deciding he didn't really want to hear the corruption reach completion after her first perverted pleas. Diva meanwhile was horrified, and shamefully aroused, loving to see a victim writher or that bit of resistance in them get snuffed out, but maybe next time she wouldn't go quite so hard on the pleasure side of things. Also she should probably read a wiki at some point before randomly picking characters. Either way, Thora was left squealing out her name in weirdly paced bursts, the juices spilling down her legs causing them to curve and swell with fat, the final drips becoming black nail polish while her toes wriggled from within their shrouded cover of the dress's flower like bottom. Thora the Hex Maniac stared at her owner in rapturous delight, never wanting to leave her side, to always have Diva's love near her. She was obsessed and oh so happy to have discarded whoever she had been to get to server her perfect ruler. It came off incredibly creepy.

"Hehehehehehe master I am complete. What shall I do? Would you like to punish me for taking so long or maybe you and other master could-"

"Hold up!" Diva couldn't let that accidental slight go by.

"Kit and I are not on the same level, I'm the only master alright?! And you should rejoice for being my first subject of the for now stalled takeover of the earth. I'm still working out the details but uh... Wh-Why are you staring at me like that?" Perhaps Thora thought her eyes were hidden from view behind her glasses, but her wide unblinking stare was very clear to Diva.

"I-I'm sorry your beauty is just too radia-"

"Okay let's just move one. Kit? Kit!" It took a few repetitions to get his attention since he had really upped the music when the changes were at their loudest, but he quickly popped his headphones out, picking back up all the bags he was designated to pack mule around.

Diva brought him to the side, whispering, "Uh, did Amy have any plan when one of her creations went all creepy and stuff like uh..." Even from far away they could hear her breathing, feel her stare.

"Well why don't you just make her less creepy? She's your love slave and stuff right? So just mess with her personality some more and keep the look. Amy's done that hundreds of times so it shouldn't be that hard."

"Hmm..." Diva thought of something and turned back to Thora.

"Your devotion is absolute correct?"

"Yes my queen! Ask me and I'll do anything!"

"And if I ask you to catch me a shiny dex and trade them all to my switch you could do that?"

"I wouldn't sleep or eat until it was done!"

"Well I mean you can eat at least..." Diva considered things, looked at her own mediocre pokedex and made a decision.

"Alright I will make you less devoted after you make this more fun for me! Then we will take over the Galar region!"

"And the world?"

"Uh sure, that too! Come on Kit! We have to go home and get comfy!" He just sighed and followed his now two crazed roomies, dreading it. It was already a difficult tight rope to manage with just one weirdo. He could already tell Thora would be a bad influence on Diva’s ego and was sure his days of masculinity were probably numbered, though he did have enough immunity to change back after a few days from Amy’s shenanigans so it wasn’t all that horrible. At the very least he’d have his hands full with cooking and cleaning for three, but with the noticeable weight of gold in his pockets, it didn’t seem so bad. At least the pay was good.


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