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There was high potential for danger, even higher potential for glory, the glory always outweighing any measly life threatening stumbling blocks an ancient temple or booby trapped relic site could throw at Ezreal. He was reminded of his original adventure, that long, laborious trek through the desert, poring over his missing parents’ notes, finding the tomb of Ne’Zuk and basking in the history of the place. Also the riches, god there was a lot of great shit at that burial site, but this was more than just teleportation. He remembered how often his dad would jape about visiting him once he found the tomb since whatever secrets had been buried with the ancient mage would surely allow him to immediately transport himself back home for a nice night’s sleep. This strange treasure though, vague in description though luckily not in location, apparently did not just bypass the boundaries of space, but of dimensions, meaning the always hungry treasure hunter could travel the multiverse, plundering an endless number of tombs and treasure sites, all sorts of endless possibilities running through his head when he first picked up on the trail of some ancient godess’s burial site. Or was it the site of a goddesses weapon? It was hard to tell, but either way it was enticing.

Thankfully unlike that first adventure, this expedition was squared around a dense crop of tropical forests, making it far easier to stay stocked up on supplies and not starve to death in the middle of an arid, sandy wasteland. Sure it had its own downsides, poisonous bugs and animals, man eating plants, tribes of guardian attackers and his personal least favorite, the humidity. Those moist climates always left him a sweaty mess, though at least he could go shirtless more. That’d be sure to attract some of the ladies that always frequented the areas around his explorations, his appetite ravenous for riches and beauties. Truthfully he was so good at these hunts that it was the slight discomforts that bothered him more than any obstacle, usually said obstacles leading to great suspension bridge effects with the various honeys, a few “accidental” snake bites leading to more vigorous kinds of sucking once the venom he was already immune to was disposed of. But this was definitely more of a solo job, an artifact this rare and unknown always something he liked to risk on his lonesome.

It was rare to not even have a hint of it past the primary source he had accidentally uncovered during a trek through cursed woods, but not even the academics of his uncle’s university or the reference texts seemed to hold a glimpse of this “Helm of Yggdrasil.” The closest he could find were some texts that had been buried in the same hollows he had found the map, referring to it as the world tree of some other world, the texts too ancient to be pranks unless someone had used time magic, yet everything about them screamed authentic to his well trained eyes and he was not one to doubt his eyes after they had saved him many a times. It was actually impressive to him how little he could find on it. Everyone who knew him knew Ezreal considered himself in high regard, so when even he found it an obscure item he knew this particular artifact must be well hidden. It was a godsend that the information on it had come with a map, not that he’d admit it when he retold his escapades to his compatriots back home. No he imagined a much more spirited hunt for the map, some footnote of a footnote nearly faded from the worn vellum that only his keen gaze could pick up that led to some dangerous temple near the final resting place.

It was as he considered what fake traps he’d say he wormed out of in the made up map arena that he quite literally stumbled onto gold, well green, but either way it was definitely the place, the temple overrun with vines and other types of growth, so meek and weathered that it barely stood out from the foliage, easy to mistake for a rocky outcrop, yet scratching away a thin strip of moss was enough to let him gather that this was formed stone, a brief touch giving his fingertips the brief impressions of weathered designs that matched a few of the stranger symbols on the tomes he had discovered months ago. Well at least it wasn’t a wild goose chase or he’d have to take another month investigating the lush forests for some other type of rare artifact to bring home with him. It’s not like he doubted he could do it. He had the luck, the skill and the looks of a hundred men at least, but he preferred climates that wouldn’t frizz up his mid length blonde cut and it was just a pain to seduce the locals, scour the jungles, turn the unknowable known. For such a small building, Ezreal’s expectations weren’t quite prepared for what he found inside, wondering if the ancients had played a joke on him.

Rather than a cove of lost treasures or a smattering of artifacts, it turned out the meek stone building was more like a comically large chest, its holds only filled with one item, an abnormally large…
“Two person drinking cup? Maybe a headdress or ritual hat? Maybe they worshipped the nature or something with it? Probably leaves from a carnivorous plant or something.” Ezreal mused to himself as he carefully probed the massive thing, seemingly crafted from pants, yet completely in tact after what must have been centuries to millennia of disuse, the great headdress made up of two large cup shaped leaves, so green they still seemed freshly picked, connected in the middle to a sapling that was closer to the size of a young tree, yet the stalk was malleable and green, the artifact containing a surprising amount of warmth when he laid his hands against one of the leaves. This was the key to dimensional travel? He found that idea absurd now, though there was no point in coming out this far just to let it rot... If it even rotted.

Most of the archeological significance of the site was gone by this point, either eroded by time or chipped away by lichens and the spindly roots of vine that had sunk under the stone ages ago, so he decided to be a bit rough and activated his Shuriman gauntlet, blasting apart the entrance and once he moved aside the rubble he lifted the thankfully light prize and hefted it mostly on his back, one leaf resting on his spine, the other drooping into his field of vision, the sapling piece of it almost resting on his head. Ezreal liked to say that he had eyes on the back of his head, yet it was another one of his exaggerations, because if he truly had eyes on the back of his head, he probably would have noticed the way the bottom of the sapling was pulsating, a small cup shaped bottom bending to suckle at the top of his skull, burying itself in his blonde locks before latching onto the skin seamlessly. The area numbed slightly, parasitic hooks taking root in the soft flesh of his scalp and quickly reaching his brain, not that Ezreal noticed much past a few droplets of sweat stinging his eyes and a few trickles tickling the back of his neck. Something felt off when he swiped it away, but wet hair always felt different than dry and as the headdress began pumping its nectar into his body, it wasn’t like he was attuned to his own body enough to notice the miniscule growths of his follicles, adding up over time while the pulsing roots dropped his natural blonde color, the newly exposed hair silky and bright pink. Ezreal was far more concerned with the environment around him, swatting aggressively around the back of his neck, convinced some bugs were swarming around him as the tips of his hair sweated down his nape.

Eventually the annoyance got to him, his singular scream of frustration echoing throughout the jungle as he stopped walking, cursing himself for alerting every sentient creature in the surrounding area, fully expecting some kind of local native or wild beast to appear any second based off of his past experiences. It turned out to be the latter in this case, the dense foliage around him shaking long before he caught sight of the strange creatures, hulking hybrids of Gorillas and some kind of Reptile, the striped scale and fur patterns on their chest and the especially long incisors that flung off a flurry of off colored spittle likely meaning poison. Ezreal had made himself immune to most toxins and natural poisons, but of course this was a new area and he didn’t even know what these creatures were so he’d have to use at least some caution, happy they were doing some ritualistic pre battle chest pounding while they screamed loud enough to send flocks of birds flapping from the area. Obviously he’d use his gauntlet, warming it up as fiery blue mana charged, his aquamarine eyes yellowing as all of that magic he was planning to use on the gorizards(he’d use that for the guide book he would write after he returned) was siphoning off into the plant artifact. If he had only noticed that he might have used a different means to get out of the animal encirclement, but his habits won out as he let go a blast, the entire force of his gauntlet backfiring as it surged into him, scaring the animals as he writhed in pain.

His clothes were blown clean off past the headdress, his hair fully pinkening and shooting out in wild ribbons in gravity defying contortions. Ezreal had been blown a foot up in the air, barely landing gracefully and cursing at a sharp root that sliced at his bare sole. There was a distinctly metallic taste on his tongue that buzzed, though the longer it stayed around he found it more earthen, spitting doing nothing to alleviate the disgusting flavor. The gorizards were similarly shaken, confused at the sudden explosion and all of their primitive bravado replaced with cautious curiosity, shying away as Ezreal gave random squeals accented by a mushy crunching sound that sent all of the animal’s hairs bristling.

Whatever was happening to him was in his bones now, Ezreal could tell as the pained cries came unabated, his skeleton seeming to rebel against his body. He wasn’t sure whether to be thankful or more fearful as he watched his limbs swell, his body throbbing in and out, growing in size proportionally while his skin felt stretched taut, his muscles and organs growing in time to make the process just nauseating and traumatizing instead of deadly like it could have been. How nice. Soon a conflicting feeling was fighting against the pain, narcotic pleasure, the dulling niceness fist skin deep, then in his muscles, delving down to his bones. Speaking of his skin, while it might have been a side effect of its continual stretch and release spreading over his growing internals, it was shedding hairs left and right, the barely visible blonde hairs flopping invisibly to the undergrowth, his already perfect skin divinely uniform and gaining a frictionless smooth touch to it, Ezreal finding his inquisitive strokes surprisingly arousing. It was then that he noticed the plant flesh suspended over him, the artifact thoroughly enmeshed with his skull. He had forgotten about the gorizards by that point, cursing as he tried to find a separating line from the plant crown and growing increasingly panicked when the stalk was seamless. Desperate once he realized his eyes were nearly in line with the bottom branches of the forest’s canopy, he tried something drastic and gripping the central sapling before yanking as hard as he could, expecting pain, but getting overwhelmed with ecstasy as he collapsed to his knees.

Yes he was prepared to feel the tearing in his scalp and worst comes to worst possible brain concussing, but the roots proved to be thoroughly integrated and uprooting it would be like pulling out a fully grown tree with just your hands. So when he yanked at the parasitic plant all of that pressure traveled down in a straight line to his suddenly erect cock, his nakedness letting him watch through tear filled eyes as a few inches shoved their way inside while his testicles receded halfway, the sensations too alien, too powerful, too euphoric to just brush off. The following flailing and moaning that followed was enough to scare away the onlookers, his grounded form now taller than them from its prodigious growth, the hybrids running off while Ezreal gasped trying to get a hold on himself as his flailing slowed down. It took a lot of patience to get past his usual quick witted tendencies that often led to trouble and as he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to concentrate, it definitely didn’t help that he could feel the bones in his face shifting from the minute pressures of just that. His chin was definitely pointier, cheeks slimmer and lips plump in a manner that was quite enticing as they subconsciously rubbed together, his mind drifting to perverted thoughts as he smacked them together before he shook his head to clear his mind.

Taking stock of things, whatever this plant was doing to him it was doing fast, his height at least that of a giant at 15 feet, his skin was smooth, he came at least twice during the shrinkage and was still erect and based off how he could feel a slight pressure pulling against his already smushed cock and balls, it was pretty safe to assume he was becoming a… a-
“NNGH Ohh~!” His cock pumped out another load mid thought, his balls pushing in a little more as he squirmed, moaning at the lewd sensations that were carving their way between his hips. Losing his manhood was horrifying to him, yet more worrying was how deceptively nice it all felt, that narcotic, surging pleasure wearing away his defenses, the roots of the crown digging into his pink matter before releasing more of their blessed energies into his resistant mind.

Empathy poured through his mind, his cockiness vanishing as quickly as his cock as he suddenly felt regretful over his destruction of the temple gates. And he had almost harmed those poor animals just because he had disturbed them, such selfish actions un-

Wait what was he thinking?!

“Get out of my head you perverted goddess! I w-hhon’t t-hhhhaaaake thsssss lhhhhyhhhnghhh-” The bulge in his neck was crumbling to dust, taking most of his vocal cords with it as he flapped his mouth dumbly, the only noise leaving being a strangely melodic chime sound that soothed his ears and lulled him into a hypnotic trance. Soon he wasn’t even saying anything, just basking in the bright, chipper tones while his ears stretched to outthrusted points, almost sylvan in nature but rotated another 30 degrees frontwards. It was just so comfy here all of a sudden, the thick, overgrown flora and patchwork ground of the jungle’s underbrush hugging his body, keeping it in place as he sunk slightly into the warm earth.

It was like he was becoming one with it, his crown wagging as two sets of roots popped out from the sides of his head as they dug into the earth, dragging nutrients and warmth from the loamy soil into him. And what they gave, he more then gave back as he moaned, the strength sapped away under the gentle touch of mother nature, his body having less of a need for tough muscle and abs, the hard contours of his arms and legs curving to slender, feminine limbs, the swelling softness of his thighs urging out another load as his balls pressed in further, barely poking out from his groin. His cum mixed with the earth, the local flora it landed on blessed with growth as the long grasses and roots teased his cock. More chime sounds left his throat as the caked on dirt pressed down on his body strategically, entombing him in earth while his shoulders and waist were hard pressed.

More roots were taking root through his brain, digging into the earth as memories turned to fertilizer in the ground. His escapades throughout the world seemed increasingly like fairy tales, his own minds imaginings as he was stuck rooted in place here, millenia stuck in that temple leaving him longing for the outside world, though he always felt so guilty leaving the jungle that had supported him for all these years. Except that wasn’t right at all. Whenever Ezrasil wanted to go somewhere he just went there didn’t he? Arggh these dumb plants were messing with his mind, well okay he shouldn’t have taken his anger out at the forest, but he couldn’t just let all of his adventures, his accomplishments, his identity be buried here in some abandoned stretch of beautiful, fertile, loving nature now could she? No she wasn’t a, h-he wasn’t a… what? He moaned as natures bounty flowed into his body, congregating around his flat ass and chest, the following changes comforting his new budding self as excited chiming rung from his mouth.

His massive skeleton was like a series of concurrent tectonic plates, both shoulders continental drifting downwards, the hard coastlines of his shoulders’ islands rounding. His waist was similarly shifting inwards, the forming curves delicate on the planted giant, the sides of his waist resting gracefully together while the grinding of their bony movement led to a minor body quake, his spine thrusting up sharply into the peaks of his own womanly mountain. Yes, he was an avatar of nature, gifted by the goddesses of the natural world and well… it was called mother nature based off the few visitors who had shared local colloquialisms from their amazing, distant homes, so it only made sense for her body to be womanly… right?

Ezdrasil’s didn’t take long to respond, accented chimes ringing as nature’s bounty condensed into fat, turning his hips swollen and strained as his ass ripened, hips spreading apart while his nipples hardened like mounds of packed dirt. In fact, the steady growth of her breasts was easily visible, the buried mounds sprouting from the earth like budding trees. It was unbelievably pleasant, more memories watering the soil as she came, writhing in her earthen pit as their wide, swollen areolas broke the surface, her hands breaking free to tweak them as her modest in comparison chest on her giant body turned out to be saturated with wonderful feelings, her cock drenching the soil as she pinched a nipple and dug into her cornucopias of pleasure.

Each spurt sent her balls a little deeper, the draining testes drying out as the last of her sperm rocketed out with a tingly screech. While once they had contained seeds, now they were seeds, the leathery pouch that contained them splitting as they planted deep into her hips, clear cum watering them into sprouts, then productive sources of femininity, estrogen of both mammal and plant varieties filling her body. One hand left for her breasts, Yeggdrasil grasped her crown with the other, deciding she was fine with letting all of her old self drain from both of her heads, giving a hard tug as her screams of ecstasy tinkled throughout the forest, trees all around her sprouting with her releases. Once she started pulling, she didn’t stop until the shrunken stump of her cock had returned to the earth, plowing her fertile fields as she felt the wonders of a female orgasm, feeling completely in tune with the forest as they shared in each other’s blessings, her repeated orgasms perhaps sharing a bit too much blessing as the already dense growths grew nearly choking with life as the grove tripled in height.

Yggdrasil’s juices watered the earth around her and her skin, her crown sprouting out from her pores a grown gown, all delicate petals in bloom and vibrant foliage, spreading out into a living ensemble that tastefully covered her breasts and nether regions when she stood to her full height of almost 17 feet. There was the question though of what she’d do now, her memories a bit fuzzy, yet that was a fairly common side effect of having lived so long in such a closed off environment. She should just be contented with the forest and not be too greedy about her own wants. Maybe one day she’d find allies who would take her on an adventure, but she had doubts that that would ever happen after spending so long abandoned.

It ended up taking only a few months, Yggdrasil ignorant to the shitshow Ezreal’s disappearance had caused. At first his friends had just assumed he was out on an expedition and would be back soon with some absurd item or a spirited story any day now. As the days stretched to weeks then months though, they grew less certain. Vi ended up volunteering to track him down, the journey convoluted and frustrating. The prick had hidden his journey the best he could and the professors he had talked to in advance were of little help given the lack of information on his current hunt. Thankfully the cocky bastard had made a copy of the map he had used in his house, though Vi was definitely angry that he had booby trapped the lock of his abode. She’d beat the crap out of him when she found him shacking up with some tribes girl or being worshipped as the king of an obscure religion at the end of this. What her and the team hadn’t expected was the giant woman they found instead, her emotions translating through even if her voice could only make pretty tinkling noises.

...sigh So you’re saying he never stopped here? Are you sure?” Something about the drawn image of him they had shared did seem slightly familiar, but Yggdrasil sadly just did not know of such a person, though she quickly transmitted some sad, lonely feelings to the sympathetic squad leader. The similarly pink haired  woman glanced up at the timid giant, waiting for her to ask the question she wanted to before mentally facepalming once she remembered the girl couldn’t speak.
“Do you… Do you want to join us on our trip? I have a smug bastard to track down and I figure someone with your kind of magic could be useful.” Vi was drowned out by a cavalcade of chimes as the earth shook, the girl surprisingly light on her feet as she stomped around in joy, though Vi did have to make one slight caveat.

“Is there any chance you could like… shrink down or something? It’d be a pain in the ass if you had to ride in a boat or enter a building that you’re taller than.” Yggdrasil pondered that for a second, imagining the great trees that were once seeds, keeping that image of reverse growth in mind as her body slowly compressed, eventually topping off at 6 feet.
“That’ll do, though I’m going to have to figure out a way for you to tell me your name at some point. Anyways let me tell you about this idiot we have to track down.” And so they went off, Yggdrasil hanging onto Vi’s every word while many of the support people around her gave the attractive goddess more than a few passing glances. This person sounded so cool! Some grand adventurer who went around doing the things she could only dream about like they were nothing. She wanted to meet them and hear more stories, a part of her feeling like this was all something she had forgotten, already feeling an indescribable connection to this Ezreal person. She wasn’t sure if their paths would cross, but as they left the jungle, Yggdrasil paused to thank the life that had nurtured her and she had nurtured in turn, grateful for giving her a home for the millenia, but now it was time to have her own adventures and see the world.


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