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He had fallen in love with her from the first time he saw her on the silver screen, Lyle’s affections for Lily Collins far past healthy and bordering on stalker territory. If she was on a show or movie, he’d preorder it no questions asked, even the two where she was just accidentally in the background of shots for a park scene. He had posters of her, magazines of her photoshoots, dresses she had worn so he could feel closer to her, so one day when she’d be his she would not feel like she was trapped in a strangers house. Not that she would be trapped or something, he would just keep a close watch on her when the day came for them to finally be together. She had to do movies and television and… other things. It always frustrated him that others didn’t see her as the A lister she deserved to be. So what if she was never nominated for anything or if her shows weren’t the most watched, she was a star and he knew it. That’s why he was in this tattoo parlor now, to show his devotion to her star.

It had taken hundreds of photos to accurately scope out the finest details of it, yet his obsessive dedication was paying off. He had finally figured out Lily Collins’s foot tattoo to the pixel, his prize printed out with color instructions(he wanted the exact shade of black used on her) and even reference points on where to place and size it so it would be matching. The person running the place seemed disturbed for some reason and asked for payment in advance, but that was fine. Anything for his love. Admittedly he did nearly cry from the pain, refusing to have them dull the tattoo application since this was his sacrifice for Lily, but it hurt like all hell. They applied an adhesive bandage to it to cover up the red puffy flesh and prevent infection, though Lyle knew he’d be pulling it off when he got home to bask in this step closer to perfection. Why he would have skipped all the way back to his house if he didn’t have to stumble the rest of the way back home, his right foot still tender from its marking.

Strangely, the further he walked the more the tattoo seemed to burn, and the more it burned the more… strange he felt. He kept finding himself staring at display windows, desires for shoes, purses, dresses for him, not Lily. The urge had grown so bad that he had ended up waltzing into a Sephora a block from his place, feverishly buying a lip aplicee and gloss before his senses had returned to him. What was he doing? He had to save his money for Lily not waste it on these totally freaking cute things!
“Oh that’s a cute tattoo, what does it mean?”
“H-Huh?” Looking down the bandage must have popped off in his stumbling, no wonder it was burning so badly, the veins throbbing lightly as he looked closely at it. Actually what did it mean? He had only cared that Lily had it, so he had never looked into a deeper meaning.
“G-Girlfriend,” was all he managed to spit out before he stumbled back home, moaning as the heat mounted into a roaring inferno.

Off went his clothes, Lyle stripped naked as he collapsed on his bed, his right foot spasming before he could run it under cold water. Before his eyes the limb was crumbling the throbbing veins and muscles rising less with each throb, crunching into petiteness, arching to femininity, achieving familiar perfection. And all of a sudden the pain of the changes was replaced by a surging pleasure, his glossy nails painted in black as he recognized that foot, Lily’s foot. He brushed his other foot against it, moaning vigorously as the skin felt as soft as he always imagined, and it was spreading, the big toe that first brushed it darkening with polish, extending out as smoothness soon traveled up his arching sole and reduced heel to leave him with two dainty feet that knocked against each other as their ankles relocked into place, his calves bubbling as their muscle turned fatty and curvy.

Lyle struggled to his feet, gripping the vanity near him as he looked at himself in the nearby vanity, his cock hardening as his thighs softened and swelled. It was like he could feel Lily from inside his body, sensually taking over him, sending out two thick pillows to give him a thigh job, a pleased grunt ringing out as his hips splintered apart, forcing his knees together and sandwiching his cock between his plush legs.
“Oh fuck!” It was too much for him, his shaft and balls feeling as small hairs rained down around them, the skin rubbing his cock exquisitely soft, his legs rubbing together harder and harder as it only grew more gratifying.
“F-HAAACK!” The plushness was now in his ass, taking his useless, flat glutes and livening them up with scores of pleasure conducting nerves and fatty tissue, his hands leaving the vanity to grab the swelling cheeks, the pleasure magnificent as he slammed his face onto the desktop, basking in the sensations. His ass felt absurdly large in his grip, the flesh no longer bubbling out in its perky peach shape, yet it took him a few seconds to realize what was happening, his finger joints stretching to slimmer lengths while his palms shed surface area like nobody's business, elegant fingers feeling himself up as he stood back, gripping his cock in full view of the mirror and feeling Lily filling it as the shaft visibly shook and paled, the other hand fondling his balls he made his scrotum tighten, balls swell with need in their confined scrotum as the Lilyness spread down his urethra and finally made him cum.

"OHHH GAAAWWWD YEEEES~!" Hot globs of the stuff was streaming from his cock, his pelvis tensing as he could feel a gap forming, the heavenly space of Lily's vagina hiding right behind his cock, threatening to swallow it, a threat he was all too willing to submit to. It was like spiritual fucking, his hardened dick slowly piercing her innards, pushing in deeper with every spurt of cum, his balls collapsing inwards with two rubber pops, his shrieks of ecstasy feeling all the more wrong as his male tones almost ruined the experience. He didn't want to hear him, he wanted to hear her! While his cock was little more than a nub, he brought a hand up to his throat, half choking himself as his squeals rose excitedly in pitch. With one hand fixing his voice and the other now firmly pressing down on his cock, Lyle entered womanhood triumphantly, Lily's silky tones making it all that much better when he felt and heard the slick pop of his cock inverting, a hot gush of clear vaginal fluids staining the carpet with the residual sperm left from his fully Lilyfied manhood. Sticking a few fingers in his new snatch sent his quavering cries to his upper register, his jaw rounding down as his hand grasped for the lip appliqué, all sorts of new thoughts and sensations rushing into his head.

Lily smiled as she brushed gloss, fingering herself harder as more of that loser drained from her body, smacking her thickened lips appreciatively as her nose perted up to its proper adorable shape, just like her. She knew only the most obsessive of her fans, i.e. the ones with no life who have probably pushed everyone away would perfectly copy her tattoo, a ritualistic wiccan rune that turned losers into- N-No he wasn't a loser! H-How could she think that when he had given his, "MMMPH! Ohhh~!" That was another finger being shoved in, then another, but what was she giving? Right! H-Her all to be with, mmm Lily... All of that obsession was turning on him, any potential resistance muddied by how well he knew her, all of those factoids and separated stalking of secondary sources were mixing with the real deal, and she looooved it~! She was a ravenous body snatcher, and an even more ravenous snatch invader as her forced masturbation sent more of Lyle willingly to the slaughter, her eyes blinking rapidly as each flutter led to a slight shift in pigment and size, Lily's sultry eyes winking suggestively at her own reflection, her smile widening as her face finished shifting, her hair darkening to a shiny raven black.

"Give in dear, I know how much you want to be me, why else would you fill a wardrobe for yourself of my clothes?" Lily was now in control of Lyle's throat, not that he cared, his mind lost as he could feel something building between his legs, all warm and bodily intensive, the pleasure radiating through the changed parts and spreading deeper. Putting down the lip gloss, Lily rolled her shoulders back, rounding the bone back into the socket and shrinking her frame to be just perfect for one of the many dresses she had at her disposal, her arm gently wrapping around her waist before she squeezed. Both voices shrieked in combined ecstasy as their waist easily reduced, gaining lovely curves that only grew more exaggerated with the shape of her hips and legs once her spine crunched inwards and shed useless inches from her height. That was good and all, but what REALLY encouraged the consistent moan fest was how all of that diverted mass rushed into their nipples, Lyle fully jettisoned as Lily's breasts surged outwards, jostling freely with hardened nipples as her fingers brushed her clit, the finished Lily's body shaking as she released whatever was left of her old self in one large wad of mediocrity.

Gasping a little from the exertion, she smiled at her foot tattoo, her entrance into the sisterhood. This made what... the second person to become her since she started? Such a good way to deal with the obsessive stalkers that followed pretty girls like her in her industry. Plus it always helped to have a sister in sync for both magic and film, her series of identical stand ins and stunt doubles very useful for her career since they all considered themselves a part of a collective rather than an individual, not that that made them love fashion any less or want to look any less than their best. Now that she thought about it, the lip gloss early was a dumb touch, even if it did make her feel better since it would all go down the drain once she got into the shower. She did have to fumble around the house a bit to find the bathroom proper, cleaning off her fun and having some more in the hot water before returning, scraped clean and ready to look good. Thankfully unlike some of her past stalkers this one had bought hair product ahead of time plus a few scrunchies so she was able to put her hair up while she glanced at the wardrobe before her, her taste fully accounted for compared to the old her's measly three outfit options for himself. Slipping on a green flowery dress with support for her girls included she admired her look, picking out a pair of black heels with tan accents and ankle straps to finish her look, well almost finish her look. She adjusted the shoulder straps first, one green, the other pink, then scrounged around for some of whoever she used to be's old rings, slipping them on as they grafted to fit her smaller fingers, but of course there was still the final layer of gloss to put on, her look complete as she admired herself in the aptly named vanity mirror.

Yes she was Lily Collins, and while she couldn't claim to being one of a kind, her fans didn't seem to mind.


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