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Greg woke up wheezing, not feeling the best as he struggled to roll out of bed. He was already unhealthy at the start of the semester, but with most of his classes now being digital and there being no real need to ever leave his dorm past sliding open the door to grab his Grubhub, he had truly devolved into a shut in, his days filled with snacks, school and most importantly Pokemon. The first thing anyone would notice when they stepped into his room, well besides the smell, would be the shelves of Pokemon plushies and stacks of handheld devices to play his copies of all the different gens. He was quite proud of his collection, though right now he was aiming to complete his current goal, capturing a shiny pokedex for the current gen. He had spent the last week resetting cutscenes until the legendaries spawned with that one in 4,092 chance after altering the code to remove shiny locks for starters and legendaries. That was the easy part though, the harder part capturing each shiny multiple times in the wild.

The month of not moving had made his already big belly massive, his body wheezing with even the simplest of moves. His body was cloaked in large pair of orange sweatpants and sweatshirt, the only things that comfortably fit him anymore. Checking his phone, apparently Nintendo was initiating some new program to encourage fitness in their main games, like in Pokemon Go, not that he really cared. Exercise could come after his goal was finished of truly catching them all, though when he booted up his switch he was surprised to find an event already underway. It was a prompt for a mystery gift that initiated a wonder trade, Greg sitting up to see what'd come his way, but weirdly it just had a bunch of analytics of how much movement he had done and how long he played, rating him "in need of the maximum gift." Suddenly the brightness of his switch shot way up, blinding him as the trade music sounded, a bolt of orange lightning striking him right in his chest.

It burned, his body writhing as he missed the screen turn black after a brief flicker of Gloria saying, "see you soon." The electricity was racing through his body, electrolyzing his skin as years of grease, acne scars and ingrown hairs were yanked out or erased, a few high pitched yelps accompanying the sensitive plucking of every last hair around his groin, leaving his skin hairless and soft, his bone white pallor gaining months back of color and Vitamin D. All across his body the copious fat that made his limbs look more like stuffed sausages than anything that belonged to a human was quivering, his metabolism spiking activity as his body began to burn fat like oil at a drag race. He wasn't just suddenly hot, he was blazing, his fat melting away steadily, leaving behind torrents of sweat, drenching his clothes in the shedding aftershocks of his obesity.

He felt like he was drowning in his clothes, tearing open his sweatshirt to waft cool air on his dribbling chest. It didn't even cross his mind that a sweatshirt shouldn't be able to open, the fabric shifting to include white accents as it turned into a sports jacket. His attempts to kick off his sweatpants meanwhile were utterly failing, the fabric almost glued to his skin as he watched their bulk slowly diminish under the coffined confines of his pants. It was hard to tell just how many pounds had sheared off of his body already, his freaked out standing up easier than it had ever been, but the sudden change in blood flow made his head dizzy, a warbly groan resounding as he collapsed back onto his bed, the nausea of the changes giving way to a growing pleasure.

The jolt seemed to peel away his sweatpants, their stretched out elastic waist band unable to grip his slimming frame as they slid down, revealing black pantyhose, the inner lining of his sweatpants torn out as the sheer black material encased even his unsocked feet. There was a strong gurgle from his stomach, pleased groans belching from his slenderizing neck, the sweat plastered black hairs that soggily slid along his face tickling more and more of his cheeks. He screamed then, a pleased cry almost squeezed out from his core as the changes bore down on all of its jiggly mass, scrunching his sides in, compacting the fat down into diamonds of muscle that lost all jiggle to become toned perfection. It was hard to believe that was his core now, his stubby fingers suddenly feeling disgusting as they felt up the smooth skin, Greg moaning happily as the changes turned erotic, his man boobs flopping about as his cock hardened.

"HYAAH!" His head shot backwards, the black color splattering off to reveal burnished brown locks in a bob cut, his thick jowls either turning into cute baby fat or migrating to his lips, their cracked facades swelling into balmed pillows. A realization struck him suddenly, that first wondrous taste of fitness sending an addicted high to his mind, resistance crumbling as he begged for the changes to fix him, take away the extra pounds and give him the form he deserved. With a pleased shriek, his shoulders collapsed, their thick heaving slabs of fat and muscle jettisoned out as more sweat leaving behind a sleeker frame that accented his sensitizing man boobs with the satisfying inwards crunch of his spine. His teats were like pendulums, widening eyes locked on as their periodic swaying began to slow, the brown nipples tripling in size and erotic potential as they hardened, a shocked scream of "YES" the only legible word he said as their dead weight turned gratifying.

His sausage fingers grabbed them, sweat pouring out with every slick grab as their stubby shape extended to slim, manicured feelers, his mammoth palms quickly compressing down to dainty delights. The fondling gave him a more tactile sense of the changes past the ecstasy, their swaying fat firming up under his touch, his pokes now resisted by a buoyancy his body's fat had never shown before. It felt strong, it felt firm, it felt good, his cries rising as his metabolism attacked the apple bobbing in his throat, another useless lump that burned away with a high piercing shriek. Gregoria didn't know what size his forming breasts were, he just knew that they felt amazing to play with, the mix of muscle and fat sending hot shocks along his body, his fondling growing much more effective once his arms lost all of the fat that got in the way of their movement, just a thin layer left behind to leave them slim, soft and feminine.

His cock was ready to blow he just knew it, the hard, fatty thing more erect than it had ever been in his adult life, straining against the pantyhose as he purposefully sandwiched it between his thighs, each lubricated pass better than the last as like his bouncing breasts, the fat turned firm and pillowy.

"Ahh~!" Pressure was building, his balls full with lust and the pent up sexual highs his unhealthy lifestyle had slowly suppressed over the years.

"Ohh~!" God his voice was so cute now, the squeals turning accented, with Scottish flair, his dark amber eyes fluttering as their mascaraed tips grew out, the harsh red acne scars of picked at zits and pimples past now a roaring hot blush on smooth skin, his body crying out for release from his old self. New desires were swimming in his head, his hands tweaking HER nipples and groping HER sexy core as her self thighjob finally did its work, a sultry shriek ringing out the end of her manhood.

Her cum had long been burned away by the fiery femininity, the halls of her hips boring out and sending the molten, watery runoff down into her balls, her cock spurting out shots of clear fluids as she came, her hips shattering apart from the pressure as their melting fat shot out her cumming cock. It wasn't just the mounting pleasure that made each spurt better than the last, it was the mounting strength, her flabby ass getting firmer , thighs plusher, tree trunk like calves and stubby feet both slenderizing as their unneeded mass bubbled under her skin and shot out in a maddening fountain of cum.

She grinded her legs together, moaning and groaning happily as her ass bounced energetically from her soiled sheets. She had never felt so powerful, so sexy, smiling as she flexed her toes, forcing the arches to pop in more, the heels to slim with her ecstatic rubbings. Her calves were muscled wonders now, toned from years of hiking and running and her thighs could crush a man's head by the time they finished converting all of that useless fat into firmer stuff. Well maybe not a man's head, but definitely her own as she bore down on her cock, showing it no mercy as with a writhing intensity she forced one tense testicle in, then the other, screaming out joyfully as they melted into her. Her cock was like a piece of firewood and her thighs were the flint and steel, rubbing against it faster and faster till the friction got a fire going. Gloria bit her lips and shouted out every curse word she knew as her cock was swallowed in by her throbbing uterus, the head melting down to a hard clit that gave her her first female orgasm early, then five more as it swiped against her thighs, the pantyhose and finally her bulging vaginal lips before shooting deep into her body, leaving her utterly overrun with pleasure.

Her bed was a mess and so was her room, though Gloria now filled with energy quickly cleaned up the junk, aired out her room and wondered what she'd do with her new body first. Though now that she thought about it, wasn't her neighbor Mark a slob just like she used to be? She knew he was a prodigious sleeper too since he was still snoring next door through their thin walls. Suddenly a devious thought popped into Gloria's head, sending a message through her switch via her friend's list. "Hey Mark, sent you a mystery gift, open it up for a big surprise." Waiting with baited breath she heard the digital beep, the sound one of the few things that could awaken her neighbor, his drowsy grumbles followed by some tapping and a shocked grunt as she heard the sound of Nintendo's gift shooting out.

Unable to help herself, Gloria teased her clit as she listened in, his labored breathing and confused grunts slowly rising to pleased cries.

"Agh what the- mmph ohh god what's OOH~ AH! AH! Fuck that feels- ohhh~ yeesss mmm ohh fuck I'm t-turning into HYAAA~ OH FUCK YES MY COCK IS- KYAA OH GAWWWD~!"

She savored every squishy smack and feminine cry, knowing how much her neighbor must be loving it as soon a few watery splashes sounded out, heavy feminine panting all that could be heard as a low, quivering moan let Gloria know her roommate was finished.

"Come over to my room, let's have some fun." In almost no time at all she could hear the telltale scamper of her new neighbor's feet leaving her room and tapping through the hallway, needy pants accompanying her movements. Gloria smirked as her door opened, an equally sweaty and horny Marnie coming in, half naked and raring to go, drool leaking from a corner of her mouth as she stared at Gloria.

"C'mere ya cheeky bint. Let's see how good you really are." She was just as ready, opening her jacket to reveal her changed body. This was all to make players more active right? Well the next few hours would be full of hard, rigorous exercise.


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