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"What? No that's fucking stupid. Are you serious?!"

Chase was a top assassin, a flamboyant playboy who you’d think would be a terrible fit, yet his charm always helped him weasel his way into any target's life. A disguise expert and well-known cooze hound, his only rival was a particular stick in the mud rival who he had been desperate to show up for years. So of course he had jumped at the chance to take a mission to finally eradicate the one person keeping him off the top of the food chain. Till his handler Mizuki showed him the pill.

"Very. You know Tucker won't fall for any run of the mill disguise. This is top of the line stuff, guaranteed to work without a hitch. Besides it's not the first time you had to play a girl to-"

"Those other times I played one I still had my dick!"

A pill that could change sex already felt like something out of a horny sci-fi novel and he didn't care much for that kind of crap. Yes he'd done his own share of finagling and often he had to dress up as a girl to sneak into a target's good will, but it was all work.

"I thought you'd be curious at least. Aww is the playboy too little of a man? Scared he won't wanna turn back after a taste of the other side? And here I thought you'd do anything to be the number one assassin in the world."

She could see his temple flaring, the telltale sign that her teasing was working. It had taken the better part of a half hour to get him to give but she always had to wear him down for his pride to flare up. She knew him in and out after years of assignments and just like she had convinced him to first put on a dress for a job, she could see him about to go even further as he snatched it up.

"Alright but I'm going to make this the fastest kill in my fucking life so you’d better have the one that turns me into a guy ready!"

"Just go to the cafe at 800 and I'll brief you after you grow a pair."


That was one down.

"Ah? Hmm... Yes I see... Understandable. I'll take it."

Tucker was a top assassin, a reserved robot of a man who always planned out every detail to a T. It was said his notes on a person's schedule were better organized than the target's themselves when he had to kill someone. His only real rival was a showy jackass whose exploits came across as very unprofessional. He didn't necessarily need to be the number one assassin but the vagueness of hierarchy had always bothered him as every detail had to be crisp and clear in his books. Mizuki had to pull her hand back before he could take it right then and there, a little surprised.

"Wait, really? I thought you might balk a little at-"

"My gender doesn't really factor much into the work and I can always turn back. While I've never had an opportunity to meet him, I know that Chase's specialty is disguises. Therefore it stands to reason that getting close would necessitate something more... extreme. I also have heard enough stories of him dodging sniper fire that have been corroborated by trusted sources, so if the long term option isn't available- Ah wait, you weren't done briefing me yet were you Mizuki?"

"Yes, I'll fully brief you on Chase's whereabouts after you've changed, though I'll need you to go to this cafe at 815 to take it. Let's just say the whole process will be rather... messy."

That seemed to make him pause for a second as he stared at the pill.

"Painful? If you're making such large bodily changes it seems highly impractical to make a process like that not also hijack-"

"No, it'll be overwhelmingly stimulating. And I'd rather not see you get off in front of me."

"Ah... Well then about the process. What methods would speed it up? And would you suggest I-"

Two down.

Chase still couldn't believe what he was doing, the tucked-in cafe not opening up till 11 as one of the association's convenient shell companies. Usually he'd just go in for some add ons to his disguise tool kit or a few of the gadgets the tech geeks had for him, but he knew it'd be a full day affair. It was all simple really, the bell tinkling as he entered, already filled with regret as Mizuki handed him a pill and a bottle of water, giving him a room in the back as he sighed.

There was a dresser mirror inside as he took a look at himself, wondering how he'd look in an hour. He gave his small goatee a rub, flexing his muscles as he wondered if it was worth it. A man's body was his pride and he had put his to good use over the years, but it was just temporary. He'd get into that stumbling block's perimeter, smoke him and be back on top in no time. Really he wouldn't even have to worry so much about being caught since he'd be doing it in a temp body. Besides that machine was definitely one of those loner virgins. He'd probably melt in any girl's hands even if he turned into a complete cow.

"Fuck it, gotta stop stalling. Let's do this shit."

He downed the rather large pill, swearing it hadn't been that big when Mizuki had shown it to him first. He was right, Mizuki having made the executive decision to give the more willful assassin an extra strength dose of the drug for the purposes of her full plan. With a swallow he had cosigned the death of his cock, grumbling as he let himself fall backwards onto the bed, wondering how long it would take to start. He didn't really care to read over the details since the whole process depressed him enough already, but now he felt the same kind of anticipation you do on a big climb up a rollercoaster. Any second now he'd start to-



He could feel something bubbling in his stomach, making him shift restlessly. Something was definitely starting, the fizzing rising up and spreading deeper as his hairs stood on end, the feeling kind of ticklish as it worked its way into his skin. That was the best way to describe it, a sort of not altogether unpleasant teasing radiating through him, his heart beating loudly as he started to feel dizzy from the spreading sensation.

"S-Something's ahh~ definitely h-ahh hahppening."

Sweat was pooling over his skin, Chase fidgeting as his skin continued its ticklish rise, his left hand rubbing over the dampening spots as the act of touching gave him a thrill like scratching a mosquito bite. He knew he probably shouldn't be enjoying it, that there'd be consequences, but his nerves were already being hijacked as the ticklish feeling spread up his chin.

"Mmm~ fuhh-uhh-uhhck it's like I took E. W-Well I did but instead of ehh-ehh-ehhcstasy I guess it's ehhhstrog-hYEH HEHEHEHEH~!"

His heart was pumping rapidly, giggly juice radiating from it as the buzz reached his brain. His throat felt warm, the estrogen and various nanotech circulating gradually making it melt like mentos in coke, converted matter pumping further into his brain as a hormone bath fizzed over his pink matter, making it even pinker. He was rubbing his skin aggressively, hands desperate to rub and touch as he could feel his blonde hairs melting, his skin so smooth and fun to touch he just couldn't help but keep rub rub rubbing.

"Hehe OOH OOH c-hahan't ahh s-stahahahhp laughing ahh s-sounds like my b-hahahalls are undrahahapping~ Ohhhhhh~! Oooooh~!"

It was a dizzying high, his self talks making it easier to stay centered as his initial resistance was no match for the bath of femininity his brain was drowning in, his voice not so much cracking as giving a continuous rise, the last moan exiting out in a bright chirpy tone that reeked of girliness, that fact turning Chase on even more.

"Ohhh~ I sound s-he-heeexy oooh~ sh-hiiiit~!"

He hadn't even realized he was rock hard, undoing his buttons as he let his cock flop free, watching as the small hairs on his shaft fluttered off with every throb, the sight mesmerizing as he held his right hand up to his face. He felt like he was back in college doing mushrooms for the first time as he intently studied the shape of his hand, giggling as he flexed it, feeling the joints pop, watching as each dextrous wriggle worked his fingers into thinner, girlier shapes.

There was this rising bubbly pressure inside his skull, like his brain was a box of pop rocks dropped into a vat of coke, his eyes shooting wider as they spread in the sockets, his hips flexing up as his forehead crackled like a bowl of rice krispies before flattening.


An ungodly amount of cum erupted out his cock as he flailed, his hands occupied with groping and squeezing his malleable face, fingers feeling intimately how his nose was shrinking, cheeks rounding, smooth palms rubbing off his goatee as they were more occupied with pinching the thicker flesh of his lips. Damp strands of blonde spilled down his smoothing features, only adding to the ticklish bliss. He just needed as much contact as possible as estrogen thoroughly filled his head, an insistent feminine urge swelling as another orgasm tore through him, his own cries of pleasure fueling the next as deep in his subconscious he could feel a simple urge growing.

girl girl girl girl

Fuck he needed more, needing a glimpse of his new face, fingers running down his shifting body, accidentally tearing off the collar of his shirt as they rubbed against his needy skin. To his surprise the torn circle crawled into his hair as it spilled to his chin, turning red as it tied into a ribbon, Chase moaning as he looked at his reflection.

"Ooh I look c-cute ooh s-such a bubbly girly f-faaaace~!"

Shit it didn't even feel right to curse with such a cutie resting on his smooth body, his voice so fun to play with as it swooped and moaned melodically, fingers dancing as his frame trembled. No matter how he looked at it it all screamed

girl girl girl girl

God he was turned on, dizzy with lust, everything begging to be touched as he squeezed everything, playing footsie with himself, rubbing thighs, tangling in the sheets as everything needed more tactile focus. All that muscle he had worried about gave him these fun flexible pockets to play with as he touched himself, feeling them wriggle and pop down flat. It was like working with packing bubbles, the same joy of slowly popping each making his cock spill more as his hands fumbled lower, his absolutely soaked pants and shirt a hindrance as he fumbled them a bit lower, girly fingers wrapped around a trembling shaft. Nngh b-but if he started with that then sh- he'd really be a

girl girl girl Girl


Chase was shaken out of his feminizing daze as the door slammed shut to his room, too much force making it bounce back as he realized Mizuki must have been listening in.

"Ooooh~ why don't you cuhhhhm in~? Nooohohohooo~ need to be so rude ahhhhnd~ I've got something for y-OOOOOOUUUUU~!!!"

The door closed more quietly, Chase grumbling about her being a killjoy as she... he? Urrgh all this was getting annoying to settle in his head, Chase focusing on the much more important, attention-grabbing cock as he gave it a squeeze, feeling for sure that he was a ma-

Girl Girl Girl Girl

Tucker entered on time in clothes that looked more in line with painting a friend's room than any serious work. Then again in his mind there was no need to bring good clothes if he was just going to at best get them messy and at worst restructure them on a molecular level. He was very much all business as he came in, not even exchanging niceties as he extended his hand, refusing her bottle since he had brought his own. Becoming a girl was just another part of the job. He hardly felt much sentiment to his body beyond the work he had put in to keep it functional for his duties, and he had been assured that the pill came with an advanced muscle memory system that would make him acclimate in only a few days of training. Though as he went to his room in the back to do the deed he was caught off guard by the clear sounds of a girl moaning.

He had to wonder if she was doing it on purpose, the loud moans half-muffled so they didn't carry, and considering these rooms were built to muffle the sound of gunfire or "interrogations" it only meant some lackadaisical fool had forgotten to close their door. Admittedly it was a good background to have for the process, as arousal sped it up, but he would feel like a pervert if he knowingly took advantage of the situation, however much it was the girl's fault. In his awkwardness he slammed the door poorly, causing it to creak open as he heard the start of an invitation to join her. Against his body's wishes he ignored and shut it, moving quickly to his room while he was still hard as he prepared to take the pill.

First came the bathtub, Tucker knowing full well the process would likely be messy, not wanting to make a mess of any hard to clean surface as he stripped on the linoleum, neatly folding his clothes and leaving them to the side as he settled into the tub. All he had on were a pair of black briefs, his cock sticking out for ease of access as he unscrewed the cap to his water bottle.

He swallowed the pill like it was a basic over the counter supplement, downing half the water bottle as he settled in, letting the facts of the pill play over and over in his mind as he waited for it to start. He knew as he was sitting almost naked in the bathtub that the capsule was slowly dissolving in his stomach acid, said acid the fuel for various nanomachines that would soon be flooding his body with-

"Gnngh mmgh it's starting."

He shuddered, watching the various hairs on his body stand stiff, a warm flowing from his stomach fizzing like an internal alkaseltzer that was flooding his body with Aromatase, Tucker panting as his balls lightly throbbed from the increased testosterone production that would soon be converted. Despite already feeling aroused he knew it was better to wait than to bust, all that excess masculinity more fuel to the feminine fire once it was converted, his balls gradually buzzing in an almost numb kind of bliss as fluids throbbed and struggled inside his sack.

He could feel it, tiny, flat moans leaving him as he squirmed and shifted, helpless to stop a steady flow of precum and struggling testosterone desperate for escape from flowing down his tip. To pass the time he began running his fingers in circular motions around his nipples, the dime-sized spots doing little from the teasing, but they'd be the indicators for when it was time to really start going at it. Slowly the bumpy ridges flattened, the flesh twitching as a kind of warmth deepened from the circles, a steady stream of sweat smoothing it as his circles began to widen. They were turning pink, the warmth turning to a half-numb buzz, then an indistinct sense of "this feels nice" as nerves replicated. Before he knew it he was moaning, feeling them sync up with the rest of his nervous system as his cock gave a thicker spurt, Tucker watching them harden as he looked at his twitching cock. It was time to get to work.

From the manual, adrenaline helped speed things up along with arousal, the pleasure speeding blood flow, spreading estrogen, making sure every muscle and organ was being bathed in the effects. There was a sort of pulling centered around his balls, not affecting them yet but more like his whole body was being pulled into them, Tucker watching the viscosity of his leaking cock shift as a warm wave of weakness tingled over his body. It felt kind of itchy, like his muscles were going to sleep mixed with an inherent need to cum. He wasn't sure where to start with everything tingling so needily so he decided to work his way up, stroking with his left as his right began to work on his feet.

It was like his skin was made of wax instead of flesh, his squeezes forcing his form to yield as he moaned, his toes pulled and squeezed to smooth, wriggling ovals, his toenails neat and tidy as the shrinking mass slithered up. Each squeeze gave a small spurt, Tucker a bit curious just what was going on internally as he felt the muscle and bone melded into a thick fluid, his balls tense as his tip spilled masculinity that swirled down the tub's drain. Whenever it got too backed up, his squeezes would frustratingly only imprint the flesh, his soles and arches taking a full minute of vigorous squeezing and cumming to finish their shift into smaller, cute ends to his legs.

Incredible sensations aside it was taking a while and he really needed to hurry things, chiding himself for clearly delaying the inevitable as he paused his self-sculpting, stroking himself more vigorously as he tentatively pressed a finger between his balls.


Thicker stuff hastily pulsed out, his toes flexing as he rubbed his feet together, the flesh pulsing as unneeded mass sucked out, making his ankles crackle as his calves shrank. The self-jab had formed a crease that his internals had latched onto, his more subdued moans cranking up in intensity as his gender played tug of war.

It was one thing to read about the various physiological changes, it was another thing entirely to feel them, Tucker thrusting his hips harder and harder as he grunted, growing delirious as he felt his balls pull taut against his insides, nerves slithering as they tugged, the crease buzzing as it ached with a desperate need that made his fingers hornily try to shove inside as they wriggled against the line. Spasms wracked his lower half as legs kicked and shifted about, his panting, squirming form growing more desperate as he continued to stroke, roughly cupping a ball and pinching it.


His scrotum was pulling deeper, spreading apart at the center as it thrust inside him, the assassin shooting clip after clip into the tub as he could feel his ballsack squeezing into labia, his own desperate fingering hastening the process as his balls thrashed and puckered like overworked water balloons ready to-



There was a great internal heave, Tucker thrusting against his thumb too hard as the thin membrane of his sack split open, a torrent of fluids uncontrollably squirting down his thighs, his briefs a sodden mess as his releases sparked closer and closer to the base of his cock. It was like his legs were deflating, muscle sagging into fat, curves forming as the violent jerking of his sinking balls made quick work of his skeletal structure.

A knee violently knocked against the side of the tub, instantly crunching inwards, his other following as they knocked together, his arm squashed between angled thighs as his arm muscles writhed and sank. The internal squirming felt like a hot jet inside his most tender of places, his usual demeanor abandoned to a frenzy of want as he pinched the edges of his forming labia, feeling each one squeeze his balls in further, his thighs adding to the pressing need to go deeper as his fingers slipped on the slick edges, jabbing inside as Tucker's world sparked white.

The accidental plunge seemed to make his rubbery insides snap like a rubber band, Tucker's squeals rising as his forming lips pursed and gulped. That was the best way to describe it, a slimy chasm like two throats opening under his morphing gender, Tucker cumming out inches as the sheer volume of mass squirming up and out between his thighs spewed like a geyser, his hips jostling before crumbling apart from the pressure.

It made the squeezing worse, both hands abandoning his cock to work at the spreading maw below, his labia flattening as his balls squirmed deeper and deeper inside, hips filling out with plush fat. The slit was so tight it was squeezing his fingers, forcing them to lengthen as the dainty digits scratched new paths of pleasure, his ass smacking painfully against the porcelain bottom of the tub as the spanking smacks slowly spread muscle open for a more natural cushion.

His balls were condensing, the squirming masculinity inside swelling to eggs, Tucker's tongue panting loose on his chin as he heard a low rumbling gurgle sound, drawing his knees close as he hugged his plush thighs tightly. It was some final internal barrier, his tubes tangled and tearing, the spirals ready to make their final loop as inches added girth to his jiggling ass, Tucker giving a heaving thrust up as something joggled loose inside, an eruption spraying out as he felt twin plops as he collapsed into a panting mess inside the tub. It had been the most intense pleasure of his life, the assassin groaning as he loosened his grip on his massive-feeling thighs, his plush bottom tingling nicely from the slapped red marks. He still had his cock, but now he could feel the ovaries thumping, the freshness of them feeling like two vibrators nestled deep inside. It didn't seem to matter that he had spilled out half a foot of height or that his cock was being irradiated with estrogen. He still wasn't satisfied and still had much to change…


Chase was drooling, the accidental squeeze instead of a jerk triggering the super dose to take that as a sign, the entire shaft warping like some kind of jelly as he undid his grip, cumming repeatedly as the stuck-together shaft slowly inflated back to its normal size. Or was it? Chase swore it looked just a bit thinner, the whole thing trembling so needily, his male mind barely registering what he had just felt beyond an overwhelming sense of 

Girl Girl Girl Girl

H-He really shouldn't keep his hands so SQUEEZE GAHH Ooh fuck fuck it was like fucking and being fucked and his girly hands kept mmm~ rubbing his tip and there was this rising urge to just push on it and uggggh the feeling of his sensitizing cock unsticking from itself was orgasmic with each micro one such an addicting need to SQUEEZE FUCK FUCK SHE rrrgh h-he did it agaaaain and it was definitely smaller, his releases getting thinner and his balls felt so weird rrgh he just had to cup them god they felt so full and squishy and so easy to just SQUEEZE


It felt pink and bubbly and SQUEEZE fuck fuck they were going in she could feel them melting and sliding and nngh it felt like the ultimate blue balls ugh so many fluids trying to slip and slide out her leaking, h-his? SQUEEZE Oh fuck oh god her cock wasn't unsticking her tip was all pink and swollen and her, fuck his shaft was nngh backflowing so at least he could feel his balls again but they were oohooohooo~ so warm and pudgy and squirming inside in need of a good SQUEEZE SQUEEZE SQUEEZE SQUUUUUUUSSCCCCLRRRK~!


Suddenly Chase found his fingers thrusting against a fully flat, but malleable patch below his cock, each testicle slurping down an internal funside and imploding in a burst of estrogen as his, h-her hands kept finding SQUEEZE thems-selves SQUEEZE Nnngh oh fuck oh fuck he-

Girl Girl Girl GIRL

The whole world was dyed pink as he stared at his deflated cock, fingers still probing on the sealed tip, pinching it as his shaft swelled without an outlet, backflowing as each orgasm rushed back into his thighs. It was like the ultimate muscle relaxant, sparks flinging energetically in his head as he tried to hold onto the idea of being a SQUEEZE g-hiiiiirl~ nngh the estrogen was fizzling through her old muscle bending and flexing it as more and more continual orgasms flooded her thighs with, h-his thighs oh fuck they were starting to-


Stroking just didn't feel right anymore, her body needing a different SQUEEZE m-motion to SQUEEZE oh god her cock was really starting to get small if she couldn't stop she'd REALLY be a-


Her thighs were too thick, her cum-stained clothes starting to reform as boxers tightened into panties, Chase finding his fingers stuck firmly wrapped around a throbbing pleasure stick that SQUEEZE oh fuuuuck w-was he really about to SQUEEZE wh-why did it feel so SQUEEZE mmm~ right to feel all cute and SQUEEZE oooh his butt was starting to turn into a booty. H-Her booty? Yeah that felt SQUEEZE fuck she just couldn't staaaahp SQUEEZE Ahh~ h-her shaft was starting to split i-if she just pushed her fingers a liiiiittle harder it'd p-probably... SQUEEZE SQUEEZE SQUEESH SQUISH SHHHLLLLLRRRRPOP~!


Chase's fingers carved out a slit as she experienced her first orgasm as a woman, testosterone flooding out in a mass exodus as her waist wrung her clean of all her masculine feelings, just a bubbly giggling girl moaning as her shirt flared out into the start of a red uniform, her thick curves jiggling nicely as she played with her fun, pinchable bottom and oh so plump, pillowy thighs.

Tucker was on the verge of passing out, barely able to think, his cock a bright red rod of burning need, yet it was at this point too much to even lightly brush, just the touch of the briefs as his spasms brought it back in was enough to keep him leaking. He'd focus on it later, watching as his heaving stomach gradually sank, the hairs long ejected from their pores as even the light watery trickling was turning him on as various muscles twitched and flattened.

He had to focus even as the spasms felt like he was being torn apart and fucked at the same time, his cock the only thing remaining hard as muscle oozed down his thighs. It was odd that the briefs were still intact since the manual had mentioned any clothing splashed by fluids mid-transformation would also be tailored, a quick glance letting him notice his folded up clothes were indeed turning to a dark blue uniform. Then again, imagining something tighter would probably fry his brains so he tried to regain some sense of agency as his core continued its quivering shift to smooth curves.

He decided to go for his nipples, hoping adding more feminine pleasure would take care of the stiffy below, returning to his circles as warm shocks hastened his shrinkage up top, his scalp tingling and wet as hair spilled down with every completed pass. There was that pulling sensation like from his balls but now focused in his nipples, his slit still pulsing as now his sinking height was being drawn in two directions. It was addictive, Tucker unable to stop teasing himself as his slit continued to pump, his entire core being warmly squeezed like a soft embrace as smooth skin rumbled flat, his core sinking deeper into a curve as tiny cricks of his rolling shoulders pulsed into his chest.

The mass felt firm and springy, his circles gaining more three dimensional movement as he became able to start pressing down, hair twirling past his chin as his frame pumped all its breadth into his perked nipples in small, blissful spheres. Everything was getting rounder, his spasm-addled groans surely rising as his throat pulled tighter, his arms so svelte and thin as his grip kept shifting to tease and pinch his swelling breasts. Soon he was fully entranced, moaning as they filled his palms, each grope hastening his slide into petiteness, his core just as flexible as he needily shifted and arced as his spine trembled its way into a supportive arch.

At some point they finished, Tucker unsure when, staring down and seeing a near-unrecognizable form, his whole body shaved into a compact shape, his breasts small and easy to cup as his fingers squeezed and pressed, his stiffy still rock hard as he squirmed. P-Perhaps they could have been bigger though? Was this really their final size? Tucker blushed, realizing he was having envious thoughts, confused why he'd even want larger ones. They'd be impractical and get in the way of sniping and god he just wanted to slide his cock between two thick-

"Nngh th-the libiiiiiiido is AHH~! OHHH~ OHHHHH FUUUUUCK~!"

There was a pang of want between his thighs, hair slipping down to his briefs as an overwhelming urge swelled within his compact frame.

Chase's mind felt like it was swimming in a sea of the bubbliest bliss possible, though as it turned out those bubbles were more spurts of fat being replicated underneath her shifting outfit. She hadn't read all the manual stuff so it was a fun surprise to see her clothes shifting almost to fit her subconscious tastes, Chase giving a loud giggling squeal as a belt formed, pulling tight against her waist as it forcibly squashed all that now pointless masculinity down into mush. Very pliable, moldable mush to Chase's glee as both nipples suddenly perked, her high-pitched voice showing off its new range as all of it came surging under her tits.

"Ooooooh~ My lovely ladies are coming in... Oh that's it?"

She looked down at her rather petite a-cups, the force of them coming in certainly an experience, yet they seemed disappointing to her. Like, it had felt like her whole body was exploding with femininity and now right at the end she ended up with a pair of small tits with rather large nipples, her fingers giving them a test pinch before a confused mewl exited her lips. The bubbly fizzy feeling was amping up, feeling like a bunch of fingers were tickling and teasing her breasts as fat began to bubble up, Chase feeling the perky growths start to soften as they grew, jiggling with every thick, bubbling growth.

"Mmm~ now thAHHT's what I'm tAHHL-AHHHN OOOOH GAAAAAWD! Oh wow you just keep g-HOOOOING~!"

Buttons tensed as they spread, ripping off as they passed b's, another popping as she found her hands feeling it all plush out into thick, gropable flesh. Chase had to quickly undo all the buttons on the top of the uniform, her dress shirt underneath a lost cause as more buttons snapped off, making her thickening tits wobble as she freed them, nearly cumming as they swelled up and up to truly tremendous tits.

"Mmm~ I can't wait to play with you-"

Right before she could finish, the door to her room slammed open, Chase sweating nervously at what she saw before her.

"Wh-Why isn't it- GAAAHH~! MMPH MMGH P-Pleeeease..."

Tucker didn't understand. He had done everything like he was supposed to, but his cock was still throbbing, the desperation and sensitivity making it unbearable as he thrashed and squealed in his tub. Was it some stubborn, buried pride? Some fear of becoming a girl? W-Was it a desperate subconscious desire to use it one last time as he felt every fold of the briefs brush against it? His face jerked about as unsatisfying puffs of nothing ran out his tip, the stubborn shaft making his jaw snap as words failed to release any of the tension.

He felt like a kettle being boiled, steam boiling over his eyes as they widened, lashes extending as his cheeks turned tomato red. His thighs just wouldn't stop rubbing it, teasing the thing, his stance squishing it no matter how he splayed his legs in the tight tub as he whimpered for it to stop. It seemed the nanobots inside were finally getting to work on his briefs at least. It let him see how red it was, like a parboiled rod, his tip tense and trembling as he could feel a masculine urge to cum with no more outlet for it. The rest of the briefs spilled down his thighs after splitting, turning to stockings as he tried to give it a push, even a touch making his head fly back as he nearly passed out on the spot, the last of his features twisting to his female self as he realized he desperately needed to use it or this hell would never end. B-But he couldn't touch it and no one would-

"Ooooh~ why don't you cuhhhhm in~?"

The invitation replayed in Tucker's head, the girl next door sounding so eager, so excited at the prospect. S-Surely she wouldn't mind helping him out. Yeah she did ask him to t-to- It throbbed hard as he pulled himself out the tub, ignoring the finished uniform as he paused to look at himself in the mirror. A bit of feminine embarrassment welled up at his bare breasts, the snapped waistband of his briefs having become pasties as he shifted his thighs.

Yeah he was cute. Very cute. Surely the girl next door wouldn't mind if he-


The uniform on the ground didn't seem to want to be ignored, the clothes drawn to their host like magnets as a skirt aggravated his cock, Tucker running now as he tried to tear it off, groaning as raw carnal desire took over. He threw open the door to her room, getting to watch the incredible sight of Chase's breasts bursting out her uniform, her panties half-slid down her thighs as she was in the process of getting ready to finger herself.

"Hey there cutie, were the one who- Wait what's that massive- H-Hwaaah~?!"

Tucker couldn't wait, stumbling over to her as he tripped over himself, struggling to tear off his uniform as it stubbornly clung to him as much as his cock refused to part from his body.

"Nngh s-sorry I need to ahhhh~ I-I REALLY NEED THIS IF THAT'S OKAAAAY~!"

Chase felt a stirring down below at the adorable brunette quivering with lust, wondering a bit if her preferences had changed at all. It was a day full of firsts and after succumbing to so many other urges, Chase just gave a nod, squeaking as the meek-looking thing above her turned into a rabid animal as they tore off her clothes.

"H-Hey I just finished making th-HOOOOLY CRAAAAAAAP~!"

It thrust inside, Chase trembling as her whole body shook, the person above her squealing in tandem as Chase came to a rather snap realization as the cock filled her utterly. This kind of sucked.

"OW OW OW H-Hey m-maybe this was- Ooooh~?"

It was too much for her new slit and it showed as the walls of her pussy squeezed, which would normally just grind against the shaft inside her but instead she felt a familiar sensation of a softening shaft molding under pressure. It felt thinner, softer, kind of... nice? Oooh~ really nice the more she flexed her new muscles and... SQUEEZE SQUEEZE SQUEEZE!

Tucker was in heaven, feeling it finally start to enter... her? She'd give it more thought later, for now she just let instinct guide her as she thrust, finding it harder to reach the same depths as gradually their positioning shifted. Chase was starting to really have some fun as she got to feel just how flexible and strong her new body still was, dominating the penetrating force into submission as she stripped the soon-to-be girl above her, really loving the feeling of her cock sliding against her clit as it retreated, almost like she was bullying it inside.

Of course, Chase wasn't an idiot. Stubborn, and a self-titled casanova, but she could put two and two together as she slowly rolled the formerly dominating girl to her side. Maybe it was the dumptruck of estrogen surging through making her horny over all reasoning, but this was a far more fun way to end up on top of her competition than she could have ever envisioned as she continued to feel it shrink inside, loving the cutesy, if slightly monotonous squeaks coming from the now naked girl below her.

"Feel that cuuuutie? MMGH AHH~! Hehe it's getting tiiiiiny~!"

She couldn't talk, the adorable thing, Chase enjoying the show as she rubbed her clit against the tip of a now two inch long sheath. Her partner seemed to be trying to squeak out something, but it was indecipherable, Chase just taking that as a sign to keep going as every grind collapsed it like an accordion. Soon it wasn't enough to just grind, Chase grabbing her rival's leg to adjust the angle, their grinding turning more sensual as she felt the mushroom shape shrink to a bead, her new lips finally close enough to give her squealing prey a nice smooch as three rough grinds ushered her properly into womanhood, Chase only getting started as she felt glad to have such an adorable plaything for her first time as a girl.

"Well Tucker, though I guess you look more like a... Tina? Tara? Oooh~ Taaaakina~! Anyways Takina I'm sure we could do all the fighting crap and ruin the mood. Oooooor~ we could keep going and see where these bodies take us! Weeeeell wanna continue?"

Chase giggled as her adorable former rival shook her head, grinding back as she could only drool, eagerly accepting Chase's advances.

"Okaaaay~! Just didn't want some silly rivalry to interrupt my first time. Let's have some fuuuuuun~

"Okay girls, you have to get going. Enough ‘fun’. The whole point of this was to get you two to work together, not spend all day in bed."

A few weeks had passed and neither Takina or the new Chisato, who had spent two weeks picking which name fit her new form the best, seemed in any rush to change back. Then again, it wasn't like they were playing coy about preferring their new selves either. Even the more prudish Takina had to admit that Chisato certainly knew what she was doing.

"Ugh what a buuuuzzkill! Let some of the other agents pick up the slack! C'maaaaahn~!"

"Erm, commander, what Chisato is trying to say is our performance has been more than double our usual output since we partnered up. Also I think that perhaps our libidos have been permanently raised so-"

"No, we've used this before. You both just ended up way more into this than expected. At least remember to close the door during work hours. And put on some clothes!"

Mizuki didn't think it would have worked out THIS well. There had been a whole five other stages to getting them to this state and instead she had ended up walking in on them scissoring each other after wondering why neither had come to the front for briefing. Well at least there was none of that idiotic infighting between them, though she had a whole new set of worries with the two horny lovebirds.

"Fine, just work the register and I'll have someone else cover your assignment."

"Yaaaay~! Kay Takina let’s-"

"The store opens in five minutes for regular patrons, so get to work."

"Awww but we need at least ten to-"

"Perhaps we could open up late for the shell company today while we-"


Well, at least they weren't killing each other.


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