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"Hurry it up Ashley, we have to cover a lot more ground if we want to reach the evacuation site."

Leon Kennedy was getting tired of babysitting the heiress he had been assigned to protect. Even if it was his job, there was a certain level of competency he expected even from hostages during escorts, or at least some sense of urgency. Ashley put most horror movie victims to shame with the number of stumbles, sticks and general dumb situations she'd fallen into in just the short few days they'd been together.

And then there were her powders and perfumes. Why the cult let her keep her makeup and accessories he couldn't say, though given her personality he could easily envision her annoying them into giving in. She used so much in the previous hideout they were sneaking from that it had made him feel dizzy, Leon not exactly in top shape after being infected by Las Plagas. It wasn't exactly comforting knowing you had a ticking mind control bomb inside your body, though somehow that didn't seem to have registered for Ashley.

"You know, you're not very understanding Leon! Girls need a more delicate touch!"

He was tempted to give her a few firm ones across the face, Leon swearing he could feel chills and prickles running up and down his skin. It was hard to tell what was paranoia or not, his tactical gear hiding an interesting evolution in the parasite that was in the both of them. As it turned out, Ashley's perfumes and general beauty supplies were top of the line stuff, including a few experimental hormonal mixtures from five separate companies; the perks of being the president's daughter. Given the general psychic nature of the parasite and Ashley's constant dosage of her own hormonal soup and perfume, gradually the relationship internally was growing increasingly more symbiotic, and with Leon stuck in her company the last few days, rubbing against her skin when he had to pick her up or help her out, his own parasite had become sympathetic.

"I wasn't hired to be delicate I was hired to rescue you, now move."

He was really starting to feel off, his skin chafing as he urged her to move faster, unaware the fatigue and offness was a sign of the parasite spreading up his nervous system, his entire endocrine system hijacked over the last day as Ashley's words triggered internal orders. It didn't mean too much beyond an increase of sweat which could easily be written off as just his usual stress and exertion, Leon unaware of how his skin was leeching body hair, nerves being ordered into a state of wider excitement that felt for now like an exaggerated runner's high. The only real sign of something very off was how tender his groin felt, though Leon was far too annoyed to focus on the twinges of pleasure occasionally popping up, Ashley groaning as her boots snagged over some other roots.

"You should try to be more understanding since daddy hired you to tend to my needs!"

Leon had to remind himself there would be consequences if he punched the president's daughter, wondering how she could still be this oblivious. At least they were almost at the extraction point, Ashley's whims a soon-to-be-forgotten nightmare he wouldn't have to worry about. Even her voice was starting to run through him like nails on a chalkboard. Not quite that unpleasant of a response, but every word seemed to make him shudder, as if something was passing through him. He definitely felt off, his skin sticky with shed hair and melted off imperfections, not that he had many with his looks, but a few layers of dermis had essentially melted off over the last minute as his skin gained that "delicate touch" all around, even his pubes shaved clean as his cock twitched. There were signs of his testosterone already changing shape, his body starting to react. All it needed was another trigger to really-

"I mean really Leon, put yourself in my shoes!"


"Look I'm n-AHHT~"

It was less a shudder and more a full-blown spasm running through his entire body. It ran from his toes to his scalp, his boots squeaking as the Plagas-infused sweat worked into the leather, heels rising as numbing, pleasurable tingles crinkled through the bones. They dug in, desperate to keep his balance, nails pedicuring as they shrank, the tops stretching up as the spasms reached his head. It was like something invisible had tugged his head up, his short sandy hair trembling as it pulled out down past his cheeks.

"Rrgh what was that? Like I hit an electrified- Nnngh ah ahhh~?"

Speaking of cheeks, it felt like they were being squeezed by something invisible, the bones clattering as they buzzed. Everything tingled fiercely, his furrowed brow's creases smoothing over as the ends of his eyebrows tweezed themselves. Some force was rolling over his features, Leon unaware of his nose perking as he gave a few confused groans, the buzz in his throat making his voice shift up and down as he tried to gain his bearings. The worst part was he couldn't move, his arches rising as his feet were slowly shrunk to fit the forming designer boots sculpting his supports. And beyond all the strange grinding and pops in his joints was the even more alarming pleasure in it, radiating up his skin as corrupted sweat pooled into his clothes.

Ashley remained oblivious, not noticing the odd moans from her bodyguard, more annoyed as she wiped some sweat from her brow, worried about her general complexion and pulling a leaf from her constantly maintained hairdo. She figured if she kept explaining herself then maybe this uncultured lummox would understand why she cared so much about her appearance. Besides they were basically home free so why did they have to rush so much?

"It's important I look good, understand? It's why I do my hair in the morning, why I keep my gloss and mascara ready. The paparazzi can be vicious and even as a hostage I must look my best."

It felt like a swarm of brushes were aggressively weeding out any tangles and split ends, Leon's face battered left and right as he felt dizzy and aroused. He could feel his lips swelling, his body flushed as his cock fully erected, only growing harder as his tactical pants began to thin as pockets melted from its shifting form. Ashley's conditioner and shampoo scents hung like a haze over his softening features, his lashes flaring at the sides as they thickened. His greasy hair soon rested like spun silk against his skin, his brows darkening to well-maintained angles under a lighter blonde fringe, light shining off his perfectly done-up hair.

"And all this sweat might make my makeup run! I have to look cute Leon!"

"Ohhh~ M-My face? I think the Plagahhh~ is d-doing suhhmthn t-th-..."

That word "cute" punched him in the gut, Leon making a pathetic quivering moan as he came. It didn't satisfy at all, his cock even harder as his balls tingled, “cute” echoing in his head as he tried to speak, only able to drool as his facial structure warped all at once. Something was leaving him, Leon grunting as more forceful releases spilled from his cock, feeling dizzy as flashes of fashion spilled into his thoughts. That word was running through him, even his increasing voice cracks feeling nicer the higher they went, his ears flaring out as two bloodless slits pierced through his lobes.

He didn't know whether he wanted to scream or moan, his lips trembling as he could feel something wriggling down his throat, making it constrict as his Adam's apple converted to sparkly gloss that he coughed onto his plump lips. He was getting cuter, his moans gurgling as he was forced to stand stiffly. It was rolling up his calves, hundreds of ghost brushes teasing over his skin, making him blush, his eyes teased wider and glammer as a rush of green filled his widened blue iris. All he could do was groan as his body feminized, part of him wishing his voice would finish so he could shriek.

At this point he knew what was happening, Ashley's complaints somehow changing him. He didn't know how she could possibly be unaware of his shifting body, but then again if there was one thing he had learned over the last few days, it was how oblivious she could be. He had to stop her before she said something major, his shoulders trembling as they rolled together. His jacket was sliding off his trembling form, muscle ripping apart as his strength was fading with every pump between his thighs, all while the low-cut collar crept up, growing ribbed as it pulled over his thinning neck.

"And it's sooo~ much easier for a guy! Running and running and running. Not all of us are trained athletes you know!"

More of his apple was flattening, his gurgles definitely hitching up where even the lower tones were sounding more boyish than anything remotely manly. He was on the verge of passing out from the blinding mix of pain and pleasure, every muscle tearing and melting as his form deflated, every defined ab thinning to a soft curve, ridges running down his sweaterfying tactical shirt. His thighs were bloating, all that muscle and height softening to plumpness, urging his cock to continue unleashing as his balls were noticeably starting to recede.

The sleeves were squeezing so hard they tore themselves apart in the process, losing every ounce of strength as his cock gushed with exiting mass, skin care and blackhead removal rummaging through his fading muscle memory as his shoulders and spine pressed together. The turtleneck fully formed, black dyeing orange as it squeezed the last of it gone, his voice nearly a one to one of Ashley's as he coughed out the last from his glossy lips, the splatters hastening the spread of orange against his diminished frame. He could talk at least, groaning in the airy tones of an heiress, just thankful he could stop her before she had given him-

"And even with muscle you don't have to worry about chafing and jiggling. I'd like to see you keep pace with these things bouncing all over the place!"


His constant cumming stopped on a dime, the melted muscle that had been spilling out welling at the tip before punching back inside. He gave a high-pitched squeak as her comments necessitated a larger use for it, his nipples buzzing against the sweater ridges as they turned pink and thick with nerves. It was slippery and forceful, his squeaks rising another few pitches as his balls filled with backflowing fat, drilling them inside as he weakly squeaked out a half delirious plead.


He gave an almost hiccupy-sounding shriek as something opened, his balls wrenching inside as his voice climbed up into a perfect match, his nipples throbbing as fat forcefully fucked half his groin into its feminine equivalent.


It was like an internal power wash of his figure, fat sanding away any of the firmer lines as his core curved, his spine snapping to accommodate the rushing swells as his cock twitched out dry, burning puffs of nothing.


Even with his mouth back all Leon could do was mutely whimper, drool splattering out his lips as his pecs filled to bursting with fat. It came in waves, each one feeling better than the last, the changes leaving out a bra as he felt each shuddering growth make the inflating mounds jostle to and fro, the tightly squeezing turtleneck loosening greatly as his core twisted to feminine perfection. His whining sounded more like a kettle running out of steam than anything human at this point, the jiggling pounding into his ass as well as his figure exploded into a perfect match for his charge before the last reserves of testosterone came pouring out his cock. But to Ashley she didn't hear tortured squeaks of bliss, all she could focus on was him almost mockingly cursing her out.


What incensed her greatly was the girly tone like he was mocking her voice while doing it, still too focused on wiping some grime off her heels to look up since she figured he was probably looming over with his arms crossed in annoyance and she could use the break, but she wouldn't take that kind of tone from anyone even if they were rescuing her.

"Ugh you men are all the same. GO FUCK YOURSELF! You're here on MY daddy's dime so I'M the one wearing the pantyhose in this relation- In this... uh...

She would have kept telling him off but it was hard stay ignorant once a copy of her voice started shrieking orgasmically, and she had quite the show from her downhill position, watching as Leon's thinning commando pants had slipped past his thighs to reveal a bulge struggling against his tighty whities before shifting downwards and bobbing in.


It couldn't have been just a simple change, the fucking part of her words making itself apparent as Leon was forced to be on the receiving end as his hips burst apart. It thrust inside, three inches plugging a half-formed gap that was ribbing itself like his almost finished sweater, Leon's head snapping back as it slowly pulled out before plugging harder at four. It was stirring his insides, Leon regretting some of his claims to Ada as it went deeper each time it thrust back in. Flashes of memories crept over his brain, even his orgasmic spasms turning girlier as feminine memories spilled in, his fingers splayed as it pistoned in and out, stirring around now as it began to peek out less with every push.

All the shed pockets and excess material from his former pants was being called back as he shook his wider ass, the Plagas-infused fabric knitting into individual pleats as they wrapped around his hips, a green skirt flaring out as he felt the base of his cock slot into something solid, beginning its final inversion.


Screaming his own name felt more natural as estrogen flooded his system, the folds of his brain folding as the Plagas virus continued its conversion, all mannerisms firmly feminized as Ashley's thoughts and feelings were pounding into his brain, so many fantasies of that muscled hunk pushing her down and ripping off her-



His cock was wriggling now that the back end of it had pressed against the back of his opened snatch, the few inches still outside dragging inwards as they thrashed, fucking him thoroughly as her mind began to crave feminine pleasure, that sensation of being fucked oh so right as his shifted pants snapped over his tip, pantyhose squeezing down as the entire shaft sunk past widening lips.


She didn't want to scream her own name even if it felt more and more right, b-but it was Leon's cock inside her, nngh s-struggling not to give in, pumping inside her dampening folds ohh~ yes she could feel it sliding deeper ahh th-the tip stuck right on the hood as the rest of his thick meaty shaft thrust once, t-twice ohhh fuck how was he~



The rest of her shaft melted as her clit pulsed, clear juices streaming down as she screamed her bodyguard's name over and over till every last inch of her was Ashley... at least physically.

Ashleon could feel her brain throbbing fiercely, a raging headache assaulting her as she looked annoyed at her sist- Rrgh her unbelievably arrogant charge. She didn't even have the time to tell her off, her orgasmic wailing probably alerting half the damn compound as they ran to the clearing that was their pickup point. Ashley didn't seem to think it was a problem though, laughing at her misfortune of not packing a bra in their fuck fuck of being turned into her as a silent chopper came into view, lowering into their extraction point.

"Hmmph! Just wait till I tell daddy about this Ashley! Falling for a bodyguard! I-I mean me!"

She was even talking like her, having to actively ignore the pleasurable pulses in her brain, refusing to give into some spoiled heiress. Surely they'd be able to fix her later wouldn't they? Ashley was thoroughly enjoying his new huffiness, adding to her annoyance as she patted her twin on the back.

"It was an accident! Besides you're much cuter like this. Not so easy running in heels now is it?"

"ACCIDENT MY AHHhhhshley i-isn't stupid you know!"

Ashleon cursed herself for running into that, the behavior modifiers making his gruffer language feel like ramming into a pink electrified fence as pain raced through before resolving to pleasure once she obeyed the Plagas with a pathetic mewl.

"Rrgh you heard me moaning and didn't lift a finger to help! Your own sist-ergh no nooo~!"

If anything, Ashley did regret not noticing sooner, just cause she wished she could have seen more. It had been quite a show near the end.

"Well I did always want a sister. And if you don't want me to make your boobs any bigger or your outfit skimpier, maybe you should remember who’s in charge now."

That constant throbbing was a reminder at how precarious her situation was, so she didn't even talk back, just staying in a huff.

"Let’s just get home! Daddy better take care of this!"

"Sure Ashley. Lead the way sis."

The throbbing was getting worse in Ashleo's head, not even wanting to acknowledge the pilot's confusion.

"Er were you twins? Wasn't Mr. Kennedy supposed to-"


Ashley couldn't help but laugh, remembering how many times Leon had been annoyed at her own complaints. Not so easy when the heel was on the other foot it seemed. It seemed like karmic justice for all those demeaning comments. Calling her careless, helpless, though it wouldn't do to have him snap at everyone the whole flight back.

"Don't be so mean sis. You're Ashley now. Enjoy it. Who cares about some ignorant bodyguard?"

Ashley laid back, smugly telling off her bodyguard as exhaustion began to take over, not hearing the confused groan from her twin as she began to squirm and gasp.

"Ahhhshley t-haake that baaack ooh~ A-Ahhhshley pl-heeease~!"

The world was turning pink, Ashleo's body burning as her slit dripped with need. No more pain, just pleasure, memories trying to crowd out who she had been, that order not to care making it harder to fight back. Too good, ahh h-her daddy nnggh no no she had to fight b-but wasn't that what those other people did? The ones she hired to to to-

"Ahhhhhhhshley? Oooh this isn't fuhhhhnny I'm r-really ooh ooh nooo~!"

Turning she saw her twin sleeping, realizing just how screwed she was as her brain thrummed with pleasure. Had she forgotten?! Did this spoiled littl- AHHN~ Perfect, beautiful AHHHN~ Sh-She w-was her body- h-her bahhhdy Ashley's perfect, twin-


"We're here."

Ashley woke up feeling refreshed, excited at the prospect of a shower, though she should probably see if she could turn him back, expecting to see Leon's huffy expression on her face. Yes the teasing was fun and she hadn't meant to sleep, but soon everything would be-

"I can't believe you slept sis! It was such a gorgeous view! We'll have to ask daddy to take us back on vacation one of these days. Ooh~ perhaps a sisterly outing!"

Ashley needed a moment to take stock of what she was seeing. It was another her, not a hint of annoyance or anger in the copy smirking back. Everything from how she carried herself to even the vocal tics was a dead ringer for herself. It felt almost like looking in a mirror.

"Alright, very funny Leon. I guess you were paying closer attention than I thought to-"

"Leon? Are you trying to give me a new nickname sis? Silly, that's a boy's name."

"That's n-not funny Leon! If you're not you then who are-"

Suddenly it occurred to her that she had forgotten the virus inside him had seemed to listen to every word. She remembered saying something before drifting off, not really thinking about the consequences, a bit of dread swelling up as she noticed the very damp patch drying off her twin's skirt as she gave a wink and spoke back.

"Duuuh~! I'm Ashley! Who else would I be sis? I know it's silly that daddy gave us the same name but that's no need to make such a dreadful name. I mean, Leon, how absurd! We're the two and only Ashleys!"

Maybe Leon did have a point about her carelessness. Well this would be hard to explain, especially when asking to turn her back elicited no response save more teasing from her twin. She had a BIG favor to ask her dad once they got back…


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