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Okay. Last Chapter will probably be edited to make things more clear that there were not any outsiders in the meeting as well.


Xi Kong’s mind was still whirling as they retired from the meeting room.

They had seen only enough of the crystal to confirm its contents, yet even those moments had been heady. To see the past, the glory of the Ancients had been something he never thought he would witness again after that brief moment in the Dueling Peaks, where he had seen a woman that looked like Xiulan.

Now, they had a name for her. Honoured Ancestor Ruolan. The progenitor of their line, the creator of their style of cultivation. The woman had oozed bewitching elegance, and sublime charisma…

And she could have been Xiulan’s sister. Their bloodline had bred true, save for the fact that his daughter was slightly taller.

To think, after all these years… they would be able to see the basis of their own style. It was truly a momentous day, in all regards.

There were, however, formalities to consider. Xi Kong knew that they had been slightly unorthodox, with them immediately going into seclusion so that Xiulan could speak with them—it was even disrespectful, considering that they were playing host to a fellow Sect Master.

“Thank you for allowing our…emergency meeting, Sect Master Liu. We meant no disrespect,” Xi Kong said to the new leader of their ally as they waited for the feast to be served. The hall was already packed with their disciples, and while Xi Kong’s Elders were present, it was from the furrows of their brows that they were not entirely present.

“Xianghua is fine, Sect Master Cai! This one knows all about emergency meetings, and I look forward to continuing our Sect’s close relationship!” the young woman replied from her place of honour on Xi Kong’s right.

It was strange to think of her as the Master of the Misty Lake Sect—he had just gotten used to Bingwen, but Xianghua wore the mantle well. She was not cowed or nervous in the slightest, even sitting with men and women decades her senior. Power came off her like the mist off a lake, ever present, yet not oppressive even now that she had stopped holding back. She attracted many glances from the Verdant Blade’s Disciples… though not entirely for her power. She was clad in the designs of the Tribes, all but shouting at the top of her lungs her attachment to one of Master Jin’s apprentices—Gou Ren, he believed the lad’s name was.

Liu Xianghua’s boldness hadn’t faded at all. Well, she would certainly keep Xi Kong on his toes. He also knew that their close relationship all depended on how much they supported Xiulan.

His daughter was truly blessed to have such fine comrades.

“I hope you shall return the favour, Xianghua,” he replied, and the woman flashed him a smile.

Xi Kong turned his attention to the other guests. They all seemed in good spirits as they spoke with the Petals, their most promising recruits in generations. He looked at them all, feeling their power, and took a deep breath.

Things would certainly be changing quickly from now on.

Soon, there was the gong from the kitchens, signaling the start of dinner. The cooks had been preparing since Bolin had noticed Xiulan yesterday, pulling out all the stops to welcome their Young Mistress back home. The air was heady with the scent of meat and spices.

Xi Kong rose to his feet, and began. “Today, we shall have three toasts. First, we welcome Sect Master Liu Xianghua from our finest allies, the Misty Lake Sect!”

“We pay our respects to the Sect Master!” the disciples and servants chorused, and Xi Kong nodded approvingly.

“Next we welcome back our daughter, who had gone to heal herself from the damage she had sustained during the Dueling Peaks Tournament. Today, she returns to us, more powerful than when she had left!”

Instead of formality, this time there were cheers and whistles as Xiulan looked on, mildly amused.

“And finally, we welcome our honoured guests. Please, partake of our hospitality—you shall want for nothing so long as you are within our walls.”

Rou Tigu, Tie Delun, Rags, Loud Boy, and the two new ones, Yin and Zhang Fei, all looked around and nodded back to the warm welcome.

The feast began—there was music from the servants, and a few of the disciples had agreed to a bout as some entertainment. The mood was light as they ate, though Xi Kong noticed his daughter looking slightly confused at the dessert selection. There was a rather obvious item missing.

Xi Kong kept his face neutral, and instead watched as the disciples sparred with each other. Eventually, Tigu shot to her feet and had a bout with An Ran, trading pointers with the woman.

The wild-looking girl was a surprisingly good teacher.

But aside from some small talk with Xianghua… he was waiting. Waiting for the end of dinner, and to be able to go back into his room.


The feast ended, and all of them retired for the night. Well, most of them. An hour past when the servants dimmed all the light crystals and lamps, Xiulan found herself outside her father’s room. She knocked on the door, and her father opened it with a small smile on his face.

“May I sit with you a while, father?” Xiulan asked.

“Of course, Xiu’er,” Her father replied, and opened his door the rest of the way. In doing so he revealed the missing dessert—lotus paste mooncakes. Both of their favourite.

It's been a while since we’ve done this, Xiulan thought to herself. She settled onto a cushion beside his low table as her father went to ignite some sandalwood.

The last time he had invited her to his quarters like this had been eleven years ago now. A week after her mother had left, to return to her cultivation journey. They’d sat together, eating mooncakes, like they used to do with her mother… but it hadn’t been the same. There had been a void between them.

After that… Xiulan had thrown herself into her cultivation. And the pleasant nights of talking until Xiulan fell asleep were over.

Her father settled behind her, and she felt something start to ghost through her hair. Her old comb. It was too small now.

“Tell me everything you need to, daughter,” her father murmured, his rich voice filling her ears and the sandalwood filling her nose.

For the first time in a long time… they were just father and daughter once more.

So Xiulan started to talk. She told him of her time recovering. She told him about Jin and Meiling’s child, and of the fact that she was his greatest aunt. Her father snorted with amusement when she said how Xiaode preferred Xiulan’s hair to all others. She spoke of her journey, and how it was leading her group.

She spoke on Green Grass Valley. “I’m glad that everyone is taken care of. It pains me to see the people without their fathers and sons… but many have learned to smile again, even after what happened.”

“To protect Mortals is a virtue. They gave their lives to us, and it is only natural that we honour that debt,” her father said simply.

They lapsed into silence as the comb stopped.

Finally, Xiulan spoke what was actually on her mind.

“Thank you for supporting me, Father,” she whispered.

“One of the last things I said to Master Jin… was that I entrusted him with you,” her father said after a moment of silence. “He had aided you so much, and… you were so happy in his presence. It was the only thing I could think to say, but he shamed me. What he said instead was that I should entrust you with yourself.”

Xiulan felt her cheeks heat up. It was quite the Jin thing to say—she could almost imagine the utter confidence in his words as he told her father that he believed in her.

“He humbled me. He could see what I was too blind to notice—see what I could not, as focused as I was on how I could fix things. How I could fix you through him. It was utterly unworthy of me; you were indeed capable, beyond my wildest dreams and expectations.”


“I can see in you the spark of something greater. You have thought this path through until the end—and you will follow it. You shall drag this province into your vision. This, I know, with all my heart.”

“… thank you, father. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”

“I do not believe I have to fear disappointment, daughter. Now… tomorrow, when you show the Elders your might? I want to see how far you’ve truly come.”

She turned to see her father’s soft smile and bowed her head to hide the tears glimmering in her eyes.

Her father believed in her. Jin believed in her. All of her comrades believed in her.

Xiulan smiled. Their Honoured Ancestor was a dancer. If the Elders wanted to see a show, then they would receive the performance of a lifetime.


[Verdant Blade Sword Arts: Razor Grass Forest!]

Cai Xi Kong kept his face passive as he stared at the combatants before him. Elder Yi was in fine form. His thirty-two Blades of Grass were verdant and sharper than the sharpest mortal steel.

The disciples were all gasping at what was happening in front of them on the Grand Arena, the wooden exhibition stage in the heart of the main building. Xi Kong could not fault them for it. It was their first time seeing an Elder go all out.

To fight against a Master of the Verdant Blade was to fight against an army, as the flying swords struck from every conceivable angle. It was an Art that commanded the highest of masteries—one that nearly necessitated rigid form and pre-planned attacks and movements to decrease the strain it put on the user’s mind. Only once those rigid forms were mastered could one break away from them and perform movements outside their scope, but the bulk of combat was done with them.

Elder Yi had studied their arts all his life. Each movement was that of a warrior born: brutal, sharp, and effective. Xi Kong knew his sworn brother could scythe through thousands of mortals or Initiates like a farmer reaping his crop. He could hold off and whittle down some of the strongest Elders in these hills, or trap even the most wily of enemies in a series of brutally efficient feints.

Elder Yi looked like a boy trying to land strikes on his father.

[Five Stalks Reaching Towards Heaven!]

An attack that even Xi Kong had to be wary of—his daughter slid past it as though she had told Yi to use it, had choreographed every motion.

Xiulan’s left sword had split down the center and opened like a lotus, exposing pure white panels, filled in with cracks of gold. Some of her sixty-four floating Blades had fused, twisting together. They wove for her a banner. A banner that all held the character for Azure.

His daughter looked for all the world like a hero from a traditional opera, bearing the flags of a province.

Her Arts—their Arts, as Xiulan was performing them—had none of the rigidity that showed in even Elder Yi’s forms. She flowed. Each movement looked like it was the easiest, most natural motion she could have taken. It looked like she was simply walking through every strike without hesitation, her clothes fluttering in her wake and her swords only adding to her almost careless looking steps.

It was impossible not to get drawn into her movements. Every watching disciple could likely feel it. The primal beat that demanded they submit to Xiulan’s lead—to bow their heads and play their part in Xiulan’s tale.

Many cultivators were domineering and tyrannical. Still others imparted dread.

His daughter captivated all who witnessed her, mesmerizing them with a harmony of Silk and Steel.

Elder Yi’s harsh glare had faded. His burning desire to test Xiulan had fallen to the wayside as Xiulan simply danced past all of his clever traps. With her fan and her sword she looked almost gentle as she deflected the questing blades. They ricocheted off her defense and slammed into more of Yi’s swords, forcing them out of position. They then clashed with Xiulan’s own floating blades, which in turn intercepted more of Yi’s in a rising crescendo that sounded more like the thunder of rolling drums.

This was their birthright. This is what their Honoured Ancestor had made.

Xiulan’s fan flashed once, and each and every copied blade shattered, twisting and turning like flower petals falling to earth. Yi barely seemed to notice, as Xiulan’s blade tickled his throat.

What could any of them do but cheer, as Yi fell to his knees?

Xi Kong’s eyes were filled with tears at the beauty he had just witnessed.

So were Elder Yi’s, when at last he raised his face to the sky and to their Sect’s future.



And here I take my break! Xiulan has achived the cultivator ability of absolutely flexing on people.

Reminder that next week is break! now, I bid you all good night!

Editors: Oshi, Ayje, Aaron “Pastafarian” Sofaer, Brandon “Philosophysics” Zhang-Leong



Although I appreciate the pun, there is a paragraph that started with spoon but instead should be soon.

Samuel Wang

In order to master the verdant blade sword arts, don't study swords. Study art. Don't think. Dance!

yannick schwende

Thank you for the chapter. Xiulan's Performance is great. Now all that is missing is the music in the background and you have the stage practically building itself. I look forward to how this play will develop in the future:-)


That was so a awesome!




I just imagine this ending scene with Elder Yi on his knees crying in awe like the scene in Kung Fu Hustle. Where the MC uses Buddha’s Palm on The Beast and he bows and calls the MC master.

Andrew Denton

"Xianghua is fine, Sect Master Cai! This one knows all about emergency meetings, and I look forward to continuing our Sect’s close relationship!” the young woman replied from her place of honour on Xi Kong’s right. ... “I hope you shall return the favour, Xianghua,” he replied, and the woman flashed him a smile. I don't think that line works as the next line of the conversation.


64? She's had another power up lol, I think last time we got a count was when she was talking to Tigu about a bottleneck and her 48 not feeling as powerful as they should. should. Loved the chapter, enjoy your break!

The Dapper Lemon

Rare is it that I read something that legitimately gives me shivers of excitement. So rare that I can probably count it on my fingers. The ending to this chapter was beautifully written and is now among those few special moments. As always, your story impresses and amazes and I can't wait to continue this literary journey with you.

Nicholas Grey

“They wove for her a banner. A banner that all held the character for Azure.” - ‘all’ doesn’t fit here, as written. If multiple swords form *a* banner, then there’s only one banner, and ‘all’ implies multiple. That said, the character art and the next paragraph both show multiple banners, and that seems to be the intended sense. I would suggest “They wove for her an array of banners. Banners that all held the character for Azure.”


I wonder how the cultivation of the Elders of the various sects will advance as they see the ancient past brought to life in front of them? Then again, some or all of them might not be able to reshape themselves to match these revelations. Which would be a bitter pill to swallow for any elder so trapped.

Arin Storm

These display fights make me hope we get to see something similar with Gou Ren, given that he has one of the most unique cultivations we've seen. The only technique we've seen from him was [Break], so it could be interesting seeing what other techniques he's made for himself to fit his very straight forward fighting style.

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.


The favour being the implied friendship that goes with calling someone by their name (and dropping official titles). At least that's how I read it. Its not as clear as it maybe could be but it's an expression I've heard before o.o

Paul S.

Hope you feel better by the time you come back! Thanks for the chapter!

John Grizzly

since it seems like gou ren is going to be pioneering his own style, and [Break} was iirc from Rou Jins/Farmer God's "martial arts" it would make sense itd be more of the farmer style martial arts, where the movement is simple and repetitive. so like [Break] [sow]/[Plow] but then also add in the fact that he seems to be going down the path of an architect/builder? ooof, earthbending all the way, imma wait till he gets op and just starts throwing houses at people.


Because from what I can gather the blades of grass go by multiple of 2. So; 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc. 48 is indeed not as it should.

Nicholas Grey

I’m not really up for that. Gou Ren fundamentally has no desire, nor any real incentive, to fight anyone. He never really “trades pointers”, nor does he need to demonstrate his power to gain legitimacy within his Sect (which is the core reason for both Xianghua and Xiulan to get these awesome fight scenes.) Very much get the impression he only *fights* when truly threatened. He’d be much more likely to take part in a “friendly” hockey or lacrosse match, or some cultivator equivalent, and completely dominate in that sphere.

Bable Zmith

Aye, good luck on your retreat. May your house be filled with blessings in the future...

Arin Storm

I don't think you're wrong, but he was one of the victims of an attack by a foreign sect, and was on the verge of losing his fight when Jin showed up, plus what happened to Tigu, and what would have happened to Xiulan. I think preparedness incase something like that ever happened again would be enough of an incentive for him to at least have been doing a little training.

William Johnson

Have a great vacation! I love what you've done with Elder Yi, he felt like such a one note antagonist but with almost no dialog he's become a cranky uncle who's laser focused on the good of the sect.

Sebastian Rubin

Looking forward to when she hits 1024. "A Thousand Blades Of Grass" has a certain poetry to it.

Guy L.

Rest well.man

Randall Norman Pick

Not that it's a major component or should be, but your descriptions of action scenes are top notch delightful


Everyone is saying that this is the art their honored Founder left for them and grateful to Ruolan...but in truth, aren't they all mistaken? We've seen several times where Xiulan commented that the operatic style of the past, while enlightening, wasn't going to be something she could directly use. She blended her own martial education back in, right, to create something wholly new? So what all the Elders *think* is just the True Ancestor's Teachings is actually this syncretic thing Xiulan has designed herself.

D J Meigs

Exactly what I was thinking. Plus she’s fighting with fan and sword, which is more fusion of the styles. I suppose it could be a style Ruolan created after the azure mountains shattered though. But her descendants lacked the dance training to implement it correctly.


Except Xiulan was only able to create her current style by utilizing what she learned from the crystal, and by extension Ruolan. Therefore, while her synthesis of the styles is technically new, it is very much fitting the oath they took, to honor the past and look to the future.


On a re-read, I am concerned about the Fa Ram. Zang from the Shrouded Mountain sect has created a unit to invade the Azure Hills, and I worry about potential losses.


It's a mix of both styles, with a hit of herself added into it. As a mix though it's already closer to the ancestors style than what everyone else is using, even if it's not a true copy.

Randall Brynsvold

The elders that get to fully study the memories of Ruolan's art should be *more* impressed that Xiulan adapted the style and feeling (dance, operatic performance) and developed a sword art that someone with their current sect's skills and training can learn to use, without having been born with Ruolan's specific background and talents. It's useful and super effective!

Paul Boros

They have no idea what lies in wait for them. Tianlan is so going to Nope that idea so hard along with Jin. Not to mention Shen Yu's reaction to any negative attention towards his grandson , granddaughter in law or Xiaode. Holy shit. He is all about zero tolerance and group accountability.


All the closer to the true Dao. Give to the world, the world gives back.


It is all timing. IF Lu Ri is back, then it will be a definite slaughter. Plus htf will Zang get past..the barrier around the farm and village. If Lu Ri is not back, there will be some ruckus, but remember the hills now HAVE a spirit rank cultivator, biker boys(grand ravine) grandpa broke thru at the end of last book. Anything happens to meimei or the kid and GRAMPS will flatten the sect. Screw demons sect must die!!!(after getting the crew out).tianlan is remembering how to fight and is more powerful than ever, Jin can PROBABLY kick Zang's butt.


I mean, he was on the verge of losing against someone who was several tiers stronger than both him and xianghua iirc. And even then its pointed out that when he goes to smack the guy with his random stick that the dude had to dodge which is abnormal


I hope he goes all Hank Hill on them: "Boy I tell you what! You better get off my land and back to your 'shady hill' or I'll kick your ass!"

Just A Dude

Agreed. I think it's because CF treats them just like any other part of the narrative, with no more or less weight and detail than they deserve. Casual spars are mentioned in passing, while a plot critical fight gets all the attention a major plot point deserves.

Just A Dude

People who don't like to fight are often the best at it, because they want to get it over with as soon as possible. Gou Ren having arts meant for peace that just coincidentally happen to be terrifyingly destructive when turned to war would be perfectly on-brand for him. You just need to have him square off against a real asshole of a Young Master that won't take no for an answer.

Randall Brynsvold

I'm waiting to see if he picks an aligned defensive tool/weapon, like Jin has a personalized shovel. What kind of large hand tool would resonate with an Earth-aligned builder? A surveyor's chain?

Arin Storm

Realizing what you probably meant, I'm not hoping for Gou Ren to get a display fight, as he'll probably get an actual fight when the strike team shows up. I'm hoping for a chapter revealing that he's been quietly training alone, similar to Yun Ren, kind of Rock Lee style: in the woods reinforcing thing, then beating them to bits. His fighting style is much slower and more direct than the others we've seen, meaning he might benefit less for sparing with those available, so he could be working to improve his stamina relative to qi usage(which was his main problem during the dueling peaks attack), and how strong he can make impromptu reinforcements on objects and himself, and how quick.


Tomorrow!!! (Day after tomorrow !!)

Timothy Dana

Is the next chapter today or tomorrow?