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As promised, (heres nearly) everything thats going in Volume 3, Arrival Vol 3 is just getting finished up—arrival being the coloured spread of how the farm has progressed since we last saw it.

First, we have the cover with Xiulan, Tigu and Big D. Originally the plan for these covers was to have one main human and one main animal, so Jin Big D, Then Mei Ri Zu, then Xiulan Tigu, but later on, we descided to have the chicken on the front of all  of them.

Next up is Tigu's Intent, as she introduces herself properly to the patrons of a noodlebar.

Then we have the Golden Road, with Tianlan and best boy chonkers.

"You've got Mail!" has Lu Ri finally delivering a parcel thats taken him an entire volume and a half to complete.

The Tiger Versus the Heron where Tigu and Xianghua both go all out for one final clash

The Hero Arrives: Big D descends on Lu Ban, the moon shining high, and bringing terror to the wicked!

[Break the Rocks] Is all that needs to be said for this one.

Finally, we decided to go with Misunderstandings End, Where Jin and Xiulan finally come clean to each other, and Jin apologises for feeding into her misconceptions. This was originally going to be a scene where Jin hands Guo Daxian a shovel and tells him to fix things, but we couldn't get a good composition, and I noticed that for a volume primarily following her, Xiulan didn't actually have any images of her in the book.

I you have trouble seeing these on patreon, heres drive as well.




Cyrus McEnnis

I kinda had a mental image of Senior Brother as more generic, but on reflection I guess that for a cultivator he is generic as hell as depicted. (By generic - less handsome, shorter hair, older looking - couldn't tell ya why : )


The Aegis of the Full Moon #6


Eh. I don't like seeing the art, generally. I have my own view of what they look like based off the text and fleshed out with my imagination, and the art is often jarring or counter to it.


I really like Jin’s expression in “break the rocks”


Why did I think Senior Disciple Lu Ri had a beard?

Osamaru Ta

Who does your art? Is it just Fanart? Or do you have someone commissioned?

Nicholas Grey

This is EXCELLENT! Evocative, powerful, and beautiful. "Heron vs Tiger" turns the tension up to 11. "The Hero Arrives" shows that even a chicken can be a Big Damn Hero "Your Mail" is a textbook example of using the straightest of straightmen as a brilliant source of comedy.


Because Travis' voice for him sounds older. The voice he went with evokes the image of an older man - not an elder, but not the fresh-faced young man he is.

Jonathan Applewhaite

And of course the beautifully climactic, “Break the Rocks!” Feels like it should come with its own boss music.

Nicholas Grey

Doesn't need music. Already (canonically) has a sutra being chanted to provide background sound!


Wow, I love these.


My Favorit: Break the Rock!!!

Old Dog

I like Tigu introducing herself to the noodle bar. Of course they are all great.

Dion Crump

Senior disciple is extremely handsome

Aaron W. Smith

This was stunning work. And, yes, "Breaking the Rocks" is my favorite, and I had no problem figuring out who and when before I saw the caption. Beautiful work, and well chosen scenes.


Thanks for the scenes CasualFarmer! I love this story, I like it so much, that I re-read the whole thing in the past few days, and had a dream about it becoming an Anime. Ahhh, it was a glorious dream. Don't know if it is even possible; but I could totally see either Hulu or Netflix picking it up to make an original anime. Anyways, thanks for the hard work!


Good choice on the covers, after all the chicken is obviously the main character.


Omg the one of Jin receiving his mail lmao


Xianghua vs Tigu looks so freaking amazing! And just thinking about Break the Rocks evokes such powerful feelings, and this art amplifies that further. Holy cow, Tsuu, good job!