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"Her heart was too soft for this world. She cared too much to be a true cultivator. All She'll ever amount to being is a single Blade of Grass. That is what they once said with derision, when they spoke of the Young Mistress of the Verdant Blade Sect.

No one really expected much of her. A pretty thing to be used to advance an Elder's station. A trophy concubine for a powerful man. That was how a woman like Xiulan's story was supposed to end. Without accomplishing anything.

But what do cultivators do, besides defy fate?

A woman doomed to obscurity came back at the head of something that would change the Azure Hills forever.

A Blade of Grass. Cai Xiulan smiles now, when people call her what was once an insult.

"The humble blades of grass have conquered the world. From the Howling Fang Mountains to the Forge Bellow Volcano. From the freezing cold tundra to storm wracked coast. At the tops of mountains, and the bottom of the sea, it is there. Even in the Wastes, little sprouts of green encroach into into black sand, attempting to reclaim them inch by inch.

To be compared to a blade of grass... Its quite the compliment, isn't it?"





Demian Buckle

Great artwork. Hope you are enjoying your break.

William Johnson

I like the artwork, I like the little character bio, very nice.

Flash Red

Why the flags though

Nicholas Grey

I asked the same question! Apparently it’s a Chinese opera convention, to symbolise that the character is either a BFD, or a general. Both apply in this case, as she is the upcoming leader of a new faction. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/hzrjn3/til_that_in_chinesepeking_opera_a_character/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Nicholas Grey

Fantastic illustration of the concept of “Harmony of Silk and Steel”!


I'm personally waiting for her epiphany that "a blade of grass not bound to the earth may be carried aloft to the heavens." Ie, her floating swords could serve as platforms for her to jump between and stand on, ESPECIALLY if one opens into a fan. Not necessarily flying swords just yet, but jumping out of an enemies potential reach to rain swords down on them like Archer (Gilgamesh) from the Fate series could situationally be a game changer for her.

Philip Hunt-Bull

The one Fate character who canonically does what you are describing is Nobunaga in Fate/Redline, she rides the guns she can summon to fly.


Gilgamesh likes standing way above people and just raining down weapons at them, I can see Xiulan doing the same thing lol